blob: 11817660dbc31232fda1650f02c7d36cfb7c4903 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "modules/skottie/include/TextShaper.h"
#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "include/core/SkFontMetrics.h"
#include "include/core/SkFontMgr.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTArray.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTPin.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTemplates.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTo.h"
#include "modules/skshaper/include/SkShaper.h"
#include "src/base/SkTLazy.h"
#include "src/base/SkUTF.h"
#include "src/core/SkFontPriv.h"
#include "modules/skunicode/include/SkUnicode.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits.h>
#include <numeric>
using namespace skia_private;
namespace skottie {
namespace {
static bool is_whitespace(char c) {
// TODO: we've been getting away with this simple heuristic,
// but ideally we should use SkUicode::isWhiteSpace().
return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n';
// Helper for interfacing with SkShaper: buffers shaper-fed runs and performs
// per-line position adjustments (for external line breaking, horizontal alignment, etc).
class ResultBuilder final : public SkShaper::RunHandler {
ResultBuilder(const Shaper::TextDesc& desc, const SkRect& box, const sk_sp<SkFontMgr>& fontmgr)
: fDesc(desc)
, fBox(box)
, fHAlignFactor(HAlignFactor(fDesc.fHAlign))
, fFont(fDesc.fTypeface, fDesc.fTextSize)
, fFontMgr(fontmgr)
, fShaper(SkShaper::Make(fontmgr)) {
void beginLine() override {
fLineGlyphCount = 0;
fCurrentPosition = fOffset;
fPendingLineAdvance = { 0, 0 };
fLastLineDescent = 0;
void runInfo(const RunInfo& info) override {
fPendingLineAdvance += info.fAdvance;
SkFontMetrics metrics;
if (!fLineCount) {
fFirstLineAscent = std::min(fFirstLineAscent, metrics.fAscent);
fLastLineDescent = std::max(fLastLineDescent, metrics.fDescent);
void commitRunInfo() override {}
Buffer runBuffer(const RunInfo& info) override {
const auto run_start_index = fLineGlyphCount;
fLineGlyphCount += info.glyphCount;
fLineRuns.push_back({info.fFont, info.glyphCount});
SkVector alignmentOffset { fHAlignFactor * (fPendingLineAdvance.x() - fBox.width()), 0 };
return {
fLineGlyphs.get() + run_start_index,
fLinePos.get() + run_start_index,
fLineClusters.get() + run_start_index,
fCurrentPosition + alignmentOffset
void commitRunBuffer(const RunInfo& info) override {
fCurrentPosition += info.fAdvance;
void commitLine() override {
fOffset.fY += fDesc.fLineHeight;
// Observed AE handling of whitespace, for alignment purposes:
// - leading whitespace contributes to alignment
// - trailing whitespace is ignored
// - auto line breaking retains all separating whitespace on the first line (no artificial
// leading WS is created).
auto adjust_trailing_whitespace = [this]() {
// For left-alignment, trailing WS doesn't make any difference.
if (fLineRuns.empty() || fDesc.fHAlign == SkTextUtils::Align::kLeft_Align) {
// Technically, trailing whitespace could span multiple runs, but realistically,
// SkShaper has no reason to split it. Hence we're only checking the last run.
size_t ws_count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < fLineRuns.back().fSize; ++i) {
if (is_whitespace(fUTF8[fLineClusters[SkToInt(fLineGlyphCount - i - 1)]])) {
} else {
// No trailing whitespace.
if (!ws_count) {
// Compute the cumulative whitespace advance.
fLineRuns.back().fFont.getWidths( + fLineGlyphCount - ws_count,
SkToInt(ws_count),, nullptr);
const auto ws_advance = std::accumulate(fAdvanceBuffer.begin(),
// Offset needed to compensate for whitespace.
const auto offset = ws_advance*-fHAlignFactor;
// Shift the whole line horizontally by the computed offset.
std::transform(, + fLineGlyphCount,,
[&offset](SkPoint pos) { return SkPoint{pos.fX + offset, pos.fY}; });
const auto commit_proc = (fDesc.fFlags & Shaper::Flags::kFragmentGlyphs)
? &ResultBuilder::commitFragementedRun
: &ResultBuilder::commitConsolidatedRun;
size_t run_offset = 0;
for (const auto& rec : fLineRuns) {
SkASSERT(run_offset < fLineGlyphCount);
fLineGlyphs.get() + run_offset,
fLinePos.get() + run_offset,
fLineClusters.get() + run_offset,
run_offset += rec.fSize;
Shaper::Result finalize(SkSize* shaped_size) {
if (!(fDesc.fFlags & Shaper::Flags::kFragmentGlyphs)) {
// All glyphs (if any) are pending in a single fragment.
SkASSERT(fResult.fFragments.size() <= 1);
const auto ascent = this->ascent();
// For visual VAlign modes, we use a hybrid extent box computed as the union of
// actual visual bounds and the vertical typographical extent.
// This ensures that
// a) text doesn't visually overflow the alignment boundaries
// b) leading/trailing empty lines are still taken into account for alignment purposes
auto extent_box = [&](bool include_typographical_extent) {
auto box = fResult.computeVisualBounds();
if (include_typographical_extent) {
// Hybrid visual alignment mode, based on typographical extent.
// By default, first line is vertically-aligned on a baseline of 0.
// The typographical height considered for vertical alignment is the distance
// between the first line top (ascent) to the last line bottom (descent).
const auto typographical_top = fBox.fTop + ascent,
typographical_bottom = fBox.fTop + fLastLineDescent +
fDesc.fLineHeight*(fLineCount > 0 ? fLineCount - 1 : 0ul);
box.fTop = std::min(box.fTop, typographical_top);
box.fBottom = std::max(box.fBottom, typographical_bottom);
return box;
// Only compute the extent box when needed.
SkTLazy<SkRect> ebox;
// Vertical adjustments.
float v_offset = -fDesc.fLineShift;
switch (fDesc.fVAlign) {
case Shaper::VAlign::kTop:
v_offset -= ascent;
case Shaper::VAlign::kTopBaseline:
// Default behavior.
case Shaper::VAlign::kHybridTop:
case Shaper::VAlign::kVisualTop:
ebox.init(extent_box(fDesc.fVAlign == Shaper::VAlign::kHybridTop));
v_offset += fBox.fTop - ebox->fTop;
case Shaper::VAlign::kHybridCenter:
case Shaper::VAlign::kVisualCenter:
ebox.init(extent_box(fDesc.fVAlign == Shaper::VAlign::kHybridCenter));
v_offset += fBox.centerY() - ebox->centerY();
case Shaper::VAlign::kHybridBottom:
case Shaper::VAlign::kVisualBottom:
ebox.init(extent_box(fDesc.fVAlign == Shaper::VAlign::kHybridBottom));
v_offset += fBox.fBottom - ebox->fBottom;
if (shaped_size) {
if (!ebox.isValid()) {
*shaped_size = SkSize::Make(ebox->width(), ebox->height());
if (v_offset) {
for (auto& fragment : fResult.fFragments) {
fragment.fOrigin.fY += v_offset;
return std::move(fResult);
void shapeLine(const char* start, const char* end, size_t utf8_offset) {
if (!fShaper) {
SkASSERT(start <= end);
if (start == end) {
// SkShaper doesn't care for empty lines.
// The calls above perform bookkeeping, but they do not add any fragments (since there
// are no runs to commit).
// Certain Skottie features (line-based range selectors) do require accurate indexing
// information even for empty lines though -- so we inject empty fragments solely for
// line index tracking.
// Note: we don't add empty fragments in consolidated mode because 1) consolidated mode
// assumes there is a single result fragment and 2) kFragmentGlyphs is always enabled
// for cases where line index tracking is relevant.
// TODO(fmalita): investigate whether it makes sense to move this special case down
// to commitFragmentedRun().
if (fDesc.fFlags & Shaper::Flags::kFragmentGlyphs) {
0, 0,
fLineCount - 1,
// In default paragraph mode (VAlign::kTop), AE clips out lines when the baseline
// goes below the box lower edge.
if (fDesc.fVAlign == Shaper::VAlign::kTop) {
// fOffset is relative to the first line baseline.
const auto max_offset = fBox.height() + this->ascent(); // NB: ascent is negative
if (fOffset.y() > max_offset) {
const auto shape_width = fDesc.fLinebreak == Shaper::LinebreakPolicy::kExplicit
? SK_ScalarMax
: fBox.width();
const auto shape_ltr = fDesc.fDirection == Shaper::Direction::kLTR;
const size_t utf8_bytes = SkToSizeT(end - start);
static constexpr uint8_t kBidiLevelLTR = 0,
kBidiLevelRTL = 1;
const auto lang_iter = fDesc.fLocale
? std::make_unique<SkShaper::TrivialLanguageRunIterator>(fDesc.fLocale, utf8_bytes)
: SkShaper::MakeStdLanguageRunIterator(start, utf8_bytes);
const auto font_iter = SkShaper::MakeFontMgrRunIterator(
start, utf8_bytes, fFont, fFontMgr,
const auto bidi_iter = SkShaper::MakeBiDiRunIterator(start, utf8_bytes,
shape_ltr ? kBidiLevelLTR : kBidiLevelRTL);
const auto scpt_iter = SkShaper::MakeScriptRunIterator(start, utf8_bytes,
SkSetFourByteTag('Z', 'z', 'z', 'z'));
if (!font_iter || !bidi_iter || !scpt_iter || !lang_iter) {
fUTF8 = start;
fUTF8Offset = utf8_offset;
fShaper->shape(start, utf8_bytes,
shape_width, this);
fUTF8 = nullptr;
void commitFragementedRun(const skottie::Shaper::RunRec& run,
const SkGlyphID* glyphs,
const SkPoint* pos,
const uint32_t* clusters,
uint32_t line_index) {
float ascent = 0;
if (fDesc.fFlags & Shaper::Flags::kTrackFragmentAdvanceAscent) {
SkFontMetrics metrics;
ascent = metrics.fAscent;
// Note: we use per-glyph advances for anchoring, but it's unclear whether this
// is exactly the same as AE. E.g. are 'acute' glyphs anchored separately for fonts
// in which they're distinct?
fFont.getWidths(glyphs, SkToInt(run.fSize),;
// In fragmented mode we immediately push the glyphs to fResult,
// one fragment per glyph. Glyph positioning is externalized
// (positions returned in Fragment::fPos).
for (size_t i = 0; i < run.fSize; ++i) {
const auto advance = (fDesc.fFlags & Shaper::Flags::kTrackFragmentAdvanceAscent)
? fAdvanceBuffer[SkToInt(i)]
: 0.0f;
{ {run.fFont, 1} },
{ glyphs[i] },
{ {0,0} },
fDesc.fFlags & Shaper::kClusters
? std::vector<size_t>{ fUTF8Offset + clusters[i] }
: std::vector<size_t>({}),
{ fBox.x() + pos[i].fX, fBox.y() + pos[i].fY },
advance, ascent,
line_index, is_whitespace(fUTF8[clusters[i]])
// Note: we only check the first code point in the cluster for whitespace.
// It's unclear whether thers's a saner approach.
fResult.fMissingGlyphCount += (glyphs[i] == kMissingGlyphID);
void commitConsolidatedRun(const skottie::Shaper::RunRec& run,
const SkGlyphID* glyphs,
const SkPoint* pos,
const uint32_t* clusters,
uint32_t) {
// In consolidated mode we just accumulate glyphs to a single fragment in ResultBuilder.
// Glyph positions are baked in the fragment runs (Fragment::fPos only reflects the
// box origin).
if (fResult.fFragments.empty()) {
fResult.fFragments.push_back({{{}, {}, {}, {}}, {fBox.x(), fBox.y()}, 0, 0, 0, false});
auto& current_glyphs = fResult.fFragments.back().fGlyphs;
current_glyphs.fGlyphIDs.insert(current_glyphs.fGlyphIDs.end(), glyphs, glyphs + run.fSize);
current_glyphs.fGlyphPos.insert(current_glyphs.fGlyphPos.end(), pos , pos + run.fSize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < run.fSize; ++i) {
fResult.fMissingGlyphCount += (glyphs[i] == kMissingGlyphID);
if (fDesc.fFlags & Shaper::kClusters) {
current_glyphs.fClusters.reserve(current_glyphs.fClusters.size() + run.fSize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < run.fSize; ++i) {
current_glyphs.fClusters.push_back(fUTF8Offset + clusters[i]);
static float HAlignFactor(SkTextUtils::Align align) {
switch (align) {
case SkTextUtils::kLeft_Align: return 0.0f;
case SkTextUtils::kCenter_Align: return -0.5f;
case SkTextUtils::kRight_Align: return -1.0f;
return 0.0f; // go home, msvc...
SkScalar ascent() const {
// Use the explicit ascent, when specified.
// Note: ascent values are negative (relative to the baseline).
return fDesc.fAscent ? fDesc.fAscent : fFirstLineAscent;
inline static constexpr SkGlyphID kMissingGlyphID = 0;
const Shaper::TextDesc& fDesc;
const SkRect& fBox;
const float fHAlignFactor;
SkFont fFont;
const sk_sp<SkFontMgr> fFontMgr;
const std::unique_ptr<SkShaper> fShaper;
AutoSTMalloc<64, SkGlyphID> fLineGlyphs;
AutoSTMalloc<64, SkPoint> fLinePos;
AutoSTMalloc<64, uint32_t> fLineClusters;
STArray<16, skottie::Shaper::RunRec> fLineRuns;
size_t fLineGlyphCount = 0;
STArray<64, float, true> fAdvanceBuffer;
SkPoint fCurrentPosition{ 0, 0 };
SkPoint fOffset{ 0, 0 };
SkVector fPendingLineAdvance{ 0, 0 };
uint32_t fLineCount = 0;
float fFirstLineAscent = 0,
fLastLineDescent = 0;
const char* fUTF8 = nullptr; // only valid during shapeLine() calls
size_t fUTF8Offset = 0; // current line offset within the original string
Shaper::Result fResult;
Shaper::Result ShapeImpl(const SkString& txt, const Shaper::TextDesc& desc,
const SkRect& box, const sk_sp<SkFontMgr>& fontmgr,
SkSize* shaped_size = nullptr) {
const auto& is_line_break = [](SkUnichar uch) {
// TODO: other explicit breaks?
return uch == '\r';
const char* ptr = txt.c_str();
const char* line_start = ptr;
const char* begin = ptr;
const char* end = ptr + txt.size();
ResultBuilder rbuilder(desc, box, fontmgr);
while (ptr < end) {
if (is_line_break(SkUTF::NextUTF8(&ptr, end))) {
rbuilder.shapeLine(line_start, ptr - 1, SkToSizeT(line_start - begin));
line_start = ptr;
rbuilder.shapeLine(line_start, ptr, SkToSizeT(line_start - begin));
return rbuilder.finalize(shaped_size);
bool result_fits(const Shaper::Result& res, const SkSize& res_size,
const SkRect& box, const Shaper::TextDesc& desc) {
// optional max line count constraint
if (desc.fMaxLines) {
const auto line_count = res.fFragments.empty()
? 0
: res.fFragments.back().fLineIndex + 1;
if (line_count > desc.fMaxLines) {
return false;
// geometric constraint
return res_size.width() <= box.width() && res_size.height() <= box.height();
Shaper::Result ShapeToFit(const SkString& txt, const Shaper::TextDesc& orig_desc,
const SkRect& box, const sk_sp<SkFontMgr>& fontmgr) {
Shaper::Result best_result;
if (box.isEmpty() || orig_desc.fTextSize <= 0) {
return best_result;
auto desc = orig_desc;
const auto min_scale = std::max(desc.fMinTextSize / desc.fTextSize, 0.0f),
max_scale = std::max(desc.fMaxTextSize / desc.fTextSize, min_scale);
float in_scale = min_scale, // maximum scale that fits inside
out_scale = max_scale, // minimum scale that doesn't fit
try_scale = SkTPin(1.0f, min_scale, max_scale); // current probe
// Perform a binary search for the best vertical fit (SkShaper already handles
// horizontal fitting), starting with the specified text size.
// This hybrid loop handles both the binary search (when in/out extremes are known), and an
// exponential search for the extremes.
static constexpr size_t kMaxIter = 16;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxIter; ++i) {
SkASSERT(try_scale >= in_scale && try_scale <= out_scale);
desc.fTextSize = try_scale * orig_desc.fTextSize;
desc.fLineHeight = try_scale * orig_desc.fLineHeight;
desc.fLineShift = try_scale * orig_desc.fLineShift;
desc.fAscent = try_scale * orig_desc.fAscent;
SkSize res_size = {0, 0};
auto res = ShapeImpl(txt, desc, box, fontmgr, &res_size);
const auto prev_scale = try_scale;
if (!result_fits(res, res_size, box, desc)) {
out_scale = try_scale;
try_scale = (in_scale == min_scale)
// initial in_scale not found yet - search exponentially
? std::max(min_scale, try_scale * 0.5f)
// in_scale found - binary search
: (in_scale + out_scale) * 0.5f;
} else {
// It fits - so it's a candidate.
best_result = std::move(res);
best_result.fScale = try_scale;
in_scale = try_scale;
try_scale = (out_scale == max_scale)
// initial out_scale not found yet - search exponentially
? std::min(max_scale, try_scale * 2)
// out_scale found - binary search
: (in_scale + out_scale) * 0.5f;
if (try_scale == prev_scale) {
// no more progress
return best_result;
// Applies capitalization rules.
class AdjustedText {
AdjustedText(const SkString& txt, const Shaper::TextDesc& desc)
: fText(txt) {
switch (desc.fCapitalization) {
case Shaper::Capitalization::kNone:
case Shaper::Capitalization::kUpperCase:
if (auto skuni = SkUnicode::Make()) {
*fText.writable() = skuni->toUpper(*fText);
operator const SkString&() const { return *fText; }
SkTCopyOnFirstWrite<SkString> fText;
} // namespace
Shaper::Result Shaper::Shape(const SkString& text, const TextDesc& desc, const SkPoint& point,
const sk_sp<SkFontMgr>& fontmgr) {
const AdjustedText adjText(text, desc);
return (desc.fResize == ResizePolicy::kScaleToFit ||
desc.fResize == ResizePolicy::kDownscaleToFit) // makes no sense in point mode
? Result()
: ShapeImpl(adjText, desc, SkRect::MakeEmpty().makeOffset(point.x(), point.y()),
Shaper::Result Shaper::Shape(const SkString& text, const TextDesc& desc, const SkRect& box,
const sk_sp<SkFontMgr>& fontmgr) {
const AdjustedText adjText(text, desc);
switch(desc.fResize) {
case ResizePolicy::kNone:
return ShapeImpl(adjText, desc, box, fontmgr);
case ResizePolicy::kScaleToFit:
return ShapeToFit(adjText, desc, box, fontmgr);
case ResizePolicy::kDownscaleToFit: {
SkSize size;
auto result = ShapeImpl(adjText, desc, box, fontmgr, &size);
return result_fits(result, size, box, desc)
? result
: ShapeToFit(adjText, desc, box, fontmgr);
SkRect Shaper::ShapedGlyphs::computeBounds(BoundsType btype) const {
auto bounds = SkRect::MakeEmpty();
AutoSTArray<16, SkRect> glyphBounds;
size_t offset = 0;
for (const auto& run : fRuns) {
SkRect font_bounds;
if (btype == BoundsType::kConservative) {
font_bounds = SkFontPriv::GetFontBounds(run.fFont);
// Empty font bounds is likely a font bug -- fall back to tight bounds.
if (font_bounds.isEmpty()) {
btype = BoundsType::kTight;
switch (btype) {
case BoundsType::kConservative: {
SkRect run_bounds;
run_bounds.setBounds( + offset, SkToInt(run.fSize));
run_bounds.fLeft += font_bounds.left();
run_bounds.fTop +=;
run_bounds.fRight += font_bounds.right();
run_bounds.fBottom += font_bounds.bottom();
} break;
case BoundsType::kTight: {
run.fFont.getBounds( + offset,
SkToInt(run.fSize),, nullptr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < run.fSize; ++i) {
bounds.join(glyphBounds[SkToInt(i)].makeOffset(fGlyphPos[offset + i]));
} break;
offset += run.fSize;
return bounds;
void Shaper::ShapedGlyphs::draw(SkCanvas* canvas,
const SkPoint& origin,
const SkPaint& paint) const {
size_t offset = 0;
for (const auto& run : fRuns) {
canvas->drawGlyphs(SkToInt(run.fSize), + offset, + offset,
offset += run.fSize;
SkRect Shaper::Result::computeVisualBounds() const {
auto bounds = SkRect::MakeEmpty();
for (const auto& frag: fFragments) {
return bounds;
} // namespace skottie