blob: 7524cebf9e638fd1231f16edb45c2982d9cc07cd [file] [log] [blame]
//! This tries to prove the APIT's bounds in a canonical query,
//! which doesn't know anything about the defining scope of either
//! opaque type and thus makes a random choice as to which opaque type
//! becomes the hidden type of the other. When we leave the canonical
//! query, we attempt to actually check the defining anchor, but now we
//! have a situation where the RPIT gets constrained outside its anchor.
//@ revisions: current next
//@ ignore-compare-mode-next-solver (explicit revisions)
//@[next] compile-flags: -Znext-solver
//@[next] check-pass
//@[current] known-bug: #108498
//@[current] failure-status: 101
//@[current] normalize-stderr-test: "DefId\(.*?\]::" -> "DefId("
//@[current] normalize-stderr-test: "(?m)note: we would appreciate a bug report.*\n\n" -> ""
//@[current] normalize-stderr-test: "(?m)note: rustc.*running on.*\n\n" -> ""
//@[current] normalize-stderr-test: "(?m)note: compiler flags.*\n\n" -> ""
//@[current] normalize-stderr-test: "(?m)note: delayed at.*$" -> ""
//@[current] normalize-stderr-test: "(?m)^ *\d+: .*\n" -> ""
//@[current] normalize-stderr-test: "(?m)^ *at .*\n" -> ""
type Opaque = impl Sized;
fn get_rpit() -> impl Clone {}
fn query(_: impl FnOnce() -> Opaque) {}
fn test() -> Opaque {
fn main() {}