blob: e74fd595dc4e84cdc9a977c183d47ca41ca338a1 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Tests for the `cargo fix` command, specifically targeting the logic around
//! running rustc multiple times to apply and verify fixes.
//! These tests use a replacement of rustc ("rustc-fix-shim") which emits JSON
//! messages based on what the test is exercising. It uses an environment
//! variable RUSTC_FIX_SHIM_SEQUENCE which determines how it should behave
//! based on how many times `rustc` has run. It keeps track of how many times
//! rustc has run in a local file.
//! For example, a sequence of `[Step::OneFix, Step::Error]` will emit one
//! suggested fix the first time `rustc` is run, and then the next time it is
//! run it will generate an error.
//! The [`expect_fix_runs_rustc_n_times`] function handles setting everything
//! up, and verifying the results.
use cargo_test_support::{basic_manifest, paths, project, tools, Execs};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::{Mutex, OnceLock};
/// The action that the `rustc` shim should take in the current sequence of
/// events.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
enum Step {
/// Exits with success with no messages.
SuccessNoOutput = b'0',
/// Emits one suggested fix.
/// The suggested fix involves updating the number of the first line
/// comment which starts as `// fix-count 0`.
OneFix = b'1',
/// Emits two suggested fixes which overlap, which rustfix can only apply
/// one of them, and fails for the other.
/// The suggested fix is the same as `Step::OneFix`, it just shows up
/// twice.
TwoFixOverlapping = b'2',
/// Generates a warning without a suggestion.
Warning = b'w',
/// Generates an error message with no suggestion.
Error = b'e',
/// Emits one suggested fix and an error.
OneFixError = b'f',
/// Verifies `cargo fix` behavior based on the given sequence of behaviors for
/// `rustc`.
/// - `sequence` is the sequence of behaviors for each call to `rustc`.
/// If rustc is called more often than the number of steps, then it will panic.
/// - `extra_execs` a callback that allows extra customization of the [`Execs`].
/// - `expected_stderr` is the expected output from cargo.
/// - `expected_lib_rs` is the expected contents of `src/` after the
/// fixes have been applied. The file starts out with the content `//
/// fix-count 0`, and the number increases based on which suggestions are
/// applied.
fn expect_fix_runs_rustc_n_times(
sequence: &[Step],
extra_execs: impl FnOnce(&mut Execs),
expected_stderr: &str,
expected_lib_rs: &str,
) {
let rustc = rustc_for_cargo_fix();
let p = project().file("src/", "// fix-count 0").build();
let sequence_vec: Vec<_> = sequence.iter().map(|x| *x as u8).collect();
let sequence_str = std::str::from_utf8(&sequence_vec).unwrap();
let mut execs = p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs --lib");
.env("RUSTC", &rustc)
.env("RUSTC_FIX_SHIM_SEQUENCE", sequence_str)
extra_execs(&mut execs);;
let lib_rs = p.read_file("src/");
assert_eq!(expected_lib_rs, lib_rs);
let count: usize = p.read_file("rustc-fix-shim-count").parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(sequence.len(), count);
/// Returns the path to the rustc replacement executable.
fn rustc_for_cargo_fix() -> PathBuf {
static FIX_SHIM: OnceLock<Mutex<Option<PathBuf>>> = OnceLock::new();
let mut lock = FIX_SHIM.get_or_init(|| Default::default()).lock().unwrap();
if let Some(path) = &*lock {
return path.clone();
let p = project()
.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("rustc-fix-shim", "1.0.0"))
fn main() {
if std::env::var_os("CARGO_PKG_NAME").is_none() {
// Handle things like rustc -Vv
let r = std::process::Command::new("rustc")
// Keep track of which step in the sequence that needs to run.
let successful_count = std::fs::read_to_string("rustc-fix-shim-count")
.map(|c| c.parse().unwrap())
std::fs::write("rustc-fix-shim-count", format!("{}", successful_count + 1)).unwrap();
// The sequence tells us which behavior we should have.
let seq = std::env::var("RUSTC_FIX_SHIM_SEQUENCE").unwrap();
if successful_count >= seq.len() {
panic!("rustc called too many times count={}, \
make sure to update the Step sequence", successful_count);
match seq.as_bytes()[successful_count] {
b'0' => return,
b'1' => {
output_suggestion(successful_count + 1);
b'2' => {
output_suggestion(successful_count + 1);
output_suggestion(successful_count + 2);
b'w' => {
output_message("warning", successful_count + 1);
b'e' => {
output_message("error", successful_count + 1);
b'f' => {
output_suggestion(successful_count + 1);
output_message("error", successful_count + 2);
_ => panic!("unexpected sequence"),
fn output_suggestion(count: usize) {
let json = format!(
"$message_type": "diagnostic",
"message": "rustc fix shim comment {count}",
"code": null,
"level": "warning",
"file_name": "src/",
"byte_start": 13,
"byte_end": 14,
"line_start": 1,
"line_end": 1,
"column_start": 14,
"column_end": 15,
"is_primary": true,
"text": "// fix-count 0",
"highlight_start": 14,
"highlight_end": 15
"label": "increase this number",
"suggested_replacement": null,
"suggestion_applicability": null,
"expansion": null
"message": "update the number here",
"code": null,
"level": "help",
"file_name": "src/",
"byte_start": 13,
"byte_end": 14,
"line_start": 1,
"line_end": 1,
"column_start": 14,
"column_end": 15,
"is_primary": true,
"text": "// fix-count 0",
"highlight_start": 14,
"highlight_end": 15
"label": null,
"suggested_replacement": "{count}",
"suggestion_applicability": "MachineApplicable",
"expansion": null
"children": [],
"rendered": null
"rendered": "rustc fix shim comment {count}"
.replace("\n", "");
fn output_message(level: &str, count: usize) {
let json = format!(
"$message_type": "diagnostic",
"message": "rustc fix shim {level} count={count}",
"code": null,
"level": "{level}",
"file_name": "src/",
"byte_start": 0,
"byte_end": 0,
"line_start": 1,
"line_end": 1,
"column_start": 1,
"column_end": 1,
"is_primary": true,
"text": "// fix-count 0",
"highlight_start": 1,
"highlight_end": 4
"label": "forced error",
"suggested_replacement": null,
"suggestion_applicability": null,
"expansion": null
"children": [],
"rendered": "rustc fix shim {level} count={count}"
.replace("\n", "");
let path = p.bin("rustc-fix-shim");
*lock = Some(path.clone());
fn fix_no_suggestions() {
// No suggested fixes.
|_execs| {},
[CHECKING] foo [..]
"// fix-count 0",
fn fix_one_suggestion() {
// One suggested fix, with a successful verification, no output.
&[Step::OneFix, Step::SuccessNoOutput],
|_execs| {},
[CHECKING] foo [..]
[FIXED] src/ (1 fix)
"// fix-count 1",
fn fix_one_overlapping() {
// Two suggested fixes, where one fails, then the next step returns no suggestions.
&[Step::TwoFixOverlapping, Step::SuccessNoOutput],
|_execs| {},
[CHECKING] foo [..]
[FIXED] src/ (1 fix)
"// fix-count 2",
fn fix_overlapping_max() {
// Rustc repeatedly spits out suggestions that overlap, which should hit
// the limit of 4 attempts. It should show the output from the 5th attempt.
|_execs| {},
[CHECKING] foo [..]
warning: error applying suggestions to `src/`
The full error message was:
> cannot replace slice of data that was already replaced
This likely indicates a bug in either rustc or cargo itself,
and we would appreciate a bug report! You're likely to see
a number of compiler warnings after this message which cargo
attempted to fix but failed. If you could open an issue at
quoting the full output of this command we'd be very appreciative!
Note that you may be able to make some more progress in the near-term
fixing code with the `--broken-code` flag
[FIXED] src/ (4 fixes)
rustc fix shim comment 5
rustc fix shim comment 6
warning: `foo` (lib) generated 2 warnings (run `cargo fix --lib -p foo` to apply 2 suggestions)
"// fix-count 5",
fn fix_verification_failed() {
// One suggested fix, with an error in the verification step.
// This should cause `cargo fix` to back out the changes.
&[Step::OneFix, Step::Error],
|_execs| {},
[CHECKING] foo [..]
warning: failed to automatically apply fixes suggested by rustc to crate `foo`
after fixes were automatically applied the compiler reported errors within these files:
* src/
This likely indicates a bug in either rustc or cargo itself,
and we would appreciate a bug report! You're likely to see
a number of compiler warnings after this message which cargo
attempted to fix but failed. If you could open an issue at
quoting the full output of this command we'd be very appreciative!
Note that you may be able to make some more progress in the near-term
fixing code with the `--broken-code` flag
The following errors were reported:
rustc fix shim error count=2
Original diagnostics will follow.
rustc fix shim comment 1
warning: `foo` (lib) generated 1 warning (run `cargo fix --lib -p foo` to apply 1 suggestion)
"// fix-count 0",
fn fix_verification_failed_clippy() {
// This is the same as `fix_verification_failed_clippy`, except it checks
// the error message has the customization for the clippy URL and
// subcommand.
&[Step::OneFix, Step::Error],
|execs| {
execs.env("RUSTC_WORKSPACE_WRAPPER", tools::wrapped_clippy_driver());
[CHECKING] foo [..]
warning: failed to automatically apply fixes suggested by rustc to crate `foo`
after fixes were automatically applied the compiler reported errors within these files:
* src/
This likely indicates a bug in either rustc or cargo itself,
and we would appreciate a bug report! You're likely to see
a number of compiler warnings after this message which cargo
attempted to fix but failed. If you could open an issue at
quoting the full output of this command we'd be very appreciative!
Note that you may be able to make some more progress in the near-term
fixing code with the `--broken-code` flag
The following errors were reported:
rustc fix shim error count=2
Original diagnostics will follow.
rustc fix shim comment 1
warning: `foo` (lib) generated 1 warning (run `cargo clippy --fix --lib -p foo` to apply 1 suggestion)
"// fix-count 0",
fn warnings() {
// Only emits warnings.
|_execs| {},
[CHECKING] foo [..]
rustc fix shim warning count=1
warning: `foo` (lib) generated 1 warning
"// fix-count 0",
fn starts_with_error() {
// The source code doesn't compile to start with.
|execs| {
[CHECKING] foo [..]
rustc fix shim error count=1
error: could not compile `foo` (lib) due to 1 previous error
"// fix-count 0",
fn broken_code_no_suggestions() {
// --broken-code with no suggestions
|execs| {
[CHECKING] foo [..]
rustc fix shim error count=1
error: could not compile `foo` (lib) due to 1 previous error
"// fix-count 0",
fn broken_code_one_suggestion() {
// --broken-code where there is an error and a suggestion.
&[Step::OneFixError, Step::Error],
|execs| {
[CHECKING] foo [..]
warning: failed to automatically apply fixes suggested by rustc to crate `foo`
after fixes were automatically applied the compiler reported errors within these files:
* src/
This likely indicates a bug in either rustc or cargo itself,
and we would appreciate a bug report! You're likely to see
a number of compiler warnings after this message which cargo
attempted to fix but failed. If you could open an issue at
quoting the full output of this command we'd be very appreciative!
Note that you may be able to make some more progress in the near-term
fixing code with the `--broken-code` flag
The following errors were reported:
rustc fix shim error count=2
Original diagnostics will follow.
rustc fix shim comment 1
rustc fix shim error count=2
warning: `foo` (lib) generated 1 warning
error: could not compile `foo` (lib) due to 1 previous error; 1 warning emitted
"// fix-count 1",