blob: a40ee189001822abd6af4c677b2d3b03fd83908f [file] [log] [blame]
//! Various utility functions used throughout rustbuild.
//! Simple things like testing the various filesystem operations here and there,
//! not a lot of interesting happenings here unfortunately.
use build_helper::util::fail;
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use std::str;
use std::sync::OnceLock;
use std::time::{Instant, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use crate::core::builder::Builder;
use crate::core::config::{Config, TargetSelection};
use crate::LldMode;
pub use crate::utils::dylib::{dylib_path, dylib_path_var};
mod tests;
/// A helper macro to `unwrap` a result except also print out details like:
/// * The file/line of the panic
/// * The expression that failed
/// * The error itself
/// This is currently used judiciously throughout the build system rather than
/// using a `Result` with `try!`, but this may change one day...
macro_rules! t {
($e:expr) => {
match $e {
Ok(e) => e,
Err(e) => panic!("{} failed with {}", stringify!($e), e),
// it can show extra info in the second parameter
($e:expr, $extra:expr) => {
match $e {
Ok(e) => e,
Err(e) => panic!("{} failed with {} ({:?})", stringify!($e), e, $extra),
pub use t;
pub fn exe(name: &str, target: TargetSelection) -> String {
crate::utils::dylib::exe(name, &target.triple)
/// Returns `true` if the file name given looks like a dynamic library.
pub fn is_dylib(name: &str) -> bool {
name.ends_with(".dylib") || name.ends_with(".so") || name.ends_with(".dll")
/// Returns `true` if the file name given looks like a debug info file
pub fn is_debug_info(name: &str) -> bool {
// FIXME: consider split debug info on other platforms (e.g., Linux, macOS)
/// Returns the corresponding relative library directory that the compiler's
/// dylibs will be found in.
pub fn libdir(target: TargetSelection) -> &'static str {
if target.is_windows() { "bin" } else { "lib" }
/// Adds a list of lookup paths to `cmd`'s dynamic library lookup path.
/// If the dylib_path_var is already set for this cmd, the old value will be overwritten!
pub fn add_dylib_path(path: Vec<PathBuf>, cmd: &mut Command) {
let mut list = dylib_path();
for path in path {
list.insert(0, path);
cmd.env(dylib_path_var(), t!(env::join_paths(list)));
/// Adds a list of lookup paths to `cmd`'s link library lookup path.
pub fn add_link_lib_path(path: Vec<PathBuf>, cmd: &mut Command) {
let mut list = link_lib_path();
for path in path {
list.insert(0, path);
cmd.env(link_lib_path_var(), t!(env::join_paths(list)));
/// Returns the environment variable which the link library lookup path
/// resides in for this platform.
fn link_lib_path_var() -> &'static str {
if cfg!(target_env = "msvc") { "LIB" } else { "LIBRARY_PATH" }
/// Parses the `link_lib_path_var()` environment variable, returning a list of
/// paths that are members of this lookup path.
fn link_lib_path() -> Vec<PathBuf> {
let var = match env::var_os(link_lib_path_var()) {
Some(v) => v,
None => return vec![],
pub struct TimeIt(bool, Instant);
/// Returns an RAII structure that prints out how long it took to drop.
pub fn timeit(builder: &Builder<'_>) -> TimeIt {
TimeIt(builder.config.dry_run(), Instant::now())
impl Drop for TimeIt {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let time = self.1.elapsed();
if !self.0 {
println!("\tfinished in {}.{:03} seconds", time.as_secs(), time.subsec_millis());
/// Used for download caching
pub(crate) fn program_out_of_date(stamp: &Path, key: &str) -> bool {
if !stamp.exists() {
return true;
t!(fs::read_to_string(stamp)) != key
/// Symlinks two directories, using junctions on Windows and normal symlinks on
/// Unix.
pub fn symlink_dir(config: &Config, original: &Path, link: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
if config.dry_run() {
return Ok(());
let _ = fs::remove_dir(link);
return symlink_dir_inner(original, link);
fn symlink_dir_inner(original: &Path, link: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
use std::os::unix::fs;
fs::symlink(original, link)
fn symlink_dir_inner(target: &Path, junction: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
junction::create(&target, &junction)
pub fn forcing_clang_based_tests() -> bool {
if let Some(var) = env::var_os("RUSTBUILD_FORCE_CLANG_BASED_TESTS") {
match &var.to_string_lossy().to_lowercase()[..] {
"1" | "yes" | "on" => true,
"0" | "no" | "off" => false,
other => {
// Let's make sure typos don't go unnoticed
"Unrecognized option '{other}' set in \
} else {
pub fn use_host_linker(target: TargetSelection) -> bool {
// FIXME: this information should be gotten by checking the linker flavor
// of the rustc target
|| target.contains("wasm32")
|| target.contains("nvptx")
|| target.contains("fortanix")
|| target.contains("fuchsia")
|| target.contains("bpf")
|| target.contains("switch"))
pub fn target_supports_cranelift_backend(target: TargetSelection) -> bool {
if target.contains("linux") {
|| target.contains("aarch64")
|| target.contains("s390x")
|| target.contains("riscv64gc")
} else if target.contains("darwin") || target.is_windows() {
} else {
pub fn is_valid_test_suite_arg<'a, P: AsRef<Path>>(
path: &'a Path,
suite_path: P,
builder: &Builder<'_>,
) -> Option<&'a str> {
let suite_path = suite_path.as_ref();
let path = match path.strip_prefix(".") {
Ok(p) => p,
Err(_) => path,
if !path.starts_with(suite_path) {
return None;
let abs_path = builder.src.join(path);
let exists = abs_path.is_dir() || abs_path.is_file();
if !exists {
"Invalid test suite filter \"{}\": file or directory does not exist",
// Since test suite paths are themselves directories, if we don't
// specify a directory or file, we'll get an empty string here
// (the result of the test suite directory without its suite prefix).
// Therefore, we need to filter these out, as only the first --test-args
// flag is respected, so providing an empty --test-args conflicts with
// any following it.
match path.strip_prefix(suite_path).ok().and_then(|p| p.to_str()) {
Some(s) if !s.is_empty() => Some(s),
_ => None,
pub fn check_run(cmd: &mut Command, print_cmd_on_fail: bool) -> bool {
let status = match cmd.status() {
Ok(status) => status,
Err(e) => {
println!("failed to execute command: {cmd:?}\nERROR: {e}");
return false;
if !status.success() && print_cmd_on_fail {
"\n\ncommand did not execute successfully: {cmd:?}\n\
expected success, got: {status}\n\n"
pub fn make(host: &str) -> PathBuf {
if host.contains("dragonfly")
|| host.contains("freebsd")
|| host.contains("netbsd")
|| host.contains("openbsd")
} else {
pub fn output(cmd: &mut Command) -> String {
let output = match cmd.stderr(Stdio::inherit()).output() {
Ok(status) => status,
Err(e) => fail(&format!("failed to execute command: {cmd:?}\nERROR: {e}")),
if !output.status.success() {
"command did not execute successfully: {:?}\n\
expected success, got: {}",
cmd, output.status
/// Returns the last-modified time for `path`, or zero if it doesn't exist.
pub fn mtime(path: &Path) -> SystemTime {
fs::metadata(path).and_then(|f| f.modified()).unwrap_or(UNIX_EPOCH)
/// Returns `true` if `dst` is up to date given that the file or files in `src`
/// are used to generate it.
/// Uses last-modified time checks to verify this.
pub fn up_to_date(src: &Path, dst: &Path) -> bool {
if !dst.exists() {
return false;
let threshold = mtime(dst);
let meta = match fs::metadata(src) {
Ok(meta) => meta,
Err(e) => panic!("source {src:?} failed to get metadata: {e}"),
if meta.is_dir() {
dir_up_to_date(src, threshold)
} else {
meta.modified().unwrap_or(UNIX_EPOCH) <= threshold
fn dir_up_to_date(src: &Path, threshold: SystemTime) -> bool {
t!(fs::read_dir(src)).map(|e| t!(e)).all(|e| {
let meta = t!(e.metadata());
if meta.is_dir() {
dir_up_to_date(&e.path(), threshold)
} else {
meta.modified().unwrap_or(UNIX_EPOCH) < threshold
/// Copied from `std::path::absolute` until it stabilizes.
/// FIXME: this shouldn't exist.
pub(crate) fn absolute(path: &Path) -> PathBuf {
if path.as_os_str().is_empty() {
panic!("can't make empty path absolute");
t!(absolute_unix(path), format!("could not make path absolute: {}", path.display()))
t!(absolute_windows(path), format!("could not make path absolute: {}", path.display()))
#[cfg(not(any(unix, windows)))]
println!("WARNING: bootstrap is not supported on non-unix platforms");
/// Make a POSIX path absolute without changing its semantics.
fn absolute_unix(path: &Path) -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
// This is mostly a wrapper around collecting `Path::components`, with
// exceptions made where this conflicts with the POSIX specification.
// See 4.13 Pathname Resolution, IEEE Std 1003.1-2017
use std::os::unix::prelude::OsStrExt;
let mut components = path.components();
let path_os = path.as_os_str().as_bytes();
let mut normalized = if path.is_absolute() {
// "If a pathname begins with two successive <slash> characters, the
// first component following the leading <slash> characters may be
// interpreted in an implementation-defined manner, although more than
// two leading <slash> characters shall be treated as a single <slash>
// character."
if path_os.starts_with(b"//") && !path_os.starts_with(b"///") {;
} else {
} else {
// "Interfaces using pathname resolution may specify additional constraints
// when a pathname that does not name an existing directory contains at
// least one non- <slash> character and contains one or more trailing
// <slash> characters".
// A trailing <slash> is also meaningful if "a symbolic link is
// encountered during pathname resolution".
if path_os.ends_with(b"/") {
fn absolute_windows(path: &std::path::Path) -> std::io::Result<std::path::PathBuf> {
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::io::Error;
use std::os::windows::ffi::{OsStrExt, OsStringExt};
use std::ptr::null_mut;
#[link(name = "kernel32")]
extern "system" {
fn GetFullPathNameW(
lpFileName: *const u16,
nBufferLength: u32,
lpBuffer: *mut u16,
lpFilePart: *mut *const u16,
) -> u32;
unsafe {
// encode the path as UTF-16
let path: Vec<u16> = path.as_os_str().encode_wide().chain([0]).collect();
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
// Loop until either success or failure.
loop {
// Try to get the absolute path
let len = GetFullPathNameW(
match len as usize {
// Failure
0 => return Err(Error::last_os_error()),
// Buffer is too small, resize.
len if len > buffer.len() => buffer.resize(len, 0),
// Success!
len => {
return Ok(OsString::from_wide(&buffer).into());
/// Adapted from <>
/// When `clang-cl` is used with instrumentation, we need to add clang's runtime library resource
/// directory to the linker flags, otherwise there will be linker errors about the profiler runtime
/// missing. This function returns the path to that directory.
pub fn get_clang_cl_resource_dir(clang_cl_path: &str) -> PathBuf {
// Similar to how LLVM does it, to find clang's library runtime directory:
// - we ask `clang-cl` to locate the `clang_rt.builtins` lib.
let mut builtins_locator = Command::new(clang_cl_path);
builtins_locator.args(["/clang:-print-libgcc-file-name", "/clang:--rtlib=compiler-rt"]);
let clang_rt_builtins = output(&mut builtins_locator);
let clang_rt_builtins = Path::new(clang_rt_builtins.trim());
"`clang-cl` must correctly locate the library runtime directory"
// - the profiler runtime will be located in the same directory as the builtins lib, like
// `$LLVM_DISTRO_ROOT/lib/clang/$LLVM_VERSION/lib/windows`.
let clang_rt_dir = clang_rt_builtins.parent().expect("The clang lib folder should exist");
/// Returns a flag that configures LLD to use only a single thread.
/// If we use an external LLD, we need to find out which version is it to know which flag should we
/// pass to it (LLD older than version 10 had a different flag).
fn lld_flag_no_threads(lld_mode: LldMode, is_windows: bool) -> &'static str {
static LLD_NO_THREADS: OnceLock<(&'static str, &'static str)> = OnceLock::new();
let new_flags = ("/threads:1", "--threads=1");
let old_flags = ("/no-threads", "--no-threads");
let (windows_flag, other_flag) = LLD_NO_THREADS.get_or_init(|| {
let newer_version = match lld_mode {
LldMode::External => {
let out = output(Command::new("lld").arg("-flavor").arg("ld").arg("--version"));
match (out.find(char::is_numeric), out.find('.')) {
(Some(b), Some(e)) => out.as_str()[b..e].parse::<i32>().ok().unwrap_or(14) > 10,
_ => true,
_ => true,
if newer_version { new_flags } else { old_flags }
if is_windows { windows_flag } else { other_flag }
pub fn dir_is_empty(dir: &Path) -> bool {
/// Extract the beta revision from the full version string.
/// The full version string looks like "a.b.c-beta.y". And we need to extract
/// the "y" part from the string.
pub fn extract_beta_rev(version: &str) -> Option<String> {
let parts = version.splitn(2, "-beta.").collect::<Vec<_>>();
let count = parts.get(1).and_then(|s| s.find(' ').map(|p| s[..p].to_string()));
pub enum LldThreads {
/// Returns the linker arguments for rustc/rustdoc for the given builder and target.
pub fn linker_args(
builder: &Builder<'_>,
target: TargetSelection,
lld_threads: LldThreads,
) -> Vec<String> {
let mut args = linker_flags(builder, target, lld_threads);
if let Some(linker) = builder.linker(target) {
args.push(format!("-Clinker={}", linker.display()));
/// Returns the linker arguments for rustc/rustdoc for the given builder and target, without the
/// -Clinker flag.
pub fn linker_flags(
builder: &Builder<'_>,
target: TargetSelection,
lld_threads: LldThreads,
) -> Vec<String> {
let mut args = vec![];
if !builder.is_lld_direct_linker(target) && builder.config.lld_mode.is_used() {
if matches!(lld_threads, LldThreads::No) {
lld_flag_no_threads(builder.config.lld_mode, target.is_windows())
pub fn add_rustdoc_cargo_linker_args(
cmd: &mut Command,
builder: &Builder<'_>,
target: TargetSelection,
lld_threads: LldThreads,
) {
let args = linker_args(builder, target, lld_threads);
let mut flags = cmd
.find_map(|(k, v)| if k == OsStr::new("RUSTDOCFLAGS") { v } else { None })
for arg in args {
if !flags.is_empty() {
flags.push(" ");
if !flags.is_empty() {
cmd.env("RUSTDOCFLAGS", flags);
/// Converts `T` into a hexadecimal `String`.
pub fn hex_encode<T>(input: T) -> String
T: AsRef<[u8]>,
input.as_ref().iter().map(|x| format!("{:02x}", x)).collect()
/// Create a `--check-cfg` argument invocation for a given name
/// and it's values.
pub fn check_cfg_arg(name: &str, values: Option<&[&str]>) -> String {
// Creating a string of the values by concatenating each value:
// ',values("tvos","watchos")' or '' (nothing) when there are no values.
let next = match values {
Some(values) => {
let mut tmp = values.iter().flat_map(|val| [",", "\"", val, "\""]).collect::<String>();
tmp.insert_str(1, "values(");
None => "".to_string(),