blob: 1a82e6c6910ae40d1aefbd15660a3eefb4db6d26 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::util;
use rustc_ast::token;
use rustc_ast::{LitKind, MetaItemKind};
use rustc_codegen_ssa::traits::CodegenBackend;
use rustc_data_structures::defer;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::StableHasher;
use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc;
use rustc_errors::registry::Registry;
use rustc_errors::{DiagCtxt, ErrorGuaranteed};
use rustc_lint::LintStore;
use rustc_middle::ty;
use rustc_middle::util::Providers;
use rustc_parse::maybe_new_parser_from_source_str;
use rustc_query_impl::QueryCtxt;
use rustc_query_system::query::print_query_stack;
use rustc_session::config::{self, Cfg, CheckCfg, ExpectedValues, Input, OutFileName};
use rustc_session::filesearch::{self, sysroot_candidates};
use rustc_session::parse::ParseSess;
use rustc_session::{lint, CompilerIO, EarlyDiagCtxt, Session};
use rustc_span::source_map::FileLoader;
use rustc_span::symbol::sym;
use rustc_span::FileName;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::result;
use std::sync::Arc;
pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, ErrorGuaranteed>;
/// Represents a compiler session. Note that every `Compiler` contains a
/// `Session`, but `Compiler` also contains some things that cannot be in
/// `Session`, due to `Session` being in a crate that has many fewer
/// dependencies than this crate.
/// Can be used to run `rustc_interface` queries.
/// Created by passing [`Config`] to [`run_compiler`].
pub struct Compiler {
pub sess: Session,
pub codegen_backend: Box<dyn CodegenBackend>,
pub(crate) override_queries: Option<fn(&Session, &mut Providers)>,
/// Converts strings provided as `--cfg [cfgspec]` into a `Cfg`.
pub(crate) fn parse_cfg(dcx: &DiagCtxt, cfgs: Vec<String>) -> Cfg {
.map(|s| {
let psess = ParseSess::with_silent_emitter(
format!("this error occurred on the command line: `--cfg={s}`"),
let filename = FileName::cfg_spec_source_code(&s);
macro_rules! error {
($reason: expr) => {
concat!("invalid `--cfg` argument: `{}` (", $reason, ")"),
match maybe_new_parser_from_source_str(&psess, filename, s.to_string()) {
Ok(mut parser) => match parser.parse_meta_item() {
Ok(meta_item) if parser.token == token::Eof => {
if meta_item.path.segments.len() != 1 {
error!("argument key must be an identifier");
match &meta_item.kind {
MetaItemKind::List(..) => {}
MetaItemKind::NameValue(lit) if !lit.kind.is_str() => {
error!("argument value must be a string");
MetaItemKind::NameValue(..) | MetaItemKind::Word => {
let ident = meta_item.ident().expect("multi-segment cfg key");
return (, meta_item.value_str());
Ok(..) => {}
Err(err) => err.cancel(),
Err(errs) => errs.into_iter().for_each(|err| err.cancel()),
// If the user tried to use a key="value" flag, but is missing the quotes, provide
// a hint about how to resolve this.
if s.contains('=') && !s.contains("=\"") && !s.ends_with('"') {
r#"expected `key` or `key="value"`, ensure escaping is appropriate"#,
r#" for your shell, try 'key="value"' or key=\"value\""#
} else {
error!(r#"expected `key` or `key="value"`"#);
/// Converts strings provided as `--check-cfg [specs]` into a `CheckCfg`.
pub(crate) fn parse_check_cfg(dcx: &DiagCtxt, specs: Vec<String>) -> CheckCfg {
// If any --check-cfg is passed then exhaustive_values and exhaustive_names
// are enabled by default.
let exhaustive_names = !specs.is_empty();
let exhaustive_values = !specs.is_empty();
let mut check_cfg = CheckCfg { exhaustive_names, exhaustive_values, ..CheckCfg::default() };
for s in specs {
let psess = ParseSess::with_silent_emitter(
format!("this error occurred on the command line: `--check-cfg={s}`"),
let filename = FileName::cfg_spec_source_code(&s);
macro_rules! error {
($reason:expr) => {
concat!("invalid `--check-cfg` argument: `{}` (", $reason, ")"),
let expected_error = || -> ! {
error!("expected `cfg(name, values(\"value1\", \"value2\", ... \"valueN\"))`")
let mut parser = match maybe_new_parser_from_source_str(&psess, filename, s.to_string()) {
Ok(parser) => parser,
Err(errs) => {
errs.into_iter().for_each(|err| err.cancel());
let meta_item = match parser.parse_meta_item() {
Ok(meta_item) if parser.token == token::Eof => meta_item,
Ok(..) => expected_error(),
Err(err) => {
let Some(args) = meta_item.meta_item_list() else {
if !meta_item.has_name(sym::cfg) {
let mut names = Vec::new();
let mut values: FxHashSet<_> = Default::default();
let mut any_specified = false;
let mut values_specified = false;
let mut values_any_specified = false;
for arg in args {
if arg.is_word()
&& let Some(ident) = arg.ident()
if values_specified {
error!("`cfg()` names cannot be after values");
} else if arg.has_name(sym::any)
&& let Some(args) = arg.meta_item_list()
if any_specified {
error!("`any()` cannot be specified multiple times");
any_specified = true;
if !args.is_empty() {
error!("`any()` must be empty");
} else if arg.has_name(sym::values)
&& let Some(args) = arg.meta_item_list()
if names.is_empty() {
error!("`values()` cannot be specified before the names");
} else if values_specified {
error!("`values()` cannot be specified multiple times");
values_specified = true;
for arg in args {
if let Some(LitKind::Str(s, _)) = arg.lit().map(|lit| &lit.kind) {
} else if arg.has_name(sym::any)
&& let Some(args) = arg.meta_item_list()
if values_any_specified {
error!("`any()` in `values()` cannot be specified multiple times");
values_any_specified = true;
if !args.is_empty() {
error!("`any()` must be empty");
} else if arg.has_name(sym::none)
&& let Some(args) = arg.meta_item_list()
if !args.is_empty() {
error!("`none()` must be empty");
} else {
error!("`values()` arguments must be string literals, `none()` or `any()`");
} else {
error!("`cfg()` arguments must be simple identifiers, `any()` or `values(...)`");
if !values_specified && !any_specified {
// `cfg(name)` is equivalent to `cfg(name, values(none()))` so add
// an implicit `none()`
} else if !values.is_empty() && values_any_specified {
"`values()` arguments cannot specify string literals and `any()` at the same time"
if any_specified {
if names.is_empty() && values.is_empty() && !values_specified && !values_any_specified {
check_cfg.exhaustive_names = false;
} else {
error!("`cfg(any())` can only be provided in isolation");
} else {
for name in names {
.and_modify(|v| match v {
ExpectedValues::Some(v) if !values_any_specified => {
ExpectedValues::Some(_) => *v = ExpectedValues::Any,
ExpectedValues::Any => {}
.or_insert_with(|| {
if values_any_specified {
} else {
/// The compiler configuration
pub struct Config {
/// Command line options
pub opts: config::Options,
/// Unparsed cfg! configuration in addition to the default ones.
pub crate_cfg: Vec<String>,
pub crate_check_cfg: Vec<String>,
pub input: Input,
pub output_dir: Option<PathBuf>,
pub output_file: Option<OutFileName>,
pub ice_file: Option<PathBuf>,
pub file_loader: Option<Box<dyn FileLoader + Send + Sync>>,
pub locale_resources: &'static [&'static str],
pub lint_caps: FxHashMap<lint::LintId, lint::Level>,
/// This is a callback from the driver that is called when [`ParseSess`] is created.
pub psess_created: Option<Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut ParseSess) + Send>>,
/// This is a callback to hash otherwise untracked state used by the caller, if the
/// hash changes between runs the incremental cache will be cleared.
/// e.g. used by Clippy to hash its config file
pub hash_untracked_state: Option<Box<dyn FnOnce(&Session, &mut StableHasher) + Send>>,
/// This is a callback from the driver that is called when we're registering lints;
/// it is called during lint loading when we have the LintStore in a non-shared state.
/// Note that if you find a Some here you probably want to call that function in the new
/// function being registered.
pub register_lints: Option<Box<dyn Fn(&Session, &mut LintStore) + Send + Sync>>,
/// This is a callback from the driver that is called just after we have populated
/// the list of queries.
pub override_queries: Option<fn(&Session, &mut Providers)>,
/// This is a callback from the driver that is called to create a codegen backend.
pub make_codegen_backend:
Option<Box<dyn FnOnce(&config::Options) -> Box<dyn CodegenBackend> + Send>>,
/// Registry of diagnostics codes.
pub registry: Registry,
/// The inner atomic value is set to true when a feature marked as `internal` is
/// enabled. Makes it so that "please report a bug" is hidden, as ICEs with
/// internal features are wontfix, and they are usually the cause of the ICEs.
/// None signifies that this is not tracked.
pub using_internal_features: Arc<std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool>,
/// All commandline args used to invoke the compiler, with @file args fully expanded.
/// This will only be used within debug info, e.g. in the pdb file on windows
/// This is mainly useful for other tools that reads that debuginfo to figure out
/// how to call the compiler with the same arguments.
pub expanded_args: Vec<String>,
// JUSTIFICATION: before session exists, only config
#[allow(rustc::untranslatable_diagnostic)] // FIXME: make this translatable
pub fn run_compiler<R: Send>(config: Config, f: impl FnOnce(&Compiler) -> R + Send) -> R {
// Set parallel mode before thread pool creation, which will create `Lock`s.
rustc_data_structures::sync::set_dyn_thread_safe_mode(config.opts.unstable_opts.threads > 1);
// Check jobserver before run_in_thread_pool_with_globals, which call jobserver::acquire_thread
let early_dcx = EarlyDiagCtxt::new(config.opts.error_format);
|| {
let early_dcx = EarlyDiagCtxt::new(config.opts.error_format);
let sysroot = filesearch::materialize_sysroot(config.opts.maybe_sysroot.clone());
let (codegen_backend, target_override) = match config.make_codegen_backend {
None => {
// Build a target without override, so that it can override the backend if needed
let target =
config::build_target_config(&early_dcx, &config.opts, None, &sysroot);
let backend = util::get_codegen_backend(
// target_override is documented to be called before init(), so this is okay
let target_override = backend.target_override(&config.opts);
// Assert that we don't use target's override of the backend and
// backend's override of the target at the same time
if config.opts.unstable_opts.codegen_backend.is_none()
&& target.default_codegen_backend.is_some()
&& target_override.is_some()
"Codegen backend requested target override even though the target requested the backend"
(backend, target_override)
Some(make_codegen_backend) => {
// N.B. `make_codegen_backend` takes precedence over `target.default_codegen_backend`,
// which is ignored in this case.
let backend = make_codegen_backend(&config.opts);
// target_override is documented to be called before init(), so this is okay
let target_override = backend.target_override(&config.opts);
(backend, target_override)
// Re-build target with the (potential) override
let target_cfg =
config::build_target_config(&early_dcx, &config.opts, target_override, &sysroot);
let temps_dir = config.opts.unstable_opts.temps_dir.as_deref().map(PathBuf::from);
let bundle = match rustc_errors::fluent_bundle(
) {
Ok(bundle) => bundle,
Err(e) => {
early_dcx.early_fatal(format!("failed to load fluent bundle: {e}"));
let mut locale_resources = Vec::from(config.locale_resources);
let mut sess = rustc_session::build_session(
CompilerIO {
input: config.input,
output_dir: config.output_dir,
output_file: config.output_file,
let cfg = parse_cfg(&sess.dcx(), config.crate_cfg);
let mut cfg = config::build_configuration(&sess, cfg);
util::add_configuration(&mut cfg, &mut sess, &*codegen_backend);
sess.psess.config = cfg;
let mut check_cfg = parse_check_cfg(&sess.dcx(), config.crate_check_cfg);
sess.psess.check_config = check_cfg;
if let Some(psess_created) = config.psess_created {
psess_created(&mut sess.psess);
if let Some(hash_untracked_state) = config.hash_untracked_state {
let mut hasher = StableHasher::new();
hash_untracked_state(&sess, &mut hasher);
sess.opts.untracked_state_hash = hasher.finish()
// Even though the session holds the lint store, we can't build the
// lint store until after the session exists. And we wait until now
// so that `register_lints` sees the fully initialized session.
let mut lint_store = rustc_lint::new_lint_store(sess.enable_internal_lints());
if let Some(register_lints) = config.register_lints.as_deref() {
register_lints(&sess, &mut lint_store);
sess.registered_lints = true;
sess.lint_store = Some(Lrc::new(lint_store));
let compiler =
Compiler { sess, codegen_backend, override_queries: config.override_queries };
rustc_span::set_source_map(compiler.sess.psess.clone_source_map(), move || {
// There are two paths out of `f`.
// - Normal exit.
// - Panic, e.g. triggered by `abort_if_errors`.
// We must run `finish_diagnostics` in both cases.
let res = {
// If `f` panics, `finish_diagnostics` will run during
// unwinding because of the `defer`.
let mut guar = None;
let sess_abort_guard = defer(|| {
guar = compiler.sess.finish_diagnostics(&config.registry);
let res = f(&compiler);
// If `f` doesn't panic, `finish_diagnostics` will run
// normally when `sess_abort_guard` is dropped.
// If `finish_diagnostics` emits errors (e.g. stashed
// errors) we can't return an error directly, because the
// return type of this function is `R`, not `Result<R, E>`.
// But we need to communicate the errors' existence to the
// caller, otherwise the caller might mistakenly think that
// no errors occurred and return a zero exit code. So we
// abort (panic) instead, similar to if `f` had panicked.
if guar.is_some() {
let prof =;
prof.generic_activity("drop_compiler").run(move || drop(compiler));
pub fn try_print_query_stack(
dcx: &DiagCtxt,
num_frames: Option<usize>,
file: Option<std::fs::File>,
) {
eprintln!("query stack during panic:");
// Be careful relying on global state here: this code is called from
// a panic hook, which means that the global `DiagCtxt` may be in a weird
// state if it was responsible for triggering the panic.
let i = ty::tls::with_context_opt(|icx| {
if let Some(icx) = icx {
} else {
if num_frames == None || num_frames >= Some(i) {
eprintln!("end of query stack");
} else {
eprintln!("we're just showing a limited slice of the query stack");