blob: d88a3127eccc5a39831ecbb2d5bd8f0d064b55f5 [file] [log] [blame]
use rustc_middle::mir;
use rustc_span::Symbol;
use rustc_target::abi::Size;
use rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi;
use crate::*;
use helpers::bool_to_simd_element;
use shims::foreign_items::EmulateForeignItemResult;
mod aesni;
mod sse;
mod sse2;
mod sse3;
mod sse41;
mod ssse3;
impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir> EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> for crate::MiriInterpCx<'mir, 'tcx> {}
pub(super) trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>:
crate::MiriInterpCxExt<'mir, 'tcx>
fn emulate_x86_intrinsic(
&mut self,
link_name: Symbol,
abi: Abi,
args: &[OpTy<'tcx, Provenance>],
dest: &PlaceTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, EmulateForeignItemResult> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
// Prefix should have already been checked.
let unprefixed_name = link_name.as_str().strip_prefix("llvm.x86.").unwrap();
match unprefixed_name {
// Used to implement the `_addcarry_u32` and `_addcarry_u64` functions.
// Computes a + b with input and output carry. The input carry is an 8-bit
// value, which is interpreted as 1 if it is non-zero. The output carry is
// an 8-bit value that will be 0 or 1.
"addcarry.32" | "addcarry.64" => {
if unprefixed_name == "addcarry.64" && != "x86_64" {
return Ok(EmulateForeignItemResult::NotSupported);
let [c_in, a, b] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::Unadjusted, link_name, args)?;
let c_in = this.read_scalar(c_in)?.to_u8()? != 0;
let a = this.read_immediate(a)?;
let b = this.read_immediate(b)?;
let (sum, overflow1) = this.overflowing_binary_op(mir::BinOp::Add, &a, &b)?;
let (sum, overflow2) = this.overflowing_binary_op(
&ImmTy::from_uint(c_in, a.layout),
let c_out = overflow1 | overflow2;
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u8(c_out.into()), &this.project_field(dest, 0)?)?;
this.write_immediate(*sum, &this.project_field(dest, 1)?)?;
// Used to implement the `_subborrow_u32` and `_subborrow_u64` functions.
// Computes a - b with input and output borrow. The input borrow is an 8-bit
// value, which is interpreted as 1 if it is non-zero. The output borrow is
// an 8-bit value that will be 0 or 1.
"subborrow.32" | "subborrow.64" => {
if unprefixed_name == "subborrow.64" && != "x86_64" {
return Ok(EmulateForeignItemResult::NotSupported);
let [b_in, a, b] = this.check_shim(abi, Abi::Unadjusted, link_name, args)?;
let b_in = this.read_scalar(b_in)?.to_u8()? != 0;
let a = this.read_immediate(a)?;
let b = this.read_immediate(b)?;
let (sub, overflow1) = this.overflowing_binary_op(mir::BinOp::Sub, &a, &b)?;
let (sub, overflow2) = this.overflowing_binary_op(
&ImmTy::from_uint(b_in, a.layout),
let b_out = overflow1 | overflow2;
this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_u8(b_out.into()), &this.project_field(dest, 0)?)?;
this.write_immediate(*sub, &this.project_field(dest, 1)?)?;
name if name.starts_with("sse.") => {
return sse::EvalContextExt::emulate_x86_sse_intrinsic(
this, link_name, abi, args, dest,
name if name.starts_with("sse2.") => {
return sse2::EvalContextExt::emulate_x86_sse2_intrinsic(
this, link_name, abi, args, dest,
name if name.starts_with("sse3.") => {
return sse3::EvalContextExt::emulate_x86_sse3_intrinsic(
this, link_name, abi, args, dest,
name if name.starts_with("ssse3.") => {
return ssse3::EvalContextExt::emulate_x86_ssse3_intrinsic(
this, link_name, abi, args, dest,
name if name.starts_with("sse41.") => {
return sse41::EvalContextExt::emulate_x86_sse41_intrinsic(
this, link_name, abi, args, dest,
name if name.starts_with("aesni.") => {
return aesni::EvalContextExt::emulate_x86_aesni_intrinsic(
this, link_name, abi, args, dest,
_ => return Ok(EmulateForeignItemResult::NotSupported),
/// Floating point comparison operation
/// <>
/// <>
/// <>
/// <>
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum FloatCmpOp {
/// Not less-than
/// Not less-or-equal
/// Ordered, i.e. neither of them is NaN
impl FloatCmpOp {
/// Convert from the `imm` argument used to specify the comparison
/// operation in intrinsics such as ``.
fn from_intrinsic_imm(imm: i8, intrinsic: &str) -> InterpResult<'_, Self> {
match imm {
0 => Ok(Self::Eq),
1 => Ok(Self::Lt),
2 => Ok(Self::Le),
3 => Ok(Self::Unord),
4 => Ok(Self::Neq),
5 => Ok(Self::Nlt),
6 => Ok(Self::Nle),
7 => Ok(Self::Ord),
imm => {
throw_unsup_format!("invalid `imm` parameter of {intrinsic}: {imm}");
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum FloatBinOp {
/// Arithmetic operation
/// Comparison
/// Minimum value (with SSE semantics)
/// <>
/// <>
/// <>
/// <>
/// Maximum value (with SSE semantics)
/// <>
/// <>
/// <>
/// <>
/// Performs `which` scalar operation on `left` and `right` and returns
/// the result.
fn bin_op_float<'tcx, F: rustc_apfloat::Float>(
this: &crate::MiriInterpCx<'_, 'tcx>,
which: FloatBinOp,
left: &ImmTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
right: &ImmTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Scalar<Provenance>> {
match which {
FloatBinOp::Arith(which) => {
let res = this.wrapping_binary_op(which, left, right)?;
FloatBinOp::Cmp(which) => {
let left = left.to_scalar().to_float::<F>()?;
let right = right.to_scalar().to_float::<F>()?;
// FIXME: Make sure that these operations match the semantics
// of cmpps/cmpss/cmppd/cmpsd
let res = match which {
FloatCmpOp::Eq => left == right,
FloatCmpOp::Lt => left < right,
FloatCmpOp::Le => left <= right,
FloatCmpOp::Unord => left.is_nan() || right.is_nan(),
FloatCmpOp::Neq => left != right,
FloatCmpOp::Nlt => !(left < right),
FloatCmpOp::Nle => !(left <= right),
FloatCmpOp::Ord => !left.is_nan() && !right.is_nan(),
Ok(bool_to_simd_element(res, Size::from_bits(F::BITS)))
FloatBinOp::Min => {
let left_scalar = left.to_scalar();
let left = left_scalar.to_float::<F>()?;
let right_scalar = right.to_scalar();
let right = right_scalar.to_float::<F>()?;
// SSE semantics to handle zero and NaN. Note that `x == F::ZERO`
// is true when `x` is either +0 or -0.
if (left == F::ZERO && right == F::ZERO)
|| left.is_nan()
|| right.is_nan()
|| left >= right
} else {
FloatBinOp::Max => {
let left_scalar = left.to_scalar();
let left = left_scalar.to_float::<F>()?;
let right_scalar = right.to_scalar();
let right = right_scalar.to_float::<F>()?;
// SSE semantics to handle zero and NaN. Note that `x == F::ZERO`
// is true when `x` is either +0 or -0.
if (left == F::ZERO && right == F::ZERO)
|| left.is_nan()
|| right.is_nan()
|| left <= right
} else {
/// Performs `which` operation on the first component of `left` and `right`
/// and copies the other components from `left`. The result is stored in `dest`.
fn bin_op_simd_float_first<'tcx, F: rustc_apfloat::Float>(
this: &mut crate::MiriInterpCx<'_, 'tcx>,
which: FloatBinOp,
left: &OpTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
right: &OpTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
dest: &PlaceTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, ()> {
let (left, left_len) = this.operand_to_simd(left)?;
let (right, right_len) = this.operand_to_simd(right)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
assert_eq!(dest_len, left_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, right_len);
let res0 = bin_op_float::<F>(
&this.read_immediate(&this.project_index(&left, 0)?)?,
&this.read_immediate(&this.project_index(&right, 0)?)?,
this.write_scalar(res0, &this.project_index(&dest, 0)?)?;
for i in 1..dest_len {
&this.project_index(&left, i)?,
&this.project_index(&dest, i)?,
/*allow_transmute*/ false,
/// Performs `which` operation on each component of `left` and
/// `right`, storing the result is stored in `dest`.
fn bin_op_simd_float_all<'tcx, F: rustc_apfloat::Float>(
this: &mut crate::MiriInterpCx<'_, 'tcx>,
which: FloatBinOp,
left: &OpTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
right: &OpTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
dest: &PlaceTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, ()> {
let (left, left_len) = this.operand_to_simd(left)?;
let (right, right_len) = this.operand_to_simd(right)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
assert_eq!(dest_len, left_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, right_len);
for i in 0..dest_len {
let left = this.read_immediate(&this.project_index(&left, i)?)?;
let right = this.read_immediate(&this.project_index(&right, i)?)?;
let dest = this.project_index(&dest, i)?;
let res = bin_op_float::<F>(this, which, &left, &right)?;
this.write_scalar(res, &dest)?;
/// Horizontaly performs `which` operation on adjacent values of
/// `left` and `right` SIMD vectors and stores the result in `dest`.
fn horizontal_bin_op<'tcx>(
this: &mut crate::MiriInterpCx<'_, 'tcx>,
which: mir::BinOp,
saturating: bool,
left: &OpTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
right: &OpTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
dest: &PlaceTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, ()> {
let (left, left_len) = this.operand_to_simd(left)?;
let (right, right_len) = this.operand_to_simd(right)?;
let (dest, dest_len) = this.place_to_simd(dest)?;
assert_eq!(dest_len, left_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len, right_len);
assert_eq!(dest_len % 2, 0);
let middle = dest_len / 2;
for i in 0..dest_len {
// `i` is the index in `dest`
// `j` is the index of the 2-item chunk in `src`
let (j, src) =
if i < middle { (i, &left) } else { (i.checked_sub(middle).unwrap(), &right) };
// `base_i` is the index of the first item of the 2-item chunk in `src`
let base_i = j.checked_mul(2).unwrap();
let lhs = this.read_immediate(&this.project_index(src, base_i)?)?;
let rhs = this.read_immediate(&this.project_index(src, base_i.checked_add(1).unwrap())?)?;
let res = if saturating {
Immediate::from(this.saturating_arith(which, &lhs, &rhs)?)
} else {
*this.wrapping_binary_op(which, &lhs, &rhs)?
this.write_immediate(res, &this.project_index(&dest, i)?)?;