[NDK] Remove old gdb build script

Test: build
Change-Id: If722b485870c9fce253237707e8f4d7a106dc215
diff --git a/build-gdb.sh b/build-gdb.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 9ced046..0000000
--- a/build-gdb.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Rebuild the host GDB binaries from sources.
-# include common function and variable definitions
-. "$NDK_BUILDTOOLS_PATH/prebuilt-common.sh"
-. "$NDK_BUILDTOOLS_PATH/common-build-host-funcs.sh"
-This program is used to rebuild one or more NDK gdb client programs from
-By default, the script rebuilds GDB for your host system [$HOST_TAG],
-but you can use --systems=<tag1>,<tag2>,.. to ask binaries that can run on
-several distinct systems. Each <tag> value in the list can be one of the
-   linux-x86
-   linux-x86_64
-   windows
-   windows-x86  (equivalent to 'windows')
-   windows-x86_64
-   darwin-x86
-   darwin-x86_64
-For example, here's how to rebuild the ARM toolchains on Linux
-for four different systems:
-  $PROGNAME --toolchain-src-dir=/path/to/toolchain/src \
-    --systems=linux-x86,linux-x86_64,windows,windows-x86_64 \
-    --arch=arm"
-register_var_option "--toolchain-src-dir=<path>" TOOLCHAIN_SRC_DIR "Select toolchain source directory"
-register_var_option "--gdb-version=<version>" GDB_VERSION "Select GDB version(s)."
-register_var_option "--build-dir=<path>" BUILD_DIR "Build GDB into directory"
-register_var_option "--python-version=<version>" PYTHON_VERSION "Python version."
-register_var_option "--python-build-dir=<path>" PYTHON_BUILD_DIR "Python build directory."
-register_var_option "--ndk-dir=<path>" NDK_DIR "Select NDK install directory."
-register_var_option "--package-dir=<path>" PACKAGE_DIR "Package prebuilt tarballs into directory."
-register_var_option "--arch=<list>" ARCHS "Build GDB client for these CPU architectures."
-extract_parameters "$@"
-if [ -n "$PARAMETERS" ]; then
-    panic "This script doesn't take parameters, only options. See --help"
-if [ -z "$TOOLCHAIN_SRC_DIR" ]; then
-    panic "Please use --toolchain-src-dir=<path> to select toolchain source directory."
-BH_HOST_SYSTEMS=$(commas_to_spaces $BH_HOST_SYSTEMS)
-# Sanity check for all GDB versions
-for VERSION in $(commas_to_spaces $GDB_VERSION); do
-    if [ ! -d "$GDB_SRCDIR" ]; then
-        panic "Missing source directory: $GDB_SRCDIR"
-    fi
-if [ -z "$BUILD_DIR" ] ; then
-    panic "--build-dir is required"
-if [ -z "$PYTHON_BUILD_DIR" ] ; then
-    panic "--python-build-dir is required"
-bh_setup_build_dir $BUILD_DIR
-# Sanity check that we have the right compilers for all hosts
-    bh_setup_build_for_host $SYSTEM
-# Return the build install directory of a given GDB version
-# $1: host system tag
-# $2: gdb version
-gdb_build_install_dir ()
-    echo "$BH_BUILD_DIR/install/$1/gdb-multiarch-$2"
-# $1: host system tag
-# $2: gdb version
-gdb_ndk_package_name ()
-    echo "gdb-multiarch-$2-$1"
-# Same as gdb_build_install_dir, but for the final NDK installation
-# directory. Relative to $NDK_DIR.
-# $1: gdb version
-gdb_ndk_install_dir ()
-    echo "host-tools/"
-python_build_install_dir ()
-    echo "$PYTHON_BUILD_DIR/$1/install/host-tools/"
-# $1: host system tag
-build_expat ()
-    local ARGS
-    local SRCDIR=$TOOLCHAIN_SRC_DIR/expat/expat-2.0.1
-    local BUILDDIR=$BH_BUILD_DIR/build-expat-2.0.1-$1
-    local INSTALLDIR=$BH_BUILD_DIR/install-host-$1
-    ARGS=" --prefix=$INSTALLDIR"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --disable-shared --enable-static"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --build=$BH_BUILD_CONFIG"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --host=$BH_HOST_CONFIG"
-    TEXT="$(bh_host_text) expat:"
-    mkdir -p "$BUILDDIR" && rm -rf "$BUILDDIR"/* &&
-    cd "$BUILDDIR" &&
-    dump "$TEXT Building"
-    run "$SRCDIR"/configure $ARGS &&
-    run make -j$NUM_JOBS &&
-    run make -j$NUM_JOBS install
-# $1: host system tag
-build_lzma ()
-    local ARGS
-    local BUILDDIR=$BH_BUILD_DIR/build-xz-$1
-    local INSTALLDIR=$BH_BUILD_DIR/install-host-$1
-    ARGS=" --prefix=$INSTALLDIR"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --disable-shared --enable-static"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --disable-xz --disable-xzdec --disable-lzmadec --disable-scripts --disable-doc"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --build=$BH_BUILD_CONFIG"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --host=$BH_HOST_CONFIG"
-    TEXT="$(bh_host_text) lzma:"
-    mkdir -p "$BUILDDIR" && rm -rf "$BUILDDIR"/* &&
-    cd "$BUILDDIR" &&
-    dump "$TEXT Building"
-    # HACK: git doesn't keep track of file modification date, so autoconf will sometimes (usually?)
-    # want to regenerate itself. Trick it into not doing so by touching all of the source files.
-    case "$BH_BUILD_CONFIG" in
-      *darwin*)
-        # Darwin's touch sucks.
-        run find $SRCDIR -exec touch -t 197001010000 {} +
-        ;;
-      *)
-        run find $SRCDIR -exec touch -d "`date`" {} +
-        ;;
-    esac
-    run "$SRCDIR"/configure $ARGS &&
-    run make -j$NUM_JOBS &&
-    run make -j$NUM_JOBS install
-# $1: host system tag
-# $2: gdb version
-# ${@:3}: target tags
-build_host_gdb ()
-    local SRCDIR=$TOOLCHAIN_SRC_DIR/gdb/gdb-$2
-    local BUILDDIR=$BH_BUILD_DIR/build-gdb-$1-multiarch-$2
-    local INSTALLDIR=$(gdb_build_install_dir $1 $2)
-    local ARGS TEXT
-    if [ ! -f "$SRCDIR/configure" ]; then
-        panic "Missing configure script in $SRCDIR"
-    fi
-    bh_setup_host_env
-    local TARGETS="$(bh_tag_to_config_triplet $1)"
-    for ARCH in ${@:3}; do
-        TARGETS="$TARGETS,$(bh_tag_to_config_triplet android-$ARCH)"
-    done
-    build_expat $1
-    local EXPATPREFIX=$BH_BUILD_DIR/install-host-$1
-    ARGS=" --prefix=$INSTALLDIR"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --disable-shared"
-    case "$BH_BUILD_CONFIG" in
-        # For some reason, multiarch + darwin doesn't build a gdb binary when
-        # --build or --host are specified.
-        *darwin*)
-            ;;
-        *)
-            ARGS=$ARGS" --build=$BH_BUILD_CONFIG"
-            ARGS=$ARGS" --host=$BH_HOST_CONFIG"
-            ;;
-    esac
-    case "$1" in
-      *windows)
-        # The liblzma build fails when targeting windows32, for some reason.
-        ;;
-      *)
-        build_lzma $1
-        local LZMAPREFIX=$BH_BUILD_DIR/install-host-$1
-        ARGS=$ARGS" --with-lzma"
-        ARGS=$ARGS" --with-liblzma-prefix=$LZMAPREFIX"
-        ;;
-    esac
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --enable-targets=$TARGETS"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --disable-werror"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --disable-nls"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --disable-docs"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --with-expat"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --with-libexpat-prefix=$EXPATPREFIX"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --without-mpc"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --without-mpfr"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --without-gmp"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --without-cloog"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --without-isl"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --disable-sim"
-    ARGS=$ARGS" --enable-gdbserver=no"
-    if [ -n "$PYTHON_VERSION" ]; then
-        ARGS=$ARGS" --with-python=$(python_build_install_dir $1)/bin/python-config.sh"
-        if [ $1 = windows-x86 -o $1 = windows-x86_64 ]; then
-            # This is necessary for the Python integration to build.
-        fi
-    fi
-    TEXT="$(bh_host_text) gdb-multiarch-$2:"
-    mkdir -p "$BUILDDIR" && rm -rf "$BUILDDIR"/* &&
-    cd "$BUILDDIR" &&
-    dump "$TEXT Building"
-    run "$SRCDIR"/configure $ARGS &&
-    run make -j$NUM_JOBS &&
-    run make -j$NUM_JOBS install
-    fail_panic "Failed to configure/make/install gdb"
-# Install host GDB binaries and support files to the NDK install dir.
-# $1: host tag
-# $2: gdb version
-# ${@:3}: target tags
-install_host_gdb ()
-    local SRCDIR="$(gdb_build_install_dir $1 $2)"
-    local DSTDIR="$INSTALL_DIR/$(gdb_ndk_install_dir $1)"
-    local PYDIR="$INSTALL_DIR/$(python_ndk_install_dir $1)"
-    build_host_gdb $@
-    dump "$(bh_host_text) gdb-multiarch-$2: Installing"
-    run copy_directory "$SRCDIR/bin" "$DSTDIR/bin"
-    if [ -d "$SRCDIR/share/gdb" ]; then
-        run copy_directory "$SRCDIR/share/gdb" "$DSTDIR/share/gdb"
-    fi
-    # build the gdb stub and replace gdb with it. This is done post-install
-    # so files are in the correct place when determining the relative path.
-    dump "$(bh_host_text) Generating gdb-stub..."
-    case "$1" in
-        windows*)
-            GCC_FOR_STUB=${BH_HOST_CONFIG}-gcc
-            GCC_FOR_STUB_TARGET=`$GCC_FOR_STUB -dumpmachine`
-            if [ "$GCC_FOR_STUB_TARGET" = "i586-mingw32msvc" ]; then
-                GCC_FOR_STUB=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc
-                dump "Override compiler for gdb-stub: $GCC_FOR_STUB"
-            fi
-            run $NDK_BUILDTOOLS_PATH/build-gdb-stub.sh \
-                --gdb-executable-path=${DSTDIR}/bin/gdb.exe \
-                --python-prefix-dir=${PYDIR} \
-                --mingw-w64-gcc=${GCC_FOR_STUB}
-            fail_panic "Failed to build gdb-stub"
-            ;;
-        *)
-            # Generate a script which sets PYTHONHOME
-            GDB_PATH=${DSTDIR}/bin/gdb
-            mv "$GDB_PATH" "$GDB_PATH"-orig
-            cat > "$GDB_PATH" << EOF
-GDBDIR=\$(cd \$(dirname \$0) && pwd)
-PYTHONHOME="\$GDBDIR/.." "\$GDBDIR/gdb-orig" "\$@"
-            chmod 755 $GDB_PATH
-            ;;
-    esac
-    dump "$(bh_host_text) Done generating gdb-stub."
-# Package host GDB binaries into a tarball
-# $1: host tag
-# $2: gdb version
-# ${@:3}: target tags
-package_host_gdb ()
-    local SRCDIR="$(gdb_ndk_install_dir $1)"
-    local PACKAGENAME=$(gdb_ndk_package_name $1 $2).tar.bz2
-    dump "$(bh_host_text) $PACKAGENAME: Packaging"
-    run pack_archive "$PACKAGE" "$INSTALL_DIR" "$SRCDIR"
-    fail_panic "Failed to package GDB!"
-GDB_VERSION=$(commas_to_spaces $GDB_VERSION)
-ARCHS=$(commas_to_spaces $ARCHS)
-# Let's build this
-    bh_setup_build_for_host $SYSTEM
-    for VERSION in $GDB_VERSION; do
-        install_host_gdb $SYSTEM $VERSION $ARCHS
-    done
-if [ "$PACKAGE_DIR" ]; then
-    for SYSTEM in $BH_HOST_SYSTEMS; do
-        bh_setup_build_for_host $SYSTEM
-        for VERSION in $GDB_VERSION; do
-            bh_do package_host_gdb $SYSTEM $VERSION $ARCHS
-        done
-    done
diff --git a/build.py b/build.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 6746253..0000000
--- a/build.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Builds GDB for Android."""
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os
-import site
-site.addsitedir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../ndk/build/lib'))
-import build_support  # pylint: disable=import-error,wrong-import-position
-def main(args):
-    # Always build all architectures for gdb, since we're building multiarch
-    arches = build_support.ALL_ARCHITECTURES
-    toolchain_src_arg = '--toolchain-src-dir={}'.format(
-        build_support.toolchain_path())
-    ndk_dir_arg = '--ndk-dir={}'.format(build_support.ndk_path())
-    arch_arg = '--arch={}'.format(','.join(arches))
-    systems_arg = f'--systems={build_support.host_to_tag(args.host)}'
-    build_cmd = [
-        'bash', 'build-gdb.sh', toolchain_src_arg, ndk_dir_arg, arch_arg,
-        systems_arg, build_support.jobs_arg(),
-    ]
-    build_cmd.append('--build-dir=' + os.path.join(args.out_dir, 'gdb'))
-    build_cmd.append(
-        '--python-build-dir=' + os.path.join(args.out_dir, 'python'))
-    print('Building {} gdb: {}'.format(args.host.value, ' '.join(arches)))
-    print(' '.join(build_cmd))
-    build_support.build(build_cmd, args, intermediate_package=True)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    build_support.run(main)