blob: c1071816ae03e404588c04e91b5cd018e58c5a96 [file] [log] [blame]
# cargo-deny is really only ever intended to run on the "normal" tier-1 targets
targets = [
all-features = true
version = 2
ignore = [
{ id = "RUSTSEC-2022-0092", reason = "askalono always provides valid utf-8 files from a cache, this is not relevant" },
multiple-versions = "deny"
wildcards = 'deny'
deny = [
{ crate = "git2", use-instead = "gix" },
{ crate = "openssl", use-instead = "rustls" },
{ crate = "openssl-sys", use-instead = "rustls" },
{ crate = "cmake", use-instead = "cc" },
{ crate = "windows", reason = "bloated and unnecessary", use-instead = "ideally inline bindings, practically, windows-sys" },
skip = [
{ crate = "bitflags@1.3.2", reason = " should be in the next version" },
{ crate = "winnow@0.5.40", reason = "gix 0.59 was yanked, see" },
{ crate = "heck@0.4.1", reason = "strum_macros uses this old version" },
skip-tree = [
{ crate = "windows-sys@0.48.0", reason = "a foundational crate for many that bumps far too frequently to ever have a shared version" },
unknown-registry = "deny"
unknown-git = "deny"
version = 2
# We want really high confidence when inferring licenses from text
confidence-threshold = 0.93
allow = [
"Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception",
exceptions = [
# Use exceptions for these as they only have a single user
{ allow = ["Zlib"], crate = "tinyvec" },
{ allow = ["Unicode-DFS-2016"], crate = "unicode-ident" },
{ allow = ["OpenSSL"], crate = "ring" },
# Sigh
crate = "ring"
# SPDX considers OpenSSL to encompass both the OpenSSL and SSLeay licenses
# ISC - Both BoringSSL and ring use this for their new files
# MIT - "Files in third_party/ have their own licenses, as described therein. The MIT
# license, for third_party/fiat, which, unlike other third_party directories, is
# compiled into non-test libraries, is included below."
# OpenSSL - Obviously
expression = "ISC AND MIT AND OpenSSL"
license-files = [{ path = "LICENSE", hash = 0xbd0eed23 }]
crate = "webpki"
expression = "ISC"
license-files = [{ path = "LICENSE", hash = 0x001c7e6c }]
# Actually "ISC-style"
crate = "rustls-webpki"
expression = "ISC"
license-files = [{ path = "LICENSE", hash = 0x001c7e6c }]