blob: dff808f9c7fbfd6fcf6df632fca9761bad022648 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
UI_Name=Wireless Device Name:
UI_Timeout=Timeout (sec):
UI_RemoteDeviceWizardPage_WizardName=New Android Remote Device Wizard
UI_RemoteDeviceWizardPage_Title=New Android Remote Device
UI_RemoteDeviceWizardPage_Description=Enter Android remote device instance information
UI_WirelessWizard_Name=Switch Connection Mode Wizard
UI_WirelessInformationPage_Title=Switch to TCP/IP connection mode
UI_WirelessInformationPage_Description=Check the information provided below
USBModeServiceHandler_2=Problems trying to retrieve handset's OS version.
USBModeServiceHandler_MsgItWasNotPossibleToSwitchDeviceToUSBMode=It was not possible to switch the device {0} connection mode to USB.
USBModeServiceHandler_MsgItWasNotPossibleToSwitchToUSBMode=It was not possible to switch the android device {0} connection mode to USB.
USBModeServiceHandler_MsgStartingProcessOfSwitchingToUSBMode=Starting process of switching to USB connection mode...
USBModeServiceHandler_MsgSuccess=The remote device {0} had its connection mode switched to USB. Plug the device in to access it.
USBModeServiceHandler_MsgSwithcingTCPToUSB=Switching remote device connection mode from TCP/IP to USB...
USBModeServiceHandler_MsgUnableToSwitchToUSBDueToSDKVersion=Unable to switch to USB connection mode on handsets with Android OS version lower than 2.1.
ERR_WirelessDeviceWizardPage_Name=Invalid device name. The name cannot be empty.
ERR_RemoteDeviceWizardPage_IP=Invalid IP. Enter an IP address in the format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.
ERR_RemoteDeviceWizardPage_Port=Invalid port number. Enter a positive integer.
ERR_RemoteDeviceWizardPage_Timeout=Invalid timeout value. Enter a positive integer.
ERR_RemoteDeviceWizardPage_Duplicated=Duplicate entry. The "{0}" Android remote device has the same host and port.
ERR_RemoteDeviceWizardPage_WirelessDuplicated=The "{0}" remote device has the same host and port as those entered here. If you click Finish this remote device will be used for the wireless connection.
QUESTION_ConnectedRemoteDevicesOnClose_Title=Connected Android Virtual Devices
QUESTION_ConnectedRemoteDevicesOnClose_Text=There are connected Android remote devices. Do you want to disconnect them?
ERR_ConnectToRemote_AdbStart=Could not start ADB connect command
ERR_DisconnectToRemote_AdbStart=Could not start ADB disconnect command
SwitchFromUSBAndConnectToWirelessRunnable_ConnectingToWifiDevice=Trying to connect to the device via wireless.
SwitchFromUSBAndConnectToWirelessRunnable_CreatingRemoteDeviceInstance=Creating remote device instance...
SwitchFromUSBAndConnectToWirelessRunnable_MsgCreatingWirelessRemoteDevice=Creating wireless remote device...
SwitchFromUSBAndConnectToWirelessRunnable_MsgNotPossibleToConvertUSBToTCPIP=It was not possible to switch the device connection mode from USB to TCP/IP.
WirelessPropertiesComposite_MsgPortNumberEqualOrHigherThan=The port number must be equal to or greater than {0} and equal to or lesser than {1}.
WirelessServiceHandler_MsgLaunchingWirelessConnection=Launching Wireless Connection Mode wizard...
WirelessServiceHandler_MsgPingingIPAddress=Trying to reach IP address...
WirelessServiceHandler_MsgRetrievingDeviceIPNumber=Retrieving wireless IP address from the device...
WirelessWizard_MsgErrorProblemsSwitchingDeviceToTCPIP=Problems switching connection mode to TCP/IP. This may have happened due to the following reasons:\n\n - The wireless connection in your computer or device may be offline.\n - You probably need root permissions to execute this operation on your device.\n - The configured port may already be in use.\n - Your network may be slow: increase the timeout value.
WirelessWizard_TitleWirelessConnectionModeWizard=Wireless Connection Mode Wizard
WirelessWizard_WirelessDeviceCreatedSuccessfully=The device connection mode was successfully switched to TCP/IP. Unplug the device from the USB port and use the newly created remote device.
ERR_WirelessWizard_Reach_IP=Unable to reach the IP address {0}.
ERR_WirelessWizard_No_IP=Unable to retrieve the wireless IP address from your device. Check its wireless configurations.
ERR_WirelessWizard_NOT_VALID_SDK=It is not possible to switch to TCP/IP connection mode on handsets with OS version lower than 2.1.
Title_ReturningToUSBConnectionDialog=USB Connection mode