blob: f7fac63491355bbc19fc4d58a52fa0b2d560457e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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package com.intellij.refactoring.util;
import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
import com.intellij.psi.*;
import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiUtil;
import com.intellij.util.Function;
import com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException;
import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil;
import com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author dsl
public class CanonicalTypes {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.refactoring.util.CanonicalTypes");
private CanonicalTypes() { }
public abstract static class Type {
public abstract PsiType getType(PsiElement context, final PsiManager manager) throws IncorrectOperationException;
public abstract String getTypeText();
public abstract void addImportsTo(final JavaCodeFragment codeFragment);
public boolean isValid() {
return true;
private static class Primitive extends Type {
private final PsiPrimitiveType myType;
private Primitive(PsiPrimitiveType type) {
myType = type;
public PsiType getType(PsiElement context, final PsiManager manager) {
return myType;
public String getTypeText() {
return myType.getPresentableText();
public void addImportsTo(final JavaCodeFragment codeFragment) {}
private static class Array extends Type {
private final Type myComponentType;
private Array(Type componentType) {
myComponentType = componentType;
public PsiType getType(PsiElement context, final PsiManager manager) throws IncorrectOperationException {
return myComponentType.getType(context, manager).createArrayType();
public String getTypeText() {
return myComponentType.getTypeText() + "[]";
public void addImportsTo(final JavaCodeFragment codeFragment) {
public boolean isValid() {
return myComponentType.isValid();
private static class Ellipsis extends Type {
private final Type myComponentType;
private Ellipsis(Type componentType) {
myComponentType = componentType;
public PsiType getType(PsiElement context, final PsiManager manager) throws IncorrectOperationException {
return new PsiEllipsisType(myComponentType.getType(context, manager));
public String getTypeText() {
return myComponentType.getTypeText() + "...";
public void addImportsTo(final JavaCodeFragment codeFragment) {
public boolean isValid() {
return myComponentType.isValid();
private static class WildcardType extends Type {
private final boolean myIsExtending;
private final Type myBound;
private WildcardType(boolean isExtending, Type bound) {
myIsExtending = isExtending;
myBound = bound;
public PsiType getType(PsiElement context, final PsiManager manager) throws IncorrectOperationException {
if(myBound == null) return PsiWildcardType.createUnbounded(context.getManager());
if (myIsExtending) {
return PsiWildcardType.createExtends(context.getManager(), myBound.getType(context, manager));
else {
return PsiWildcardType.createSuper(context.getManager(), myBound.getType(context, manager));
public String getTypeText() {
if (myBound == null) return "?";
return "? " + (myIsExtending ? "extends " : "super ") + myBound.getTypeText();
public void addImportsTo(final JavaCodeFragment codeFragment) {
if (myBound != null) myBound.addImportsTo(codeFragment);
public boolean isValid() {
return myBound == null || myBound.isValid();
private static class WrongType extends Type {
private final String myText;
private WrongType(String text) {
myText = text;
public PsiType getType(PsiElement context, final PsiManager manager) throws IncorrectOperationException {
return JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(context.getProject()).getElementFactory().createTypeFromText(myText, context);
public String getTypeText() {
return myText;
public void addImportsTo(final JavaCodeFragment codeFragment) {}
public boolean isValid() {
return false;
private static class ClassType extends Type {
private final String myOriginalText;
private final String myClassQName;
private final Map<String,Type> mySubstitutor;
private ClassType(String originalText, String classQName, Map<String, Type> substitutor) {
myOriginalText = originalText;
myClassQName = classQName;
mySubstitutor = substitutor;
public PsiType getType(PsiElement context, final PsiManager manager) throws IncorrectOperationException {
final JavaPsiFacade facade = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(manager.getProject());
final PsiElementFactory factory = facade.getElementFactory();
final PsiResolveHelper resolveHelper = facade.getResolveHelper();
final PsiClass aClass = resolveHelper.resolveReferencedClass(myClassQName, context);
if (aClass == null) {
return factory.createTypeFromText(myClassQName, context);
Map<PsiTypeParameter, PsiType> substitutionMap = new HashMap<PsiTypeParameter,PsiType>();
for (PsiTypeParameter typeParameter : PsiUtil.typeParametersIterable(aClass)) {
final String name = typeParameter.getName();
final Type type = mySubstitutor.get(name);
if (type != null) {
substitutionMap.put(typeParameter, type.getType(context, manager));
} else {
substitutionMap.put(typeParameter, null);
return factory.createType(aClass, factory.createSubstitutor(substitutionMap));
public String getTypeText() {
return myOriginalText;
public void addImportsTo(final JavaCodeFragment codeFragment) {
final Collection<Type> types = mySubstitutor.values();
for (Type type : types) {
if (type != null) {
private static class DisjunctionType extends Type {
private final List<Type> myTypes;
private DisjunctionType(final List<Type> types) {
myTypes = types;
public PsiType getType(final PsiElement context, final PsiManager manager) throws IncorrectOperationException {
final List<PsiType> types =, new Function<Type, PsiType>() {
@Override public PsiType fun(Type type) { return type.getType(context, manager); }
return new PsiDisjunctionType(types, manager);
public String getTypeText() {
return StringUtil.join(myTypes, new Function<Type, String>() {
@Override public String fun(Type type) { return type.getTypeText(); }
}, "|");
public void addImportsTo(final JavaCodeFragment codeFragment) {
for (Type type : myTypes) {
private static class Creator extends PsiTypeVisitor<Type> {
public static final Creator INSTANCE = new Creator();
public Type visitPrimitiveType(final PsiPrimitiveType primitiveType) {
return new Primitive(primitiveType);
public Type visitEllipsisType(final PsiEllipsisType ellipsisType) {
return new Ellipsis(ellipsisType.getComponentType().accept(this));
public Type visitArrayType(final PsiArrayType arrayType) {
return new Array(arrayType.getComponentType().accept(this));
public Type visitWildcardType(final PsiWildcardType wildcardType) {
final PsiType wildcardBound = wildcardType.getBound();
final Type bound = wildcardBound == null ? null : wildcardBound.accept(this);
return new WildcardType(wildcardType.isExtends(), bound);
public Type visitClassType(final PsiClassType classType) {
final PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult resolveResult = classType.resolveGenerics();
final PsiClass aClass = resolveResult.getElement();
if (aClass instanceof PsiAnonymousClass) {
return visitClassType(((PsiAnonymousClass)aClass).getBaseClassType());
final String originalText = classType.getPresentableText();
if (aClass == null) {
return new WrongType(originalText);
} else {
final Map<String,Type> substitutionMap = new HashMap<String,Type>();
final PsiSubstitutor substitutor = resolveResult.getSubstitutor();
for (PsiTypeParameter typeParameter : PsiUtil.typeParametersIterable(aClass)) {
final PsiType type = substitutor.substitute(typeParameter);
final String name = typeParameter.getName();
if (type == null) {
substitutionMap.put(name, null);
} else {
substitutionMap.put(name, type.accept(this));
final String qualifiedName = aClass.getQualifiedName();
LOG.assertTrue(aClass.getName() != null);
return new ClassType(originalText, qualifiedName != null ? qualifiedName : aClass.getName(), substitutionMap);
public Type visitDisjunctionType(final PsiDisjunctionType disjunctionType) {
final List<Type> types =, new Function<PsiType, Type>() {
@Override public Type fun(PsiType type) { return createTypeWrapper(type); }
return new DisjunctionType(types);
public static Type createTypeWrapper(@NotNull final PsiType type) {
return type.accept(Creator.INSTANCE);