blob: 8891466c798a80d91cc518b889757739fb848972 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "shill/dbus_proxies/supplicant-interface.h"
#include "shill/event_dispatcher.h"
#include "shill/key_value_store.h"
#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
#include "shill/service.h"
namespace shill {
class CertificateFile;
class ControlInterface;
class EventDispatcher;
class Error;
class Manager;
class Metrics;
class WiFiProvider;
class WiFiService : public Service {
// TODO(pstew): Storage constants shouldn't need to be public
static const char kStorageHiddenSSID[];
static const char kStorageMode[];
static const char kStoragePassphrase[];
static const char kStorageSecurity[];
static const char kStorageSecurityClass[];
static const char kStorageSSID[];
static const char kStoragePreferredDevice[];
static const char kStorageRoamThreshold[];
static const char kStorageRoamThresholdSet[];
WiFiService(ControlInterface* control_interface,
EventDispatcher* dispatcher,
Metrics* metrics,
Manager* manager,
WiFiProvider* provider,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& ssid,
const std::string& mode,
const std::string& security,
bool hidden_ssid);
// Inherited from Service.
void Connect(Error* error, const char* reason) override;
void Disconnect(Error* error, const char* reason) override;
bool Is8021x() const override;
virtual void AddEndpoint(const WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr& endpoint);
virtual void RemoveEndpoint(const WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr& endpoint);
virtual int GetEndpointCount() const { return endpoints_.size(); }
// Called to update the identity of the currently connected endpoint.
// To indicate that there is no currently connect endpoint, call with
// |endpoint| set to nullptr.
virtual void NotifyCurrentEndpoint(const WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr& endpoint);
// Called to inform of changes in the properties of an endpoint.
// (Not necessarily the currently connected endpoint.)
virtual void NotifyEndpointUpdated(const WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr& endpoint);
// wifi_<MAC>_<BSSID>_<mode_string>_<security_string>
std::string GetStorageIdentifier() const override;
static bool ParseStorageIdentifier(const std::string& storage_name,
std::string* address,
std::string* mode,
std::string* security);
// Iterate over |storage| looking for WiFi servces with "old-style"
// properties that don't include explicit type/mode/security, and add
// these properties. Returns true if any entries were fixed.
static bool FixupServiceEntries(StoreInterface* storage);
// Validate |mode| against all valid and supported service modes.
static bool IsValidMode(const std::string& mode);
// Validate |method| against all valid and supported security methods.
static bool IsValidSecurityMethod(const std::string& method);
// Validate |security_class| against all valid and supported
// security classes.
static bool IsValidSecurityClass(const std::string& security_class);
const std::string& mode() const { return mode_; }
const std::string& key_management() const { return GetEAPKeyManagement(); }
const std::vector<uint8_t>& ssid() const { return ssid_; }
const std::string& bssid() const { return bssid_; }
const std::vector<uint16_t>& frequency_list() const {
return frequency_list_;
uint16_t physical_mode() const { return physical_mode_; }
uint16_t frequency() const { return frequency_; }
// WiFi services can load from profile entries other than their current
// storage identifier. Override the methods from the parent Service
// class which pertain to whether this service may be loaded from |storage|.
std::string GetLoadableStorageIdentifier(
const StoreInterface& storage) const override;
bool IsLoadableFrom(const StoreInterface& storage) const override;
// Override Load and Save from parent Service class. We will call
// the parent method.
bool Load(StoreInterface* storage) override;
bool Save(StoreInterface* storage) override;
bool Unload() override;
// Override SetState from parent Service class. We will call the
// parent method.
void SetState(ConnectState state) override;
virtual bool HasEndpoints() const { return !endpoints_.empty(); }
bool IsVisible() const override;
bool IsSecurityMatch(const std::string& security) const;
// Used by WiFi objects to indicate that the credentials for this network
// have been called into question. This method returns true if given this
// suspicion, if it is probable that indeed these credentials are likely
// to be incorrect. Credentials that have never been used before are
// considered suspect by default, while those which have been used
// successfully in the past must have this method called a number of times
// since the last time ResetSuspectedCredentialsFailures() was called.
virtual bool AddSuspectedCredentialFailure();
virtual void ResetSuspectedCredentialFailures();
bool hidden_ssid() const { return hidden_ssid_; }
bool ieee80211w_required() const { return ieee80211w_required_; }
void InitializeCustomMetrics() const;
void SendPostReadyStateMetrics(
int64_t time_resume_to_ready_milliseconds) const override;
// Clear any cached credentials stored in wpa_supplicant related to |this|.
// This will disconnect this service if it is currently connected.
void ClearCachedCredentials();
// Override from parent Service class to correctly update connectability
// when the EAP credentials change for 802.1x networks.
void OnEapCredentialsChanged(
Service::UpdateCredentialsReason reason) override;
// Called by WiFiService to reset state associated with prior success
// of a connection with particular EAP credentials or a passphrase.
void OnCredentialChange(Service::UpdateCredentialsReason reason);
// Override from parent Service class to register hidden services once they
// have been configured.
void OnProfileConfigured() override;
// Called by WiFiProvider to reset the WiFi device reference on shutdown.
virtual void ResetWiFi();
// Called by WiFi to retrieve configuration parameters for wpa_supplicant.
virtual KeyValueStore GetSupplicantConfigurationParameters() const;
// "wpa", "rsn" and "psk" are equivalent from a configuration perspective.
// This function maps them all into "psk".
static std::string ComputeSecurityClass(const std::string& security);
bool IsAutoConnectable(const char** reason) const override;
// Signal level in dBm. If no current endpoint, returns
// std::numeric_limits<int>::min().
int16_t SignalLevel() const;
void set_expecting_disconnect(bool val) { expecting_disconnect_ = val; }
bool expecting_disconnect() const { return expecting_disconnect_; }
uint16_t roam_threshold_db() { return roam_threshold_db_; }
bool roam_threshold_db_set() { return roam_threshold_db_set_; }
void SetEAPKeyManagement(const std::string& key_management) override;
std::string GetTethering(Error* error) const override;
friend class WiFiServiceSecurityTest;
friend class WiFiServiceTest; // SetPassphrase
friend class WiFiServiceUpdateFromEndpointsTest; // SignalToStrength
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsTest, WiFiServicePostReady);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsTest, WiFiServicePostReadyAdHoc);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsTest, WiFiServicePostReadyEAP);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiMainTest, CurrentBSSChangedUpdateServiceEndpoint);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiMainTest, RoamThresholdProperty);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiProviderTest, OnEndpointAddedWithSecurity); // security_
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, AutoConnect);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, ClearWriteOnlyDerivedProperty); // passphrase_
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, ComputeCipher8021x);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, ConnectTask8021x);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, ConnectTaskDynamicWEP);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, ConnectTaskPSK);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, ConnectTaskRSN);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, ConnectTaskWEP);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, ConnectTaskWPA);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, ConnectTaskWPA80211w);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, GetTethering);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, IsAutoConnectable);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, LoadHidden);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, SetPassphraseForNonPassphraseService);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, LoadAndUnloadPassphrase);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, LoadPassphraseClearCredentials);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, SecurityFromCurrentEndpoint); // GetSecurity
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, SetPassphraseResetHasEverConnected);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, SetPassphraseRemovesCachedCredentials);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, SignalToStrength); // SignalToStrength
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, SuspectedCredentialFailure);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, UpdateSecurity); // SetEAPKeyManagement
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, ConnectWithPreferredDevice);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, ConfigurePreferredDevice);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, LoadAndUnloadPreferredDevice);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, ChooseDevice);
FRIEND_TEST(WiFiServiceTest, SaveLoadRoamThreshold);
static const char kAutoConnNoEndpoint[];
static const char kAnyDeviceAddress[];
static const int kSuspectedCredentialFailureThreshold;
// Override the base clase implementation, because we need to allow
// arguments that aren't base class methods.
void HelpRegisterConstDerivedString(
const std::string& name,
std::string(WiFiService::*get)(Error* error));
void HelpRegisterDerivedString(
const std::string& name,
std::string(WiFiService::*get)(Error* error),
bool(WiFiService::*set)(const std::string& value, Error* error));
void HelpRegisterWriteOnlyDerivedString(
const std::string& name,
bool(WiFiService::*set)(const std::string& value, Error* error),
void(WiFiService::*clear)(Error* error),
const std::string* default_value);
void HelpRegisterDerivedUint16(
const std::string& name,
uint16_t(WiFiService::*get)(Error* error),
bool(WiFiService::*set)(const uint16_t& value, Error* error),
void(WiFiService::*clear)(Error* error));
std::string GetDeviceRpcId(Error* error) const override;
void ClearPassphrase(Error* error);
void UpdateConnectable();
void UpdateFromEndpoints();
void UpdateSecurity();
static CryptoAlgorithm ComputeCipher8021x(
const std::set<WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr>& endpoints);
static void ValidateWEPPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase,
Error* error);
static void ValidateWPAPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase,
Error* error);
static void ParseWEPPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase,
int* key_index,
std::vector<uint8_t>* password_bytes,
Error* error);
static bool CheckWEPIsHex(const std::string& passphrase, Error* error);
static bool CheckWEPKeyIndex(const std::string& passphrase, Error* error);
static bool CheckWEPPrefix(const std::string& passphrase, Error* error);
// Maps a signal value, in dBm, to a "strength" value, from
// |Service::kStrengthMin| to |Service:kStrengthMax|.
static uint8_t SignalToStrength(int16_t signal_dbm);
// Create a default group name for this WiFi service.
std::string GetDefaultStorageIdentifier() const;
// Return the security of this service. If connected, the security
// reported from the currently connected endpoint is returned. Otherwise
// the configured security for the service is returned.
std::string GetSecurity(Error* error);
// Return the security class of this service. If connected, the
// security class of the currently connected endpoint is returned.
// Otherwise the configured security class for the service is
// returned.
// See also: ComputeSecurityClass.
std::string GetSecurityClass(Error* error);
// Profile data for a WPA/RSN service can be stored under a number of
// different security types. These functions create different storage
// property lists based on whether they are saved with their generic
// "psk" name or if they use the (legacy) specific "wpa" or "rsn" names.
KeyValueStore GetStorageProperties() const;
// Called from DBus and during Load to validate and apply a passphrase for
// this service. If the passphrase is successfully changed, UpdateConnectable
// and OnCredentialChange are both called and the method returns true. This
// method will return false if the passphrase cannot be set. If the
// passphrase is already set to the value of |passphrase|, this method will
// return false. If it is due to an error, |error| will be populated with the
// appropriate information.
bool SetPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase, Error* error);
// Called by SetPassphrase and LoadPassphrase to perform the check on a
// passphrase change. |passphrase| is the new passphrase to be used for the
// service. If the new passphrase is not different from the existing
// passphrase, SetPassphraseInternal will return false. |reason| signals how
// the SetPassphraseInternal method was triggered. If the method was called
// from Load, the has_ever_connected flag will not be reset. If the method
// was called from SetPassphrase, has_ever_connected will be set to false.
bool SetPassphraseInternal(const std::string& passphrase,
Service::UpdateCredentialsReason reason);
// Select a WiFi device (e.g, for connecting a hidden service with no
// endpoints).
WiFiRefPtr ChooseDevice();
std::string GetPreferredDevice(Error* error);
// Called from DBus and during load to apply the preferred device for this
// service.
bool SetPreferredDevice(const std::string& device_name, Error* error);
void SetWiFi(const WiFiRefPtr& new_wifi);
// This method can't be 'const' because it is passed to
// HelpRegisterDerivedUint16, which doesn't take const methods.
uint16_t GetRoamThreshold(Error* error) /*const*/;
bool SetRoamThreshold(const uint16_t& threshold, Error* error);
void ClearRoamThreshold(Error* error);
// Properties
std::string passphrase_;
bool need_passphrase_;
const std::string security_;
// TODO(cmasone): see if the below can be pulled from the endpoint associated
// with this service instead.
const std::string mode_;
std::string auth_mode_;
bool hidden_ssid_;
uint16_t frequency_;
std::vector<uint16_t> frequency_list_;
uint16_t physical_mode_;
// Preferred device to use for connecting to this service.
std::string preferred_device_;
// The raw dBm signal strength from the associated endpoint.
int16_t raw_signal_strength_;
std::string hex_ssid_;
std::string storage_identifier_;
std::string bssid_;
Stringmap vendor_information_;
// The country code reported by the current endpoint.
std::string country_code_;
// If |security_| == kSecurity8021x, the crypto algorithm being used.
// (Otherwise, crypto algorithm is implied by |security_|.)
CryptoAlgorithm cipher_8021x_;
// Track the number of consecutive times our current credentials have
// been called into question.
int suspected_credential_failures_;
// Track whether or not we've warned about large signal values.
// Used to avoid spamming the log.
static bool logged_signal_warning;
WiFiRefPtr wifi_;
std::set<WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr> endpoints_;
WiFiEndpointConstRefPtr current_endpoint_;
const std::vector<uint8_t> ssid_;
// Track whether IEEE 802.11w (Protected Management Frame) support is
// mandated by one or more endpoints we have seen that provide this service.
bool ieee80211w_required_;
// Flag indicating if service disconnect is initiated by user for
// connecting to other service.
bool expecting_disconnect_;
std::unique_ptr<CertificateFile> certificate_file_;
uint16_t roam_threshold_db_;
bool roam_threshold_db_set_;
// Bare pointer is safe because WiFi service instances are owned by
// the WiFiProvider and are guaranteed to be deallocated by the time
// the WiFiProvider is.
WiFiProvider* provider_;
} // namespace shill