blob: f152e7f55ce27547ded9b31d157f0d0f7fa0e537 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file is tested when running "go test -run Manual"
// without source arguments. Use for one-off debugging.
package p
type T1 interface{ M() }
func F1() T1
var _ = F1().(*X1 /* ERROR undeclared name: X1 */)
func _() {
switch F1().(type) {
case *X1 /* ERROR undeclared name: X1 */ :
type T2 interface{ M() }
func F2() T2
var _ = F2(). /* ERROR impossible type assertion: F2\(\).\(\*X2\)\n\t\*X2 does not implement T2 \(missing method M\) */ (*X2)
type X2 struct{}
func _() {
switch F2().(type) {
case * /* ERROR impossible type switch case: \*X2\n\tF2\(\) \(value of type T2\) cannot have dynamic type \*X2 \(missing method M\) */ X2: