blob: b227b67e289229ff343c5e99693fbb24c040981b [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- UnixSignals.h -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "lldb/Utility/ConstString.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
#include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
namespace lldb_private {
class UnixSignals {
static lldb::UnixSignalsSP Create(const ArchSpec &arch);
static lldb::UnixSignalsSP CreateForHost();
// Constructors and Destructors
virtual ~UnixSignals();
llvm::StringRef GetSignalAsStringRef(int32_t signo) const;
GetSignalDescription(int32_t signo,
std::optional<int32_t> code = std::nullopt,
std::optional<lldb::addr_t> addr = std::nullopt,
std::optional<lldb::addr_t> lower = std::nullopt,
std::optional<lldb::addr_t> upper = std::nullopt) const;
bool SignalIsValid(int32_t signo) const;
int32_t GetSignalNumberFromName(const char *name) const;
/// Gets the information for a particular signal
/// GetSignalInfo takes a signal number and populates 3 out parameters
/// describing how lldb should react when a particular signal is received in
/// the inferior.
/// \param[in] signo
/// The signal number to get information about.
/// \param[out] should_suppress
/// Should we suppress this signal?
/// \param[out] should_stop
/// Should we stop if this signal is received?
/// \param[out] should_notify
/// Should we notify the user if this signal is received?
/// \return
/// Returns a boolean value. Returns true if the out parameters were
/// successfully populated, false otherwise.
bool GetSignalInfo(int32_t signo, bool &should_suppress, bool &should_stop,
bool &should_notify) const;
bool GetShouldSuppress(int32_t signo) const;
bool SetShouldSuppress(int32_t signo, bool value);
bool SetShouldSuppress(const char *signal_name, bool value);
bool GetShouldStop(int32_t signo) const;
bool SetShouldStop(int32_t signo, bool value);
bool SetShouldStop(const char *signal_name, bool value);
bool GetShouldNotify(int32_t signo) const;
bool SetShouldNotify(int32_t signo, bool value);
bool SetShouldNotify(const char *signal_name, bool value);
bool ResetSignal(int32_t signo, bool reset_stop = true,
bool reset_notify = true, bool reset_suppress = true);
// These provide an iterator through the signals available on this system.
// Call GetFirstSignalNumber to get the first entry, then iterate on
// GetNextSignalNumber till you get back LLDB_INVALID_SIGNAL_NUMBER.
int32_t GetFirstSignalNumber() const;
int32_t GetNextSignalNumber(int32_t current_signal) const;
int32_t GetNumSignals() const;
int32_t GetSignalAtIndex(int32_t index) const;
// We assume that the elements of this object are constant once it is
// constructed, since a process should never need to add or remove symbols as
// it runs. So don't call these functions anywhere but the constructor of
// your subclass of UnixSignals or in your Process Plugin's GetUnixSignals
// method before you return the UnixSignal object.
void AddSignal(int signo, const char *name, bool default_suppress,
bool default_stop, bool default_notify,
const char *description, const char *alias = nullptr);
enum SignalCodePrintOption { None, Address, Bounds };
// Instead of calling this directly, use a ADD_SIGCODE macro to get compile
// time checks when on the native platform.
void AddSignalCode(
int signo, int code, const llvm::StringLiteral description,
SignalCodePrintOption print_option = SignalCodePrintOption::None);
void RemoveSignal(int signo);
/// Track how many times signals are hit as stop reasons.
void IncrementSignalHitCount(int signo);
/// Get the hit count statistics for signals.
/// Gettings statistics on the hit counts of signals can help explain why some
/// debug sessions are slow since each stop takes a few hundred ms and some
/// software use signals a lot and can cause slow debugging performance if
/// they are used too often. Even if a signal is not stopped at, it will auto
/// continue the process and a delay will happen.
llvm::json::Value GetHitCountStatistics() const;
// Returns a current version of the data stored in this class. Version gets
// incremented each time Set... method is called.
uint64_t GetVersion() const;
// Returns a vector of signals that meet criteria provided in arguments. Each
// should_[suppress|stop|notify] flag can be std::nullopt - no filtering by
// this flag true - only signals that have it set to true are returned false -
// only signals that have it set to true are returned
std::vector<int32_t> GetFilteredSignals(std::optional<bool> should_suppress,
std::optional<bool> should_stop,
std::optional<bool> should_notify);
// Classes that inherit from UnixSignals can see and modify these
struct SignalCode {
const llvm::StringLiteral m_description;
const SignalCodePrintOption m_print_option;
struct Signal {
ConstString m_name;
ConstString m_alias;
std::string m_description;
std::map<int32_t, SignalCode> m_codes;
uint32_t m_hit_count = 0;
bool m_suppress : 1, m_stop : 1, m_notify : 1;
bool m_default_suppress : 1, m_default_stop : 1, m_default_notify : 1;
Signal(const char *name, bool default_suppress, bool default_stop,
bool default_notify, const char *description, const char *alias);
~Signal() = default;
void Reset(bool reset_stop, bool reset_notify, bool reset_suppress);
llvm::StringRef GetShortName(llvm::StringRef name) const;
virtual void Reset();
typedef std::map<int32_t, Signal> collection;
collection m_signals;
// This version gets incremented every time something is changing in this
// class, including when we call AddSignal from the constructor. So after the
// object is constructed m_version is going to be > 0 if it has at least one
// signal registered in it.
uint64_t m_version = 0;
// GDBRemote signals need to be copyable.
UnixSignals(const UnixSignals &rhs);
const UnixSignals &operator=(const UnixSignals &rhs) = delete;
} // Namespace lldb