blob: 22a240ade51e91707c21da4ae3207e2133471af4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
/** Abstraction of Supplicant STA Iface HAL interface */
interface ISupplicantStaIfaceHal {
* Enable/Disable verbose logging.
* @param verboseEnabled Verbose flag set in overlay XML.
* @param halVerboseEnabled Verbose flag set by the user.
void enableVerboseLogging(boolean verboseEnabled, boolean halVerboseEnabled);
* Begin initializing the ISupplicantStaIfaceHal object. Specific initialization
* logic differs between the HIDL and AIDL implementations.
* @return true if the initialization routine was successful
boolean initialize();
* Setup a STA interface for the specified iface name.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @return true on success, false otherwise.
boolean setupIface(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Teardown a STA interface for the specified iface name.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @return true on success, false otherwise.
boolean teardownIface(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Registers a death notification for supplicant.
* @return Returns true on success.
boolean registerDeathHandler(@NonNull WifiNative.SupplicantDeathEventHandler handler);
* Deregisters a death notification for supplicant.
* @return Returns true on success.
boolean deregisterDeathHandler();
* Signals whether initialization started successfully.
boolean isInitializationStarted();
* Signals whether initialization completed successfully.
boolean isInitializationComplete();
* Start the supplicant daemon.
* @return true on success, false otherwise.
boolean startDaemon();
* Terminate the supplicant daemon & wait for its death.
void terminate();
* Add the provided network configuration to wpa_supplicant and initiate connection to it.
* This method does the following:
* 1. If |config| is different to the current supplicant network, removes all supplicant
* networks and saves |config|.
* 2. Select the new network in wpa_supplicant.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param config WifiConfiguration parameters for the provided network.
* @return {@code true} if it succeeds, {@code false} otherwise
boolean connectToNetwork(@NonNull String ifaceName, @NonNull WifiConfiguration config);
* Initiates roaming to the already configured network in wpa_supplicant. If the network
* configuration provided does not match the already configured network, then this triggers
* a new connection attempt (instead of roam).
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param config WifiConfiguration parameters for the provided network.
* @return {@code true} if it succeeds, {@code false} otherwise
boolean roamToNetwork(@NonNull String ifaceName, WifiConfiguration config);
* Clean HAL cached data for |networkId| in the framework.
* @param networkId Network id of the network to be removed from supplicant.
void removeNetworkCachedData(int networkId);
* Clear HAL cached data if MAC address is changed.
* @param networkId Network id of the network to be checked.
* @param curMacAddress Current MAC address
void removeNetworkCachedDataIfNeeded(int networkId, MacAddress curMacAddress);
* Remove all networks from supplicant
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
boolean removeAllNetworks(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Disable the current network in supplicant
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
boolean disableCurrentNetwork(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Set the currently configured network's bssid.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param bssidStr Bssid to set in the form of "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
* @return true if succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean setCurrentNetworkBssid(@NonNull String ifaceName, String bssidStr);
* Get the currently configured network's WPS NFC token.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @return Hex string corresponding to the WPS NFC token.
String getCurrentNetworkWpsNfcConfigurationToken(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Get the eap anonymous identity for the currently configured network.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @return anonymous identity string if succeeds, null otherwise.
String getCurrentNetworkEapAnonymousIdentity(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Send the eap identity response for the currently configured network.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param identity Identity used for EAP-Identity
* @param encryptedIdentity Encrypted identity used for EAP-AKA/EAP-SIM
* @return true if succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean sendCurrentNetworkEapIdentityResponse(
@NonNull String ifaceName, @NonNull String identity, String encryptedIdentity);
* Send the eap sim gsm auth response for the currently configured network.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param paramsStr String to send.
* @return true if succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean sendCurrentNetworkEapSimGsmAuthResponse(
@NonNull String ifaceName, String paramsStr);
* Send the eap sim gsm auth failure for the currently configured network.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @return true if succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean sendCurrentNetworkEapSimGsmAuthFailure(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Send the eap sim umts auth response for the currently configured network.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param paramsStr String to send.
* @return true if succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean sendCurrentNetworkEapSimUmtsAuthResponse(
@NonNull String ifaceName, String paramsStr);
* Send the eap sim umts auts response for the currently configured network.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param paramsStr String to send.
* @return true if succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean sendCurrentNetworkEapSimUmtsAutsResponse(
@NonNull String ifaceName, String paramsStr);
* Send the eap sim umts auth failure for the currently configured network.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @return true if succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean sendCurrentNetworkEapSimUmtsAuthFailure(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Set WPS device name.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param deviceName String to be set.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean setWpsDeviceName(@NonNull String ifaceName, String deviceName);
* Set WPS device type.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param typeStr Type specified as a string. Used format: <categ>-<OUI>-<subcateg>
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean setWpsDeviceType(@NonNull String ifaceName, String typeStr);
* Set WPS manufacturer.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param manufacturer String to be set.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean setWpsManufacturer(@NonNull String ifaceName, String manufacturer);
* Set WPS model name.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param modelName String to be set.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean setWpsModelName(@NonNull String ifaceName, String modelName);
* Set WPS model number.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param modelNumber String to be set.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean setWpsModelNumber(@NonNull String ifaceName, String modelNumber);
* Set WPS serial number.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param serialNumber String to be set.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean setWpsSerialNumber(@NonNull String ifaceName, String serialNumber);
* Set WPS config methods
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param configMethodsStr List of config methods.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean setWpsConfigMethods(@NonNull String ifaceName, String configMethodsStr);
* Trigger a reassociation even if the iface is currently connected.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean reassociate(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Trigger a reconnection if the iface is disconnected.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean reconnect(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Trigger a disconnection from the currently connected network.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean disconnect(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Enable or disable power save mode.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param enable true to enable, false to disable.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean setPowerSave(@NonNull String ifaceName, boolean enable);
* Initiate TDLS discover with the specified AP.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param macAddress MAC Address of the AP.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean initiateTdlsDiscover(@NonNull String ifaceName, String macAddress);
* Initiate TDLS setup with the specified AP.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param macAddress MAC Address of the AP.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean initiateTdlsSetup(@NonNull String ifaceName, String macAddress);
* Initiate TDLS teardown with the specified AP.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param macAddress MAC Address of the AP.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean initiateTdlsTeardown(@NonNull String ifaceName, String macAddress);
* Request the specified ANQP elements |elements| from the specified AP |bssid|.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param bssid BSSID of the AP
* @param infoElements ANQP elements to be queried. Refer to ISupplicantStaIface.AnqpInfoId.
* @param hs20SubTypes HS subtypes to be queried. Refer to ISupplicantStaIface.Hs20AnqpSubTypes.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean initiateAnqpQuery(@NonNull String ifaceName, String bssid,
ArrayList<Short> infoElements,
ArrayList<Integer> hs20SubTypes);
* Request Venue URL ANQP element from the specified AP |bssid|.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param bssid BSSID of the AP
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean initiateVenueUrlAnqpQuery(@NonNull String ifaceName, String bssid);
* Request the specified ANQP ICON from the specified AP |bssid|.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param bssid BSSID of the AP
* @param fileName Name of the file to request.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean initiateHs20IconQuery(@NonNull String ifaceName, String bssid, String fileName);
* Gets MAC address from the supplicant
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @return string containing the MAC address, or null on a failed call
String getMacAddress(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Start using the added RX filters.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean startRxFilter(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Stop using the added RX filters.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean stopRxFilter(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Add an RX filter.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param type one of {@link WifiNative#RX_FILTER_TYPE_V4_MULTICAST}
* {@link WifiNative#RX_FILTER_TYPE_V6_MULTICAST} values.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean addRxFilter(@NonNull String ifaceName, int type);
* Remove an RX filter.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param type one of {@link WifiNative#RX_FILTER_TYPE_V4_MULTICAST}
* {@link WifiNative#RX_FILTER_TYPE_V6_MULTICAST} values.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean removeRxFilter(@NonNull String ifaceName, int type);
* Set Bt coexistence mode.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param mode one of the above {@link WifiNative#BLUETOOTH_COEXISTENCE_MODE_DISABLED},
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean setBtCoexistenceMode(@NonNull String ifaceName, int mode);
/** Enable or disable BT coexistence mode.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param enable true to enable, false to disable.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean setBtCoexistenceScanModeEnabled(@NonNull String ifaceName, boolean enable);
* Enable or disable suspend mode optimizations.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param enable true to enable, false otherwise.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean setSuspendModeEnabled(@NonNull String ifaceName, boolean enable);
* Set country code.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param codeStr 2 byte ASCII string. For ex: US, CA.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean setCountryCode(@NonNull String ifaceName, String codeStr);
* Flush all previously configured HLPs.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean flushAllHlp(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Set FILS HLP packet.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param dst Destination MAC address.
* @param hlpPacket Hlp Packet data in hex.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean addHlpReq(@NonNull String ifaceName, byte [] dst, byte [] hlpPacket);
* Start WPS pin registrar operation with the specified peer and pin.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param bssidStr BSSID of the peer.
* @param pin Pin to be used.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean startWpsRegistrar(@NonNull String ifaceName, String bssidStr, String pin);
* Start WPS pin display operation with the specified peer.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param bssidStr BSSID of the peer. Use empty bssid to indicate wildcard.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean startWpsPbc(@NonNull String ifaceName, String bssidStr);
* Start WPS pin keypad operation with the specified pin.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param pin Pin to be used.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean startWpsPinKeypad(@NonNull String ifaceName, String pin);
* Start WPS pin display operation with the specified peer.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param bssidStr BSSID of the peer. Use empty bssid to indicate wildcard.
* @return new pin generated on success, null otherwise.
String startWpsPinDisplay(@NonNull String ifaceName, String bssidStr);
* Cancels any ongoing WPS requests.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean cancelWps(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Sets whether to use external sim for SIM/USIM processing.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param useExternalSim true to enable, false otherwise.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean setExternalSim(@NonNull String ifaceName, boolean useExternalSim);
* Enable/Disable auto reconnect to networks.
* Use this to prevent wpa_supplicant from trying to connect to networks
* on its own.
* @param enable true to enable, false to disable.
* @return true if no exceptions occurred, false otherwise
boolean enableAutoReconnect(@NonNull String ifaceName, boolean enable);
* Set the debug log level for wpa_supplicant
* @param turnOnVerbose Whether to turn on verbose logging or not.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean setLogLevel(boolean turnOnVerbose);
* Set concurrency priority between P2P & STA operations.
* @param isStaHigherPriority Set to true to prefer STA over P2P during concurrency operations,
* false otherwise.
* @return true if request is sent successfully, false otherwise.
boolean setConcurrencyPriority(boolean isStaHigherPriority);
* Returns a bitmask of advanced capabilities: WPA3 SAE/SUITE B and OWE
* Bitmask used is:
* On error, or if these features are not supported, 0 is returned.
long getAdvancedCapabilities(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Get the driver supported features through supplicant.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @return bitmask defined by WifiManager.WIFI_FEATURE_*.
long getWpaDriverFeatureSet(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Returns connection capabilities of the current network
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @return connection capabilities of the current network
WifiNative.ConnectionCapabilities getConnectionCapabilities(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Adds a DPP peer URI to the URI list.
* Returns an ID to be used later to refer to this URI (>0).
* On error, or if these features are not supported, -1 is returned.
int addDppPeerUri(@NonNull String ifaceName, @NonNull String uri);
* Removes a DPP URI to the URI list given an ID.
* Returns true when operation is successful
* On error, or if these features are not supported, false is returned.
boolean removeDppUri(@NonNull String ifaceName, int bootstrapId);
* Stops/aborts DPP Initiator request
* Returns true when operation is successful
* On error, or if these features are not supported, false is returned.
boolean stopDppInitiator(@NonNull String ifaceName);
* Starts DPP Configurator-Initiator request
* Returns true when operation is successful
* On error, or if these features are not supported, false is returned.
boolean startDppConfiguratorInitiator(@NonNull String ifaceName, int peerBootstrapId,
int ownBootstrapId, @NonNull String ssid, String password, String psk,
int netRole, int securityAkm);
* Starts DPP Enrollee-Initiator request
* Returns true when operation is successful
* On error, or if these features are not supported, false is returned.
boolean startDppEnrolleeInitiator(@NonNull String ifaceName, int peerBootstrapId,
int ownBootstrapId);
* Generate a DPP QR code based boot strap info
* Returns DppResponderBootstrapInfo;
WifiNative.DppBootstrapQrCodeInfo generateDppBootstrapInfoForResponder(
@NonNull String ifaceName, String macAddress, @NonNull String deviceInfo,
int dppCurve);
* Starts DPP Enrollee-Responder request
* Returns true when operation is successful
* On error, or if these features are not supported, false is returned.
boolean startDppEnrolleeResponder(@NonNull String ifaceName, int listenChannel);
* Stops/aborts DPP Responder request.
* Returns true when operation is successful
* On error, or if these features are not supported, false is returned.
boolean stopDppResponder(@NonNull String ifaceName, int ownBootstrapId);
* Register callbacks for DPP events.
* @param dppCallback DPP callback object.
void registerDppCallback(WifiNative.DppEventCallback dppCallback);
* Set MBO cellular data availability.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param available true means cellular data available, false otherwise.
* Returns true when operation is successful
boolean setMboCellularDataStatus(@NonNull String ifaceName, boolean available);
* Check if we've roamed to a linked network and make the linked network the current network
* if we have.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param newNetworkId Network id of the new network we've roamed to. If fromFramework is
* {@code true}, this will be a framework network id. Otherwise, this will
* be a remote network id.
* @param fromFramework {@code true} if the network id is a framework network id, {@code false}
if the network id is a remote network id.
* @return true if we've roamed to a linked network, false if not.
boolean updateOnLinkedNetworkRoaming(@NonNull String ifaceName,
int newNetworkId, boolean fromFramework);
* Updates the linked networks for the current network and sends them to the supplicant.
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface.
* @param networkId Network id of the network to link the configurations to.
* @param linkedConfigurations Map of config profile key to config for linking.
* @return true if networks were successfully linked, false otherwise.
boolean updateLinkedNetworks(@NonNull String ifaceName, int networkId,
Map<String, WifiConfiguration> linkedConfigurations);
* Gets the security params of the current network associated with this interface
* @param ifaceName Name of the interface
* @return Security params of the current network associated with the interface
SecurityParams getCurrentNetworkSecurityParams(@NonNull String ifaceName);