Import initial version of the test
diff --git a/creator/create-testfiles b/creator/create-testfiles
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..94b7416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/creator/create-testfiles
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# This script takes any video file as input, and produces output files
+# containing transcodes of the file to any codec Android is supposed
+# to support.
+# List of supported codecs:
+if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
+	echo "Usage: $0 InputFile"
+	exit 1
+if ! which ffmpeg &>/dev/null; then
+	echo "Install ffmpeg >= 0.8 and put it in your PATH"
+	exit 2
+if ! which mplayer &>/dev/null; then
+	echo "Install mplayer"
+	exit 3
+if ! which sox &>/dev/null; then
+	echo "Install sox"
+	exit 4
+# ================
+# == Audio-only ==
+# ================
+# AAC audio
+# Maximum supported - 160k, 48k sample rate
+ffmpeg -y -i "$IN" -vn -acodec libfaac -ab 160k -ar 48000 -ac 2 test-AAC-Stereo-96k.m4a
+# Minimum supported - 8k sample rate, low bitrate
+ffmpeg -y -i "$IN" -vn -acodec libfaac -strict experimental -ab 32k -ar 8000 -ac 1 test-AAC-Mono-8k.m4a
+# FIXME we probably want to add an He-AACv2 sample when a free encoder
+# becomes available
+# Non-free encoder for testing could be built with
+# AMR
+# Done after WAV because ffmpeg doesn't support AMR directly
+# FLAC (Android 3.1+)
+ffmpeg -y -i "$IN" -vn -acodec flac -ac 2 -ar 44100 test-flac.flac
+# MP3
+ffmpeg -y -i "$IN" -vn -acodec libmp3lame -ab 64k test-MP3.mp3
+# We can't create a Midi file from a recording, so we're skipping this
+# Ogg Vorbis
+ffmpeg -y -i "$IN" -vn -acodec libvorbis -f ogg -ab 64k test-Vorbis.ogg
+mplayer "$IN" -benchmark -vc null -vo null -ao pcm:fast:waveheader:file=test-PCM.wav
+# 8bit
+sox -S test-PCM.wav -b 8 test-PCM8.wav
+# 16bit
+sox -S test-PCM.wav -b 16 test-PCM16.wav
+# The original format is undefined -- could be either 8 or 16 bit depending on the input.
+# Let's dispose of it...
+rm -f test-PCM.wav
+# AMR
+sox -S test-PCM16.wav -c 1 -r 8000 -t amr-nb test-AMR-NB.3gp
+# FIXME we probably want to add an AMR-WB sample when a free encoder
+# becomes available
+# Non-free encoder for testing could be built with
+# ================
+# == Video-only ==
+# ================
+# H.263
+ffmpeg -y -i "$IN" -vcodec h263 -s cif -r 25 -vb 768000 -an -f 3gp test-H.263.3gp
+# H.264 AVC Baseline Profile
+ffmpeg -y -i "$IN" -vcodec libx264 -vb 1024000 -vpre libx264-baseline -an -f mp4 test-H.264.m4v
+# MPEG-4 SP
+ffmpeg -y -i "$IN" -vcodec mpeg4 -vb 768000 -an -f mp4 test-MPEG4_SP.mp4
+# VP8
+ffmpeg -y -i "$IN" -vcodec libvpx -vb 768000 -an -f webm test-VP8.webm
+# ==========================
+# == Combined Audio/Video ==
+# ==========================
+# H.263 + AAC in a 3gp container
+ffmpeg -y -i "$IN" -vcodec h263 -s cif -r 25 -vb 768000 -acodec libfaac -ac 1 -ar 8000 -ab 32000 -f 3gp test-H.263-AAC.3gp
+# H.264 AVC Baseline + AAC in an mp4 container
+ffmpeg -y -i "$IN" -vcodec libx264 -vb 1024000 -vpre libx264-baseline -acodec aac -strict experimental -ab 96000 -f mp4 test-H.264-AAC.mp4
+# Same thing at a much higher resolution and bitrate
+ffmpeg -y -i "$IN" -s hd1080 -vcodec libx264 -vb 2048000 -vpre libx264-baseline -acodec aac -strict experimental -ab 96000 -f mp4 test-H.264-AAC.mp4
+# MPEG-4 SP + MP3 in an mp4 container
+ffmpeg -y -i "$IN" -vcodec mpeg4 -vb 768000 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 64000 -f mp4 test-MPEG4-MP3.mp4
+# VP8 + Vorbis in a WebM container (Android 2.3.3+)
+ffmpeg -y -i "$IN" -vcodec libvpx -vb 1024000 -vpre libvpx-360p -f webm -acodec libvorbis -ab 48000 test-VP8-Vorbis.webm
diff --git a/mmtest/AndroidManifest.xml b/mmtest/AndroidManifest.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36bca75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mmtest/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<manifest xmlns:android="" package="org.linaro.mmtest">
+	<application android:label="Multimedia Test">
+		<activity android:name="MultimediaTest" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar" android:screenOrientation="landscape" android:configChanges="orientation">
+			<intent-filter>
+				<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
+				<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
+			</intent-filter>
+		</activity>
+	</application>
diff --git a/mmtest/src/org/linaro/mmtest/ b/mmtest/src/org/linaro/mmtest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0c5be7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mmtest/src/org/linaro/mmtest/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+package org.linaro.mmtest;
+import android.os.Bundle;
+import android.os.Build;
+import android.view.Window;
+import android.util.Log;
+import android.view.SurfaceView;
+import java.util.List;
+public class MultimediaTest extends Activity implements,, {
+	private static final String TAG = "MultimediaTest";
+	private int currentTest = -1;
+	private MediaPlayer mp;
+	private String failure;
+	private final Test[] tests = {
+		// Audio Codecs
+		new Test("test-AAC-Stereo-96k.m4a", "AAC Stereo 96k", false),
+		new Test("test-AAC-Mono-8k.m4a", "AAC Mono 8k", false),
+		new Test("test-AMR-NB.3gp", "AMR-NB", false),
+		new Test("test-flac.flac", "FLAC", false, 12 /*android.os.Build.HONEYCOMB_MR1*/),
+		new Test("test-MP3.mp3", "MP3", false),
+		new Test("test-Vorbis.ogg", "Ogg Vorbis", false),
+		new Test("test-PCM8.wav", "PCM 8-Bit", false),
+		new Test("test-PCM16.wav", "PCM 16-Bit", false),
+		// Video Codecs
+		new Test("test-H.263.3gp", "H.263"),
+		new Test("test-H.264.m4v", "H.264"),
+		new Test("test-MPEG4_SP.mp4", "MPEG-4 SP"),
+		new Test("test-VP8.webm", "VP8"),
+		// Mixed A/V
+		new Test("test-H.263-AAC.3gp", "3GP(H.263/AAC)"),
+		new Test("test-H.264-AAC.mp4", "MP4(H.264/AAC)"),
+		new Test("test-H.264-AAC.mp4", "HD-MP4(H.264/AAC)"),
+		new Test("test-MPEG4-MP3.mp4", "MP4(MPEG4/MP3)"),
+		new Test("test-VP8-Vorbis.webm", "WebM(VP8/Vorbis)", true, 10 /*android.os.Build.GINGERBREAD_MR1*/)
+	};
+	class Test {
+		public String filename;
+		public String name;
+		public boolean hasVideo;
+		public int minVersion;
+		public Test(String pFilename, String pName, boolean pHasVideo, int pMinVersion) {
+			filename = pFilename;
+			name = pName;
+			hasVideo = pHasVideo;
+			minVersion = pMinVersion;
+		}
+		public Test(String pFilename, String pName, boolean pHasVideo) {
+			this(pFilename, pName, pHasVideo, 0);
+		}
+		public Test(String pFilename, String pName) {
+			this(pFilename, pName, true, 0);
+		}
+	}
+	@Override
+	public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
+		super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
+		Log.v(TAG, "Starting tests");
+		SurfaceView sv=new SurfaceView(this);
+		setContentView(sv);
+		mp=new MediaPlayer();
+		mp.setOnCompletionListener(this);
+		mp.setOnErrorListener(this);
+		mp.setOnInfoListener(this);
+		mp.setAudioStreamType(;
+		mp.setDisplay(sv.getHolder());
+		runNextTest();
+	}
+	public void runNextTest() {
+		failure = "";
+		if(++currentTest > tests.length) {
+			Log.v(TAG, "Tests completed");
+			finish();
+		}
+		Test t=tests[currentTest];
+		if(t.minVersion > android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT) {
+			Log.i(TAG, "SKIP:" + + ":Not expected to pass on this version of Android");
+			runNextTest();
+			return;
+		}
+		Log.v(TAG, "Running test " +;
+		mp.reset();
+		try {
+			mp.setDataSource("/sdcard/mmtest/" + t.filename);
+			mp.prepare();
+		} catch( e) {
+			Log.e(TAG, "ERR:" + tests[currentTest].name + ":test:IO Error - test file seems to be missing: /sdcard/mmtest/" + t.filename);
+			runNextTest();
+			return;
+		}
+		if((mp.getVideoHeight() == 0) ^ t.hasVideo)
+			Log.i(TAG, "PASS:" + tests[currentTest].name + ":sanityCheck:Test and Player agree about whether or not the content has a video part");
+		else
+			Log.i(TAG, "FAIL:" + tests[currentTest].name + ":sanityCheck:Test and Player disagree about whether or not the content has a video part");
+		mp.start();
+	}
+	@Override
+	public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp) {
+		if(failure.length() == 0)
+			Log.i(TAG, "PASS:" + tests[currentTest].name + ":playback");
+		else
+			Log.i(TAG, "FAIL:" + tests[currentTest].name + ":playback:" + failure);
+		runNextTest();
+	}
+	@Override
+	public boolean onError(MediaPlayer mp, int what, int extra) {
+		failure = "Got error code " + Integer.toString(what) + "/" + Integer.toString(extra);
+		return false; // call onCompletion
+	}
+	@Override
+	public boolean onInfo(MediaPlayer mp, int what, int extra) {
+		Log.i(TAG, "NOTE:" + tests[currentTest].name + ":playback:MediaPlayer sent info " + Integer.toString(what) + "/" + Integer.toString(extra));
+		return true;
+	}