blob: 513a47ecc9627cd7fb6c85d46d68020d1e79ffea [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.os.ParcelUuid
* Interface for establishing and maintaining a connection to the companion device platform. This is
* a subset of Connector, only implementing feature-related functions. It is meant for external
* feature usage. Fully backward and forward compatible to ensure robust version mismatch handling.
interface SafeConnector {
/** Feature id for sending and receiving messages. */
val featureId: ParcelUuid
/** [Callback] for connection events. */
var callback: Callback
/** List of ids for the currently connected devices. */
val connectedDevices: List<String>
/** Whether this [SafeConnector] is currently connected and ready for interaction. */
val isConnected: Boolean
/** Establishes a connection to the companion platform. */
fun connect(callback: Callback)
* Cleans up services and feature coordinators attached to the companion platform. Will disconnect
* the feature from the platform and prevent it from receiving Companion-related events.
* Expectation is that disconnect will only be called before the SafeConnector object is disposed.
fun disconnect()
/** Sends message to a device. */
fun sendMessage(deviceId: String, message: ByteArray)
/** Sends a query to a device and registers a [QueryCallback] for a response. */
fun sendQuery(
deviceId: String,
request: ByteArray,
parameters: ByteArray?,
queryCallback: QueryCallback
/** Sends a response to a query with an indication of whether it was successful. */
fun respondToQuery(deviceId: String, queryId: Int, success: Boolean, response: ByteArray?)
/** Queries the [ConnectedDevice] for its companion application name. */
fun retrieveCompanionApplicationName(deviceId: String, appNameCallback: AppNameCallback)
* Retrieves all associated devices with a [listener] that will be notified when the associated
* devices are retrieved.
fun retrieveAssociatedDevices(listener: IOnAssociatedDevicesRetrievedListener)
* Retrieves all associated devices with a [listener] that will be notified when the associated
* devices are retrieved.
fun retrieveAssociatedDevices(listener: ISafeOnAssociatedDevicesRetrievedListener)
/** Callbacks invoked on connection events. */
interface Callback {
/** Invoked when a connection has been successfully established. */
fun onConnected() {}
/** Invoked when the connection to the platform has been lost. */
fun onDisconnected() {}
/** Invoked when no connection to the platform could be established. */
fun onFailedToConnect() {}
/** Invoked when the platform version is older than the minimum supported version. */
fun onApiNotSupported() {}
/** Invoked when a new connected device with id deviceId is connected. */
fun onDeviceConnected(deviceId: String) {}
/** Invoked when a connected device with id deviceId disconnects. */
fun onDeviceDisconnected(deviceId: String) {}
* Invoked when a secure channel has been established with a connected device with id deviceId.
fun onSecureChannelEstablished(deviceId: String) {}
* Invoked when a message fails to send to a device.
* @param deviceId Id of the device the message failed to send to.
* @param message Message to send.
* @param isTransient `true` if cause of failure is transient and can be retried. `false` if
* failure is permanent.
fun onMessageFailedToSend(deviceId: String, message: ByteArray, isTransient: Boolean) {}
/** Invoked when a new [byte[]] message is received for this feature. */
fun onMessageReceived(deviceId: String, message: ByteArray) {}
/** Invoked when a new query is received for this feature. */
fun onQueryReceived(
deviceId: String,
queryId: Int,
request: ByteArray,
parameters: ByteArray?
) {}
/** Invoked when an error has occurred with the connection. */
fun onDeviceError(deviceId: String, error: Int) {}
/** Invoked when a new [AssociatedDevice] is added for the given user. */
fun onAssociatedDeviceAdded(device: AssociatedDevice) {}
/** Invoked when an [AssociatedDevice] is removed for the given user. */
fun onAssociatedDeviceRemoved(device: AssociatedDevice) {}
/** Invoked when an [AssociatedDevice] is updated for the given user. */
fun onAssociatedDeviceUpdated(device: AssociatedDevice) {}
/** Callback for a query response. */
interface QueryCallback {
/** Invoked with a successful response to a query. */
fun onSuccess(response: ByteArray?) {}
/** Invoked with an unsuccessful response to a query. */
fun onError(response: ByteArray?) {}
* Invoked when a query failed to send to the device. `isTransient` is set to `true` if cause of
* failure is transient and can be retried, or `false` if failure is permanent.
fun onQueryFailedToSend(isTransient: Boolean) {}
/** Callback for a query for the name of the companion application on the connected device. */
interface AppNameCallback {
/** Invoked with the name of the companion application on the connected device. */
fun onNameReceived(appName: String) {}
/** Invoked when the name failed to be retrieved from the connected device. */
fun onError() {}
companion object {
* When a client calls [Context.bindService] to get the [IFeatureCoordinator], this action is
* required in the param [Intent].
* When a client queries for the platform's API version, this action is required in the param
* [Intent]
/** Id for the system query feature. */
val SYSTEM_FEATURE_ID = ParcelUuid.fromString("892ac5d9-e9a5-48dc-874a-c01e3cb00d5d")