blob: 952da050f98057da25cdc9d876848293d26c67c9 [file] [log] [blame]
import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetClass;
import dalvik.annotation.TestTargets;
import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetNew;
import dalvik.annotation.TestLevel;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import java.util.regex.*;
* TODO Type description
public class SplitTest extends TestCase {
level = TestLevel.PARTIAL_COMPLETE,
notes = "Verifies the basic functionality of split(java.lang.CharSequence) & compile(java.lang.String)methods.",
method = "split",
args = {java.lang.CharSequence.class}
level = TestLevel.PARTIAL_COMPLETE,
notes = "Verifies the basic functionality of split(java.lang.CharSequence) & compile(java.lang.String)methods.",
method = "compile",
args = {java.lang.String.class}
public void testSimple() {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("/");
String[] results = p.split("have/you/done/it/right");
String[] expected = new String[] { "have", "you", "done", "it", "right" };
assertArraysEqual(expected, results);
level = TestLevel.PARTIAL_COMPLETE,
notes = "Verifies the basic functionality of split with empty matches.",
method = "split",
args = {java.lang.CharSequence.class}
public void testEmptySplits() {
// Trailing empty matches are removed.
assertArraysEqual(new String[0], "hello".split("."));
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "1", "2" }, "1:2:".split(":"));
// ...including when that results in an empty result.
assertArraysEqual(new String[0], ":".split(":"));
// ...but not when limit < 0.
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "1", "2", "" }, "1:2:".split(":", -1));
// Leading empty matches are retained.
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "", "", "o" }, "hello".split(".."));
// A separator that doesn't occur in the input gets you the input.
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "hello" }, "hello".split("not-present-in-test"));
// ...including when the input is the empty string.
// (Perl returns an empty list instead.)
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "" }, "".split("not-present-in-test"));
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "" }, "".split("A?"));
// The limit argument controls the size of the result.
// If l == 0, the result is as long as needed, except trailing empty matches are dropped.
// If l < 0, the result is as long as needed, and trailing empty matches are retained.
// If l > 0, the result contains the first l matches, plus one string containing the remaining input.
// Examples without a trailing separator (and hence without a trailing empty match):
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "a", "b", "c" }, "a,b,c".split(",", 0));
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "a,b,c" }, "a,b,c".split(",", 1));
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "a", "b,c" }, "a,b,c".split(",", 2));
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "a", "b", "c" }, "a,b,c".split(",", 3));
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "a", "b", "c" }, "a,b,c".split(",", Integer.MAX_VALUE));
// Examples with a trailing separator (and hence possibly with a trailing empty match):
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "a", "b", "c" }, "a,b,c,".split(",", 0));
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "a,b,c," }, "a,b,c,".split(",", 1));
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "a", "b,c," }, "a,b,c,".split(",", 2));
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "a", "b", "c," }, "a,b,c,".split(",", 3));
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "a", "b", "c", "" }, "a,b,c,".split(",", Integer.MAX_VALUE));
assertArraysEqual(new String[] { "a", "b", "c", "" }, "a,b,c,".split(",", -1));
private void assertArraysEqual(String[] expected, String[] actual) {
assertEquals(expected.length, actual.length);
for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
assertEquals(Integer.toString(i), expected[i], actual[i]);
level = TestLevel.PARTIAL_COMPLETE,
notes = "Verifies the functionality of split(java.lang.CharSequence). Test uses not empty pattern.",
method = "split",
args = {java.lang.CharSequence.class, int.class}
public void testSplit1() throws PatternSyntaxException {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(" ");
String input = "poodle zoo";
String tokens[];
tokens = p.split(input, 1);
assertEquals(1, tokens.length);
tokens = p.split(input, 2);
assertEquals(2, tokens.length);
assertEquals("poodle", tokens[0]);
assertEquals("zoo", tokens[1]);
tokens = p.split(input, 5);
assertEquals(2, tokens.length);
assertEquals("poodle", tokens[0]);
assertEquals("zoo", tokens[1]);
tokens = p.split(input, -2);
assertEquals(2, tokens.length);
assertEquals("poodle", tokens[0]);
assertEquals("zoo", tokens[1]);
tokens = p.split(input, 0);
assertEquals(2, tokens.length);
assertEquals("poodle", tokens[0]);
assertEquals("zoo", tokens[1]);
tokens = p.split(input);
assertEquals(2, tokens.length);
assertEquals("poodle", tokens[0]);
assertEquals("zoo", tokens[1]);
p = Pattern.compile("d");
tokens = p.split(input, 1);
assertEquals(1, tokens.length);
tokens = p.split(input, 2);
assertEquals(2, tokens.length);
assertEquals("poo", tokens[0]);
assertEquals("le zoo", tokens[1]);
tokens = p.split(input, 5);
assertEquals(2, tokens.length);
assertEquals("poo", tokens[0]);
assertEquals("le zoo", tokens[1]);
tokens = p.split(input, -2);
assertEquals(2, tokens.length);
assertEquals("poo", tokens[0]);
assertEquals("le zoo", tokens[1]);
tokens = p.split(input, 0);
assertEquals(2, tokens.length);
assertEquals("poo", tokens[0]);
assertEquals("le zoo", tokens[1]);
tokens = p.split(input);
assertEquals(2, tokens.length);
assertEquals("poo", tokens[0]);
assertEquals("le zoo", tokens[1]);
p = Pattern.compile("o");
tokens = p.split(input, 1);
assertEquals(1, tokens.length);
tokens = p.split(input, 2);
assertEquals(2, tokens.length);
assertEquals("p", tokens[0]);
assertEquals("odle zoo", tokens[1]);
tokens = p.split(input, 5);
assertEquals(5, tokens.length);
assertEquals("p", tokens[0]);
assertEquals("dle z", tokens[2]);
tokens = p.split(input, -2);
assertEquals(5, tokens.length);
assertEquals("p", tokens[0]);
assertEquals("dle z", tokens[2]);
tokens = p.split(input, 0);
assertEquals(3, tokens.length);
assertEquals("p", tokens[0]);
assertEquals("dle z", tokens[2]);
tokens = p.split(input);
assertEquals(3, tokens.length);
assertEquals("p", tokens[0]);
assertEquals("dle z", tokens[2]);
level = TestLevel.PARTIAL_COMPLETE,
notes = "Verifies the functionality of split(java.lang.CharSequence). Test uses empty pattern.",
method = "split",
args = {java.lang.CharSequence.class, int.class}
public void testSplit2() {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("");
String s[];
s = p.split("a", -1);
assertEquals(3, s.length);
assertEquals("", s[0]);
assertEquals("a", s[1]);
assertEquals("", s[2]);
s = p.split("", -1);
assertEquals(1, s.length);
assertEquals("", s[0]);
s = p.split("abcd", -1);
assertEquals(6, s.length);
assertEquals("", s[0]);
assertEquals("a", s[1]);
assertEquals("b", s[2]);
assertEquals("c", s[3]);
assertEquals("d", s[4]);
assertEquals("", s[5]);
// Regression test for Android
assertEquals("GOOG,23,500".split("|").length, 12);
level = TestLevel.PARTIAL_COMPLETE,
notes = "Verifies the functionality of split(java.lang.CharSequence) & compile(java.lang.String, int) methods. Test uses empty pattern and supplementary chars.",
method = "split",
args = {java.lang.CharSequence.class, int.class}
level = TestLevel.PARTIAL_COMPLETE,
notes = "Verifies the functionality of split(java.lang.CharSequence) & compile(java.lang.String, int) methods. Test uses empty pattern and supplementary chars.",
method = "compile",
args = {java.lang.String.class}
public void testSplitSupplementaryWithEmptyString() {
* See
* We have to treat text as code points not code units.
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("");
String s[];
s = p.split("a\ud869\uded6b", -1);
assertEquals(5, s.length);
assertEquals("", s[0]);
assertEquals("a", s[1]);
assertEquals("\ud869\uded6", s[2]);
assertEquals("b", s[3]);
assertEquals("", s[4]);