blob: f21226cf0ebcb2de011c1dd6926ec3d50163950f [file] [log] [blame]
# Compiled template generated by the Template Toolkit version 2.15
'modtime' => '1138010588',
'name' => 'global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl',
BLOCK => sub {
my $context = shift || die "template sub called without context\n";
my $stash = $context->stash;
my $output = '';
my $error;
eval { BLOCK: {
$output .= "\n";
$output .= "\n\n";
$output .= "\n\n";
#line 40 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= $context->process('global/field-descs.none.tmpl');
$output .= "\n";
#line 65 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get('matchsuccess') eq 1) {
#line 43 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= $context->process('global/header.html.tmpl', { 'title' => 'Confirm Match' });
$output .= "\n\n <form method=\"post\" ";
#line 48 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get('script')) {
$output .= " action=\"";
#line 47 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get('script');
$output .= "\"";
$output .= " >\n\n <p>";
#line 52 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'Bugzilla', 0]);
$output .= " cannot make a conclusive match for one or more of the\n names and/or email addresses you entered on the previous page.<br>\n Please examine the lists of potential matches below and select the\n one you want, or go back to the previous page to revise the names\n you entered.\n </p>";
else {
#line 59 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= $context->process('global/header.html.tmpl', { 'title' => 'Match Failed' });
$output .= "\n <p>";
#line 61 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'Bugzilla', 0]);
$output .= " was unable to make any match at all for one or more of\n the names and/or email addresses you entered on the previous page.<br>\n Please go back and try other names or email addresses.\n </p>";
$output .= "\n\n<p>\n <table border=\"0\">\n <tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\">\n <hr width=\"100%\" size=\"1\">\n </td>\n </tr>\n\n ";
$output .= "\n";
#line 140 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
do {
my ($value, $error, $oldloop);
my $list = $stash->get('matches');
unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($list, 'Template::Iterator')) {
$list = Template::Config->iterator($list)
|| die $Template::Config::ERROR, "\n";
($value, $error) = $list->get_first();
eval { $oldloop = $stash->get('loop') };
$stash->set('loop', $list);
eval {
LOOP: while (! $error) {
$stash->{'field'} = $value;
$output .= "\n <tr>\n <td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">";
#line 80 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= $context->process('field_names', { 'field_name' => $stash->get(['field', 0, 'key', 0]) });
$output .= ":\n </td>\n <td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">";
#line 132 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
do {
my ($value, $error, $oldloop);
my $list = $stash->get(['field', 0, 'value', 0]);
unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($list, 'Template::Iterator')) {
$list = Template::Config->iterator($list)
|| die $Template::Config::ERROR, "\n";
($value, $error) = $list->get_first();
eval { $oldloop = $stash->get('loop') };
$stash->set('loop', $list);
eval {
LOOP: while (! $error) {
$stash->{'query'} = $value;
$output .= "\n <b>";
#line 84 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['query', 0, 'key', 0]);
$output .= "</b>";
#line 130 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['query', 0, 'value', 0, 'users', 0, 'size', 0])) {
#line 121 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['query', 0, 'value', 0, 'users', 0, 'size', 0]) > 1) {
#line 116 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['query', 0, 'value', 0, 'status', 0]) eq 'fail') {
$output .= "\n <font color=\"#FF0000\">\n matches multiple users.\n </font>\n Please go back and try again with a more specific\n name/address.";
else {
#line 100 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['query', 0, 'value', 0, 'status', 0]) eq 'trunc') {
$output .= "\n matched\n more than the maximum\n of ";
#line 97 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['query', 0, 'value', 0, 'users', 0, 'size', 0]);
$output .= " users:<br>";
else {
$output .= "\n matched:<br>";
$output .= "\n <select name=\"";
#line 101 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['field', 0, 'key', 0]);
$output .= "\"\n id=\"";
#line 102 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['field', 0, 'key', 0]);
$output .= "\"";
#line 109 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['fields', 0, $stash->get(['field', 0, 'key', 0]), 0, 'type', 0]) eq 'multi') {
#line 108 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['query', 0, 'value', 0, 'users', 0, 'size', 0]) > 5) {
$output .= "\n multiple=\"multiple\" size=\"5\">";
else {
$output .= "\n multiple=\"multiple\" size=\"";
#line 107 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['query', 0, 'value', 0, 'users', 0, 'size', 0]);
$output .= "\">";
#line 114 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
do {
my ($value, $error, $oldloop);
my $list = $stash->get(['query', 0, 'value', 0, 'users', 0]);
unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($list, 'Template::Iterator')) {
$list = Template::Config->iterator($list)
|| die $Template::Config::ERROR, "\n";
($value, $error) = $list->get_first();
eval { $oldloop = $stash->get('loop') };
$stash->set('loop', $list);
eval {
LOOP: while (! $error) {
$stash->{'match'} = $value;
$output .= "\n <option value=\"";
#line 111 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['match', 0, 'login', 0]);
$output .= "\">";
#line 112 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['match', 0, 'identity', 0]);
$output .= " </option>";;
($value, $error) = $list->get_next();
$stash->set('loop', $oldloop);
die $@ if $@;
$error = 0 if $error && $error eq Template::Constants::STATUS_DONE;
die $error if $error;
$output .= "\n </select>";
else {
$output .= "\n matched\n <b>";
#line 119 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['query', 0, 'value', 0, 'users', 0, 0, 0, 'identity', 0]);
$output .= "</b>\n <br>";
else {
#line 129 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
if (($stash->get(['query', 0, 'key', 0, 'length', 0]) < 3) && ! ($stash->get(['Param', [ 'emailsuffix' ]])) && ($stash->get(['Param', [ 'usermatchmode' ]]) eq 'search')) {
$output .= "\n <font color=\"#FF0000\">was too short for substring match\n (minimum 3 characters)</font>";
else {
$output .= "\n <font color=\"#FF0000\">did not match anything</font>";
$output .= "\n <p>";;
($value, $error) = $list->get_next();
$stash->set('loop', $oldloop);
die $@ if $@;
$error = 0 if $error && $error eq Template::Constants::STATUS_DONE;
die $error if $error;
$output .= "\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td colspan=\"2\">\n <hr width=\"100%\" size=\"1\">\n </td>\n </tr>";;
($value, $error) = $list->get_next();
$stash->set('loop', $oldloop);
die $@ if $@;
$error = 0 if $error && $error eq Template::Constants::STATUS_DONE;
die $error if $error;
$output .= "\n\n </table>\n\n</p>\n";
#line 156 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get('matchsuccess') eq 1) {
$output .= "\n";
#line 148 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= $context->process('global/hidden-fields.html.tmpl', { 'exclude' => ('' . "^Bugzilla_(login|password)") });
$output .= "\n\n <p>\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Continue\">\n </p>\n\n </form>\n";
$output .= "\n";
#line 158 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= $context->process('global/footer.html.tmpl');
$output .= "\n\n";
$output .= "\n";
} };
if ($@) {
$error = $context->catch($@, \$output);
die $error unless $error->type eq 'return';
return $output;
'field_names' => sub {
my $context = shift || die "template sub called without context\n";
my $stash = $context->stash;
my $output = '';
my $error;
eval { BLOCK: {
$output .= "\n";
#line 173 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['field_descs', 0, $stash->get('field_name'), 0])) {
#line 164 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['field_descs', 0, $stash->get('field_name'), 0]);
elsif ($stash->get(['field_name', 0, 'match', [ '^requestee' ]])) {
#line 169 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['fields', 0, $stash->get('field_name'), 0, 'flag_type', 0, 'name', 0]);
$output .= " requestee\n";
else {
#line 172 "template/en/custom/global/confirm-user-match.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get('field_name');
$output .= "\n";
} };
if ($@) {
$error = $context->catch($@, \$output);
die $error unless $error->type eq 'return';
return $output;