blob: 0c93a60b143011dcb15593c31abc2831d0074cf3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Compiled template generated by the Template Toolkit version 2.15
'modtime' => '1138010588',
'name' => 'bug/knob.html.tmpl',
BLOCK => sub {
my $context = shift || die "template sub called without context\n";
my $stash = $context->stash;
my $output = '';
my $error;
eval { BLOCK: {
$output .= "\n";
$output .= "\n";
#line 23 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $context->process('global/variables.none.tmpl');
$output .= "\n\n";
$output .= "\n\n <br>\n <input type=\"radio\" id=\"knob-leave\" name=\"knob\" value=\"none\" checked=\"checked\">\n <label for=\"knob-leave\">\n Leave as <b>";
#line 30 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['status_descs', 0, $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'bug_status', 0]), 0]);
$output .= "&nbsp;";
#line 31 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['resolution_descs', 0, $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'resolution', 0]), 0]);
$output .= "</b>\n </label>\n <br>\n";
#line 35 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$stash->set('knum', 1);
$output .= "\n";
#line 44 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['bug', 0, 'isunconfirmed', 0]) && $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'user', 0, 'canconfirm', 0])) {
$output .= "\n <input type=\"radio\" id=\"knob-confirm\" name=\"knob\" value=\"confirm\">\n <label for=\"knob-confirm\">\n Confirm ";
#line 40 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'bug', 0]);
$output .= " (change status to <b>";
#line 40 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['status_descs', 0, 'NEW', 0]);
$output .= "</b>)\n </label>\n <br>";
#line 43 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$stash->set('knum', $stash->get('knum') + 1);
$output .= "\n";
#line 56 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['bug', 0, 'isopened', 0]) && $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'bug_status', 0]) ne 'ASSIGNED' && $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'user', 0, 'canedit', 0]) && (! $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'isunconfirmed', 0]) || $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'user', 0, 'canconfirm', 0]))) {
$output .= "\n <input type=\"radio\" id=\"knob-accept\" name=\"knob\" value=\"accept\">\n <label for=\"knob-accept\">\n Accept ";
#line 50 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'bug', 0]);
$output .= " (";
#line 51 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['bug', 0, 'isunconfirmed', 0])) {
$output .= "confirm ";
#line 51 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'bug', 0]);
$output .= ", and ";
$output .= "change\n status to <b>";
#line 52 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['status_descs', 0, 'ASSIGNED', 0]);
$output .= "</b>)\n </label>\n <br>";
#line 55 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$stash->set('knum', $stash->get('knum') + 1);
$output .= "\n";
#line 162 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['bug', 0, 'user', 0, 'canedit', 0]) || $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'user', 0, 'isreporter', 0])) {
#line 161 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['bug', 0, 'isopened', 0])) {
#line 68 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['bug', 0, 'resolution', 0])) {
$output .= "\n <input type=\"radio\" id=\"knob-clear\" name=\"knob\" value=\"clearresolution\">\n <label for=\"knob-clear\">\n Clear the resolution (remove the current resolution of\n <b>";
#line 64 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['status_descs', 0, $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'resolution', 0]), 0]);
$output .= "</b>)\n </label>\n <br>";
#line 67 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$stash->set('knum', $stash->get('knum') + 1);
$output .= "\n\n <input type=\"radio\" id=\"knob-resolve\" name=\"knob\" value=\"resolve\">\n <label for=\"knob-resolve\">\n Resolve ";
#line 72 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'bug', 0]);
$output .= ", changing \n <a href=\"page.cgi?id=fields.html#resolution\">resolution</a> to\n </label> \n <select name=\"resolution\"\n onchange=\"document.changeform.knob[";
#line 76 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get('knum');
$output .= "].checked=true\">";
#line 79 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
do {
my ($value, $error, $oldloop);
my $list = $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'choices', 0, 'resolution', 0]);
unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($list, 'Template::Iterator')) {
$list = Template::Config->iterator($list)
|| die $Template::Config::ERROR, "\n";
($value, $error) = $list->get_first();
eval { $oldloop = $stash->get('loop') };
$stash->set('loop', $list);
eval {
LOOP: while (! $error) {
$stash->{'r'} = $value;
$output .= "\n <option value=\"";
#line 78 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get('r');
$output .= "\">";
#line 78 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['resolution_descs', 0, $stash->get('r'), 0]);
$output .= "</option>";;
($value, $error) = $list->get_next();
$stash->set('loop', $oldloop);
die $@ if $@;
$error = 0 if $error && $error eq Template::Constants::STATUS_DONE;
die $error if $error;
$output .= "\n </select>\n <br>";
#line 82 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$stash->set('knum', $stash->get('knum') + 1);
$output .= "\n\n <input type=\"radio\" id=\"knob-duplicate\" name=\"knob\" value=\"duplicate\">\n <label for=\"knob-duplicate\">\n Resolve ";
#line 86 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'bug', 0]);
$output .= ", mark it as duplicate of ";
#line 86 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'bug', 0]);
$output .= " #\n </label>\n <input name=\"dup_id\" size=\"6\"\n onchange=\"if (this.value != '')\n {document.changeform.knob[";
#line 90 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get('knum');
$output .= "].checked=true}\">\n <br>";
#line 92 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$stash->set('knum', $stash->get('knum') + 1);
$output .= "\n";
#line 134 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['bug', 0, 'user', 0, 'canedit', 0])) {
$output .= "\n <input type=\"radio\" id=\"knob-reassign\" name=\"knob\" value=\"reassign\">\n <label for=\"knob-reassign\">\n <a href=\"page.cgi?id=fields.html#assigned_to\">Reassign</a> ";
#line 98 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'bug', 0]);
$output .= " to\n </label>";
#line 100 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$stash->set('safe_assigned_to', do {
my $output = '';
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('js')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
#line 100 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'assigned_to', 0, 'login', 0]);
#line 1 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $context->include('global/userselect.html.tmpl', { 'name' => 'assigned_to', 'value' => $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'assigned_to', 0, 'login', 0]), 'size' => 32, 'onchange' => ("if ((this.value != '" . $stash->get('safe_assigned_to') . "') && (this.value != '')) {\n document.changeform.knob[" . $stash->get('knum') . "].checked=true;\n }") });
$output .= "\n <br>";
#line 116 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['bug', 0, 'isunconfirmed', 0]) && $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'user', 0, 'canconfirm', 0])) {
$output .= "\n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"andconfirm\" name=\"andconfirm\">\n <label for=\"andconfirm\">\n and confirm ";
#line 113 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'bug', 0]);
$output .= " (change status to <b>";
#line 113 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['status_descs', 0, 'NEW', 0]);
$output .= "</b>)\n </label>\n <br>";
#line 117 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$stash->set('knum', $stash->get('knum') + 1);
$output .= "\n\n <input type=\"radio\" id=\"knob-reassign-cmp\" name=\"knob\" value=\"reassignbycomponent\">\n <label for=\"knob-reassign-cmp\">\n Reassign ";
#line 121 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'bug', 0]);
$output .= " to default assignee";
#line 122 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['Param', [ 'useqacontact' ]])) {
$output .= ' and QA contact';
$output .= "\n of selected component\n </label>\n <br>";
#line 132 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['bug', 0, 'isunconfirmed', 0]) && $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'user', 0, 'canconfirm', 0])) {
$output .= "\n &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"compconfirm\" name=\"compconfirm\">\n <label for=\"compconfirm\">\n and confirm ";
#line 129 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'bug', 0]);
$output .= " (change status to <b>";
#line 129 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['status_descs', 0, 'NEW', 0]);
$output .= "</b>)\n </label>\n <br>";
#line 133 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$stash->set('knum', $stash->get('knum') + 1);
else {
#line 144 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['bug', 0, 'resolution', 0]) ne 'MOVED' || ($stash->get(['bug', 0, 'resolution', 0]) eq 'MOVED' && $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'user', 0, 'canmove', 0]))) {
$output .= "\n <input type=\"radio\" id=\"knob-reopen\" name=\"knob\" value=\"reopen\">\n <label for=\"knob-reopen\">\n Reopen ";
#line 140 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'bug', 0]);
$output .= "\n </label>\n <br>";
#line 143 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$stash->set('knum', $stash->get('knum') + 1);
#line 152 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['bug', 0, 'bug_status', 0]) eq 'RESOLVED') {
$output .= "\n <input type=\"radio\" id=\"knob-verify\" name=\"knob\" value=\"verify\">\n <label for=\"knob-verify\">\n Mark ";
#line 148 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'bug', 0]);
$output .= " as <b>";
#line 148 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['status_descs', 0, 'VERIFIED', 0]);
$output .= "</b>\n </label>\n <br>";
#line 151 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$stash->set('knum', $stash->get('knum') + 1);
#line 160 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['bug', 0, 'bug_status', 0]) ne 'CLOSED') {
$output .= "\n <input type=\"radio\" id=\"knob-close\" name=\"knob\" value=\"close\">\n <label for=\"knob-close\">\n Mark ";
#line 156 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'bug', 0]);
$output .= " as <b>";
#line 156 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= do {
my $output = '';
my $filter = $context->filter('html')
|| $context->throw($context->error);
$output .= $stash->get(['status_descs', 0, 'CLOSED', 0]);
$output .= "</b>\n </label>\n <br>";
#line 159 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$stash->set('knum', $stash->get('knum') + 1);
$output .= "\n\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Commit\">\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"form_name\" value=\"process_bug\">\n <p>\n <b>\n <a href=\"show_activity.cgi?id=";
#line 168 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'bug_id', 0]);
$output .= "\">View ";
#line 168 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'Bug', 0]);
$output .= " Activity</a>\n &nbsp; | &nbsp;\n <a href=\"show_bug.cgi?format=multiple&amp;id=";
#line 170 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'bug_id', 0]);
$output .= "\">Format For Printing</a>\n &nbsp; | &nbsp;\n <a href=\"enter_bug.cgi?cloned_bug_id=";
#line 172 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['bug', 0, 'bug_id', 0]);
$output .= "\">Clone This ";
#line 172 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['terms', 0, 'Bug', 0]);
$output .= "</a>\n\n ";
#line 175 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['Hook', 0, 'process', [ 'links' ]]);
$output .= "\n </b>\n";
#line 182 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
if ($stash->get(['bug', 0, 'user', 0, 'canmove', 0])) {
$output .= "\n &nbsp; <b> | </b> &nbsp;\n <input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\"\n value=\"";
#line 181 "template/en/custom/bug/knob.html.tmpl"
$output .= $stash->get(['Param', [ 'move-button-text' ]]);
$output .= "\">";
$output .= "\n </p>\n\n";
} };
if ($@) {
$error = $context->catch($@, \$output);
die $error unless $error->type eq 'return';
return $output;