blob: 0f6759bba8fa0e570733ae4c1c06c1bbffc57ecf [file] [log] [blame]
* tlsdated.c - invoke tlsdate when necessary.
* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* We invoke tlsdate once at system startup, then we start trying to invoke
* tlsdate when a new network route appears. We try a few times after each route
* comes up. As soon as we get a successful tlsdate run, we save that timestamp
* to disk, then linger to wait for system shutdown. At system shutdown
* (indicated by us getting SIGTERM), we save our timestamp to disk.
#include "config.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <linux/rtc.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <polarssl/entropy.h>
#include <polarssl/ctr_drbg.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#include "src/conf.h"
#include "src/event.h"
#include "src/routeup.h"
#include "src/util.h"
#include "src/tlsdate.h"
const char *kCacheDir = DEFAULT_DAEMON_CACHEDIR;
is_sane_time (time_t ts)
build_argv(struct opts *opts)
int argc;
char **new_argv;
/* choose the next source in the list; if we're at the end, start over. */
if (!opts->cur_source || !opts->cur_source->next)
opts->cur_source = opts->sources;
opts->cur_source = opts->cur_source->next;
if (opts->argv) {
opts->argv = NULL;
for (argc = 0; opts->base_argv[argc]; argc++)
argc++; /* uncounted null terminator */
argc += 8; /* -H host -p port -x proxy -v -l */
new_argv = malloc (argc * sizeof(char *));
if (!new_argv)
fatal ("out of memory building argv");
for (argc = 0; opts->base_argv[argc]; argc++)
new_argv[argc] = opts->base_argv[argc];
new_argv[argc++] = (char *) "-H";
new_argv[argc++] = opts->cur_source->host;
new_argv[argc++] = (char *) "-p";
new_argv[argc++] = opts->cur_source->port;
if (opts->cur_source->proxy || opts->proxy) {
new_argv[argc++] = (char *) "-x";
new_argv[argc++] = opts->proxy ? opts->proxy : opts->cur_source->proxy;
if (verbose)
new_argv[argc++] = "-v";
if (opts->leap)
new_argv[argc++] = "-l";
new_argv[argc++] = NULL;
opts->argv = new_argv;
* Run tlsdate in a child process. We fork it off, then wait a specified time
* for it to exit; if it hasn't exited by then, we kill it and log a baffled
* message. We return tlsdate's exit code if tlsdate exits normally, and a
* negative value if we can't launch it or it exits uncleanly, so this function
* returns 0 for success and nonzero for failure, with >0 being a tlsdate exit
* code and <0 being an exec/fork/wait error.
tlsdate (struct opts *opts, char *envp[])
pid_t pid;
pid_t exited;
int status;
pid = fork();
if (pid < 0)
pinfo("fork() failed");
return -1;
else if (pid == 0)
execve(opts->argv[0], opts->argv, envp);
pinfo("execve() failed");
exited = wait_with_timeout(&status, opts->subprocess_timeout);
info("child %d exited with %d", exited, status);
if (exited == -ETIMEDOUT)
kill(pid, SIGKILL);
return -1;
return WIFEXITED(status) ? WEXITSTATUS(status) : -1;
* Load a time value out of the file named by path. Returns 0 if successful,
* -1 if not. The file contains the time in seconds since epoch in host byte
* order.
load_disk_timestamp (const char *path, time_t * t)
time_t tmpt;
if (platform->file_read(path, &tmpt, sizeof(tmpt))) {
info("can't load time file");
return -1;
if (!is_sane_time(tmpt)) {
info("time %lu not sane", tmpt);
return -1;
*t = tmpt;
return 0;
/* Save a time value to the file named by path. */
save_disk_timestamp (const char *path, time_t t)
if (platform->file_write(path, &t, sizeof(t)))
info("saving disk timestamp failed");
* Set the hardware clock referred to by fd (which should be a descriptor to
* some device that implements the interface documented in rtc(4)) to the system
* time. See hwclock(8) for details of why this is important. If we fail, we
* just return - there's nothing the caller can really do about a failure of
* this function except try later.
sync_hwclock (void *rtc_handle)
struct timeval tv;
if (platform->time_get(&tv))
pinfo("gettimeofday() failed");
if (platform->rtc_write(rtc_handle, &tv))
info("rtc_write() failed");
* Wait for a single event to happen. If should_netlink is true, we ask the
* supplied routeup context to wait for an event; otherwise, we wait for a byte
* of input on stdin. Semantics (for return value) are the same as for
* routeup_once().
wait_for_event (struct routeup *rtc, int should_netlink, int timeout)
char buf[1];
fd_set fds;
struct timeval tv;
int r;
if (should_netlink)
return routeup_once (rtc, timeout);
tv.tv_sec = timeout;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
FD_ZERO (&fds);
r = select (STDIN_FILENO + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
if (r > 0)
return read (STDIN_FILENO, buf, sizeof (buf)) != 1;
return r == 0 ? 1 : -1;
char timestamp_path[PATH_MAX];
sync_and_save (void *hwclock_handle, int should_save)
struct timeval tv;
if (hwclock_handle)
sync_hwclock (hwclock_handle);
if (should_save)
if (platform->time_get(&tv))
pfatal ("gettimeofday() failed");
save_disk_timestamp (timestamp_path, tv.tv_sec);
static int random_init = 0;
static entropy_context entropy;
static ctr_drbg_context ctr_drbg;
static char *pers = "tlsdated";
add_jitter (int base, int jitter)
int n = 0;
if (!jitter)
return base;
if (0 == random_init)
if (0 > ctr_drbg_init(&ctr_drbg, entropy_func, &entropy,
(unsigned char *) pers, strlen(pers)))
pfatal ("Failed to initialize random source");
random_init = 1;
if (0 != ctr_drbg_random(&ctr_drbg, (unsigned char *)&n, sizeof(n)))
fatal ("ctr_drbg_random() failed");
if (RAND_bytes((unsigned char *)&n, sizeof(n)) != 1)
fatal ("RAND_bytes() failed");
return base + (abs(n) % (2 * jitter)) - jitter;
calc_wait_time (const struct opts *opts)
return add_jitter (opts->steady_state_interval, opts->jitter);
#ifdef HAVE_DBUS
dbus_announce (void)
char *argv[] = { TLSDATE_DBUS_ANNOUNCE, NULL };
pid_t pid = fork();
if (!pid) {
drop_privs_to (DBUS_USER, DBUS_GROUP);
pid = fork();
if (!pid)
exit(execve(argv[0], argv, NULL));
exit(pid < 0);
} else if (pid > 0) {
void dbus_announce(void)
sigterm_handler (int _unused)
struct timeval tv;
if (gettimeofday (&tv, NULL))
/* can't use stdio or syslog inside a sig handler */
exit (2);
save_disk_timestamp (timestamp_path, tv.tv_sec);
exit (0);
sigterm_handler_nosave (int _unused)
usage (const char *progn)
printf ("Usage: %s [flags...] [--] [tlsdate command...]\n", progn);
printf (" -w don't set hwclock\n");
printf (" -p dry run (don't really set time)\n");
printf (" -r use stdin instead of netlink for routes\n");
printf (" -t <n> try n times when a new route appears\n");
printf (" -d <n> delay n seconds between tries\n");
printf (" -T <n> give subprocess n chances to exit\n");
printf (" -D <n> delay n seconds between wait attempts\n");
printf (" -c <path> set the cache directory\n");
printf (" -a <n> run at most every n seconds in steady state\n");
printf (" -m <n> run at most once every n seconds in steady state\n");
printf (" -j <n> add up to n seconds jitter to steady state checks\n");
printf (" -l don't load disk timestamps\n");
printf (" -s don't save disk timestamps\n");
printf (" -v be verbose\n");
printf (" -x <h> set proxy for subprocs to h\n");
printf (" -h this\n");
set_conf_defaults(struct opts *opts)
static char *kDefaultArgv[] = {
(char *) DEFAULT_TLSDATE, (char *) "-H", (char *) DEFAULT_HOST, NULL
opts->max_tries = MAX_TRIES;
opts->min_steady_state_interval = STEADY_STATE_INTERVAL;
opts->wait_between_tries = WAIT_BETWEEN_TRIES;
opts->subprocess_timeout = SUBPROCESS_TIMEOUT;
opts->steady_state_interval = STEADY_STATE_INTERVAL;
opts->base_path = kCacheDir;
opts->base_argv = kDefaultArgv;
opts->argv = NULL;
opts->should_sync_hwclock = DEFAULT_SYNC_HWCLOCK;
opts->should_load_disk = DEFAULT_LOAD_FROM_DISK;
opts->should_save_disk = DEFAULT_SAVE_TO_DISK;
opts->should_netlink = DEFAULT_USE_NETLINK;
opts->dry_run = DEFAULT_DRY_RUN;
opts->jitter = 0;
opts->conf_file = NULL;
opts->sources = NULL;
opts->cur_source = NULL;
opts->proxy = NULL;
opts->leap = 0;
parse_argv(struct opts *opts, int argc, char *argv[])
int opt;
while ((opt = getopt (argc, argv, "hwrpt:d:c:a:lsvm:j:f:x:")) != -1)
switch (opt)
case 'w':
opts->should_sync_hwclock = 0;
case 'r':
opts->should_netlink = 0;
case 'p':
opts->dry_run = 1;
case 't':
opts->max_tries = atoi (optarg);
case 'd':
opts->wait_between_tries = atoi (optarg);
case 'c':
opts->base_path = optarg;
case 'a':
opts->steady_state_interval = atoi (optarg);
case 'l':
opts->should_load_disk = 0;
case 's':
opts->should_save_disk = 0;
case 'v':
verbose = 1;
case 'm':
opts->min_steady_state_interval = atoi (optarg);
case 'j':
opts->jitter = atoi (optarg);
case 'f':
opts->conf_file = optarg;
case 'x':
opts->proxy = optarg;
case 'h':
usage (argv[0]);
exit (1);
if (optind < argc)
opts->base_argv = argv + optind;
/* Validate arguments */
void add_source_to_conf(struct opts *opts, char *host, char *port, char *proxy)
struct source *s;
struct source *source = (struct source *) malloc (sizeof *source);
if (!source)
fatal ("out of memory for source");
source->host = strdup (host);
if (!source->host)
fatal ("out of memory for host");
source->port = strdup (port);
if (!source->port)
fatal ("out of memory for port");
if (proxy) {
source->proxy = strdup (proxy);
if (!source->proxy)
fatal ("out of memory for proxy");
if (!opts->sources) {
opts->sources = source;
} else {
for (s = opts->sources; s->next; s = s->next)
s->next = source;
static struct conf_entry *
parse_source(struct opts *opts, struct conf_entry *conf)
char *host = NULL;
char *port = NULL;
char *proxy = NULL;
/* a source entry:
* source
* host <host>
* port <port>
* [proxy <proxy>]
* end
assert(!strcmp(conf->key, "source"));
conf = conf->next;
while (conf && strcmp(conf->key, "end")) {
if (!strcmp(conf->key, "host"))
host = conf->value;
else if (!strcmp(conf->key, "port"))
port = conf->value;
else if (!strcmp(conf->key, "proxy"))
proxy = conf->value;
fatal ("malformed config: '%s' in source stanza", conf->key);
conf = conf->next;
if (!conf)
fatal ("unclosed source stanza");
if (!host || !port)
fatal ("incomplete source stanza (needs host, port)");
add_source_to_conf(opts, host, port, proxy);
return conf;
load_conf(struct opts *opts)
FILE *f;
struct conf_entry *conf, *e;
char *conf_file = opts->conf_file;
if (!opts->conf_file)
conf_file = (char *) DEFAULT_CONF_FILE;
f = fopen (conf_file, "r");
if (!f) {
if (opts->conf_file) {
pfatal ("can't open conf file '%s'", opts->conf_file);
} else {
pinfo ("can't open conf file '%s'", conf_file);
conf = conf_parse (f);
if (!conf)
pfatal ("can't parse config file");
for (e = conf; e; e = e->next) {
if (!strcmp (e->key, "max-tries") && e->value) {
opts->max_tries = atoi (e->value);
} else if (!strcmp (e->key, "min-steady-state-interval") && e->value) {
opts->min_steady_state_interval = atoi (e->value);
} else if (!strcmp (e->key, "wait-between-tries") && e->value) {
opts->wait_between_tries = atoi (e->value);
} else if (!strcmp (e->key, "subprocess-timeout") && e->value) {
opts->subprocess_timeout = atoi (e->value);
} else if (!strcmp (e->key, "steady-state-interval") && e->value) {
opts->steady_state_interval = atoi (e->value);
} else if (!strcmp (e->key, "base-path") && e->value) {
opts->base_path = strdup (e->value);
if (!opts->base_path)
fatal ("out of memory for base path");
} else if (!strcmp (e->key, "should-sync-hwclock")) {
opts->should_sync_hwclock = e->value ? !strcmp(e->value, "yes") : 1;
} else if (!strcmp (e->key, "should-load-disk")) {
opts->should_load_disk = e->value ? !strcmp(e->value, "yes") : 1;
} else if (!strcmp (e->key, "should-save-disk")) {
opts->should_save_disk = e->value ? !strcmp(e->value, "yes") : 1;
} else if (!strcmp (e->key, "should-netlink")) {
opts->should_netlink = e->value ? !strcmp(e->value, "yes") : 1;
} else if (!strcmp (e->key, "dry-run")) {
opts->dry_run = e->value ? !strcmp(e->value, "yes") : 1;
} else if (!strcmp (e->key, "jitter") && e->value) {
opts->jitter = atoi (e->value);
} else if (!strcmp (e->key, "verbose")) {
verbose = e->value ? !strcmp(e->value, "yes") : 1;
} else if (!strcmp (e->key, "source")) {
e = parse_source(opts, e);
} else if (!strcmp (e->key, "leap")) {
opts->leap = e->value ? !strcmp(e->value, "yes") : 1;
check_conf(struct opts *opts)
if (!opts->max_tries)
fatal ("-t argument must be nonzero");
if (!opts->wait_between_tries)
fatal ("-d argument must be nonzero");
if (!opts->subprocess_timeout)
fatal ("subprocess timeout must be nonzero");
if (!opts->steady_state_interval)
fatal ("-a argument must be nonzero");
if (snprintf (timestamp_path, sizeof (timestamp_path), "%s/timestamp",
opts->base_path) >= sizeof (timestamp_path))
fatal ("supplied base path is too long: '%s'", opts->base_path);
if (strlen (timestamp_path) + strlen (kTempSuffix) >= PATH_MAX)
fatal ("supplied base path is too long: '%s'", opts->base_path);
if (opts->jitter >= opts->steady_state_interval)
fatal ("jitter must be less than steady state interval (%d >= %d)",
opts->jitter, opts->steady_state_interval);
struct tlsdated_state
struct routeup rtc;
time_t last_success;
struct opts *opts;
char *envp[];
static time_t now(void)
struct timeval tv;
if (!platform->time_get(&tv))
return 0;
return tv.tv_sec;
int tlsdate_retry(struct opts *opts, char *envp[])
int backoff = opts->wait_between_tries;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < opts->max_tries; i++)
if (!tlsdate(opts, envp))
return 0;
if (backoff < 1)
fatal("backoff too small? %d", backoff);
if (backoff < MAX_SANE_BACKOFF)
backoff *= 2;
return 1;
int API
main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
void *hwclock_handle = NULL;
time_t last_success = 0;
struct opts opts;
struct timeval tv = { 0, 0 };
int r;
struct event *routeup = NULL;
struct event *suspend = NULL;
struct event *periodic = NULL; /* XXX */
struct event *composite = event_composite();
if (platform->pgrp_enter())
pfatal("pgrp_enter() failed");
suspend = event_suspend();
event_composite_add(composite, suspend);
parse_argv(&opts, argc, argv);
periodic = event_every(opts.steady_state_interval);
event_composite_add(composite, periodic);
info ("started up, loaded config file");
if (!opts.should_load_disk || load_disk_timestamp (timestamp_path, &tv.tv_sec))
info ("sysclock %lu, no cached time", time(NULL));
info ("sysclock %lu, cached time %lu", time(NULL), tv.tv_sec);
if (!opts.sources)
add_source_to_conf(&opts, (char *) DEFAULT_HOST, (char *) DEFAULT_PORT,
(char *) DEFAULT_PROXY);
/* grab a handle to /dev/rtc for sync_hwclock() */
if (opts.should_sync_hwclock && !(hwclock_handle = platform->rtc_open()))
pinfo ("can't open hwclock fd");
if (opts.should_netlink)
routeup = event_routeup();
routeup = event_fdread(STDIN_FILENO);
event_composite_add(composite, routeup);
if (!routeup)
pfatal ("Can't open netlink socket");
if (!is_sane_time (time (NULL)))
* If the time is before the build timestamp, we're probably on
* a system with a broken rtc. Try loading the timestamp off
* disk.
if (opts.should_load_disk
&& load_disk_timestamp (timestamp_path, &tv.tv_sec))
pinfo ("can't load disk timestamp");
if (!opts.dry_run && settimeofday (&tv, NULL))
pfatal ("settimeofday() failed");
* don't save here - we either just loaded this time or used the
* default time, and neither of those are good to save
sync_and_save (hwclock_handle, 0);
if (opts.should_save_disk)
signal (SIGTERM, sigterm_handler);
signal (SIGTERM, sigterm_handler_nosave);
* Try once right away. If we fail, wait for a route to appear, then try
* for a while; repeat whenever another route appears. Try until we
* succeed.
if (!tlsdate (&opts, envp))
last_success = time (NULL);
sync_and_save (hwclock_handle, opts.should_save_disk);
* Loop until we catch a fatal signal or routeup_once() fails. We run
* tlsdate at least once a day, but possibly as often as routes come up;
* this should handle cases like a VPN being brought up and down
* periodically.
* The event loop.
* When we start up, we may have no time fix at all; we'll call this "active
* mode", where we are actively looking for opportunities to get a time fix.
* Once we get a time fix, we go into "passive mode", where we're looking to
* prevent clock drift or rtc corruption. The difference between these two
* modes is whether we're aggressive about checking for time after network
* routes come up.
* To do this, we create some event sources:
* e0 = event_routeup()
* e1 = event_suspend()
* e2 = event_every(interval)
* Then we create a couple of composite events:
* active = event_anyof(3, e0, e1, e2)
* Whenever our wait for an event returns, we start checking (i.e., running
* tlsdate with exponential backoff until it succeeds). If checking succeeds
* and we were in active state, we go to passive state; otherwise we return to
* our previous state.
while ((r = event_wait(composite)))
if (r < 0)
info("event_wait() failed: %d", r);
if (now() - last_success < opts.min_steady_state_interval)
info("too soon");
if (!tlsdate_retry(&opts, envp))
last_success = now();
info("tlsdate succeeded");
sync_and_save (hwclock_handle, opts.should_save_disk);
info ("exiting");
return 1;
#endif /* !TLSDATED_MAIN */