blob: 7bdb7ae6e4983cf16072c2250a5aabf7b18f5b5e [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- primary64.h ---------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#ifndef SCUDO_PRIMARY64_H_
#define SCUDO_PRIMARY64_H_
#include "bytemap.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "local_cache.h"
#include "memtag.h"
#include "release.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include "string_utils.h"
namespace scudo {
// SizeClassAllocator64 is an allocator tuned for 64-bit address space.
// It starts by reserving NumClasses * 2^RegionSizeLog bytes, equally divided in
// Regions, specific to each size class. Note that the base of that mapping is
// random (based to the platform specific map() capabilities), and that each
// Region actually starts at a random offset from its base.
// Regions are mapped incrementally on demand to fulfill allocation requests,
// those mappings being split into equally sized Blocks based on the size class
// they belong to. The Blocks created are shuffled to prevent predictable
// address patterns (the predictability increases with the size of the Blocks).
// The 1st Region (for size class 0) holds the TransferBatches. This is a
// structure used to transfer arrays of available pointers from the class size
// freelist to the thread specific freelist, and back.
// The memory used by this allocator is never unmapped, but can be partially
// released if the platform allows for it.
template <class SizeClassMapT, uptr RegionSizeLog,
s32 MinReleaseToOsIntervalMs = INT32_MIN,
s32 MaxReleaseToOsIntervalMs = INT32_MAX,
bool MaySupportMemoryTagging = false>
class SizeClassAllocator64 {
typedef SizeClassMapT SizeClassMap;
typedef SizeClassAllocator64<
SizeClassMap, RegionSizeLog, MinReleaseToOsIntervalMs,
MaxReleaseToOsIntervalMs, MaySupportMemoryTagging>
typedef SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<ThisT> CacheT;
typedef typename CacheT::TransferBatch TransferBatch;
static const bool SupportsMemoryTagging =
MaySupportMemoryTagging && archSupportsMemoryTagging();
static uptr getSizeByClassId(uptr ClassId) {
return (ClassId == SizeClassMap::BatchClassId)
? sizeof(TransferBatch)
: SizeClassMap::getSizeByClassId(ClassId);
static bool canAllocate(uptr Size) { return Size <= SizeClassMap::MaxSize; }
void initLinkerInitialized(s32 ReleaseToOsInterval) {
// Reserve the space required for the Primary.
PrimaryBase = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(
map(nullptr, PrimarySize, "scudo:primary", MAP_NOACCESS, &Data));
u32 Seed;
const u64 Time = getMonotonicTime();
if (UNLIKELY(!getRandom(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&Seed), sizeof(Seed))))
Seed = static_cast<u32>(Time ^ (PrimaryBase >> 12));
const uptr PageSize = getPageSizeCached();
for (uptr I = 0; I < NumClasses; I++) {
RegionInfo *Region = getRegionInfo(I);
// The actual start of a region is offseted by a random number of pages.
Region->RegionBeg =
getRegionBaseByClassId(I) + (getRandomModN(&Seed, 16) + 1) * PageSize;
Region->RandState = getRandomU32(&Seed);
// Releasing smaller size classes doesn't necessarily yield to a
// meaningful RSS impact: there are more blocks per page, they are
// randomized around, and thus pages are less likely to be entirely empty.
// On top of this, attempting to release those require more iterations and
// memory accesses which ends up being fairly costly. The current lower
// limit is mostly arbitrary and based on empirical observations.
// TODO(kostyak): make the lower limit a runtime option
Region->CanRelease = (I != SizeClassMap::BatchClassId) &&
(getSizeByClassId(I) >= (PageSize / 32));
if (Region->CanRelease)
Region->ReleaseInfo.LastReleaseAtNs = Time;
if (SupportsMemoryTagging)
UseMemoryTagging = systemSupportsMemoryTagging();
void init(s32 ReleaseToOsInterval) {
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
void unmapTestOnly() {
unmap(reinterpret_cast<void *>(PrimaryBase), PrimarySize, UNMAP_ALL, &Data);
TransferBatch *popBatch(CacheT *C, uptr ClassId) {
DCHECK_LT(ClassId, NumClasses);
RegionInfo *Region = getRegionInfo(ClassId);
ScopedLock L(Region->Mutex);
TransferBatch *B = Region->FreeList.front();
if (B) {
} else {
B = populateFreeList(C, ClassId, Region);
return nullptr;
DCHECK_GT(B->getCount(), 0);
Region->Stats.PoppedBlocks += B->getCount();
return B;
void pushBatch(uptr ClassId, TransferBatch *B) {
DCHECK_GT(B->getCount(), 0);
RegionInfo *Region = getRegionInfo(ClassId);
ScopedLock L(Region->Mutex);
Region->Stats.PushedBlocks += B->getCount();
if (Region->CanRelease)
releaseToOSMaybe(Region, ClassId);
void disable() {
// The BatchClassId must be locked last since other classes can use it.
for (sptr I = static_cast<sptr>(NumClasses) - 1; I >= 0; I--) {
if (static_cast<uptr>(I) == SizeClassMap::BatchClassId)
void enable() {
for (uptr I = 0; I < NumClasses; I++) {
if (I == SizeClassMap::BatchClassId)
template <typename F> void iterateOverBlocks(F Callback) {
for (uptr I = 0; I < NumClasses; I++) {
if (I == SizeClassMap::BatchClassId)
const RegionInfo *Region = getRegionInfo(I);
const uptr BlockSize = getSizeByClassId(I);
const uptr From = Region->RegionBeg;
const uptr To = From + Region->AllocatedUser;
for (uptr Block = From; Block < To; Block += BlockSize)
void getStats(ScopedString *Str) {
// TODO(kostyak): get the RSS per region.
uptr TotalMapped = 0;
uptr PoppedBlocks = 0;
uptr PushedBlocks = 0;
for (uptr I = 0; I < NumClasses; I++) {
RegionInfo *Region = getRegionInfo(I);
if (Region->MappedUser)
TotalMapped += Region->MappedUser;
PoppedBlocks += Region->Stats.PoppedBlocks;
PushedBlocks += Region->Stats.PushedBlocks;
Str->append("Stats: SizeClassAllocator64: %zuM mapped (%zuM rss) in %zu "
"allocations; remains %zu\n",
TotalMapped >> 20, 0, PoppedBlocks,
PoppedBlocks - PushedBlocks);
for (uptr I = 0; I < NumClasses; I++)
getStats(Str, I, 0);
void setReleaseToOsIntervalMs(s32 Interval) {
if (Interval >= MaxReleaseToOsIntervalMs) {
Interval = MaxReleaseToOsIntervalMs;
} else if (Interval <= MinReleaseToOsIntervalMs) {
Interval = MinReleaseToOsIntervalMs;
atomic_store(&ReleaseToOsIntervalMs, Interval, memory_order_relaxed);
uptr releaseToOS() {
uptr TotalReleasedBytes = 0;
for (uptr I = 0; I < NumClasses; I++) {
RegionInfo *Region = getRegionInfo(I);
ScopedLock L(Region->Mutex);
TotalReleasedBytes += releaseToOSMaybe(Region, I, /*Force=*/true);
return TotalReleasedBytes;
bool useMemoryTagging() const {
return SupportsMemoryTagging && UseMemoryTagging;
void disableMemoryTagging() { UseMemoryTagging = false; }
static const uptr RegionSize = 1UL << RegionSizeLog;
static const uptr NumClasses = SizeClassMap::NumClasses;
static const uptr PrimarySize = RegionSize * NumClasses;
// Call map for user memory with at least this size.
static const uptr MapSizeIncrement = 1UL << 18;
// Fill at most this number of batches from the newly map'd memory.
static const u32 MaxNumBatches = SCUDO_ANDROID ? 4U : 8U;
struct RegionStats {
uptr PoppedBlocks;
uptr PushedBlocks;
struct ReleaseToOsInfo {
uptr PushedBlocksAtLastRelease;
uptr RangesReleased;
uptr LastReleasedBytes;
u64 LastReleaseAtNs;
HybridMutex Mutex;
SinglyLinkedList<TransferBatch> FreeList;
RegionStats Stats;
bool CanRelease;
bool Exhausted;
u32 RandState;
uptr RegionBeg;
uptr MappedUser; // Bytes mapped for user memory.
uptr AllocatedUser; // Bytes allocated for user memory.
MapPlatformData Data;
ReleaseToOsInfo ReleaseInfo;
static_assert(sizeof(RegionInfo) % SCUDO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE == 0, "");
uptr PrimaryBase;
MapPlatformData Data;
atomic_s32 ReleaseToOsIntervalMs;
bool UseMemoryTagging;
RegionInfo RegionInfoArray[NumClasses];
RegionInfo *getRegionInfo(uptr ClassId) {
DCHECK_LT(ClassId, NumClasses);
return &RegionInfoArray[ClassId];
uptr getRegionBaseByClassId(uptr ClassId) const {
return PrimaryBase + (ClassId << RegionSizeLog);
bool populateBatches(CacheT *C, RegionInfo *Region, uptr ClassId,
TransferBatch **CurrentBatch, u32 MaxCount,
void **PointersArray, u32 Count) {
// No need to shuffle the batches size class.
if (ClassId != SizeClassMap::BatchClassId)
shuffle(PointersArray, Count, &Region->RandState);
TransferBatch *B = *CurrentBatch;
for (uptr I = 0; I < Count; I++) {
if (B && B->getCount() == MaxCount) {
B = nullptr;
if (!B) {
B = C->createBatch(ClassId, PointersArray[I]);
return false;
*CurrentBatch = B;
return true;
NOINLINE TransferBatch *populateFreeList(CacheT *C, uptr ClassId,
RegionInfo *Region) {
const uptr Size = getSizeByClassId(ClassId);
const u32 MaxCount = TransferBatch::getMaxCached(Size);
const uptr RegionBeg = Region->RegionBeg;
const uptr MappedUser = Region->MappedUser;
const uptr TotalUserBytes = Region->AllocatedUser + MaxCount * Size;
// Map more space for blocks, if necessary.
if (TotalUserBytes > MappedUser) {
// Do the mmap for the user memory.
const uptr UserMapSize =
roundUpTo(TotalUserBytes - MappedUser, MapSizeIncrement);
const uptr RegionBase = RegionBeg - getRegionBaseByClassId(ClassId);
if (UNLIKELY(RegionBase + MappedUser + UserMapSize > RegionSize)) {
if (!Region->Exhausted) {
Region->Exhausted = true;
ScopedString Str(1024);
"Scudo OOM: The process has Exhausted %zuM for size class %zu.\n",
RegionSize >> 20, Size);
return nullptr;
if (UNLIKELY(MappedUser == 0))
Region->Data = Data;
if (UNLIKELY(!map(reinterpret_cast<void *>(RegionBeg + MappedUser),
UserMapSize, "scudo:primary",
(useMemoryTagging() ? MAP_MEMTAG : 0),
return nullptr;
Region->MappedUser += UserMapSize;
C->getStats().add(StatMapped, UserMapSize);
const u32 NumberOfBlocks = Min(
MaxNumBatches * MaxCount,
static_cast<u32>((Region->MappedUser - Region->AllocatedUser) / Size));
DCHECK_GT(NumberOfBlocks, 0);
TransferBatch *B = nullptr;
constexpr u32 ShuffleArraySize =
MaxNumBatches * TransferBatch::MaxNumCached;
void *ShuffleArray[ShuffleArraySize];
u32 Count = 0;
const uptr P = RegionBeg + Region->AllocatedUser;
const uptr AllocatedUser = Size * NumberOfBlocks;
for (uptr I = P; I < P + AllocatedUser; I += Size) {
ShuffleArray[Count++] = reinterpret_cast<void *>(I);
if (Count == ShuffleArraySize) {
if (UNLIKELY(!populateBatches(C, Region, ClassId, &B, MaxCount,
ShuffleArray, Count)))
return nullptr;
Count = 0;
if (Count) {
if (UNLIKELY(!populateBatches(C, Region, ClassId, &B, MaxCount,
ShuffleArray, Count)))
return nullptr;
if (!Region->FreeList.empty()) {
B = Region->FreeList.front();
DCHECK_GT(B->getCount(), 0);
C->getStats().add(StatFree, AllocatedUser);
Region->AllocatedUser += AllocatedUser;
Region->Exhausted = false;
return B;
void getStats(ScopedString *Str, uptr ClassId, uptr Rss) {
RegionInfo *Region = getRegionInfo(ClassId);
if (Region->MappedUser == 0)
const uptr InUse = Region->Stats.PoppedBlocks - Region->Stats.PushedBlocks;
const uptr TotalChunks = Region->AllocatedUser / getSizeByClassId(ClassId);
Str->append("%s %02zu (%6zu): mapped: %6zuK popped: %7zu pushed: %7zu "
"inuse: %6zu total: %6zu rss: %6zuK releases: %6zu last "
"released: %6zuK region: 0x%zx (0x%zx)\n",
Region->Exhausted ? "F" : " ", ClassId,
getSizeByClassId(ClassId), Region->MappedUser >> 10,
Region->Stats.PoppedBlocks, Region->Stats.PushedBlocks, InUse,
TotalChunks, Rss >> 10, Region->ReleaseInfo.RangesReleased,
Region->ReleaseInfo.LastReleasedBytes >> 10, Region->RegionBeg,
s32 getReleaseToOsIntervalMs() {
return atomic_load(&ReleaseToOsIntervalMs, memory_order_relaxed);
NOINLINE uptr releaseToOSMaybe(RegionInfo *Region, uptr ClassId,
bool Force = false) {
const uptr BlockSize = getSizeByClassId(ClassId);
const uptr PageSize = getPageSizeCached();
CHECK_GE(Region->Stats.PoppedBlocks, Region->Stats.PushedBlocks);
const uptr BytesInFreeList =
Region->AllocatedUser -
(Region->Stats.PoppedBlocks - Region->Stats.PushedBlocks) * BlockSize;
if (BytesInFreeList < PageSize)
return 0; // No chance to release anything.
const uptr BytesPushed = (Region->Stats.PushedBlocks -
Region->ReleaseInfo.PushedBlocksAtLastRelease) *
if (BytesPushed < PageSize)
return 0; // Nothing new to release.
// Releasing smaller blocks is expensive, so we want to make sure that a
// significant amount of bytes are free, and that there has been a good
// amount of batches pushed to the freelist before attempting to release.
if (BlockSize < PageSize / 16U) {
if (!Force && BytesPushed < Region->AllocatedUser / 16U)
return 0;
// We want 8x% to 9x% free bytes (the larger the bock, the lower the %).
if ((BytesInFreeList * 100U) / Region->AllocatedUser <
(100U - 1U - BlockSize / 16U))
return 0;
if (!Force) {
const s32 IntervalMs = getReleaseToOsIntervalMs();
if (IntervalMs < 0)
return 0;
if (Region->ReleaseInfo.LastReleaseAtNs +
static_cast<u64>(IntervalMs) * 1000000 >
getMonotonicTime()) {
return 0; // Memory was returned recently.
ReleaseRecorder Recorder(Region->RegionBeg, &Region->Data);
releaseFreeMemoryToOS(Region->FreeList, Region->RegionBeg,
Region->AllocatedUser, 1U, BlockSize, &Recorder);
if (Recorder.getReleasedRangesCount() > 0) {
Region->ReleaseInfo.PushedBlocksAtLastRelease =
Region->ReleaseInfo.RangesReleased += Recorder.getReleasedRangesCount();
Region->ReleaseInfo.LastReleasedBytes = Recorder.getReleasedBytes();
Region->ReleaseInfo.LastReleaseAtNs = getMonotonicTime();
return Recorder.getReleasedBytes();
} // namespace scudo
#endif // SCUDO_PRIMARY64_H_