blob: 7d461b68c3db83d25a84070e0ef73b35a047b5cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Some of the functions in ring buffer is marked as #[must_use]. It notes that
// these functions may have side effects, and it's implemented by [RFC 1940].
// [RFC 1940]:
use core::cmp;
use managed::ManagedSlice;
use crate::storage::Resettable;
use super::{Empty, Full};
/// A ring buffer.
/// This ring buffer implementation provides many ways to interact with it:
/// * Enqueueing or dequeueing one element from corresponding side of the buffer;
/// * Enqueueing or dequeueing a slice of elements from corresponding side of the buffer;
/// * Accessing allocated and unallocated areas directly.
/// It is also zero-copy; all methods provide references into the buffer's storage.
/// Note that all references are mutable; it is considered more important to allow
/// in-place processing than to protect from accidental mutation.
/// This implementation is suitable for both simple uses such as a FIFO queue
/// of UDP packets, and advanced ones such as a TCP reassembly buffer.
pub struct RingBuffer<'a, T: 'a> {
storage: ManagedSlice<'a, T>,
read_at: usize,
length: usize,
impl<'a, T: 'a> RingBuffer<'a, T> {
/// Create a ring buffer with the given storage.
/// During creation, every element in `storage` is reset.
pub fn new<S>(storage: S) -> RingBuffer<'a, T>
S: Into<ManagedSlice<'a, T>>,
RingBuffer {
storage: storage.into(),
read_at: 0,
length: 0,
/// Clear the ring buffer.
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
self.read_at = 0;
self.length = 0;
/// Return the maximum number of elements in the ring buffer.
pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize {
/// Clear the ring buffer, and reset every element.
pub fn reset(&mut self)
T: Resettable,
for elem in {
/// Return the current number of elements in the ring buffer.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Return the number of elements that can be added to the ring buffer.
pub fn window(&self) -> usize {
self.capacity() - self.len()
/// Return the largest number of elements that can be added to the buffer
/// without wrapping around (i.e. in a single `enqueue_many` call).
pub fn contiguous_window(&self) -> usize {
cmp::min(self.window(), self.capacity() - self.get_idx(self.length))
/// Query whether the buffer is empty.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.len() == 0
/// Query whether the buffer is full.
pub fn is_full(&self) -> bool {
self.window() == 0
/// Shorthand for `( + idx) % self.capacity()` with an
/// additional check to ensure that the capacity is not zero.
fn get_idx(&self, idx: usize) -> usize {
let len = self.capacity();
if len > 0 {
(self.read_at + idx) % len
} else {
/// Shorthand for `( + idx) % self.capacity()` with no
/// additional checks to ensure the capacity is not zero.
fn get_idx_unchecked(&self, idx: usize) -> usize {
(self.read_at + idx) % self.capacity()
/// This is the "discrete" ring buffer interface: it operates with single elements,
/// and boundary conditions (empty/full) are errors.
impl<'a, T: 'a> RingBuffer<'a, T> {
/// Call `f` with a single buffer element, and enqueue the element if `f`
/// returns successfully, or return `Err(Full)` if the buffer is full.
pub fn enqueue_one_with<'b, R, E, F>(&'b mut self, f: F) -> Result<Result<R, E>, Full>
F: FnOnce(&'b mut T) -> Result<R, E>,
if self.is_full() {
return Err(Full);
let index = self.get_idx_unchecked(self.length);
let res = f(&mut[index]);
if res.is_ok() {
self.length += 1;
/// Enqueue a single element into the buffer, and return a reference to it,
/// or return `Err(Full)` if the buffer is full.
/// This function is a shortcut for `ring_buf.enqueue_one_with(Ok)`.
pub fn enqueue_one(&mut self) -> Result<&mut T, Full> {
/// Call `f` with a single buffer element, and dequeue the element if `f`
/// returns successfully, or return `Err(Empty)` if the buffer is empty.
pub fn dequeue_one_with<'b, R, E, F>(&'b mut self, f: F) -> Result<Result<R, E>, Empty>
F: FnOnce(&'b mut T) -> Result<R, E>,
if self.is_empty() {
return Err(Empty);
let next_at = self.get_idx_unchecked(1);
let res = f(&mut[self.read_at]);
if res.is_ok() {
self.length -= 1;
self.read_at = next_at;
/// Dequeue an element from the buffer, and return a reference to it,
/// or return `Err(Empty)` if the buffer is empty.
/// This function is a shortcut for `ring_buf.dequeue_one_with(Ok)`.
pub fn dequeue_one(&mut self) -> Result<&mut T, Empty> {
/// This is the "continuous" ring buffer interface: it operates with element slices,
/// and boundary conditions (empty/full) simply result in empty slices.
impl<'a, T: 'a> RingBuffer<'a, T> {
/// Call `f` with the largest contiguous slice of unallocated buffer elements,
/// and enqueue the amount of elements returned by `f`.
/// # Panics
/// This function panics if the amount of elements returned by `f` is larger
/// than the size of the slice passed into it.
pub fn enqueue_many_with<'b, R, F>(&'b mut self, f: F) -> (usize, R)
F: FnOnce(&'b mut [T]) -> (usize, R),
if self.length == 0 {
// Ring is currently empty. Reset `read_at` to optimize
// for contiguous space.
self.read_at = 0;
let write_at = self.get_idx(self.length);
let max_size = self.contiguous_window();
let (size, result) = f(&mut[write_at..write_at + max_size]);
assert!(size <= max_size);
self.length += size;
(size, result)
/// Enqueue a slice of elements up to the given size into the buffer,
/// and return a reference to them.
/// This function may return a slice smaller than the given size
/// if the free space in the buffer is not contiguous.
pub fn enqueue_many(&mut self, size: usize) -> &mut [T] {
self.enqueue_many_with(|buf| {
let size = cmp::min(size, buf.len());
(size, &mut buf[..size])
/// Enqueue as many elements from the given slice into the buffer as possible,
/// and return the amount of elements that could fit.
pub fn enqueue_slice(&mut self, data: &[T]) -> usize
T: Copy,
let (size_1, data) = self.enqueue_many_with(|buf| {
let size = cmp::min(buf.len(), data.len());
(size, &data[size..])
let (size_2, ()) = self.enqueue_many_with(|buf| {
let size = cmp::min(buf.len(), data.len());
(size, ())
size_1 + size_2
/// Call `f` with the largest contiguous slice of allocated buffer elements,
/// and dequeue the amount of elements returned by `f`.
/// # Panics
/// This function panics if the amount of elements returned by `f` is larger
/// than the size of the slice passed into it.
pub fn dequeue_many_with<'b, R, F>(&'b mut self, f: F) -> (usize, R)
F: FnOnce(&'b mut [T]) -> (usize, R),
let capacity = self.capacity();
let max_size = cmp::min(self.len(), capacity - self.read_at);
let (size, result) = f(&mut[self.read_at..self.read_at + max_size]);
assert!(size <= max_size);
self.read_at = if capacity > 0 {
(self.read_at + size) % capacity
} else {
self.length -= size;
(size, result)
/// Dequeue a slice of elements up to the given size from the buffer,
/// and return a reference to them.
/// This function may return a slice smaller than the given size
/// if the allocated space in the buffer is not contiguous.
pub fn dequeue_many(&mut self, size: usize) -> &mut [T] {
self.dequeue_many_with(|buf| {
let size = cmp::min(size, buf.len());
(size, &mut buf[..size])
/// Dequeue as many elements from the buffer into the given slice as possible,
/// and return the amount of elements that could fit.
pub fn dequeue_slice(&mut self, data: &mut [T]) -> usize
T: Copy,
let (size_1, data) = self.dequeue_many_with(|buf| {
let size = cmp::min(buf.len(), data.len());
(size, &mut data[size..])
let (size_2, ()) = self.dequeue_many_with(|buf| {
let size = cmp::min(buf.len(), data.len());
(size, ())
size_1 + size_2
/// This is the "random access" ring buffer interface: it operates with element slices,
/// and allows to access elements of the buffer that are not adjacent to its head or tail.
impl<'a, T: 'a> RingBuffer<'a, T> {
/// Return the largest contiguous slice of unallocated buffer elements starting
/// at the given offset past the last allocated element, and up to the given size.
pub fn get_unallocated(&mut self, offset: usize, mut size: usize) -> &mut [T] {
let start_at = self.get_idx(self.length + offset);
// We can't access past the end of unallocated data.
if offset > self.window() {
return &mut [];
// We can't enqueue more than there is free space.
let clamped_window = self.window() - offset;
if size > clamped_window {
size = clamped_window
// We can't contiguously enqueue past the end of the storage.
let until_end = self.capacity() - start_at;
if size > until_end {
size = until_end
&mut[start_at..start_at + size]
/// Write as many elements from the given slice into unallocated buffer elements
/// starting at the given offset past the last allocated element, and return
/// the amount written.
pub fn write_unallocated(&mut self, offset: usize, data: &[T]) -> usize
T: Copy,
let (size_1, offset, data) = {
let slice = self.get_unallocated(offset, data.len());
let slice_len = slice.len();
(slice_len, offset + slice_len, &data[slice_len..])
let size_2 = {
let slice = self.get_unallocated(offset, data.len());
let slice_len = slice.len();
size_1 + size_2
/// Enqueue the given number of unallocated buffer elements.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the number of elements given exceeds the number of unallocated elements.
pub fn enqueue_unallocated(&mut self, count: usize) {
assert!(count <= self.window());
self.length += count;
/// Return the largest contiguous slice of allocated buffer elements starting
/// at the given offset past the first allocated element, and up to the given size.
pub fn get_allocated(&self, offset: usize, mut size: usize) -> &[T] {
let start_at = self.get_idx(offset);
// We can't read past the end of the allocated data.
if offset > self.length {
return &mut [];
// We can't read more than we have allocated.
let clamped_length = self.length - offset;
if size > clamped_length {
size = clamped_length
// We can't contiguously dequeue past the end of the storage.
let until_end = self.capacity() - start_at;
if size > until_end {
size = until_end
&[start_at..start_at + size]
/// Read as many elements from allocated buffer elements into the given slice
/// starting at the given offset past the first allocated element, and return
/// the amount read.
pub fn read_allocated(&mut self, offset: usize, data: &mut [T]) -> usize
T: Copy,
let (size_1, offset, data) = {
let slice = self.get_allocated(offset, data.len());
(slice.len(), offset + slice.len(), &mut data[slice.len()..])
let size_2 = {
let slice = self.get_allocated(offset, data.len());
size_1 + size_2
/// Dequeue the given number of allocated buffer elements.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the number of elements given exceeds the number of allocated elements.
pub fn dequeue_allocated(&mut self, count: usize) {
assert!(count <= self.len());
self.length -= count;
self.read_at = self.get_idx(count);
impl<'a, T: 'a> From<ManagedSlice<'a, T>> for RingBuffer<'a, T> {
fn from(slice: ManagedSlice<'a, T>) -> RingBuffer<'a, T> {
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_buffer_length_changes() {
let mut ring = RingBuffer::new(vec![0; 2]);
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(ring.capacity(), 2);
assert_eq!(ring.window(), 2);
ring.length = 1;
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(ring.capacity(), 2);
assert_eq!(ring.window(), 1);
ring.length = 2;
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(ring.capacity(), 2);
assert_eq!(ring.window(), 0);
fn test_buffer_enqueue_dequeue_one_with() {
let mut ring = RingBuffer::new(vec![0; 5]);
ring.dequeue_one_with(|_| -> Result::<(), ()> { unreachable!() }),
ring.enqueue_one_with(Ok::<_, ()>).unwrap().unwrap();
for i in 1..5 {
ring.enqueue_one_with(|e| Ok::<_, ()>(*e = i))
ring.enqueue_one_with(|_| -> Result::<(), ()> { unreachable!() }),
for i in 0..5 {
ring.dequeue_one_with(|e| Ok::<_, ()>(*e)).unwrap().unwrap(),
ring.dequeue_one_with(|_| -> Result::<(), ()> { unreachable!() }),
fn test_buffer_enqueue_dequeue_one() {
let mut ring = RingBuffer::new(vec![0; 5]);
assert_eq!(ring.dequeue_one(), Err(Empty));
for i in 1..5 {
*ring.enqueue_one().unwrap() = i;
assert_eq!(ring.enqueue_one(), Err(Full));
for i in 0..5 {
assert_eq!(*ring.dequeue_one().unwrap(), i);
assert_eq!(ring.dequeue_one(), Err(Empty));
fn test_buffer_enqueue_many_with() {
let mut ring = RingBuffer::new(vec![b'.'; 12]);
ring.enqueue_many_with(|buf| {
assert_eq!(buf.len(), 12);
(2, true)
(2, true)
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"ab..........");
ring.enqueue_many_with(|buf| {
assert_eq!(buf.len(), 12 - 2);
(2, ())
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 4);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"abcdXX......");
ring.enqueue_many_with(|buf| {
assert_eq!(buf.len(), 12 - 4);
(4, ())
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 8);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"abcdefgh....");
for _ in 0..4 {
*ring.dequeue_one().unwrap() = b'.';
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 4);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"....efgh....");
ring.enqueue_many_with(|buf| {
assert_eq!(buf.len(), 12 - 8);
(4, ())
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 8);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"....efghijkl");
ring.enqueue_many_with(|buf| {
assert_eq!(buf.len(), 4);
(4, ())
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 12);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"abcdefghijkl");
for _ in 0..4 {
*ring.dequeue_one().unwrap() = b'.';
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 8);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"abcd....ijkl");
fn test_buffer_enqueue_many() {
let mut ring = RingBuffer::new(vec![b'.'; 12]);
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 8);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"abcdefgh....");
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 12);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"abcdefghijkl");
fn test_buffer_enqueue_slice() {
let mut ring = RingBuffer::new(vec![b'.'; 12]);
assert_eq!(ring.enqueue_slice(b"abcdefgh"), 8);
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 8);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"abcdefgh....");
for _ in 0..4 {
*ring.dequeue_one().unwrap() = b'.';
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 4);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"....efgh....");
assert_eq!(ring.enqueue_slice(b"ijklabcd"), 8);
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 12);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"abcdefghijkl");
fn test_buffer_dequeue_many_with() {
let mut ring = RingBuffer::new(vec![b'.'; 12]);
assert_eq!(ring.enqueue_slice(b"abcdefghijkl"), 12);
ring.dequeue_many_with(|buf| {
assert_eq!(buf.len(), 12);
assert_eq!(buf, b"abcdefghijkl");
(4, true)
(4, true)
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 8);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"....efghijkl");
ring.dequeue_many_with(|buf| {
assert_eq!(buf, b"efghijkl");
(4, ())
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 4);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"........ijkl");
assert_eq!(ring.enqueue_slice(b"abcd"), 4);
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 8);
ring.dequeue_many_with(|buf| {
assert_eq!(buf, b"ijkl");
(4, ())
ring.dequeue_many_with(|buf| {
assert_eq!(buf, b"abcd");
(4, ())
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"............");
fn test_buffer_dequeue_many() {
let mut ring = RingBuffer::new(vec![b'.'; 12]);
assert_eq!(ring.enqueue_slice(b"abcdefghijkl"), 12);
let buf = ring.dequeue_many(8);
assert_eq!(buf, b"abcdefgh");
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 4);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"........ijkl");
let buf = ring.dequeue_many(8);
assert_eq!(buf, b"ijkl");
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"............");
fn test_buffer_dequeue_slice() {
let mut ring = RingBuffer::new(vec![b'.'; 12]);
assert_eq!(ring.enqueue_slice(b"abcdefghijkl"), 12);
let mut buf = [0; 8];
assert_eq!(ring.dequeue_slice(&mut buf[..]), 8);
assert_eq!(&buf[..], b"abcdefgh");
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 4);
assert_eq!(ring.enqueue_slice(b"abcd"), 4);
let mut buf = [0; 8];
assert_eq!(ring.dequeue_slice(&mut buf[..]), 8);
assert_eq!(&buf[..], b"ijklabcd");
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 0);
fn test_buffer_get_unallocated() {
let mut ring = RingBuffer::new(vec![b'.'; 12]);
assert_eq!(ring.get_unallocated(16, 4), b"");
let buf = ring.get_unallocated(0, 4);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"abcd........");
let buf_enqueued = ring.enqueue_many(4);
assert_eq!(buf_enqueued.len(), 4);
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 4);
let buf = ring.get_unallocated(4, 8);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"abcd....ijkl");
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 8);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"abcdEFGHIJKL");
let buf = ring.get_unallocated(0, 8);
assert_eq!(&[..], b"ABCDEFGHIJKL");
fn test_buffer_write_unallocated() {
let mut ring = RingBuffer::new(vec![b'.'; 12]);
assert_eq!(ring.write_unallocated(0, b"ghi"), 3);
assert_eq!(ring.get_unallocated(0, 3), b"ghi");
assert_eq!(ring.write_unallocated(3, b"jklmno"), 6);
assert_eq!(ring.get_unallocated(3, 3), b"jkl");
assert_eq!(ring.write_unallocated(9, b"pqrstu"), 3);
assert_eq!(ring.get_unallocated(9, 3), b"pqr");
fn test_buffer_get_allocated() {
let mut ring = RingBuffer::new(vec![b'.'; 12]);
assert_eq!(ring.get_allocated(16, 4), b"");
assert_eq!(ring.get_allocated(0, 4), b"");
let len_enqueued = ring.enqueue_slice(b"abcd");
assert_eq!(ring.get_allocated(0, 8), b"abcd");
assert_eq!(len_enqueued, 4);
let len_enqueued = ring.enqueue_slice(b"efghijkl");
assert_eq!(ring.get_allocated(4, 8), b"ijkl");
assert_eq!(len_enqueued, 8);
let len_enqueued = ring.enqueue_slice(b"abcd");
assert_eq!(ring.get_allocated(4, 8), b"ijkl");
assert_eq!(len_enqueued, 4);
fn test_buffer_read_allocated() {
let mut ring = RingBuffer::new(vec![b'.'; 12]);
let mut data = [0; 6];
assert_eq!(ring.read_allocated(0, &mut data[..]), 6);
assert_eq!(&data[..], b"abcdef");
let mut data = [0; 6];
assert_eq!(ring.read_allocated(3, &mut data[..]), 6);
assert_eq!(&data[..], b"jklmno");
let mut data = [0; 6];
assert_eq!(ring.read_allocated(6, &mut data[..]), 3);
assert_eq!(&data[..], b"mno\x00\x00\x00");
fn test_buffer_with_no_capacity() {
let mut no_capacity: RingBuffer<u8> = RingBuffer::new(vec![]);
// Call all functions that calculate the remainder against rx_buffer.capacity()
// with a backing storage with a length of 0.
assert_eq!(no_capacity.get_unallocated(0, 0), &[]);
assert_eq!(no_capacity.get_allocated(0, 0), &[]);
assert_eq!(no_capacity.enqueue_many(0), &[]);
assert_eq!(no_capacity.enqueue_one(), Err(Full));
assert_eq!(no_capacity.contiguous_window(), 0);
/// Use the buffer a bit. Then empty it and put in an item of
/// maximum size. By detecting a length of 0, the implementation
/// can reset the current buffer position.
fn test_buffer_write_wholly() {
let mut ring = RingBuffer::new(vec![b'.'; 8]);
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 4);
let buf_dequeued = ring.dequeue_many(4);
assert_eq!(buf_dequeued, b"abcd");
assert_eq!(ring.len(), 0);
let large = ring.enqueue_many(8);
assert_eq!(large.len(), 8);