blob: 474d96153c962a353f38c6d7ea46a827cc90475d [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::element::Polygon;
use crate::style::{colors::BLUE, Color, ShapeStyle};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub trait Direction<X, Y, Z> {
type Input1Type;
type Input2Type;
type OutputType;
fn make_coord(
free_vars: (Self::Input1Type, Self::Input2Type),
result: Self::OutputType,
) -> (X, Y, Z);
macro_rules! define_panel_descriptor {
($name: ident, $var1: ident, $var2: ident, $out: ident, ($first: ident, $second:ident) -> $result: ident = $output: expr) => {
pub struct $name;
impl<X, Y, Z> Direction<X, Y, Z> for $name {
type Input1Type = $var1;
type Input2Type = $var2;
type OutputType = $out;
fn make_coord(
($first, $second): (Self::Input1Type, Self::Input2Type),
$result: Self::OutputType,
) -> (X, Y, Z) {
define_panel_descriptor!(XOY, X, Y, Z, (x, y) -> z = (x,y,z));
define_panel_descriptor!(XOZ, X, Z, Y, (x, z) -> y = (x,y,z));
define_panel_descriptor!(YOZ, Y, Z, X, (y, z) -> x = (x,y,z));
enum StyleConfig<'a, T> {
Function(&'a dyn Fn(&T) -> ShapeStyle),
impl<T> StyleConfig<'_, T> {
fn get_style(&self, v: &T) -> ShapeStyle {
match self {
StyleConfig::Fixed(s) => s.clone(),
StyleConfig::Function(f) => f(v),
/// The surface series.
/// Currently the surface is representing any surface in form
/// y = f(x,z)
/// TODO: make this more general
pub struct SurfaceSeries<'a, X, Y, Z, D, SurfaceFunc>
D: Direction<X, Y, Z>,
SurfaceFunc: Fn(D::Input1Type, D::Input2Type) -> D::OutputType,
free_var_1: Vec<D::Input1Type>,
free_var_2: Vec<D::Input2Type>,
surface_f: SurfaceFunc,
style: StyleConfig<'a, D::OutputType>,
vidx_1: usize,
vidx_2: usize,
_phantom: PhantomData<(X, Y, Z, D)>,
impl<'a, X, Y, Z, D, SurfaceFunc> SurfaceSeries<'a, X, Y, Z, D, SurfaceFunc>
D: Direction<X, Y, Z>,
SurfaceFunc: Fn(D::Input1Type, D::Input2Type) -> D::OutputType,
pub fn new<IterA: Iterator<Item = D::Input1Type>, IterB: Iterator<Item = D::Input2Type>>(
first_iter: IterA,
second_iter: IterB,
func: SurfaceFunc,
) -> Self {
Self {
free_var_1: first_iter.collect(),
free_var_2: second_iter.collect(),
surface_f: func,
style: StyleConfig::Fixed(BLUE.mix(0.4).filled()),
vidx_1: 0,
vidx_2: 0,
_phantom: PhantomData,
pub fn style_func<F: Fn(&D::OutputType) -> ShapeStyle>(mut self, f: &'a F) -> Self { = StyleConfig::Function(f);
pub fn style<S: Into<ShapeStyle>>(mut self, s: S) -> Self { = StyleConfig::Fixed(s.into());
macro_rules! impl_constructor {
($dir: ty, $name: ident) => {
impl<'a, X, Y, Z, SurfaceFunc> SurfaceSeries<'a, X, Y, Z, $dir, SurfaceFunc>
SurfaceFunc: Fn(
<$dir as Direction<X, Y, Z>>::Input1Type,
<$dir as Direction<X, Y, Z>>::Input2Type,
) -> <$dir as Direction<X, Y, Z>>::OutputType,
pub fn $name<IterA, IterB>(a: IterA, b: IterB, f: SurfaceFunc) -> Self
IterA: Iterator<Item = <$dir as Direction<X, Y, Z>>::Input1Type>,
IterB: Iterator<Item = <$dir as Direction<X, Y, Z>>::Input2Type>,
Self::new(a, b, f)
impl_constructor!(XOY, xoy);
impl_constructor!(XOZ, xoz);
impl_constructor!(YOZ, yoz);
impl<'a, X, Y, Z, D, SurfaceFunc> Iterator for SurfaceSeries<'a, X, Y, Z, D, SurfaceFunc>
D: Direction<X, Y, Z>,
D::Input1Type: Clone,
D::Input2Type: Clone,
SurfaceFunc: Fn(D::Input1Type, D::Input2Type) -> D::OutputType,
type Item = Polygon<(X, Y, Z)>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let (b0, b1) = if let (Some(b0), Some(b1)) = (
self.free_var_2.get(self.vidx_2 + 1),
) {
self.vidx_2 += 1;
(b0, b1)
} else {
self.vidx_1 += 1;
self.vidx_2 = 1;
if let (Some(b0), Some(b1)) = (self.free_var_2.get(0), self.free_var_2.get(1)) {
(b0, b1)
} else {
return None;
match (
self.free_var_1.get(self.vidx_1 + 1),
) {
(Some(a0), Some(a1)) => {
let value = (self.surface_f)(a0.clone(), b0.clone());
let style =;
let vert = vec![
D::make_coord((a0.clone(), b0.clone()), value),
(a0.clone(), b1.clone()),
(self.surface_f)(a0.clone(), b1.clone()),
(a1.clone(), b1.clone()),
(self.surface_f)(a1.clone(), b1.clone()),
(a1.clone(), b0.clone()),
(self.surface_f)(a1.clone(), b0.clone()),
return Some(Polygon::new(vert, style));
_ => {
return None;