blob: d9ed065bc03144671f21c7020f4e016a795784b4 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package xds.type.matcher.v3;
import "xds/annotations/v3/status.proto";
import "xds/type/v3/cel.proto";
import "validate/validate.proto";
option java_package = "com.github.xds.type.matcher.v3";
option java_outer_classname = "CelProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option go_package = "";
option (xds.annotations.v3.file_status).work_in_progress = true;
// [#protodoc-title: Common Expression Language (CEL) matchers]
// Performs a match by evaluating a `Common Expression Language
// <>`_ (CEL) expression against the standardized set of
// :ref:`HTTP attributes <arch_overview_attributes>` specified via ``HttpAttributesCelMatchInput``.
// .. attention::
// The match is ``true``, iff the result of the evaluation is a bool AND true.
// In all other cases, the match is ``false``, including but not limited to: non-bool types,
// ``false``, ``null``,`` int(1)``, etc.
// In case CEL expression raises an error, the result of the evaluation is interpreted "no match".
// Refer to :ref:`Unified Matcher API <envoy_v3_api_msg_.xds.type.matcher.v3.Matcher>` documentation
// for usage details.
// [#comment:TODO(sergiitk): Link HttpAttributesMatchInput + usage example.]
// [#comment:TODO(sergiitk): When implemented, add the extension tag.]
message CelMatcher {
// Either parsed or checked representation of the CEL program.
type.v3.CelExpression expr_match = 1 [(validate.rules).message = {required: true}];