blob: 3ebb251a96125408c2c4afab974b0cc5b5f00710 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <new>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
#include "absl/utility/utility.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/construct_destruct.h"
#include "src/core/lib/promise/detail/promise_factory.h"
#include "src/core/lib/promise/detail/promise_like.h"
#include "src/core/lib/promise/detail/switch.h"
#include "src/core/lib/promise/poll.h"
namespace grpc_core {
namespace promise_detail {
// Helper for SeqState to evaluate some common types to all partial
// specializations.
template <template <typename> class Traits, typename FPromise, typename FNext>
struct SeqStateTypes {
// Our current promise.
using Promise = FPromise;
// The result of our current promise.
using PromiseResult = typename Promise::Result;
// Traits around the result of our promise.
using PromiseResultTraits = Traits<PromiseResult>;
// Wrap the factory callable in our factory wrapper to deal with common edge
// cases. We use the 'unwrapped type' from the traits, so for instance, TrySeq
// can pass back a T from a StatusOr<T>.
using Next = promise_detail::OncePromiseFactory<
typename PromiseResultTraits::UnwrappedType, FNext>;
// One state in a sequence.
// A state contains the current promise, and the promise factory to turn the
// result of the current promise into the next state's promise. We play a shell
// game such that the prior state and our current promise are kept in a union,
// and the next promise factory is kept alongside in the state struct.
// Recursively this guarantees that the next functions get initialized once, and
// destroyed once, and don't need to be moved around in between, which avoids a
// potential O(n**2) loop of next factory moves had we used a variant of states
// here. The very first state does not have a prior state, and so that state has
// a partial specialization below. The final state does not have a next state;
// that state is inlined in BasicSeq since that was simpler to type.
template <template <typename> class Traits, char I, typename... Fs>
struct SeqState {
// The state evaluated before this state.
using PriorState = SeqState<Traits, I - 1, Fs...>;
// Initialization from callables.
explicit SeqState(std::tuple<Fs*...> fs)
: next_factory(std::move(*std::get<I + 1>(fs))) {
new (&prior) PriorState(fs);
// Move constructor - assumes we're in the initial state (move prior) as it's
// illegal to move a promise after polling it.
SeqState(SeqState&& other) noexcept
: next_factory(std::move(other.next_factory)) {
new (&prior) PriorState(std::move(other.prior));
// Copy constructor - assumes we're in the initial state (move prior) as it's
// illegal to move a promise after polling it.
SeqState(const SeqState& other) : next_factory(other.next_factory) {
new (&prior) PriorState(std::move(other.prior));
// Empty destructor - we instead destruct the innards in BasicSeq manually
// depending on state.
~SeqState() {}
// Evaluate the current promise, next promise factory types for this state.
// The current promise is the next promise from the prior state.
// The next factory callable is from the callables passed in:
// Fs[0] is the initial promise, Fs[1] is the state 0 next factory, Fs[2] is
// the state 1 next factory, etc...
using Types = SeqStateTypes<
Traits, typename PriorState::Types::Next::Promise,
typename std::tuple_element<I + 1, std::tuple<Fs...>>::type>;
// Storage for either the current promise or the prior state.
union {
// If we're in the prior state.
// The callables representing our promise.
GPR_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS typename Types::Promise current_promise;
// Storage for the next promise factory.
GPR_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS typename Types::Next next_factory;
// Partial specialization of SeqState above for the first state - it has no
// prior state, so we take the first callable from the template arg list and use
// it as a promise.
template <template <typename> class Traits, typename... Fs>
struct SeqState<Traits, 0, Fs...> {
// Initialization from callables.
explicit SeqState(std::tuple<Fs*...> args)
: current_promise(std::move(*std::get<0>(args))),
next_factory(std::move(*std::get<1>(args))) {}
// Move constructor - it's assumed we're in this state (see above).
SeqState(SeqState&& other) noexcept
: current_promise(std::move(other.current_promise)),
next_factory(std::move(other.next_factory)) {}
// Copy constructor - it's assumed we're in this state (see above).
SeqState(const SeqState& other)
: current_promise(other.current_promise),
next_factory(other.next_factory) {}
// Empty destructor - we instead destruct the innards in BasicSeq manually
// depending on state.
~SeqState() {}
// Evaluate the current promise, next promise factory types for this state.
// Our callable is the first element of Fs, wrapped in PromiseLike to handle
// some common edge cases. The next factory is the second element.
using Types = SeqStateTypes<
PromiseLike<typename std::tuple_element<0, std::tuple<Fs...>>::type>,
typename std::tuple_element<1, std::tuple<Fs...>>::type>;
GPR_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS typename Types::Promise current_promise;
GPR_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS typename Types::Next next_factory;
// Helper to get a specific state index.
// Calls the prior state, unless it's this state, in which case it returns
// that.
template <char I, template <typename> class Traits, char J, typename... Fs>
struct GetSeqStateInner {
static SeqState<Traits, I, Fs...>* f(SeqState<Traits, J, Fs...>* p) {
return GetSeqStateInner<I, Traits, J - 1, Fs...>::f(&p->prior);
template <char I, template <typename> class Traits, typename... Fs>
struct GetSeqStateInner<I, Traits, I, Fs...> {
static SeqState<Traits, I, Fs...>* f(SeqState<Traits, I, Fs...>* p) {
return p;
template <char I, template <typename> class Traits, char J, typename... Fs>
absl::enable_if_t<I <= J, SeqState<Traits, I, Fs...>*> GetSeqState(
SeqState<Traits, J, Fs...>* p) {
return GetSeqStateInner<I, Traits, J, Fs...>::f(p);
template <template <typename> class Traits, char I, typename... Fs, typename T>
auto CallNext(SeqState<Traits, I, Fs...>* state, T&& arg)
-> decltype(SeqState<Traits, I, Fs...>::Types::PromiseResultTraits::
CallFactory(&state->next_factory, std::forward<T>(arg))) {
return SeqState<Traits, I, Fs...>::Types::PromiseResultTraits::CallFactory(
&state->next_factory, std::forward<T>(arg));
// A sequence under some traits for some set of callables Fs.
// Fs[0] should be a promise-like object that yields a value.
// Fs[1..] should be promise-factory-like objects that take the value from the
// previous step and yield a promise. Note that most of the machinery in
// PromiseFactory exists to make it possible for those promise-factory-like
// objects to be anything that's convenient. Traits defines how we move from one
// step to the next. Traits sets up the wrapping and escape handling for the
// sequence. Promises return wrapped values that the trait can inspect and
// unwrap before passing them to the next element of the sequence. The trait can
// also interpret a wrapped value as an escape value, which terminates
// evaluation of the sequence immediately yielding a result. Traits for type T
// have the members:
// * type UnwrappedType - the type after removing wrapping from T (i.e. for
// TrySeq, T=StatusOr<U> yields UnwrappedType=U).
// * type WrappedType - the type after adding wrapping if it doesn't already
// exist (i.e. for TrySeq if T is not Status/StatusOr/void, then
// WrappedType=StatusOr<T>; if T is Status then WrappedType=Status (it's
// already wrapped!))
// * template <typename Next> void CallFactory(Next* next_factory, T&& value) -
// call promise factory next_factory with the result of unwrapping value, and
// return the resulting promise.
// * template <typename Result, typename RunNext> Poll<Result>
// CheckResultAndRunNext(T prior, RunNext run_next) - examine the value of
// prior, and decide to escape or continue. If escaping, return the final
// sequence value of type Poll<Result>. If continuing, return the value of
// run_next(std::move(prior)).
template <template <typename> class Traits, typename... Fs>
class BasicSeq {
// Number of states in the sequence - we'll refer to this some!
static constexpr char N = sizeof...(Fs);
// Current state.
static_assert(N < 128, "Long sequence... please revisit BasicSeq");
char state_ = 0;
// The penultimate state contains all the preceding states too.
using PenultimateState = SeqState<Traits, N - 2, Fs...>;
// The final state is simply the final promise, which is the next promise from
// the penultimate state.
using FinalPromise = typename PenultimateState::Types::Next::Promise;
union {
GPR_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS PenultimateState penultimate_state_;
GPR_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS FinalPromise final_promise_;
using FinalPromiseResult = typename FinalPromise::Result;
using Result = typename Traits<FinalPromiseResult>::WrappedType;
// Get a state by index.
template <char I>
absl::enable_if_t < I<N - 2, SeqState<Traits, I, Fs...>*> state() {
return GetSeqState<I>(&penultimate_state_);
template <char I>
absl::enable_if_t<I == N - 2, PenultimateState*> state() {
return &penultimate_state_;
// Get the next state's promise.
template <char I>
auto next_promise() -> absl::enable_if_t<
I != N - 2,
decltype(&GetSeqState<I + 1>(static_cast<PenultimateState*>(nullptr))
->current_promise)> {
return &GetSeqState<I + 1>(&penultimate_state_)->current_promise;
template <char I>
absl::enable_if_t<I == N - 2, FinalPromise*> next_promise() {
return &final_promise_;
// Callable to advance the state to the next one after I given the result from
// state I.
template <char I>
struct RunNext {
BasicSeq* s;
template <typename T>
Poll<Result> operator()(T&& value) {
auto* prior = s->state<I>();
using StateType = absl::remove_reference_t<decltype(*prior)>;
// Destroy the promise that just completed.
// Construct the next promise by calling the next promise factory.
// We need to ask the traits to do this to deal with value
// wrapping/unwrapping.
auto n = StateType::Types::PromiseResultTraits::CallFactory(
&prior->next_factory, std::forward<T>(value));
// Now we also no longer need the factory, so we can destroy that.
// Constructing the promise for the new state will use the memory
// previously occupied by the promise & next factory of the old state.
Construct(s->next_promise<I>(), std::move(n));
// Store the state counter.
s->state_ = I + 1;
// Recursively poll the new current state.
return s->RunState<I + 1>();
// Poll the current state, advance it if necessary.
template <char I>
absl::enable_if_t<I != N - 1, Poll<Result>> RunState() {
// Get a pointer to the state object.
auto* s = state<I>();
// Poll the current promise in this state.
auto r = s->current_promise();
// If we are still pending, say so by returning.
if (r.pending()) return Pending();
// Current promise is ready, as the traits to do the next thing.
// That may be returning - eg if TrySeq sees an error.
// Or it may be by calling the callable we hand down - RunNext - which
// will advance the state and call the next promise.
return Traits<
typename absl::remove_reference_t<decltype(*s)>::Types::PromiseResult>::
template CheckResultAndRunNext<Result>(std::move(r.value()),
// Specialization of RunState to run the final state.
template <char I>
absl::enable_if_t<I == N - 1, Poll<Result>> RunState() {
// Poll the final promise.
auto r = final_promise_();
// If we are still pending, say so by returning.
if (r.pending()) return Pending();
// We are complete, return the (wrapped) result.
return Result(std::move(r.value()));
// For state numbered I, destruct the current promise and the next promise
// factory, and recursively destruct the next promise factories for future
// states (since they also still exist).
template <char I>
absl::enable_if_t<I != N - 1, void>
DestructCurrentPromiseAndSubsequentFactories() {
template <char I>
absl::enable_if_t<I == N - 1, void>
DestructCurrentPromiseAndSubsequentFactories() {
// For state I, destruct the next promise factory, and recursively the next
// promise factories after.
template <char I>
absl::enable_if_t<I != N - 1, void> DestructSubsequentFactories() {
DestructSubsequentFactories<I + 1>();
template <char I>
absl::enable_if_t<I == N - 1, void> DestructSubsequentFactories() {}
// Placate older compilers by wrapping RunState in a struct so that their
// parameter unpacking can work.
template <char I>
struct RunStateStruct {
BasicSeq* s;
Poll<Result> operator()() { return s->RunState<I>(); }
// Similarly placate those compilers for
// DestructCurrentPromiseAndSubsequentFactories
template <char I>
struct DestructCurrentPromiseAndSubsequentFactoriesStruct {
BasicSeq* s;
void operator()() {
return s->DestructCurrentPromiseAndSubsequentFactories<I>();
// Run the current state (and possibly later states if that one finishes).
// Single argument is a type that encodes the integer sequence 0, 1, 2, ...,
// N-1 as a type, but which uses no memory. This is used to expand out
// RunState instances using a template unpack to pass to Switch, which encodes
// a switch statement over the various cases. This ultimately gives us a
// Duff's device like mechanic for evaluating sequences.
template <char... I>
Poll<Result> Run(absl::integer_sequence<char, I...>) {
return Switch<Poll<Result>>(state_, RunStateStruct<I>{this}...);
// Run the appropriate destructors for a given state.
// Single argument is a type that encodes the integer sequence 0, 1, 2, ...,
// N-1 as a type, but which uses no memory. This is used to expand out
// DestructCurrentPromiseAndSubsequentFactories instances to pass to Switch,
// which can choose the correct instance at runtime to destroy everything.
template <char... I>
void RunDestruct(absl::integer_sequence<char, I...>) {
state_, DestructCurrentPromiseAndSubsequentFactoriesStruct<I>{this}...);
// Construct a sequence given the callables that will control it.
explicit BasicSeq(Fs... fs) : penultimate_state_(std::make_tuple(&fs...)) {}
// No assignment... we don't need it (but if we ever find a good case, then
// it's ok to implement).
BasicSeq& operator=(const BasicSeq&) = delete;
// Copy construction - only for state 0.
// It's illegal to copy a Promise after polling it - if we are in state>0 we
// *must* have been polled.
BasicSeq(const BasicSeq& other) {
assert(other.state_ == 0);
new (&penultimate_state_) PenultimateState(other.penultimate_state_);
// Move construction - only for state 0.
// It's illegal to copy a Promise after polling it - if we are in state>0 we
// *must* have been polled.
BasicSeq(BasicSeq&& other) noexcept {
assert(other.state_ == 0);
new (&penultimate_state_)
// Destruct based on current state.
~BasicSeq() { RunDestruct(absl::make_integer_sequence<char, N>()); }
// Poll the sequence once.
Poll<Result> operator()() {
return Run(absl::make_integer_sequence<char, N>());
// As above, but models a sequence of unknown size
// At each element, the accumulator A and the current value V is passed to some
// function of type IterTraits::Factory as f(V, IterTraits::Argument); f is
// expected to return a promise that resolves to IterTraits::Wrapped.
template <class IterTraits>
class BasicSeqIter {
using Traits = typename IterTraits::Traits;
using Iter = typename IterTraits::Iter;
using Factory = typename IterTraits::Factory;
using Argument = typename IterTraits::Argument;
using IterValue = typename IterTraits::IterValue;
using StateCreated = typename IterTraits::StateCreated;
using State = typename IterTraits::State;
using Wrapped = typename IterTraits::Wrapped;
BasicSeqIter(Iter begin, Iter end, Factory f, Argument arg)
: cur_(begin), end_(end), f_(std::move(f)) {
if (cur_ == end_) {
Construct(&result_, std::move(arg));
} else {
Construct(&state_, f_(*cur_, std::move(arg)));
~BasicSeqIter() {
if (cur_ == end_) {
} else {
BasicSeqIter(const BasicSeqIter& other) = delete;
BasicSeqIter& operator=(const BasicSeqIter&) = delete;
BasicSeqIter(BasicSeqIter&& other) noexcept
: cur_(other.cur_), end_(other.end_), f_(std::move(other.f_)) {
if (cur_ == end_) {
Construct(&result_, std::move(other.result_));
} else {
Construct(&state_, std::move(other.state_));
BasicSeqIter& operator=(BasicSeqIter&& other) noexcept {
cur_ = other.cur_;
end_ = other.end_;
if (cur_ == end_) {
Construct(&result_, std::move(other.result_));
} else {
Construct(&state_, std::move(other.state_));
return *this;
Poll<Wrapped> operator()() {
if (cur_ == end_) {
return std::move(result_);
return PollNonEmpty();
Poll<Wrapped> PollNonEmpty() {
Poll<Wrapped> r = state_();
if (r.pending()) return r;
return Traits::template CheckResultAndRunNext<Wrapped>(
std::move(r.value()), [this](Wrapped arg) -> Poll<Wrapped> {
auto next = cur_;
if (next == end_) {
return std::move(arg);
cur_ = next;
Traits::template CallSeqFactory(f_, *cur_, std::move(arg)));
return PollNonEmpty();
Iter cur_;
const Iter end_;
union {
GPR_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS Argument result_;
} // namespace promise_detail
} // namespace grpc_core