blob: 36e13fd9c164ddd8fcb1d87ec15dcfcde54f73f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
// Copyright (c) 2018-2022 by the author(s)
// Author(s):
// - Andre Richter <>
//! Low level access to Cortex-A processors.
//! ## Currently Supported Execution States
//! - [x] AArch64
//! - [ ] AArch32
//! ## Minimum Supported Rust Version
//! Requires a recent nightly of Rust.
//! ## Usage
//! Please note that for using this crate's [register definitions](src/registers) (as provided by
//! `cortex_a::registers::*`), you need to also include
//! [`tock-registers`]( in your project. This is because the
//! `interface` traits provided by `tock-registers` are implemented by this crate. You should
//! include the same version of `tock-registers` as is being used by this crate to ensure sane
//! interoperatbility.
//! For example, in the following snippet, `X.Y.Z` should be the same version of `tock-registers`
//! that is mentioned in `cortex-a`'s [`Cargo.toml`](Cargo.toml).
//! ```toml
//! [package]
//! name = "Your embedded project"
//! # Some parts omitted for brevity.
//! [dependencies]
//! tock-registers = "X.Y.Z"
//! cortex-a = "A.B.C" # <-- Includes tock-registers itself.
//! ```
//! ### Example
//! Check out for usage examples.
//! Listed below is a snippet of `rust-raspberrypi-OS-tutorials`'s early boot code.
//! ```rust
//! use cortex_a::{asm, registers::*};
//! use tock_registers::interfaces::Writeable; // <-- Trait needed to use `write()` and `set()`.
//! // Some parts omitted for brevity.
//! unsafe fn prepare_el2_to_el1_transition(
//! virt_boot_core_stack_end_exclusive_addr: u64,
//! virt_kernel_init_addr: u64,
//! ) {
//! // Enable timer counter registers for EL1.
//! // No offset for reading the counters.
//! CNTVOFF_EL2.set(0);
//! // Set EL1 execution state to AArch64.
//! HCR_EL2.write(HCR_EL2::RW::EL1IsAarch64);
//! // Set up a simulated exception return.
//! SPSR_EL2.write(
//! SPSR_EL2::D::Masked
//! + SPSR_EL2::A::Masked
//! + SPSR_EL2::I::Masked
//! + SPSR_EL2::F::Masked
//! + SPSR_EL2::M::EL1h,
//! );
//! ```
//! ## Disclaimer
//! Descriptive comments in the source files are taken from the [ARM Architecture Reference Manual
//! ARMv8, for ARMv8-A architecture
//! profile](
pub mod asm;
pub mod registers;