blob: c27394b3838034c754133140f26a9715638d761c [file] [log] [blame]
# Program to take a set of header files and generate DLL export definitions
# Special exports to ignore for this platform
while ( ($file = shift(@ARGV)) ) {
if ( ! defined(open(FILE, $file)) ) {
warn "Couldn't open $file: $!\n";
$printed_header = 0;
$file =~ s,.*/,,;
while (<FILE>) {
if ( / DECLSPEC.* SDLCALL ([^\s\(]+)/ ) {
if ( not $exclude{$1} ) {
print "\t$1\n";
# Special exports to include for this platform
print "\tSDL_putenv\n";
print "\tSDL_getenv\n";
print "\tSDL_qsort\n";
print "\tSDL_revcpy\n";
print "\tSDL_strlcpy\n";
print "\tSDL_strlcat\n";
print "\tSDL_strdup\n";
print "\tSDL_strrev\n";
print "\tSDL_strupr\n";
print "\tSDL_strlwr\n";
print "\tSDL_ltoa\n";
print "\tSDL_ultoa\n";
print "\tSDL_strcasecmp\n";
print "\tSDL_strncasecmp\n";
print "\tSDL_snprintf\n";
print "\tSDL_vsnprintf\n";
print "\tSDL_iconv\n";
print "\tSDL_iconv_string\n";
print "\tSDL_InitQuickDraw\n";