blob: e146769f5d4261fec37343287fd5b5ff887adde7 [file] [log] [blame]
To install pyOpenSSL::
$ pip install pyopenssl
If you are installing in order to *develop* on pyOpenSSL, move to the root directory of a pyOpenSSL checkout, and run::
$ pip install -e .
.. warning::
As of 0.14, pyOpenSSL is a pure-Python project.
That means that if you encounter *any* kind of compiler errors, pyOpenSSL's bugtracker is the **wrong** place to report them because we *cannot* help you.
Please take the time to read the errors and report them/ask help from the appropriate project.
The most likely culprit being `cryptography <>`_ that contains OpenSSL's library bindings.
The documentation is written in reStructuredText and built using Sphinx::
$ cd doc
$ make html