blob: f61bc3ecccc8ab644de16e6fae86bfb200418a95 [file] [log] [blame]
// ---------------------------
// This file has been generated by
// AOSP://external/perfetto/tools/gen_merged_protos
// merging the perfetto config protos.
// This fused proto is intended to be copied in:
// - Android tree, for statsd.
// - Google internal repos.
syntax = "proto2";
package perfetto.protos;
// Begin of protos/perfetto/common/gpu_counter_descriptor.proto
// Description of GPU counters.
// This message is sent by a GPU counter producer to specify the counters
// available in the hardware.
message GpuCounterDescriptor {
// Logical groups for a counter. This is used in the UI to present the
// related counters together.
enum GpuCounterGroup {
// Includes counters relating to caching and bandwidth.
message GpuCounterSpec {
optional uint32 counter_id = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional string description = 3;
// MeasureUnit unit (deprecated)
reserved 4;
oneof peak_value {
int64 int_peak_value = 5;
double double_peak_value = 6;
repeated MeasureUnit numerator_units = 7;
repeated MeasureUnit denominator_units = 8;
optional bool select_by_default = 9;
repeated GpuCounterGroup groups = 10;
repeated GpuCounterSpec specs = 1;
// Allow producer to group counters into block to represent counter islands.
// A capacity may be specified to indicate the number of counters that can be
// enable simultaneously in that block.
message GpuCounterBlock {
// required. Unique ID for the counter group.
optional uint32 block_id = 1;
// optional. Number of counters supported by the block. No limit if unset.
optional uint32 block_capacity = 2;
// optional. Name of block.
optional string name = 3;
// optional. Description for the block.
optional string description = 4;
// list of counters that are part of the block.
repeated uint32 counter_ids = 5;
repeated GpuCounterBlock blocks = 2;
// optional. Minimum sampling period supported by the producer in
// nanoseconds.
optional uint64 min_sampling_period_ns = 3;
// optional. Maximum sampling period supported by the producer in
// nanoseconds.
optional uint64 max_sampling_period_ns = 4;
// optional. The producer supports counter sampling by instrumenting the
// command buffer.
optional bool supports_instrumented_sampling = 5;
// next id: 41
enum MeasureUnit {
NONE = 0;
BIT = 1;
BYTE = 7;
HERTZ = 13;
SECOND = 22;
MINUTE = 23;
HOUR = 24;
VERTEX = 25;
PIXEL = 26;
WATT = 29;
JOULE = 31;
VOLT = 32;
AMPERE = 33;
KELVIN = 36;
// Values should be out of 100.
// End of protos/perfetto/common/gpu_counter_descriptor.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/common/track_event_descriptor.proto
message TrackEventCategory {
optional string name = 1;
optional string description = 2;
repeated string tags = 3;
message TrackEventDescriptor {
repeated TrackEventCategory available_categories = 1;
// End of protos/perfetto/common/track_event_descriptor.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/common/data_source_descriptor.proto
// This message is sent from Producer(s) to the tracing Service when registering
// to advertise their capabilities. It describes the structure of tracing
// protos that will be produced by the data source and the supported filters.
message DataSourceDescriptor {
// e.g., "linux.ftrace", "chromium.tracing"
optional string name = 1;
// When true the data source is expected to ack the stop request through the
// NotifyDataSourceStopped() IPC. This field has been introduced after
// Android P in Jul 2018 and is not supported on older versions.
optional bool will_notify_on_stop = 2;
// When true the data source is expected to ack the start request through the
// NotifyDataSourceStarted() IPC. This field has been introduced after
// Android P in March 2019 and is not supported on older versions.
optional bool will_notify_on_start = 3;
// If true, opt into receiving the ClearIncrementalState() IPC. This should be
// set if the data source writes packets that refer to previous trace
// contents, and knows how to stop referring to the already-emitted data.
optional bool handles_incremental_state_clear = 4;
// Optional specification about available GPU counters.
optional GpuCounterDescriptor gpu_counter_descriptor = 5 [lazy = true];
optional TrackEventDescriptor track_event_descriptor = 6 [lazy = true];
// End of protos/perfetto/common/data_source_descriptor.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/common/tracing_service_state.proto
// Reports the state of the tracing service. Used to gather details about the
// data sources connected.
// See ConsumerPort::QueryServiceState().
message TracingServiceState {
// Describes a producer process.
message Producer {
// Unique ID of the producer (monotonic counter).
optional int32 id = 1;
// Typically matches the process name.
optional string name = 2;
// Unix uid of the remote process.
optional int32 uid = 3;
// Describes a data source registered by a producer. Data sources are listed
// regardless of the fact that they are being used or not.
message DataSource {
// Descriptor passed by the data source when calling RegisterDataSource().
optional DataSourceDescriptor ds_descriptor = 1;
// ID of the producer, as per
optional int32 producer_id = 2;
// Lists all the producers connected.
repeated Producer producers = 1;
// Lists the data sources available.
repeated DataSource data_sources = 2;
// Total number of tracing sessions.
optional int32 num_sessions = 3;
// Number of tracing sessions in the started state. Always <= num_sessions.
optional int32 num_sessions_started = 4;
// End of protos/perfetto/common/tracing_service_state.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/common/builtin_clock.proto
enum BuiltinClock {
reserved 7, 8;
// End of protos/perfetto/common/builtin_clock.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/common/android_log_constants.proto
// Values from NDK's android/log.h.
enum AndroidLogId {
// MAIN.
enum AndroidLogPriority {
// _DEFAULT, but should never be seen in logs.
// End of protos/perfetto/common/android_log_constants.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/android/android_log_config.proto
message AndroidLogConfig {
repeated AndroidLogId log_ids = 1;
// Was |poll_ms|, deprecated.
reserved 2;
// If set ignores all log messages whose prio is < the given value.
optional AndroidLogPriority min_prio = 3;
// If non-empty ignores all log messages whose tag doesn't match one of the
// specified values.
repeated string filter_tags = 4;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/android/android_log_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/android/android_polled_state_config.proto
// Data source that polls for display state.
message AndroidPolledStateConfig {
// Frequency of polling. If absent the state will be recorded once, at the
// start of the trace.
// This is required to be > 100ms to avoid excessive CPU usage.
optional uint32 poll_ms = 1;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/android/android_polled_state_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/android/packages_list_config.proto
// Data source that lists details (such as version code) about packages on an
// Android device.
message PackagesListConfig {
// If not empty, emit info about only the following list of package names
// (exact match, no regex). Otherwise, emit info about all packages.
repeated string package_name_filter = 1;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/android/packages_list_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/chrome/chrome_config.proto
message ChromeConfig {
optional string trace_config = 1;
// When enabled, the data source should only fill in fields in the output that
// are not potentially privacy sensitive.
optional bool privacy_filtering_enabled = 2;
// Instead of emitting binary protobuf, convert the trace data to the legacy
// JSON format. Note that the trace data will still be returned as a series of
// TracePackets, but the embedded data will be JSON instead of serialized
// protobuf.
optional bool convert_to_legacy_json = 3;
// Priority of the tracing session client. A higher priority session may
// preempt a lower priority one in configurations where concurrent sessions
// aren't supported.
enum ClientPriority {
optional ClientPriority client_priority = 4;
// Applicable only when using legacy JSON format.
// If |json_agent_label_filter| is not empty, only data pertaining to
// the specified tracing agent label (e.g. "traceEvents") will be returned.
optional string json_agent_label_filter = 5;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/chrome/chrome_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/ftrace/ftrace_config.proto
message FtraceConfig {
repeated string ftrace_events = 1;
repeated string atrace_categories = 2;
repeated string atrace_apps = 3;
// *Per-CPU* buffer size.
optional uint32 buffer_size_kb = 10;
optional uint32 drain_period_ms = 11;
// Configuration for compact encoding of scheduler events. When enabled (and
// recording the relevant ftrace events), specific high-volume events are
// encoded in a denser format than normal.
message CompactSchedConfig {
// If true, and sched_switch or sched_waking ftrace events are enabled,
// record those events in the compact format.
optional bool enabled = 1;
optional CompactSchedConfig compact_sched = 12;
// Enables symbol name resolution against /proc/kallsyms.
// It requires that either traced_probes is running as root or that
// kptr_restrict has been manually lowered.
// It does not disclose KASLR, symbol addresses are mangled.
optional bool symbolize_ksyms = 13;
// By default the kernel symbolizer is lazily initialized on a deferred task
// to reduce ftrace's time-to-start-recording. Unfortunately that makes
// ksyms integration tests hard. This flag forces the kernel symbolizer to be
// initialized synchronously on the data source start and hence avoiding
// timing races in tests.
optional bool initialize_ksyms_synchronously_for_testing = 14;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/ftrace/ftrace_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/gpu/gpu_counter_config.proto
message GpuCounterConfig {
// Desired sampling interval for counters.
optional uint64 counter_period_ns = 1;
// List of counters to be sampled. Counter IDs correspond to the ones
// described in GpuCounterSpec in the data source descriptor.
repeated uint32 counter_ids = 2;
// Sample counters by instrumenting command buffers.
optional bool instrumented_sampling = 3;
// Fix gpu clock rate during trace session.
optional bool fix_gpu_clock = 4;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/gpu/gpu_counter_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/gpu/vulkan_memory_config.proto
message VulkanMemoryConfig {
// Tracking driver memory usage events
optional bool track_driver_memory_usage = 1;
// Tracking device memory usage events
optional bool track_device_memory_usage = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/gpu/vulkan_memory_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/inode_file/inode_file_config.proto
message InodeFileConfig {
message MountPointMappingEntry {
optional string mountpoint = 1;
repeated string scan_roots = 2;
// How long to pause between batches.
optional uint32 scan_interval_ms = 1;
// How long to wait before the first scan in order to accumulate inodes.
optional uint32 scan_delay_ms = 2;
// How many inodes to scan in one batch.
optional uint32 scan_batch_size = 3;
// Do not scan for inodes not found in the static map.
optional bool do_not_scan = 4;
// If non-empty, only scan inodes corresponding to block devices named in
// this list.
repeated string scan_mount_points = 5;
// When encountering an inode belonging to a block device corresponding
// to one of the mount points in this map, scan its scan_roots instead.
repeated MountPointMappingEntry mount_point_mapping = 6;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/inode_file/inode_file_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/interceptors/console_config.proto
message ConsoleConfig {
enum Output {
optional Output output = 1;
optional bool enable_colors = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/interceptors/console_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/interceptor_config.proto
// Configuration for trace packet interception. Used for diverting trace data to
// non-Perfetto sources (e.g., logging to the console, ETW) when using the
// Perfetto SDK.
message InterceptorConfig {
// Matches the name given to RegisterInterceptor().
optional string name = 1;
optional ConsoleConfig console_config = 100 [lazy = true];
// End of protos/perfetto/config/interceptor_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/power/android_power_config.proto
message AndroidPowerConfig {
enum BatteryCounters {
// Coulomb counter.
// Charge (%).
// Instantaneous current.
// Avg current.
optional uint32 battery_poll_ms = 1;
repeated BatteryCounters battery_counters = 2;
// Where available enables per-power-rail measurements.
optional bool collect_power_rails = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/power/android_power_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/process_stats/process_stats_config.proto
message ProcessStatsConfig {
enum Quirks {
// This has been deprecated and ignored as per 2018-05-01. Full scan at
// startup is now disabled by default and can be re-enabled using the
// |scan_all_processes_on_start| arg.
DISABLE_INITIAL_DUMP = 1 [deprecated = true];
repeated Quirks quirks = 1;
// If enabled all processes will be scanned and dumped when the trace starts.
optional bool scan_all_processes_on_start = 2;
// If enabled thread names are also recoded (this is redundant if sched_switch
// is enabled).
optional bool record_thread_names = 3;
// If > 0 samples counters (see process_stats.proto) from
// /proc/pid/status and oom_score_adj every X ms.
// This is required to be > 100ms to avoid excessive CPU usage.
// TODO(primiano): add CPU cost for change this value.
optional uint32 proc_stats_poll_ms = 4;
// If empty samples stats for all processes. If non empty samples stats only
// for processes matching the given string in their argv0 (i.e. the first
// entry of /proc/pid/cmdline).
// TODO(primiano): implement this feature.
// repeated string proc_stats_filter = 5;
// This is required to be either = 0 or a multiple of |proc_stats_poll_ms|
// (default: |proc_stats_poll_ms|). If = 0, will be set to
// |proc_stats_poll_ms|. Non-multiples will be rounded down to the nearest
// multiple.
optional uint32 proc_stats_cache_ttl_ms = 6;
// Whether to record /proc/tid/time_in_state.
optional bool record_thread_time_in_state = 7;
// Size of the cache for thread time_in_state cpu freq values.
// If not specificed, the default is used.
optional uint32 thread_time_in_state_cache_size = 8;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/process_stats/process_stats_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/profiling/heapprofd_config.proto
// Configuration for go/heapprofd.
// Next id: 26
message HeapprofdConfig {
message ContinuousDumpConfig {
// ms to wait before first dump.
optional uint32 dump_phase_ms = 5;
// ms to wait between following dumps.
optional uint32 dump_interval_ms = 6;
// Sampling rate for all heaps not specified via heap_sampling_intervals.
// These are:
// * All heaps if heap_sampling_intervals is empty.
// * Those profiled due to all_heaps and not named in heaps if
// heap_sampling_intervals is not empty.
// * The implicit libc.malloc heap if heaps is empty.
// Set to 1 for perfect accuracy.
// Otherwise, sample every sample_interval_bytes on average.
// See
// for more details.
// Before Android 12, setting this to 0 would crash the target process.
optional uint64 sampling_interval_bytes = 1;
// If less than the given numbers of bytes are left free in the shared
// memory buffer, increase sampling interval by a factor of two.
// Adaptive sampling is disabled when set to 0.
optional uint64 adaptive_sampling_shmem_threshold = 24;
// Stop doubling the sampling_interval once the sampling interval has reached
// this value.
optional uint64 adaptive_sampling_max_sampling_interval_bytes = 25;
// E.g. surfaceflinger,
// This input is normalized in the following way: if it contains slashes,
// everything up to the last slash is discarded. If it contains "@",
// everything after the first @ is discared.
// E.g. /system/bin/surfaceflinger@1.0 normalizes to surfaceflinger.
// This transformation is also applied to the processes' command lines when
// matching.
repeated string process_cmdline = 2;
// For watermark based triggering or local debugging.
repeated uint64 pid = 4;
// Which heaps to sample, e.g. "libc.malloc". If left empty, only samples
// "malloc".
// Introduced in Android 12.
repeated string heaps = 20;
optional bool stream_allocations = 23;
// If given, needs to be the same length as heaps and gives the sampling
// interval for the respective entry in heaps.
// Otherwise, sampling_interval_bytes is used.
// It is recommended to set sampling_interval_bytes to a reasonable default
// value when using this, as a value of 0 for sampling_interval_bytes will
// crash the target process before Android 12.
// Introduced in Android 12.
repeated uint64 heap_sampling_intervals = 22;
// Sample all heaps registered by target process. Introduced in Android 12.
optional bool all_heaps = 21;
// Profile all processes eligible for profiling on the system.
// See
// for which processes are eligible.
// On unmodified userdebug builds, this will lead to system crashes. Zygote
// will crash when trying to launch a new process as it will have an
// unexpected open socket to heapprofd.
// heapprofd will likely be overloaded by the amount of data for low
// sampling intervals.
optional bool all = 5;
// Do not profile processes whose anon RSS + swap < given value.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional uint32 min_anonymous_memory_kb = 15;
// Stop profile if heapprofd memory usage goes beyond the given value.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional uint32 max_heapprofd_memory_kb = 16;
// Stop profile if heapprofd CPU time since start of this data-source
// goes beyond given value.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional uint64 max_heapprofd_cpu_secs = 17;
// Do not emit function names for mappings starting with this prefix.
// E.g. /system to not emit symbols for any system libraries.
repeated string skip_symbol_prefix = 7;
// Dump at a predefined interval.
optional ContinuousDumpConfig continuous_dump_config = 6;
// Size of the shared memory buffer between the profiled processes and
// heapprofd. Defaults to 8 MiB. If larger than 500 MiB, truncated to 500
// MiB.
// Needs to be:
// * at least 8192,
// * a power of two,
// * a multiple of 4096.
optional uint64 shmem_size_bytes = 8;
// When the shmem buffer is full, block the client instead of ending the
// trace. Use with caution as this will significantly slow down the target
// process.
optional bool block_client = 9;
// If set, stop the trace session after blocking the client for this
// timeout. Needs to be larger than 100 us, otherwise no retries are done.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional uint32 block_client_timeout_us = 14;
// Do not profile processes from startup, only match already running
// processes.
// Can not be set at the same time as no_running.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional bool no_startup = 10;
// Do not profile running processes. Only match processes on startup.
// Can not be set at the same time as no_startup.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional bool no_running = 11;
// deprecated idle_allocations.
reserved 12;
// Cause heapprofd to emit a single dump at the end, showing the memory usage
// at the point in time when the sampled heap usage of the process was at its
// maximum. This causes ProfilePacket.HeapSample.self_max to be set, and
// self_allocated and self_freed to not be set.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional bool dump_at_max = 13;
// Escape hatch if the session is being torn down because of a forked child
// that shares memory space, but is not correctly identified as a vforked
// child.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional bool disable_fork_teardown = 18;
// We try to automatically detect when a target applicatation vforks but then
// does a memory allocation (or free). This auto-detection can be disabled
// with this.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional bool disable_vfork_detection = 19;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/profiling/heapprofd_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/profiling/java_hprof_config.proto
// Configuration for go/heapprofd.
message JavaHprofConfig {
// If dump_interval_ms != 0, the following configuration is used.
message ContinuousDumpConfig {
// ms to wait before first continuous dump.
// A dump is always created at the beginning of the trace.
optional uint32 dump_phase_ms = 1;
// ms to wait between following dumps.
optional uint32 dump_interval_ms = 2;
// This input is normalized in the following way: if it contains slashes,
// everything up to the last slash is discarded. If it contains "@",
// everything after the first @ is discared.
// E.g. /system/bin/surfaceflinger@1.0 normalizes to surfaceflinger.
// This transformation is also applied to the processes' command lines when
// matching.
repeated string process_cmdline = 1;
// For watermark based triggering or local debugging.
repeated uint64 pid = 2;
// Dump at a predefined interval.
optional ContinuousDumpConfig continuous_dump_config = 3;
// Do not profile processes whose anon RSS + swap < given value.
optional uint32 min_anonymous_memory_kb = 4;
// Include the process' /proc/self/smaps.
// This only shows maps that:
// * start with /system
// * start with /vendor
// * start with /data/app
// * contain "extracted in memory from Y", where Y matches any of the above
optional bool dump_smaps = 5;
// Exclude objects of the following types from the profile. This can be
// useful if lots of uninteresting objects, e.g. "sun.misc.Cleaner".
repeated string ignored_types = 6;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/profiling/java_hprof_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/common/perf_events.proto
message PerfEvents {
// What event to sample on, and how often. Commented from the perspective of
// its use in |PerfEventConfig|.
message Timebase {
// How often the per-cpu sampling will occur. Not guaranteed to be honored
// as the kernel can throttle the sampling rate if it's too high.
// If unset, an implementation-defined default is used.
oneof interval {
// Per-cpu sampling frequency in Hz, as requested from the kernel. Not the
// same as 1/period.
// Details: the actual sampling will still be based on a period, but the
// kernel will dynamically adjust it based on the observed event rate, to
// approximate this frequency. Works best with steady-rate events like
// timers.
uint64 frequency = 2;
// Per-cpu sampling will occur every |period| counts of |event|.
// Prefer |frequency| by default, as it's easier to oversample with a
// fixed period.
uint64 period = 1;
// Counting event to use as a timebase for the sampling.
// If unset, implies the CPU timer (SW_CPU_CLOCK) as the event,
// which is what you usually want.
// See common/perf_events.proto for the definitions.
oneof event {
Counter counter = 4;
Tracepoint tracepoint = 3;
enum Counter {
// software:
// hardware:
message Tracepoint {
// Group and name for the tracepoint, acceptable forms:
// * "sched/sched_switch"
// * "sched:sched_switch"
optional string name = 1;
// Optional field-level filter for the tracepoint. Only events matching this
// filter will be counted (and therefore contribute to the sampling period).
// Example: "prev_pid >= 42 && next_pid == 0".
// For full syntax, see kernel documentation on "Event filtering":
optional string filter = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/common/perf_events.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/profiling/perf_event_config.proto
// Configuration for the traced_perf profiler.
// Example config for basic cpu profiling:
// perf_event_config {
// timebase {
// frequency: 80
// }
// callstack_sampling {
// scope {
// target_cmdline: "surfaceflinger"
// target_cmdline: "system_server"
// }
// kernel_frames: true
// }
// }
// Next id: 17
message PerfEventConfig {
// What event to sample on, and how often.
// Defined in common/perf_events.proto.
optional PerfEvents.Timebase timebase = 15;
// If set, the profiler will sample userspace processes' callstacks at the
// interval specified by the |timebase|.
// If unset, the profiler will record only the event counts.
optional CallstackSampling callstack_sampling = 16;
// Kernel <-> userspace ring buffer options:
// How often the per-cpu ring buffers are read by the producer.
// If unset, an implementation-defined default is used.
optional uint32 ring_buffer_read_period_ms = 8;
// Size (in 4k pages) of each per-cpu ring buffer that is filled by the
// kernel. If set, must be a power of two.
// If unset, an implementation-defined default is used.
optional uint32 ring_buffer_pages = 3;
// Daemon's resource usage limits:
// Stop the data source if traced_perf's combined {RssAnon + Swap} memory
// footprint exceeds this value.
optional uint32 max_daemon_memory_kb = 13;
// Uncommon options:
// Timeout for the remote /proc/<pid>/{maps,mem} file descriptors for a
// sampled process. This is primarily for Android, where this lookup is
// asynchronous. As long as the producer is waiting, the associated samples
// will be kept enqueued (putting pressure on the capacity of the shared
// unwinding queue). Once a lookup for a process expires, all associated
// samples are discarded. However, if the lookup still succeeds after the
// timeout, future samples will be handled normally.
// If unset, an implementation-defined default is used.
optional uint32 remote_descriptor_timeout_ms = 9;
// Optional period for clearing state cached by the unwinder. This is a heavy
// operation that is only necessary for traces that target a wide set of
// processes, and require the memory footprint to be reset periodically.
// If unset, the cached state will not be cleared.
optional uint32 unwind_state_clear_period_ms = 10;
// Deprecated (superseded by options above):
// Do not set *any* of these fields in new configs.
// Note: legacy configs had to set |all_cpus| to true to pass parsing.
// We rely on this to detect such configs.
optional bool all_cpus = 1;
optional uint32 sampling_frequency = 2;
optional bool kernel_frames = 12;
repeated int32 target_pid = 4;
repeated string target_cmdline = 5;
repeated int32 exclude_pid = 6;
repeated string exclude_cmdline = 7;
optional uint32 additional_cmdline_count = 11;
// previously |tracepoint|
reserved 14;
// Sub-messages (nested for generated code namespacing).
message CallstackSampling {
// Defines a set of processes for which samples are retained/skipped. If
// unset, all userspace samples are kept, but beware that it will be very
// heavy on the stack unwinder, which might start dropping samples due to
// overload.
optional Scope scope = 1;
// If true, callstacks will include the kernel-space frames. Such frames can
// be identified by a magical "kernel" string as their mapping name.
// Requires traced_perf to be running as root, or kptr_restrict to have been
// manually unrestricted. On Android, the platform should do the right thing
// on debug builds.
// This does *not* disclose KASLR, as only the function names are emitted.
optional bool kernel_frames = 2;
message Scope {
// Process ID (TGID) allowlist. If this list is not empty, only matching
// samples will be retained. If multiple allow/deny-lists are
// specified by the config, then all of them are evaluated for each sampled
// process.
repeated int32 target_pid = 1;
// Command line allowlist, matched against the
// /proc/<pid>/cmdline (not the comm string), with both sides being
// "normalized". Normalization is as follows: (1) trim everything beyond the
// first null or "@" byte; (2) if the string contains forward slashes, trim
// everything up to and including the last one.
repeated string target_cmdline = 2;
// List of excluded pids.
repeated int32 exclude_pid = 3;
// List of excluded cmdlines. Normalized in the same way as
// |target_cmdline|.
repeated string exclude_cmdline = 4;
// Number of additional command lines to sample. Only those which are
// neither explicitly included nor excluded will be considered. Processes
// are accepted on a first come, first served basis.
optional uint32 additional_cmdline_count = 5;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/profiling/perf_event_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/common/sys_stats_counters.proto
// When editing entries here remember also to update "sys_stats_counters.h" with
// the corresponding string definitions for the actual /proc files parser.
// Counter definitions for Linux's /proc/meminfo.
enum MeminfoCounters {
// Counter definitions for Linux's /proc/vmstat.
enum VmstatCounters {
// End of protos/perfetto/common/sys_stats_counters.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/sys_stats/sys_stats_config.proto
// This file defines the configuration for the Linux /proc poller data source,
// which injects counters in the trace.
// Counters that are needed in the trace must be explicitly listed in the
// *_counters fields. This is to avoid spamming the trace with all counters
// at all times.
// The sampling rate is configurable. All polling rates (*_period_ms) need
// to be integer multiples of each other.
// OK: [10ms, 10ms, 10ms], [10ms, 20ms, 10ms], [10ms, 20ms, 60ms]
// Not OK: [10ms, 10ms, 11ms], [10ms, 15ms, 20ms]
message SysStatsConfig {
// Polls /proc/meminfo every X ms, if non-zero.
// This is required to be > 10ms to avoid excessive CPU usage.
// Cost: 0.3 ms [read] + 0.07 ms [parse + trace injection]
optional uint32 meminfo_period_ms = 1;
// If empty all known counters are reported. Otherwise, only the counters
// specified below are reported.
repeated MeminfoCounters meminfo_counters = 2;
// Polls /proc/vmstat every X ms, if non-zero.
// This is required to be > 10ms to avoid excessive CPU usage.
// Cost: 0.2 ms [read] + 0.3 ms [parse + trace injection]
optional uint32 vmstat_period_ms = 3;
repeated VmstatCounters vmstat_counters = 4;
// Pols /proc/stat every X ms, if non-zero.
// This is required to be > 10ms to avoid excessive CPU usage.
// Cost: 4.1 ms [read] + 1.9 ms [parse + trace injection]
optional uint32 stat_period_ms = 5;
enum StatCounters {
repeated StatCounters stat_counters = 6;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/sys_stats/sys_stats_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/test_config.proto
// The configuration for a fake producer used in tests.
message TestConfig {
message DummyFields {
optional uint32 field_uint32 = 1;
optional int32 field_int32 = 2;
optional uint64 field_uint64 = 3;
optional int64 field_int64 = 4;
optional fixed64 field_fixed64 = 5;
optional sfixed64 field_sfixed64 = 6;
optional fixed32 field_fixed32 = 7;
optional sfixed32 field_sfixed32 = 8;
optional double field_double = 9;
optional float field_float = 10;
optional sint64 field_sint64 = 11;
optional sint32 field_sint32 = 12;
optional string field_string = 13;
optional bytes field_bytes = 14;
// The number of messages the fake producer should send.
optional uint32 message_count = 1;
// The maximum number of messages which should be sent each second.
// The actual obserced speed may be lower if the producer is unable to
// work fast enough.
// If this is zero or unset, the producer will send as fast as possible.
optional uint32 max_messages_per_second = 2;
// The seed value for a simple multiplicative congruential pseudo-random
// number sequence.
optional uint32 seed = 3;
// The size of each message in bytes. Should be greater than or equal 5 to
// account for the number of bytes needed to encode the random number and a
// null byte for the string.
optional uint32 message_size = 4;
// Whether the producer should send a event batch when the data source is
// is initially registered.
optional bool send_batch_on_register = 5;
optional DummyFields dummy_fields = 6;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/test_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/track_event/track_event_config.proto
message TrackEventConfig {
// The following fields define the set of enabled trace categories. Each list
// item is a glob.
// To determine if category is enabled, it is checked against the filters in
// the following order:
// 1. Exact matches in enabled categories.
// 2. Exact matches in enabled tags.
// 3. Exact matches in disabled categories.
// 4. Exact matches in disabled tags.
// 5. Pattern matches in enabled categories.
// 6. Pattern matches in enabled tags.
// 7. Pattern matches in disabled categories.
// 8. Pattern matches in disabled tags.
// If none of the steps produced a match, the category is enabled by default.
// Examples:
// - To enable all non-slow/debug categories:
// No configuration needed, happens by default.
// - To enable a specific category:
// disabled_categories = ["*"]
// enabled_categories = ["my_category"]
// - To enable only categories with a specific tag:
// disabled_tags = ["*"]
// enabled_tags = ["my_tag"]
// Default: []
repeated string disabled_categories = 1;
// Default: []
repeated string enabled_categories = 2;
// Default: [“slow”, “debug”]
repeated string disabled_tags = 3;
// Default: []
repeated string enabled_tags = 4;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/track_event/track_event_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/data_source_config.proto
// The configuration that is passed to each data source when starting tracing.
// Next id: 116
message DataSourceConfig {
// Data source unique name, e.g., "linux.ftrace". This must match
// the name passed by the data source when it registers (see
// RegisterDataSource()).
optional string name = 1;
// The index of the logging buffer where TracePacket(s) will be stored.
// This field doesn't make a major difference for the Producer(s). The final
// logging buffers, in fact, are completely owned by the Service. We just ask
// the Producer to copy this number into the chunk headers it emits, so that
// the Service can quickly identify the buffer where to move the chunks into
// without expensive lookups on its fastpath.
optional uint32 target_buffer = 2;
// Set by the service to indicate the duration of the trace.
// DO NOT SET in consumer as this will be overridden by the service.
optional uint32 trace_duration_ms = 3;
// Set by the service to indicate how long it waits after StopDataSource.
// DO NOT SET in consumer as this will be overridden by the service.
optional uint32 stop_timeout_ms = 7;
// Set by the service to indicate whether this tracing session has extra
// guardrails.
// DO NOT SET in consumer as this will be overridden by the service.
optional bool enable_extra_guardrails = 6;
// Set by the service to indicate which tracing session the data source
// belongs to. The intended use case for this is checking if two data sources,
// one of which produces metadata for the other one, belong to the same trace
// session and hence should be linked together.
// This field was introduced in Aug 2018 after Android P.
// DO NOT SET in consumer as this will be overridden by the service.
optional uint64 tracing_session_id = 4;
// Keeep the lower IDs (up to 99) for fields that are *not* specific to
// data-sources and needs to be processed by the traced daemon.
// All data source config fields must be marked as [lazy=true]. This prevents
// the proto-to-cpp generator from recursing into those when generating the
// cpp classes and polluting tracing/core with data-source-specific classes.
// Instead they are treated as opaque strings containing raw proto bytes.
// Data source name: linux.ftrace
optional FtraceConfig ftrace_config = 100 [lazy = true];
// Data source name: linux.inode_file_map
optional InodeFileConfig inode_file_config = 102 [lazy = true];
// Data source name: linux.process_stats
optional ProcessStatsConfig process_stats_config = 103 [lazy = true];
// Data source name: linux.sys_stats
optional SysStatsConfig sys_stats_config = 104 [lazy = true];
// Data source name: android.heapprofd
// Introduced in Android 10.
optional HeapprofdConfig heapprofd_config = 105 [lazy = true];
// Data source name: android.java_hprof
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional JavaHprofConfig java_hprof_config = 110 [lazy = true];
// Data source name: android.power
optional AndroidPowerConfig android_power_config = 106 [lazy = true];
// Data source name: android.log
optional AndroidLogConfig android_log_config = 107 [lazy = true];
// TODO(fmayer): Add data source name for this.
optional GpuCounterConfig gpu_counter_config = 108 [lazy = true];
// Data source name: android.packages_list
optional PackagesListConfig packages_list_config = 109 [lazy = true];
// Data source name: linux.perf
optional PerfEventConfig perf_event_config = 111 [lazy = true];
// Data source name: vulkan.memory_tracker
optional VulkanMemoryConfig vulkan_memory_config = 112 [lazy = true];
// Data source name: track_event
optional TrackEventConfig track_event_config = 113 [lazy = true];
// Data source name: android.polled_state
optional AndroidPolledStateConfig android_polled_state_config = 114
[lazy = true];
// Chrome is special as it doesn't use the perfetto IPC layer. We want to
// avoid proto serialization and de-serialization there because that would
// just add extra hops on top of the Mojo ser/des. Instead we auto-generate a
// C++ class for it so it can pass around plain C++ objets.
optional ChromeConfig chrome_config = 101;
// If an interceptor is specified here, packets for this data source will be
// rerouted to the interceptor instead of the main trace buffer. This can be
// used, for example, to write trace data into ETW or for logging trace points
// to the console.
// Note that interceptors are only supported by data sources registered
// through the Perfetto SDK API. Data sources that don't use that API (e.g.,
// traced_probes) may not support interception.
optional InterceptorConfig interceptor_config = 115;
// This is a fallback mechanism to send a free-form text config to the
// producer. In theory this should never be needed. All the code that
// is part of the platform (i.e. traced service) is supposed to *not* truncate
// the trace config proto and propagate unknown fields. However, if anything
// in the pipeline (client or backend) ends up breaking this forward compat
// plan, this field will become the escape hatch to allow future data sources
// to get some meaningful configuration.
optional string legacy_config = 1000;
// This field is only used for testing.
optional TestConfig for_testing = 1001;
// Was |for_testing|. Caused more problems then found.
reserved 268435455;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/data_source_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/config/trace_config.proto
// The overall config that is used when starting a new tracing session through
// ProducerPort::StartTracing().
// It contains the general config for the logging buffer(s) and the configs for
// all the data source being enabled.
// Next id: 31.
message TraceConfig {
message BufferConfig {
optional uint32 size_kb = 1;
// |page_size|, now deprecated.
reserved 2;
// |optimize_for|, now deprecated.
reserved 3;
enum FillPolicy {
// Default behavior. The buffer operates as a conventional ring buffer.
// If the writer is faster than the reader (or if the reader reads only
// after tracing is stopped) newly written packets will overwrite old
// packets.
// Behaves like RING_BUFFER as long as there is space in the buffer or
// the reader catches up with the writer. As soon as the writer hits
// an unread chunk, it stops accepting new data in the buffer.
optional FillPolicy fill_policy = 4;
repeated BufferConfig buffers = 1;
message DataSource {
// Filters and data-source specific config. It contains also the unique name
// of the data source, the one passed in the DataSourceDescriptor when they
// register on the service.
optional protos.DataSourceConfig config = 1;
// Optional. If multiple producers (~processes) expose the same data source
// and either |producer_name_filter| or |producer_name_regex_filter| is set,
// the data source is enabled only for producers whose names match any of
// the filters.
// |producer_name_filter| has to be an exact match, while
// |producer_name_regex_filter| is a regular expression.
// This allows to enable a data source only for specific processes.
// The "repeated" fields have OR semantics: specifying a filter ["foo",
// "bar"] will enable data sources on both "foo" and "bar" (if they exist).
repeated string producer_name_filter = 2;
repeated string producer_name_regex_filter = 3;
repeated DataSource data_sources = 2;
// Config for disabling builtin data sources in the tracing service.
message BuiltinDataSource {
// Disable emitting clock timestamps into the trace.
optional bool disable_clock_snapshotting = 1;
// Disable echoing the original trace config in the trace.
optional bool disable_trace_config = 2;
// Disable emitting system info (build fingerprint, cpuinfo, etc).
optional bool disable_system_info = 3;
// Disable emitting events for data-source state changes (e.g. the marker
// for all data sources having ACKed the start of the trace).
optional bool disable_service_events = 4;
// The authoritative clock domain for the trace. Defaults to BOOTTIME. See
// also ClockSnapshot's primary_trace_clock. The configured value is written
// into the trace as part of the ClockSnapshots emitted by the service.
// Trace processor will attempt to translate packet/event timestamps from
// various data sources (and their chosen clock domains) to this domain
// during import. Added in Android R.
optional BuiltinClock primary_trace_clock = 5;
// Time interval in between snapshotting of sync markers, clock snapshots,
// stats, and other periodic service-emitted events. Note that the service
// only keeps track of the first and the most recent snapshot until
// ReadBuffers() is called.
optional uint32 snapshot_interval_ms = 6;
optional BuiltinDataSource builtin_data_sources = 20;
// If specified, the trace will be stopped |duration_ms| after starting.
// This does *not* count the time the system is suspended, so we will run
// for duration_ms of system activity, not wall time.
// However in case of traces with triggers, see
// TriggerConfig.trigger_timeout_ms instead.
optional uint32 duration_ms = 3;
// This is set when --dropbox is passed to the Perfetto command line client
// and enables guardrails that limit resource usage for traces requested
// by statsd.
optional bool enable_extra_guardrails = 4;
enum LockdownModeOperation {
// Reject producers that are not running under the same UID as the tracing
// service.
optional LockdownModeOperation lockdown_mode = 5;
message ProducerConfig {
// Identifies the producer for which this config is for.
optional string producer_name = 1;
// Specifies the preferred size of the shared memory buffer. If the size is
// larger than the max size, the max will be used. If it is smaller than
// the page size or doesn't fit pages evenly into it, it will fall back to
// the size specified by the producer or finally the default shared memory
// size.
optional uint32 shm_size_kb = 2;
// Specifies the preferred size of each page in the shared memory buffer.
// Must be an integer multiple of 4K.
optional uint32 page_size_kb = 3;
repeated ProducerConfig producers = 6;
// Contains statsd-specific metadata about an alert associated with the trace.
message StatsdMetadata {
// The identifier of the alert which triggered this trace.
optional int64 triggering_alert_id = 1;
// The uid which registered the triggering configuration with statsd.
optional int32 triggering_config_uid = 2;
// The identifier of the config which triggered the alert.
optional int64 triggering_config_id = 3;
// The identifier of the subscription which triggered this trace.
optional int64 triggering_subscription_id = 4;
// Statsd-specific metadata.
optional StatsdMetadata statsd_metadata = 7;
// When true && |output_path| is empty, the EnableTracing() request must
// provide a file descriptor. The service will then periodically read packets
// out of the trace buffer and store it into the passed file.
// If |output_path| is not empty no fd should be passed, the service
// will create a new file and write into that (see comment below).
optional bool write_into_file = 8;
// This must point to a non-existing file. If the file exists the service
// will NOT overwrite and will fail instead as a security precaution.
// On Android, when this is used with the system traced, the path must be
// within /data/misc/perfetto-traces/ or the trace will fail.
// This option has been introduced in Android R. Before R write_into_file
// can be used only with the "pass a file descriptor over IPC" mode.
optional string output_path = 29;
// Optional. If non-zero tunes the write period. A min value of 100ms is
// enforced (i.e. smaller values are ignored).
optional uint32 file_write_period_ms = 9;
// Optional. When non zero the periodic write stops once at most X bytes
// have been written into the file. Tracing is disabled when this limit is
// reached, even if |duration_ms| has not been reached yet.
optional uint64 max_file_size_bytes = 10;
// Contains flags which override the default values of the guardrails inside
// Perfetto. These values are only affect userdebug builds.
message GuardrailOverrides {
// Override the default limit (in bytes) for uploading data to server within
// a 24 hour period.
optional uint64 max_upload_per_day_bytes = 1;
optional GuardrailOverrides guardrail_overrides = 11;
// When true, data sources are not started until an explicit call to
// StartTracing() on the consumer port. This is to support early
// initialization and fast trace triggering. This can be used only when the
// Consumer explicitly triggers the StartTracing() method.
// This should not be used in a remote trace config via statsd, doing so will
// result in a hung trace session.
optional bool deferred_start = 12;
// When set, it periodically issues a Flush() to all data source, forcing them
// to commit their data into the tracing service. This can be used for
// quasi-real-time streaming mode and to guarantee some partial ordering of
// events in the trace in windows of X ms.
optional uint32 flush_period_ms = 13;
// Wait for this long for producers to acknowledge flush requests.
// Default 5s.
optional uint32 flush_timeout_ms = 14;
// Wait for this long for producers to acknowledge stop requests.
// Default 5s.
optional uint32 data_source_stop_timeout_ms = 23;
// |disable_clock_snapshotting| moved.
reserved 15;
// Android-only. If set, sends an intent to the Traceur system app when the
// trace ends to notify it about the trace readiness.
optional bool notify_traceur = 16;
// Android-only. If set to a value > 0, marks the trace session as a candidate
// for being attached to a bugreport. This field effectively acts as a z-index
// for bugreports. When Android's dumpstate runs perfetto
// --save-for-bugreport, traced will pick the tracing session with the highest
// score (score <= 0 is ignored), will steal its contents, save the trace into
// a known path and stop prematurely.
// This field was introduced in Android S.
optional int32 bugreport_score = 30;
// Triggers allow producers to start or stop the tracing session when an event
// occurs.
// For example if we are tracing probabilistically, most traces will be
// uninteresting. Triggers allow us to keep only the interesting ones such as
// those traces during which the device temperature reached a certain
// threshold. In this case the producer can activate a trigger to keep
// (STOP_TRACING) the trace, otherwise it can also begin a trace
// (START_TRACING) because it knows something is about to happen.
message TriggerConfig {
enum TriggerMode {
// When this mode is chosen, data sources are not started until one of the
// |triggers| are received. This supports early initialization and fast
// starting of the tracing system. On triggering, the session will then
// record for |stop_delay_ms|. However if no trigger is seen
// after |trigger_timeout_ms| the session will be stopped and no data will
// be returned.
// When this mode is chosen, the session will be started via the normal
// EnableTracing() & StartTracing(). If no trigger is ever seen
// the session will be stopped after |trigger_timeout_ms| and no data will
// be returned. However if triggered the trace will stop after
// |stop_delay_ms| and any data in the buffer will be returned to the
// consumer.
optional TriggerMode trigger_mode = 1;
message Trigger {
// The producer must specify this name to activate the trigger.
optional string name = 1;
// An std::regex that will match the producer that can activate this
// trigger. This is optional. If unset any producers can activate this
// trigger.
optional string producer_name_regex = 2;
// After a trigger is received either in START_TRACING or STOP_TRACING
// mode then the trace will end |stop_delay_ms| after triggering.
optional uint32 stop_delay_ms = 3;
// Limits the number of traces this trigger can start/stop in a rolling
// 24 hour window. If this field is unset or zero, no limit is applied and
// activiation of this trigger *always* starts/stops the trace.
optional uint32 max_per_24_h = 4;
// A value between 0 and 1 which encodes the probability of skipping a
// trigger with this name. This is useful for reducing the probability
// of high-frequency triggers from dominating trace finaization. If this
// field is unset or zero, the trigger will *never* be skipped. If this
// field is greater than or equal to 1, this trigger will *always* be
// skipped i.e. it will be as if this trigger was never included in the
// first place.
// This probability check is applied *before* any other limits. For
// example, if |max_per_24_h| is also set, first we will check if the
// probability bar is met and only then will we check the |max_per_24_h|
// limit.
optional double skip_probability = 5;
// A list of triggers which are related to this configuration. If ANY
// trigger is seen then an action will be performed based on |trigger_mode|.
repeated Trigger triggers = 2;
// Required and must be positive if a TriggerConfig is specified. This is
// how long this TraceConfig should wait for a trigger to arrive. After this
// period of time if no trigger is seen the TracingSession will be cleaned
// up.
optional uint32 trigger_timeout_ms = 3;
optional TriggerConfig trigger_config = 17;
// When this is non-empty the perfetto command line tool will ignore the rest
// of this TraceConfig and instead connect to the perfetto service as a
// producer and send these triggers, potentially stopping or starting traces
// that were previous configured to use a TriggerConfig.
repeated string activate_triggers = 18;
// Configuration for trace contents that reference earlier trace data. For
// example, a data source might intern strings, and emit packets containing
// {interned id : string} pairs. Future packets from that data source can then
// use the interned ids instead of duplicating the raw string contents. The
// trace parser will then need to use that interning table to fully interpret
// the rest of the trace.
message IncrementalStateConfig {
// If nonzero, notify eligible data sources to clear their incremental state
// periodically, with the given period. The notification is sent only to
// data sources that have |handles_incremental_state_clear| set in their
// DataSourceDescriptor. The notification requests that the data source
// stops referring to past trace contents. This is particularly useful when
// tracing in ring buffer mode, where it is not exceptional to overwrite old
// trace data.
// Warning: this time-based global clearing is likely to be removed in the
// future, to be replaced with a smarter way of sending the notifications
// only when necessary.
optional uint32 clear_period_ms = 1;
optional IncrementalStateConfig incremental_state_config = 21;
// Additional guardrail used by the Perfetto command line client.
// On user builds when --dropbox is set perfetto will refuse to trace unless
// this is also set.
// Added in Q.
optional bool allow_user_build_tracing = 19;
// If set the tracing service will ensure there is at most one tracing session
// with this key.
optional string unique_session_name = 22;
// Compress trace with the given method. Best effort.
enum CompressionType {
optional CompressionType compression_type = 24;
// Android-only. Not for general use. If set, saves a Dropbox trace into an
// incident. This field is read by perfetto_cmd, rather than the tracing
// service. All fields are mandatory.
message IncidentReportConfig {
optional string destination_package = 1;
optional string destination_class = 2;
// Level of filtering in the requested incident. See |Destination| in
// frameworks/base/core/proto/android/privacy.proto.
optional int32 privacy_level = 3;
// If true, do not write the trace into dropbox (i.e. incident only).
// Otherwise, write to both dropbox and incident.
optional bool skip_dropbox = 4;
optional IncidentReportConfig incident_report_config = 25;
// DEPRECATED. Was trace_uuid, use trace_uuid_msb and trace_uuid_lsb instead.
reserved 26;
// An identifier clients can use to tie this trace to other logging.
// Alternative encoding of trace_uuid as two int64s.
optional int64 trace_uuid_msb = 27;
optional int64 trace_uuid_lsb = 28;
// End of protos/perfetto/config/trace_config.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/common/trace_stats.proto
// Statistics for the internals of the tracing service.
// Next id: 11.
message TraceStats {
// From TraceBuffer::Stats.
// Next id: 20.
message BufferStats {
// Size of the circular buffer in bytes.
optional uint64 buffer_size = 12;
// Num. bytes written into the circular buffer, including chunk headers.
optional uint64 bytes_written = 1;
// Num. bytes overwritten before they have been read (i.e. loss of data).
optional uint64 bytes_overwritten = 13;
// Total size of chunks that were fully read from the circular buffer by the
// consumer. This may not be equal to |bytes_written| either in the middle
// of tracing, or if |chunks_overwritten| is non-zero. Note that this is the
// size of the chunks read from the buffer, including chunk headers, which
// will be different from the total size of packets returned to the
// consumer.
// The current utilization of the trace buffer (mid-tracing) can be obtained
// by subtracting |bytes_read| and |bytes_overwritten| from |bytes_written|,
// adding the difference of |padding_bytes_written| and
// |padding_bytes_cleared|, and comparing this sum to the |buffer_size|.
// Note that this represents the total size of buffered data in the buffer,
// yet this data may be spread non-contiguously through the buffer and may
// be overridden before the utilization reaches 100%.
optional uint64 bytes_read = 14;
// Num. bytes that were allocated as padding between chunks in the circular
// buffer.
optional uint64 padding_bytes_written = 15;
// Num. of padding bytes that were removed from the circular buffer when
// they were overwritten.
// The difference between |padding_bytes_written| and
// |padding_bytes_cleared| denotes the total size of padding currently
// present in the buffer.
optional uint64 padding_bytes_cleared = 16;
// Num. chunks (!= packets) written into the buffer.
optional uint64 chunks_written = 2;
// Num. chunks (!= packets) rewritten into the buffer. This means we rewrote
// the same chunk with additional packets appended to the end.
optional uint64 chunks_rewritten = 10;
// Num. chunks overwritten before they have been read (i.e. loss of data).
optional uint64 chunks_overwritten = 3;
// Num. chunks discarded (i.e. loss of data). Can be > 0 only when a buffer
// is configured with FillPolicy == DISCARD.
optional uint64 chunks_discarded = 18;
// Num. chunks (!= packets) that were fully read from the circular buffer by
// the consumer. This may not be equal to |chunks_written| either in the
// middle of tracing, or if |chunks_overwritten| is non-zero.
optional uint64 chunks_read = 17;
// Num. chunks that were committed out of order.
optional uint64 chunks_committed_out_of_order = 11;
// Num. times the ring buffer wrapped around.
optional uint64 write_wrap_count = 4;
// Num. out-of-band (OOB) patches that succeeded.
optional uint64 patches_succeeded = 5;
// Num. OOB patches that failed (e.g., the chunk to patch was gone).
optional uint64 patches_failed = 6;
// Num. readaheads (for large multi-chunk packet reads) that ended up in a
// successful packet read.
optional uint64 readaheads_succeeded = 7;
// Num. readaheads aborted because of missing chunks in the sequence stream.
// Note that a small number > 0 is totally expected: occasionally, when
// issuing a read, the very last packet in a sequence might be incomplete
// (because the producer is still writing it while we read). The read will
// stop at that point, for that sequence, increasing this counter.
optional uint64 readaheads_failed = 8;
// Num. of violations of the SharedMemoryABI found while writing or reading
// the buffer. This is an indication of either a bug in the producer(s) or
// malicious producer(s).
optional uint64 abi_violations = 9;
// The fields below have been introduced in Android R.
// Num. of times the service detected packet loss on a trace writer
// sequence. This is usually caused by exhaustion of available chunks in the
// writer process's SMB. Note that this relies on the client's TraceWriter
// indicating this loss to the service -- packets lost for other reasons are
// not reflected in this stat.
optional uint64 trace_writer_packet_loss = 19;
// Stats for the TraceBuffer(s) of the current trace session.
repeated BufferStats buffer_stats = 1;
// Num. producers connected (whether they are involved in the current tracing
// session or not).
optional uint32 producers_connected = 2;
// Num. producers ever seen for all trace sessions since startup (it's a good
// proxy for inferring num. producers crashed / killed).
optional uint64 producers_seen = 3;
// Num. data sources registered for all trace sessions.
optional uint32 data_sources_registered = 4;
// Num. data sources ever seen for all trace sessions since startup.
optional uint64 data_sources_seen = 5;
// Num. concurrently active tracing sessions.
optional uint32 tracing_sessions = 6;
// Num. buffers for all tracing session (not just the current one). This will
// be >= buffer_stats.size(), because the latter is only about the current
// session.
optional uint32 total_buffers = 7;
// The fields below have been introduced in Android Q.
// Num. chunks that were discarded by the service before attempting to commit
// them to a buffer, e.g. because the producer specified an invalid buffer ID.
optional uint64 chunks_discarded = 8;
// Num. patches that were discarded by the service before attempting to apply
// them to a buffer, e.g. because the producer specified an invalid buffer ID.
optional uint64 patches_discarded = 9;
// Packets that failed validation of the TrustedPacket. If this is > 0, there
// is a bug in the producer.
optional uint64 invalid_packets = 10;
// End of protos/perfetto/common/trace_stats.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/android/android_log.proto
message AndroidLogPacket {
message LogEvent {
// The log buffer (e.g. MAIN, SYSTEM, RADIO) the event comes from.
optional AndroidLogId log_id = 1;
// PID (TGID), TID and UID of the task that emitted the event.
optional int32 pid = 2;
optional int32 tid = 3;
optional int32 uid = 4;
// Timestamp [ns]. The clock source is CLOCK_REALTIME, unlike many other
// Perfetto trace events that instead use CLOCK_BOOTTIME. The trace
// processor will take care of realigning clocks using the ClockSnapshot(s).
optional uint64 timestamp = 5;
// When log_id == LID_EVENTS, |tag| corresponds to the event name defined in
// the second column of /system/etc/event-log-tags. For all other events,
// |tag| is the app-specified argument passed to __android_log_write().
optional string tag = 6;
// Empty when log_id == LID_EVENTS.
optional AndroidLogPriority prio = 7;
// Empty when log_id == LID_EVENTS.
optional string message = 8;
message Arg {
optional string name = 1;
oneof value {
int64 int_value = 2;
float float_value = 3;
string string_value = 4;
// Only populated when log_id == LID_EVENTS.
repeated Arg args = 9;
repeated LogEvent events = 1;
// Stats are emitted only upon Flush() and are monotonic (i.e. they are
// absolute counters since the beginning of the lifetime of the tracing
// session and NOT relative to the previous Stats snapshot).
message Stats {
// Total number of log events seen, including errors and skipped entries
// (num of events stored in the trace = total - failed - skipped).
optional uint64 num_total = 1;
// Parser failures.
optional uint64 num_failed = 2;
// Messages skipped due to filters.
optional uint64 num_skipped = 3;
optional Stats stats = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/android/android_log.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/android/frame_timeline_event.proto
// Generated by SurfaceFlinger's FrameTimeline (go/adaptive-scheduling-fr).
// Used in comparing the expected timeline of a frame to the actual timeline.
// Key terms:
// 1) DisplayFrame - represents SurfaceFlinger's work on a frame(composited)
// 2) SurfaceFrame - represents App's work on its frame
// 3) Timeline = start to end of a component's(app/SF) work on a frame.
// SurfaceFlinger composites frames from many apps together, so
// One DisplayFrame can map to N SurfaceFrame(s)
// This relationship can be reconstructed by using
// DisplayFrame.token = SurfaceFrame.display_frame_token
message FrameTimelineEvent {
// Specifies the reason(s) most likely to have caused the jank.
// Used as a bitmask.
enum JankType {
// Specifies how a frame was presented on screen w.r.t. timing.
// Can be different for SurfaceFrame and DisplayFrame.
enum PresentType {
// Specifies if the predictions for the frame are still valid, expired or
// unknown.
enum PredictionType {
// Indicates the start of expected timeline slice for SurfaceFrames.
message ExpectedSurfaceFrameStart {
// Cookie used to correlate between the start and end messages of the same
// frame. Since all values except the ts are same for start and end, cookie
// helps in preventing redundant data transmission.
// The same cookie is used only by start and end messages of a single frame
// and is otherwise unique.
optional int64 cookie = 1;
// Token received by the app for its work. Can be shared between multiple
// layers of the same app (example: pip mode).
optional int64 token = 2;
// The corresponding DisplayFrame token is required to link the App's work
// with SurfaceFlinger's work. Many SurfaceFrames can be mapped to a single
// DisplayFrame.
// this.display_frame_token = DisplayFrame.token
optional int64 display_frame_token = 3;
// Pid of the app. Used in creating the timeline tracks (and slices) inside
// the respective process track group.
optional int32 pid = 4;
optional string layer_name = 5;
// Indicates the start of actual timeline slice for SurfaceFrames. Also
// includes the jank information.
message ActualSurfaceFrameStart {
// Cookie used to correlate between the start and end messages of the same
// frame. Since all values except the ts are same for start and end, cookie
// helps in preventing redundant data transmission.
// The same cookie is used only by start and end messages of a single frame
// and is otherwise unique.
optional int64 cookie = 1;
// Token received by the app for its work. Can be shared between multiple
// layers of the same app (example: pip mode).
optional int64 token = 2;
// The corresponding DisplayFrame token is required to link the App's work
// with SurfaceFlinger's work. Many SurfaceFrames can be mapped to a single
// DisplayFrame.
// this.display_frame_token = DisplayFrame.token
optional int64 display_frame_token = 3;
// Pid of the app. Used in creating the timeline tracks (and slices) inside
// the respective process track group.
optional int32 pid = 4;
optional string layer_name = 5;
optional PresentType present_type = 6;
optional bool on_time_finish = 7;
optional bool gpu_composition = 8;
// A bitmask of JankType. More than one reason can be attributed to a janky
// frame.
optional int32 jank_type = 9;
optional PredictionType prediction_type = 10;
// Indicates the start of expected timeline slice for DisplayFrames.
message ExpectedDisplayFrameStart {
// Cookie used to correlate between the start and end messages of the same
// frame. Since all values except the ts are same for start and end, cookie
// helps in preventing redundant data transmission.
// The same cookie is used only by start and end messages of a single frame
// and is otherwise unique.
optional int64 cookie = 1;
// Token received by SurfaceFlinger for its work
// this.token = SurfaceFrame.display_frame_token
optional int64 token = 2;
// Pid of SurfaceFlinger. Used in creating the timeline tracks (and slices)
// inside the SurfaceFlinger process group.
optional int32 pid = 3;
// Indicates the start of actual timeline slice for DisplayFrames. Also
// includes the jank information.
message ActualDisplayFrameStart {
// Cookie used to correlate between the start and end messages of the same
// frame. Since all values except the ts are same for start and end, cookie
// helps in preventing redundant data transmission.
// The same cookie is used only by start and end messages of a single frame
// and is otherwise unique.
optional int64 cookie = 1;
// Token received by SurfaceFlinger for its work
// this.token = SurfaceFrame.display_frame_token
optional int64 token = 2;
// Pid of SurfaceFlinger. Used in creating the timeline tracks (and slices)
// inside the SurfaceFlinger process group.
optional int32 pid = 3;
optional PresentType present_type = 4;
optional bool on_time_finish = 5;
optional bool gpu_composition = 6;
// A bitmask of JankType. More than one reason can be attributed to a janky
// frame.
optional int32 jank_type = 7;
optional PredictionType prediction_type = 8;
// FrameEnd just sends the cookie to indicate that the corresponding
// <display/surface>frame slice's end.
message FrameEnd { optional int64 cookie = 1; };
oneof event {
ExpectedDisplayFrameStart expected_display_frame_start = 1;
ActualDisplayFrameStart actual_display_frame_start = 2;
ExpectedSurfaceFrameStart expected_surface_frame_start = 3;
ActualSurfaceFrameStart actual_surface_frame_start = 4;
FrameEnd frame_end = 5;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/android/frame_timeline_event.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/android/gpu_mem_event.proto
// Generated by Android's GpuService.
message GpuMemTotalEvent {
optional uint32 gpu_id = 1;
optional uint32 pid = 2;
optional uint64 size = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/android/gpu_mem_event.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/android/graphics_frame_event.proto
// Generated by Android's SurfaceFlinger.
message GraphicsFrameEvent {
enum BufferEventType {
QUEUE = 2;
POST = 3;
LATCH = 5;
// HWC will compose this buffer
// renderEngine composition
MODIFY = 10;
DETACH = 11;
ATTACH = 12;
CANCEL = 13;
message BufferEvent {
optional uint32 frame_number = 1;
optional BufferEventType type = 2;
optional string layer_name = 3;
// If no duration is set, the event is an instant event.
optional uint64 duration_ns = 4;
// Unique buffer identifier.
optional uint32 buffer_id = 5;
optional BufferEvent buffer_event = 1;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/android/graphics_frame_event.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/android/initial_display_state.proto
message InitialDisplayState {
// Same values as android.view.Display.STATE_*
optional int32 display_state = 1;
optional double brightness = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/android/initial_display_state.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/android/packages_list.proto
message PackagesList {
message PackageInfo {
optional string name = 1;
optional uint64 uid = 2;
optional bool debuggable = 3;
optional bool profileable_from_shell = 4;
optional int64 version_code = 5;
repeated PackageInfo packages = 1;
// At least one error occurred parsing the packages.list.
optional bool parse_error = 2;
// Failed to open / read packages.list.
optional bool read_error = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/android/packages_list.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/chrome/chrome_benchmark_metadata.proto
// This message is not intended to be written by the chrome on the device.
// It's emitted on the host by the telemetry benchmark infrastructure (it's a
// part of the trace that's written by the telemetry tracing agent).
message ChromeBenchmarkMetadata {
// Time when the benchmark execution started (host unixtime in microseconds).
optional int64 benchmark_start_time_us = 1;
// Time when this particular story was run (host unixtime in microseconds).
optional int64 story_run_time_us = 2;
// Name of benchmark.
optional string benchmark_name = 3;
// Description of benchmark.
optional string benchmark_description = 4;
// Optional label.
optional string label = 5;
// Name of story.
optional string story_name = 6;
// List of story tags.
repeated string story_tags = 7;
// Index of the story run (>0 if the same story was run several times).
optional int32 story_run_index = 8;
// Whether this run failed.
optional bool had_failures = 9;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/chrome/chrome_benchmark_metadata.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/chrome/chrome_metadata.proto
// Metadata for chrome traces.
message ChromeMetadataPacket {
optional BackgroundTracingMetadata background_tracing_metadata = 1;
// Version code of Chrome used by Android's Play Store. This field is only set
// on Android.
optional int32 chrome_version_code = 2;
// Metadata related to background tracing scenarios, states and triggers.
message BackgroundTracingMetadata {
// Information about a trigger rule defined in the experiment config.
message TriggerRule {
enum TriggerType {
// Traces are triggered by specific range of values of an UMA histogram.
// Traces are triggered by specific named events in chromium codebase,
// like "second-update-failure".
optional TriggerType trigger_type = 1;
// Configuration of histogram trigger.
message HistogramRule {
// UMA histogram name hash, same as HistogramEventProto.name_hash.
optional fixed64 histogram_name_hash = 1;
// Range of values of the histogram that activates trigger.
optional int64 histogram_min_trigger = 2;
optional int64 histogram_max_trigger = 3;
optional HistogramRule histogram_rule = 2;
// Configuration of named trigger.
message NamedRule {
enum EventType {
TEST_RULE = 1000;
optional EventType event_type = 1;
optional NamedRule named_rule = 3;
// Specifies the rule that caused the trace to be uploaded.
optional TriggerRule triggered_rule = 1;
// List of all active triggers in current session, when trace was triggered.
repeated TriggerRule active_rules = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/chrome/chrome_metadata.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/chrome/chrome_trace_event.proto
message ChromeTracedValue {
enum NestedType {
DICT = 0;
ARRAY = 1;
optional NestedType nested_type = 1;
repeated string dict_keys = 2;
repeated ChromeTracedValue dict_values = 3;
repeated ChromeTracedValue array_values = 4;
optional int32 int_value = 5;
optional double double_value = 6;
optional bool bool_value = 7;
optional string string_value = 8;
message ChromeStringTableEntry {
optional string value = 1;
optional int32 index = 2;
// Deprecated, use TrackEvent protos instead.
message ChromeTraceEvent {
message Arg {
optional string name = 1;
oneof value {
bool bool_value = 2;
uint64 uint_value = 3;
int64 int_value = 4;
double double_value = 5;
string string_value = 6;
// Pointers are stored in a separate type as the JSON output treats them
// differently from other uint64 values.
uint64 pointer_value = 7;
string json_value = 8;
ChromeTracedValue traced_value = 10;
// Takes precedence over |name| if set,
// and is an index into |string_table|.
optional uint32 name_index = 9;
optional string name = 1;
optional int64 timestamp = 2;
optional int32 phase = 3;
optional int32 thread_id = 4;
optional int64 duration = 5;
optional int64 thread_duration = 6;
optional string scope = 7;
optional uint64 id = 8;
optional uint32 flags = 9;
optional string category_group_name = 10;
optional int32 process_id = 11;
optional int64 thread_timestamp = 12;
optional uint64 bind_id = 13;
repeated Arg args = 14;
// Takes precedence over respectively |name| and
// |category_group_name_index| if set,
// and are indices into |string_table|.
optional uint32 name_index = 15;
optional uint32 category_group_name_index = 16;
message ChromeMetadata {
optional string name = 1;
oneof value {
string string_value = 2;
bool bool_value = 3;
int64 int_value = 4;
string json_value = 5;
// Subtraces produced in legacy json format by Chrome tracing agents not yet
// updated to support the new binary format, e.g. ETW and CrOS ARC.
// TODO(eseckler): Update these agents to become perfetto producers.
message ChromeLegacyJsonTrace {
enum TraceType {
// Deprecated.
optional TraceType type = 1;
optional string data = 2;
message ChromeEventBundle {
// Deprecated, use TrackEvent protos instead.
repeated ChromeTraceEvent trace_events = 1 [deprecated = true];
repeated ChromeMetadata metadata = 2;
// ftrace output from CrOS and Cast system tracing agents.
// TODO(eseckler): Replace system traces with native perfetto service.
repeated string legacy_ftrace_output = 4;
repeated ChromeLegacyJsonTrace legacy_json_trace = 5;
// Contents of a string table that's valid for
// the whole ChromeEventBundle entry.
repeated ChromeStringTableEntry string_table = 3 [deprecated = true];
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/chrome/chrome_trace_event.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/clock_snapshot.proto
// A snapshot of clock readings to allow for trace alignment.
message ClockSnapshot {
message Clock {
// DEPRECATED. This enum has moved to ../common/builtin_clock.proto.
enum BuiltinClocks {
reserved 7, 8;
// Clock IDs have the following semantic:
// [1, 63]: Builtin types, see BuiltinClock from
// ../common/builtin_clock.proto.
// [64, 127]: User-defined clocks. These clocks are sequence-scoped. They
// are only valid within the same |trusted_packet_sequence_id|
// (i.e. only for TracePacket(s) emitted by the same TraceWriter
// that emitted the clock snapshot).
// [128, MAX]: Reserved for future use. The idea is to allow global clock
// IDs and setting this ID to hash(full_clock_name) & ~127.
optional uint32 clock_id = 1;
// Absolute timestamp. Unit is ns unless specified otherwise by the
// unit_multiplier_ns field below.
optional uint64 timestamp = 2;
// When true each TracePacket's timestamp should be interpreted as a delta
// from the last TracePacket's timestamp (referencing this clock) emitted by
// the same packet_sequence_id. Should only be used for user-defined
// sequence-local clocks. The first packet timestamp after each
// ClockSnapshot that contains this clock is relative to the |timestamp| in
// the ClockSnapshot.
optional bool is_incremental = 3;
// Allows to specify a custom unit different than the default (ns) for this
// clock domain. A multiplier of 1000 means that a timestamp = 3 should be
// interpreted as 3000 ns = 3 us. All snapshots for the same clock within a
// trace need to use the same unit.
optional uint64 unit_multiplier_ns = 4;
repeated Clock clocks = 1;
// The authoritative clock domain for the trace. Defaults to BOOTTIME, but can
// be overridden in TraceConfig's builtin_data_sources. Trace processor will
// attempt to translate packet/event timestamps from various data sources (and
// their chosen clock domains) to this domain during import.
optional BuiltinClock primary_trace_clock = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/clock_snapshot.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/common/descriptor.proto
// The protocol compiler can output a FileDescriptorSet containing the .proto
// files it parses.
message FileDescriptorSet {
repeated FileDescriptorProto file = 1;
// Describes a complete .proto file.
message FileDescriptorProto {
// file name, relative to root of source tree
optional string name = 1;
// e.g. "foo", "", etc.
optional string package = 2;
// Names of files imported by this file.
repeated string dependency = 3;
// Indexes of the public imported files in the dependency list above.
repeated int32 public_dependency = 10;
// Indexes of the weak imported files in the dependency list.
// For Google-internal migration only. Do not use.
repeated int32 weak_dependency = 11;
// All top-level definitions in this file.
repeated DescriptorProto message_type = 4;
repeated EnumDescriptorProto enum_type = 5;
repeated FieldDescriptorProto extension = 7;
reserved 6;
reserved 8;
reserved 9;
reserved 12;
// Describes a message type.
message DescriptorProto {
optional string name = 1;
repeated FieldDescriptorProto field = 2;
repeated FieldDescriptorProto extension = 6;
repeated DescriptorProto nested_type = 3;
repeated EnumDescriptorProto enum_type = 4;
reserved 5;
repeated OneofDescriptorProto oneof_decl = 8;
reserved 7;
// Range of reserved tag numbers. Reserved tag numbers may not be used by
// fields or extension ranges in the same message. Reserved ranges may
// not overlap.
message ReservedRange {
// Inclusive.
optional int32 start = 1;
// Exclusive.
optional int32 end = 2;
repeated ReservedRange reserved_range = 9;
// Reserved field names, which may not be used by fields in the same message.
// A given name may only be reserved once.
repeated string reserved_name = 10;
// Describes a field within a message.
message FieldDescriptorProto {
enum Type {
// 0 is reserved for errors.
// Order is weird for historical reasons.
// Not ZigZag encoded. Negative numbers take 10 bytes. Use TYPE_SINT64 if
// negative values are likely.
TYPE_INT64 = 3;
TYPE_UINT64 = 4;
// Not ZigZag encoded. Negative numbers take 10 bytes. Use TYPE_SINT32 if
// negative values are likely.
TYPE_INT32 = 5;
// Tag-delimited aggregate.
// Group type is deprecated and not supported in proto3. However, Proto3
// implementations should still be able to parse the group wire format and
// treat group fields as unknown fields.
// Length-delimited aggregate.
// New in version 2.
TYPE_UINT32 = 13;
// Uses ZigZag encoding.
TYPE_SINT32 = 17;
// Uses ZigZag encoding.
TYPE_SINT64 = 18;
enum Label {
// 0 is reserved for errors
optional string name = 1;
optional int32 number = 3;
optional Label label = 4;
// If type_name is set, this need not be set. If both this and type_name
// are set, this must be one of TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_MESSAGE or TYPE_GROUP.
optional Type type = 5;
// For message and enum types, this is the name of the type. If the name
// starts with a '.', it is fully-qualified. Otherwise, C++-like scoping
// rules are used to find the type (i.e. first the nested types within this
// message are searched, then within the parent, on up to the root
// namespace).
optional string type_name = 6;
// For extensions, this is the name of the type being extended. It is
// resolved in the same manner as type_name.
optional string extendee = 2;
// For numeric types, contains the original text representation of the value.
// For booleans, "true" or "false".
// For strings, contains the default text contents (not escaped in any way).
// For bytes, contains the C escaped value. All bytes >= 128 are escaped.
// TODO(kenton): Base-64 encode?
optional string default_value = 7;
// If set, gives the index of a oneof in the containing type's oneof_decl
// list. This field is a member of that oneof.
optional int32 oneof_index = 9;
reserved 10;
reserved 8;
// Describes a oneof.
message OneofDescriptorProto {
optional string name = 1;
optional OneofOptions options = 2;
// Describes an enum type.
message EnumDescriptorProto {
optional string name = 1;
repeated EnumValueDescriptorProto value = 2;
reserved 3;
reserved 4;
// Reserved enum value names, which may not be reused. A given name may only
// be reserved once.
repeated string reserved_name = 5;
// Describes a value within an enum.
message EnumValueDescriptorProto {
optional string name = 1;
optional int32 number = 2;
reserved 3;
message OneofOptions {
reserved 999;
// Clients can define custom options in extensions of this message. See above.
extensions 1000 to max;
// End of protos/perfetto/common/descriptor.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/extension_descriptor.proto
// This message contains descriptors used to parse extension fields of
// TrackEvent.
// See docs/design-docs/ for more details.
message ExtensionDescriptor {
optional FileDescriptorSet extension_set = 1;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/extension_descriptor.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/filesystem/inode_file_map.proto
// Represents the mapping between inode numbers in a block device and their path
// on the filesystem
message InodeFileMap {
// Representation of Entry
message Entry {
optional uint64 inode_number = 1;
// The path to the file, e.g. "etc/file.xml"
// List of strings for multiple hardlinks
repeated string paths = 2;
// The file type
enum Type {
FILE = 1;
optional Type type = 3;
optional uint64 block_device_id = 1;
// The mount points of the block device, e.g. ["system"].
repeated string mount_points = 2;
// The list of all the entries from the block device
repeated Entry entries = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/filesystem/inode_file_map.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/binder.proto
message BinderTransactionFtraceEvent {
optional int32 debug_id = 1;
optional int32 target_node = 2;
optional int32 to_proc = 3;
optional int32 to_thread = 4;
optional int32 reply = 5;
optional uint32 code = 6;
optional uint32 flags = 7;
message BinderTransactionReceivedFtraceEvent {
optional int32 debug_id = 1;
message BinderSetPriorityFtraceEvent {
optional int32 proc = 1;
optional int32 thread = 2;
optional uint32 old_prio = 3;
optional uint32 new_prio = 4;
optional uint32 desired_prio = 5;
message BinderLockFtraceEvent {
optional string tag = 1;
message BinderLockedFtraceEvent {
optional string tag = 1;
message BinderUnlockFtraceEvent {
optional string tag = 1;
message BinderTransactionAllocBufFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 data_size = 1;
optional int32 debug_id = 2;
optional uint64 offsets_size = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/binder.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/block.proto
message BlockRqIssueFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint32 nr_sector = 3;
optional uint32 bytes = 4;
optional string rwbs = 5;
optional string comm = 6;
optional string cmd = 7;
message BlockBioBackmergeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint32 nr_sector = 3;
optional string rwbs = 4;
optional string comm = 5;
message BlockBioBounceFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint32 nr_sector = 3;
optional string rwbs = 4;
optional string comm = 5;
message BlockBioCompleteFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint32 nr_sector = 3;
optional int32 error = 4;
optional string rwbs = 5;
message BlockBioFrontmergeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint32 nr_sector = 3;
optional string rwbs = 4;
optional string comm = 5;
message BlockBioQueueFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint32 nr_sector = 3;
optional string rwbs = 4;
optional string comm = 5;
message BlockBioRemapFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint32 nr_sector = 3;
optional uint64 old_dev = 4;
optional uint64 old_sector = 5;
optional string rwbs = 6;
message BlockDirtyBufferFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint64 size = 3;
message BlockGetrqFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint32 nr_sector = 3;
optional string rwbs = 4;
optional string comm = 5;
message BlockPlugFtraceEvent {
optional string comm = 1;
message BlockRqAbortFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint32 nr_sector = 3;
optional int32 errors = 4;
optional string rwbs = 5;
optional string cmd = 6;
message BlockRqCompleteFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint32 nr_sector = 3;
optional int32 errors = 4;
optional string rwbs = 5;
optional string cmd = 6;
message BlockRqInsertFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint32 nr_sector = 3;
optional uint32 bytes = 4;
optional string rwbs = 5;
optional string comm = 6;
optional string cmd = 7;
message BlockRqRemapFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint32 nr_sector = 3;
optional uint64 old_dev = 4;
optional uint64 old_sector = 5;
optional uint32 nr_bios = 6;
optional string rwbs = 7;
message BlockRqRequeueFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint32 nr_sector = 3;
optional int32 errors = 4;
optional string rwbs = 5;
optional string cmd = 6;
message BlockSleeprqFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint32 nr_sector = 3;
optional string rwbs = 4;
optional string comm = 5;
message BlockSplitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint64 new_sector = 3;
optional string rwbs = 4;
optional string comm = 5;
message BlockTouchBufferFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 sector = 2;
optional uint64 size = 3;
message BlockUnplugFtraceEvent {
optional int32 nr_rq = 1;
optional string comm = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/block.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/cgroup.proto
message CgroupAttachTaskFtraceEvent {
optional int32 dst_root = 1;
optional int32 dst_id = 2;
optional int32 pid = 3;
optional string comm = 4;
optional string cname = 5;
message CgroupMkdirFtraceEvent {
optional int32 root = 1;
optional int32 id = 2;
optional string cname = 3;
message CgroupRemountFtraceEvent {
optional int32 root = 1;
optional uint32 ss_mask = 2;
optional string name = 3;
message CgroupRmdirFtraceEvent {
optional int32 root = 1;
optional int32 id = 2;
optional string cname = 3;
message CgroupTransferTasksFtraceEvent {
optional int32 dst_root = 1;
optional int32 dst_id = 2;
optional int32 pid = 3;
optional string comm = 4;
optional string cname = 5;
message CgroupDestroyRootFtraceEvent {
optional int32 root = 1;
optional uint32 ss_mask = 2;
optional string name = 3;
message CgroupReleaseFtraceEvent {
optional int32 root = 1;
optional int32 id = 2;
optional string cname = 3;
message CgroupRenameFtraceEvent {
optional int32 root = 1;
optional int32 id = 2;
optional string cname = 3;
message CgroupSetupRootFtraceEvent {
optional int32 root = 1;
optional uint32 ss_mask = 2;
optional string name = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/cgroup.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/clk.proto
message ClkEnableFtraceEvent {
optional string name = 1;
message ClkDisableFtraceEvent {
optional string name = 1;
message ClkSetRateFtraceEvent {
optional string name = 1;
optional uint64 rate = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/clk.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/compaction.proto
message MmCompactionBeginFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 zone_start = 1;
optional uint64 migrate_pfn = 2;
optional uint64 free_pfn = 3;
optional uint64 zone_end = 4;
optional uint32 sync = 5;
message MmCompactionDeferCompactionFtraceEvent {
optional int32 nid = 1;
optional uint32 idx = 2;
optional int32 order = 3;
optional uint32 considered = 4;
optional uint32 defer_shift = 5;
optional int32 order_failed = 6;
message MmCompactionDeferredFtraceEvent {
optional int32 nid = 1;
optional uint32 idx = 2;
optional int32 order = 3;
optional uint32 considered = 4;
optional uint32 defer_shift = 5;
optional int32 order_failed = 6;
message MmCompactionDeferResetFtraceEvent {
optional int32 nid = 1;
optional uint32 idx = 2;
optional int32 order = 3;
optional uint32 considered = 4;
optional uint32 defer_shift = 5;
optional int32 order_failed = 6;
message MmCompactionEndFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 zone_start = 1;
optional uint64 migrate_pfn = 2;
optional uint64 free_pfn = 3;
optional uint64 zone_end = 4;
optional uint32 sync = 5;
optional int32 status = 6;
message MmCompactionFinishedFtraceEvent {
optional int32 nid = 1;
optional uint32 idx = 2;
optional int32 order = 3;
optional int32 ret = 4;
message MmCompactionIsolateFreepagesFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 start_pfn = 1;
optional uint64 end_pfn = 2;
optional uint64 nr_scanned = 3;
optional uint64 nr_taken = 4;
message MmCompactionIsolateMigratepagesFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 start_pfn = 1;
optional uint64 end_pfn = 2;
optional uint64 nr_scanned = 3;
optional uint64 nr_taken = 4;
message MmCompactionKcompactdSleepFtraceEvent {
optional int32 nid = 1;
message MmCompactionKcompactdWakeFtraceEvent {
optional int32 nid = 1;
optional int32 order = 2;
optional uint32 classzone_idx = 3;
message MmCompactionMigratepagesFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 nr_migrated = 1;
optional uint64 nr_failed = 2;
message MmCompactionSuitableFtraceEvent {
optional int32 nid = 1;
optional uint32 idx = 2;
optional int32 order = 3;
optional int32 ret = 4;
message MmCompactionTryToCompactPagesFtraceEvent {
optional int32 order = 1;
optional uint32 gfp_mask = 2;
optional uint32 mode = 3;
message MmCompactionWakeupKcompactdFtraceEvent {
optional int32 nid = 1;
optional int32 order = 2;
optional uint32 classzone_idx = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/compaction.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/cpuhp.proto
message CpuhpExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 cpu = 1;
optional int32 idx = 2;
optional int32 ret = 3;
optional int32 state = 4;
message CpuhpMultiEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 cpu = 1;
optional uint64 fun = 2;
optional int32 idx = 3;
optional int32 target = 4;
message CpuhpEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 cpu = 1;
optional uint64 fun = 2;
optional int32 idx = 3;
optional int32 target = 4;
message CpuhpLatencyFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 cpu = 1;
optional int32 ret = 2;
optional uint32 state = 3;
optional uint64 time = 4;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/cpuhp.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/dpu.proto
message DpuTracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent {
optional int32 pid = 1;
optional string trace_name = 2;
optional uint32 trace_begin = 3;
optional string name = 4;
optional uint32 type = 5;
optional int32 value = 6;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/dpu.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ext4.proto
message Ext4DaWriteBeginFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 pos = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
optional uint32 flags = 5;
message Ext4DaWriteEndFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 pos = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
optional uint32 copied = 5;
message Ext4SyncFileEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 parent = 3;
optional int32 datasync = 4;
message Ext4SyncFileExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 ret = 3;
message Ext4AllocDaBlocksFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 data_blocks = 3;
optional uint32 meta_blocks = 4;
message Ext4AllocateBlocksFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 block = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
optional uint32 logical = 5;
optional uint32 lleft = 6;
optional uint32 lright = 7;
optional uint64 goal = 8;
optional uint64 pleft = 9;
optional uint64 pright = 10;
optional uint32 flags = 11;
message Ext4AllocateInodeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 dir = 3;
optional uint32 mode = 4;
message Ext4BeginOrderedTruncateFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 new_size = 3;
message Ext4CollapseRangeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 offset = 3;
optional int64 len = 4;
message Ext4DaReleaseSpaceFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 i_blocks = 3;
optional int32 freed_blocks = 4;
optional int32 reserved_data_blocks = 5;
optional int32 reserved_meta_blocks = 6;
optional int32 allocated_meta_blocks = 7;
optional uint32 mode = 8;
message Ext4DaReserveSpaceFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 i_blocks = 3;
optional int32 reserved_data_blocks = 4;
optional int32 reserved_meta_blocks = 5;
optional uint32 mode = 6;
optional int32 md_needed = 7;
message Ext4DaUpdateReserveSpaceFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 i_blocks = 3;
optional int32 used_blocks = 4;
optional int32 reserved_data_blocks = 5;
optional int32 reserved_meta_blocks = 6;
optional int32 allocated_meta_blocks = 7;
optional int32 quota_claim = 8;
optional uint32 mode = 9;
message Ext4DaWritePagesFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 first_page = 3;
optional int64 nr_to_write = 4;
optional int32 sync_mode = 5;
optional uint64 b_blocknr = 6;
optional uint32 b_size = 7;
optional uint32 b_state = 8;
optional int32 io_done = 9;
optional int32 pages_written = 10;
message Ext4DaWritePagesExtentFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 lblk = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
optional uint32 flags = 5;
message Ext4DirectIOEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 pos = 3;
optional uint64 len = 4;
optional int32 rw = 5;
message Ext4DirectIOExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 pos = 3;
optional uint64 len = 4;
optional int32 rw = 5;
optional int32 ret = 6;
message Ext4DiscardBlocksFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 blk = 2;
optional uint64 count = 3;
message Ext4DiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
message Ext4DropInodeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 drop = 3;
message Ext4EsCacheExtentFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 lblk = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
optional uint64 pblk = 5;
optional uint32 status = 6;
message Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 lblk = 3;
message Ext4EsFindDelayedExtentRangeExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 lblk = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
optional uint64 pblk = 5;
optional uint64 status = 6;
message Ext4EsInsertExtentFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 lblk = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
optional uint64 pblk = 5;
optional uint64 status = 6;
message Ext4EsLookupExtentEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 lblk = 3;
message Ext4EsLookupExtentExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 lblk = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
optional uint64 pblk = 5;
optional uint64 status = 6;
optional int32 found = 7;
message Ext4EsRemoveExtentFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 lblk = 3;
optional int64 len = 4;
message Ext4EsShrinkFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional int32 nr_shrunk = 2;
optional uint64 scan_time = 3;
optional int32 nr_skipped = 4;
optional int32 retried = 5;
message Ext4EsShrinkCountFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional int32 nr_to_scan = 2;
optional int32 cache_cnt = 3;
message Ext4EsShrinkScanEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional int32 nr_to_scan = 2;
optional int32 cache_cnt = 3;
message Ext4EsShrinkScanExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional int32 nr_shrunk = 2;
optional int32 cache_cnt = 3;
message Ext4EvictInodeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 nlink = 3;
message Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 m_lblk = 3;
optional uint32 m_len = 4;
optional uint32 u_lblk = 5;
optional uint32 u_len = 6;
optional uint64 u_pblk = 7;
message Ext4ExtConvertToInitializedFastpathFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 m_lblk = 3;
optional uint32 m_len = 4;
optional uint32 u_lblk = 5;
optional uint32 u_len = 6;
optional uint64 u_pblk = 7;
optional uint32 i_lblk = 8;
optional uint32 i_len = 9;
optional uint64 i_pblk = 10;
message Ext4ExtHandleUnwrittenExtentsFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 flags = 3;
optional uint32 lblk = 4;
optional uint64 pblk = 5;
optional uint32 len = 6;
optional uint32 allocated = 7;
optional uint64 newblk = 8;
message Ext4ExtInCacheFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 lblk = 3;
optional int32 ret = 4;
message Ext4ExtLoadExtentFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 pblk = 3;
optional uint32 lblk = 4;
message Ext4ExtMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 lblk = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
optional uint32 flags = 5;
message Ext4ExtMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 flags = 3;
optional uint64 pblk = 4;
optional uint32 lblk = 5;
optional uint32 len = 6;
optional uint32 mflags = 7;
optional int32 ret = 8;
message Ext4ExtPutInCacheFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 lblk = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
optional uint64 start = 5;
message Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 start = 3;
optional uint32 end = 4;
optional int32 depth = 5;
message Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceDoneFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 start = 3;
optional uint32 end = 4;
optional int32 depth = 5;
optional int64 partial = 6;
optional uint32 eh_entries = 7;
message Ext4ExtRmIdxFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 pblk = 3;
message Ext4ExtRmLeafFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 partial = 3;
optional uint32 start = 4;
optional uint32 ee_lblk = 5;
optional uint64 ee_pblk = 6;
optional int32 ee_len = 7;
message Ext4ExtShowExtentFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 pblk = 3;
optional uint32 lblk = 4;
optional uint32 len = 5;
message Ext4FallocateEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 offset = 3;
optional int64 len = 4;
optional int32 mode = 5;
optional int64 pos = 6;
message Ext4FallocateExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 pos = 3;
optional uint32 blocks = 4;
optional int32 ret = 5;
message Ext4FindDelallocRangeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 from = 3;
optional uint32 to = 4;
optional int32 reverse = 5;
optional int32 found = 6;
optional uint32 found_blk = 7;
message Ext4ForgetFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 block = 3;
optional int32 is_metadata = 4;
optional uint32 mode = 5;
message Ext4FreeBlocksFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 block = 3;
optional uint64 count = 4;
optional int32 flags = 5;
optional uint32 mode = 6;
message Ext4FreeInodeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 uid = 3;
optional uint32 gid = 4;
optional uint64 blocks = 5;
optional uint32 mode = 6;
message Ext4GetImpliedClusterAllocExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint32 flags = 2;
optional uint32 lblk = 3;
optional uint64 pblk = 4;
optional uint32 len = 5;
optional int32 ret = 6;
message Ext4GetReservedClusterAllocFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 lblk = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
message Ext4IndMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 lblk = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
optional uint32 flags = 5;
message Ext4IndMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 flags = 3;
optional uint64 pblk = 4;
optional uint32 lblk = 5;
optional uint32 len = 6;
optional uint32 mflags = 7;
optional int32 ret = 8;
message Ext4InsertRangeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 offset = 3;
optional int64 len = 4;
message Ext4InvalidatepageFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 index = 3;
optional uint64 offset = 4;
optional uint32 length = 5;
message Ext4JournalStartFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ip = 2;
optional int32 blocks = 3;
optional int32 rsv_blocks = 4;
optional int32 nblocks = 5;
message Ext4JournalStartReservedFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ip = 2;
optional int32 blocks = 3;
message Ext4JournalledInvalidatepageFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 index = 3;
optional uint64 offset = 4;
optional uint32 length = 5;
message Ext4JournalledWriteEndFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 pos = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
optional uint32 copied = 5;
message Ext4LoadInodeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
message Ext4LoadInodeBitmapFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint32 group = 2;
message Ext4MarkInodeDirtyFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 ip = 3;
message Ext4MbBitmapLoadFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint32 group = 2;
message Ext4MbBuddyBitmapLoadFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint32 group = 2;
message Ext4MbDiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional int32 needed = 2;
message Ext4MbNewGroupPaFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 pa_pstart = 3;
optional uint64 pa_lstart = 4;
optional uint32 pa_len = 5;
message Ext4MbNewInodePaFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 pa_pstart = 3;
optional uint64 pa_lstart = 4;
optional uint32 pa_len = 5;
message Ext4MbReleaseGroupPaFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 pa_pstart = 2;
optional uint32 pa_len = 3;
message Ext4MbReleaseInodePaFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 block = 3;
optional uint32 count = 4;
message Ext4MballocAllocFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 orig_logical = 3;
optional int32 orig_start = 4;
optional uint32 orig_group = 5;
optional int32 orig_len = 6;
optional uint32 goal_logical = 7;
optional int32 goal_start = 8;
optional uint32 goal_group = 9;
optional int32 goal_len = 10;
optional uint32 result_logical = 11;
optional int32 result_start = 12;
optional uint32 result_group = 13;
optional int32 result_len = 14;
optional uint32 found = 15;
optional uint32 groups = 16;
optional uint32 buddy = 17;
optional uint32 flags = 18;
optional uint32 tail = 19;
optional uint32 cr = 20;
message Ext4MballocDiscardFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 result_start = 3;
optional uint32 result_group = 4;
optional int32 result_len = 5;
message Ext4MballocFreeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 result_start = 3;
optional uint32 result_group = 4;
optional int32 result_len = 5;
message Ext4MballocPreallocFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 orig_logical = 3;
optional int32 orig_start = 4;
optional uint32 orig_group = 5;
optional int32 orig_len = 6;
optional uint32 result_logical = 7;
optional int32 result_start = 8;
optional uint32 result_group = 9;
optional int32 result_len = 10;
message Ext4OtherInodeUpdateTimeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 orig_ino = 3;
optional uint32 uid = 4;
optional uint32 gid = 5;
optional uint32 mode = 6;
message Ext4PunchHoleFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 offset = 3;
optional int64 len = 4;
optional int32 mode = 5;
message Ext4ReadBlockBitmapLoadFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint32 group = 2;
message Ext4ReadpageFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 index = 3;
message Ext4ReleasepageFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 index = 3;
message Ext4RemoveBlocksFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 from = 3;
optional uint32 to = 4;
optional int64 partial = 5;
optional uint64 ee_pblk = 6;
optional uint32 ee_lblk = 7;
optional uint32 ee_len = 8;
message Ext4RequestBlocksFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 len = 3;
optional uint32 logical = 4;
optional uint32 lleft = 5;
optional uint32 lright = 6;
optional uint64 goal = 7;
optional uint64 pleft = 8;
optional uint64 pright = 9;
optional uint32 flags = 10;
message Ext4RequestInodeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 dir = 2;
optional uint32 mode = 3;
message Ext4SyncFsFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional int32 wait = 2;
message Ext4TrimAllFreeFtraceEvent {
optional int32 dev_major = 1;
optional int32 dev_minor = 2;
optional uint32 group = 3;
optional int32 start = 4;
optional int32 len = 5;
message Ext4TrimExtentFtraceEvent {
optional int32 dev_major = 1;
optional int32 dev_minor = 2;
optional uint32 group = 3;
optional int32 start = 4;
optional int32 len = 5;
message Ext4TruncateEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 blocks = 3;
message Ext4TruncateExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 blocks = 3;
message Ext4UnlinkEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 parent = 3;
optional int64 size = 4;
message Ext4UnlinkExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 ret = 3;
message Ext4WriteBeginFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 pos = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
optional uint32 flags = 5;
message Ext4WriteEndFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 pos = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
optional uint32 copied = 5;
message Ext4WritepageFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 index = 3;
message Ext4WritepagesFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 nr_to_write = 3;
optional int64 pages_skipped = 4;
optional int64 range_start = 5;
optional int64 range_end = 6;
optional uint64 writeback_index = 7;
optional int32 sync_mode = 8;
optional uint32 for_kupdate = 9;
optional uint32 range_cyclic = 10;
message Ext4WritepagesResultFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 ret = 3;
optional int32 pages_written = 4;
optional int64 pages_skipped = 5;
optional uint64 writeback_index = 6;
optional int32 sync_mode = 7;
message Ext4ZeroRangeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 offset = 3;
optional int64 len = 4;
optional int32 mode = 5;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ext4.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/f2fs.proto
message F2fsDoSubmitBioFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional int32 btype = 2;
optional uint32 sync = 3;
optional uint64 sector = 4;
optional uint32 size = 5;
message F2fsEvictInodeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 pino = 3;
optional uint32 mode = 4;
optional int64 size = 5;
optional uint32 nlink = 6;
optional uint64 blocks = 7;
optional uint32 advise = 8;
message F2fsFallocateFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 mode = 3;
optional int64 offset = 4;
optional int64 len = 5;
optional int64 size = 6;
optional uint64 blocks = 7;
optional int32 ret = 8;
message F2fsGetDataBlockFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 iblock = 3;
optional uint64 bh_start = 4;
optional uint64 bh_size = 5;
optional int32 ret = 6;
message F2fsGetVictimFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional int32 type = 2;
optional int32 gc_type = 3;
optional int32 alloc_mode = 4;
optional int32 gc_mode = 5;
optional uint32 victim = 6;
optional uint32 ofs_unit = 7;
optional uint32 pre_victim = 8;
optional uint32 prefree = 9;
optional uint32 free = 10;
message F2fsIgetFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 pino = 3;
optional uint32 mode = 4;
optional int64 size = 5;
optional uint32 nlink = 6;
optional uint64 blocks = 7;
optional uint32 advise = 8;
message F2fsIgetExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 ret = 3;
message F2fsNewInodeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 ret = 3;
message F2fsReadpageFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 index = 3;
optional uint64 blkaddr = 4;
optional int32 type = 5;
message F2fsReserveNewBlockFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint32 nid = 2;
optional uint32 ofs_in_node = 3;
message F2fsSetPageDirtyFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 type = 3;
optional int32 dir = 4;
optional uint64 index = 5;
optional int32 dirty = 6;
message F2fsSubmitWritePageFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 type = 3;
optional uint64 index = 4;
optional uint32 block = 5;
message F2fsSyncFileEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 pino = 3;
optional uint32 mode = 4;
optional int64 size = 5;
optional uint32 nlink = 6;
optional uint64 blocks = 7;
optional uint32 advise = 8;
message F2fsSyncFileExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 need_cp = 3;
optional int32 datasync = 4;
optional int32 ret = 5;
message F2fsSyncFsFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional int32 dirty = 2;
optional int32 wait = 3;
message F2fsTruncateFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint64 pino = 3;
optional uint32 mode = 4;
optional int64 size = 5;
optional uint32 nlink = 6;
optional uint64 blocks = 7;
optional uint32 advise = 8;
message F2fsTruncateBlocksEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 size = 3;
optional uint64 blocks = 4;
optional uint64 from = 5;
message F2fsTruncateBlocksExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 ret = 3;
message F2fsTruncateDataBlocksRangeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 nid = 3;
optional uint32 ofs = 4;
optional int32 free = 5;
message F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 size = 3;
optional uint64 blocks = 4;
optional uint64 from = 5;
message F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 ret = 3;
message F2fsTruncateNodeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 nid = 3;
optional uint32 blk_addr = 4;
message F2fsTruncateNodesEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 nid = 3;
optional uint32 blk_addr = 4;
message F2fsTruncateNodesExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 ret = 3;
message F2fsTruncatePartialNodesFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional uint32 nid = 3;
optional int32 depth = 4;
optional int32 err = 5;
message F2fsUnlinkEnterFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 size = 3;
optional uint64 blocks = 4;
optional string name = 5;
message F2fsUnlinkExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 ret = 3;
message F2fsVmPageMkwriteFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int32 type = 3;
optional int32 dir = 4;
optional uint64 index = 5;
optional int32 dirty = 6;
message F2fsWriteBeginFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 pos = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
optional uint32 flags = 5;
message F2fsWriteCheckpointFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint32 is_umount = 2;
optional string msg = 3;
message F2fsWriteEndFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 dev = 1;
optional uint64 ino = 2;
optional int64 pos = 3;
optional uint32 len = 4;
optional uint32 copied = 5;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/f2fs.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/fastrpc.proto
message FastrpcDmaStatFtraceEvent {
optional int32 cid = 1;
optional int64 len = 2;
optional uint64 total_allocated = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/fastrpc.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/fence.proto
message FenceInitFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 context = 1;
optional string driver = 2;
optional uint32 seqno = 3;
optional string timeline = 4;
message FenceDestroyFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 context = 1;
optional string driver = 2;
optional uint32 seqno = 3;
optional string timeline = 4;
message FenceEnableSignalFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 context = 1;
optional string driver = 2;
optional uint32 seqno = 3;
optional string timeline = 4;
message FenceSignaledFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 context = 1;
optional string driver = 2;
optional uint32 seqno = 3;
optional string timeline = 4;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/fence.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/filemap.proto
message MmFilemapAddToPageCacheFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 pfn = 1;
optional uint64 i_ino = 2;
optional uint64 index = 3;
optional uint64 s_dev = 4;
optional uint64 page = 5;
message MmFilemapDeleteFromPageCacheFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 pfn = 1;
optional uint64 i_ino = 2;
optional uint64 index = 3;
optional uint64 s_dev = 4;
optional uint64 page = 5;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/filemap.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace.proto
message PrintFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 ip = 1;
optional string buf = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/g2d.proto
message G2dTracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent {
optional int32 pid = 1;
optional string name = 4;
optional uint32 type = 5;
optional int32 value = 6;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/g2d.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/generic.proto
// This generic proto is used to output events in the trace
// when a specific proto for that event does not exist.
message GenericFtraceEvent {
message Field {
optional string name = 1;
oneof value {
string str_value = 3;
int64 int_value = 4;
uint64 uint_value = 5;
optional string event_name = 1;
repeated Field field = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/generic.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/gpu_mem.proto
message GpuMemTotalFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 gpu_id = 1;
optional uint32 pid = 2;
optional uint64 size = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/gpu_mem.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/i2c.proto
message I2cReadFtraceEvent {
optional int32 adapter_nr = 1;
optional uint32 msg_nr = 2;
optional uint32 addr = 3;
optional uint32 flags = 4;
optional uint32 len = 5;
message I2cWriteFtraceEvent {
optional int32 adapter_nr = 1;
optional uint32 msg_nr = 2;
optional uint32 addr = 3;
optional uint32 flags = 4;
optional uint32 len = 5;
optional uint32 buf = 6;
message I2cResultFtraceEvent {
optional int32 adapter_nr = 1;
optional uint32 nr_msgs = 2;
optional int32 ret = 3;
message I2cReplyFtraceEvent {
optional int32 adapter_nr = 1;
optional uint32 msg_nr = 2;
optional uint32 addr = 3;
optional uint32 flags = 4;
optional uint32 len = 5;
optional uint32 buf = 6;
message SmbusReadFtraceEvent {
optional int32 adapter_nr = 1;
optional uint32 flags = 2;
optional uint32 addr = 3;
optional uint32 command = 4;
optional uint32 protocol = 5;
message SmbusWriteFtraceEvent {
optional int32 adapter_nr = 1;
optional uint32 addr = 2;
optional uint32 flags = 3;
optional uint32 command = 4;
optional uint32 len = 5;
optional uint32 protocol = 6;
message SmbusResultFtraceEvent {
optional int32 adapter_nr = 1;
optional uint32 addr = 2;
optional uint32 flags = 3;
optional uint32 read_write = 4;
optional uint32 command = 5;
optional int32 res = 6;
optional uint32 protocol = 7;
message SmbusReplyFtraceEvent {
optional int32 adapter_nr = 1;
optional uint32 addr = 2;
optional uint32 flags = 3;
optional uint32 command = 4;
optional uint32 len = 5;
optional uint32 protocol = 6;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/i2c.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ion.proto
message IonStatFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 buffer_id = 1;
optional int64 len = 2;
optional uint64 total_allocated = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ion.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ipi.proto
message IpiEntryFtraceEvent {
optional string reason = 1;
message IpiExitFtraceEvent {
optional string reason = 1;
message IpiRaiseFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 target_cpus = 1;
optional string reason = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ipi.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/irq.proto
message SoftirqEntryFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 vec = 1;
message SoftirqExitFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 vec = 1;
message SoftirqRaiseFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 vec = 1;
message IrqHandlerEntryFtraceEvent {
optional int32 irq = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional uint32 handler = 3;
message IrqHandlerExitFtraceEvent {
optional int32 irq = 1;
optional int32 ret = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/irq.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/kmem.proto
message AllocPagesIommuEndFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 gfp_flags = 1;
optional uint32 order = 2;
message AllocPagesIommuFailFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 gfp_flags = 1;
optional uint32 order = 2;
message AllocPagesIommuStartFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 gfp_flags = 1;
optional uint32 order = 2;
message AllocPagesSysEndFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 gfp_flags = 1;
optional uint32 order = 2;
message AllocPagesSysFailFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 gfp_flags = 1;
optional uint32 order = 2;
message AllocPagesSysStartFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 gfp_flags = 1;
optional uint32 order = 2;
message DmaAllocContiguousRetryFtraceEvent {
optional int32 tries = 1;
message IommuMapRangeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 chunk_size = 1;
optional uint64 len = 2;
optional uint64 pa = 3;
optional uint64 va = 4;
message IommuSecPtblMapRangeEndFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 len = 1;
optional int32 num = 2;
optional uint32 pa = 3;
optional int32 sec_id = 4;
optional uint64 va = 5;
message IommuSecPtblMapRangeStartFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 len = 1;
optional int32 num = 2;
optional uint32 pa = 3;
optional int32 sec_id = 4;
optional uint64 va = 5;
message IonAllocBufferEndFtraceEvent {
optional string client_name = 1;
optional uint32 flags = 2;
optional string heap_name = 3;
optional uint64 len = 4;
optional uint32 mask = 5;
message IonAllocBufferFailFtraceEvent {
optional string client_name = 1;
optional int64 error = 2;
optional uint32 flags = 3;
optional string heap_name = 4;
optional uint64 len = 5;
optional uint32 mask = 6;
message IonAllocBufferFallbackFtraceEvent {
optional string client_name = 1;
optional int64 error = 2;
optional uint32 flags = 3;
optional string heap_name = 4;
optional uint64 len = 5;
optional uint32 mask = 6;
message IonAllocBufferStartFtraceEvent {
optional string client_name = 1;
optional uint32 flags = 2;
optional string heap_name = 3;
optional uint64 len = 4;
optional uint32 mask = 5;
message IonCpAllocRetryFtraceEvent {
optional int32 tries = 1;
message IonCpSecureBufferEndFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 align = 1;
optional uint64 flags = 2;
optional string heap_name = 3;
optional uint64 len = 4;
message IonCpSecureBufferStartFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 align = 1;
optional uint64 flags = 2;
optional string heap_name = 3;
optional uint64 len = 4;
message IonPrefetchingFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 len = 1;
message IonSecureCmaAddToPoolEndFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 is_prefetch = 1;
optional uint64 len = 2;
optional int32 pool_total = 3;
message IonSecureCmaAddToPoolStartFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 is_prefetch = 1;
optional uint64 len = 2;
optional int32 pool_total = 3;
message IonSecureCmaAllocateEndFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 align = 1;
optional uint64 flags = 2;
optional string heap_name = 3;
optional uint64 len = 4;
message IonSecureCmaAllocateStartFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 align = 1;
optional uint64 flags = 2;
optional string heap_name = 3;
optional uint64 len = 4;
message IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolEndFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 drained_size = 1;
optional uint64 skipped_size = 2;
message IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolStartFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 drained_size = 1;
optional uint64 skipped_size = 2;
message KfreeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 call_site = 1;
optional uint64 ptr = 2;
message KmallocFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 bytes_alloc = 1;
optional uint64 bytes_req = 2;
optional uint64 call_site = 3;
optional uint32 gfp_flags = 4;
optional uint64 ptr = 5;
message KmallocNodeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 bytes_alloc = 1;
optional uint64 bytes_req = 2;
optional uint64 call_site = 3;
optional uint32 gfp_flags = 4;
optional int32 node = 5;
optional uint64 ptr = 6;
message KmemCacheAllocFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 bytes_alloc = 1;
optional uint64 bytes_req = 2;
optional uint64 call_site = 3;
optional uint32 gfp_flags = 4;
optional uint64 ptr = 5;
message KmemCacheAllocNodeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 bytes_alloc = 1;
optional uint64 bytes_req = 2;
optional uint64 call_site = 3;
optional uint32 gfp_flags = 4;
optional int32 node = 5;
optional uint64 ptr = 6;
message KmemCacheFreeFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 call_site = 1;
optional uint64 ptr = 2;
message MigratePagesEndFtraceEvent {
optional int32 mode = 1;
message MigratePagesStartFtraceEvent {
optional int32 mode = 1;
message MigrateRetryFtraceEvent {
optional int32 tries = 1;
message MmPageAllocFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 gfp_flags = 1;
optional int32 migratetype = 2;
optional uint32 order = 3;
optional uint64 page = 4;
optional uint64 pfn = 5;
message MmPageAllocExtfragFtraceEvent {
optional int32 alloc_migratetype = 1;
optional int32 alloc_order = 2;
optional int32 fallback_migratetype = 3;
optional int32 fallback_order = 4;
optional uint64 page = 5;
optional int32 change_ownership = 6;
optional uint64 pfn = 7;
message MmPageAllocZoneLockedFtraceEvent {
optional int32 migratetype = 1;
optional uint32 order = 2;
optional uint64 page = 3;
optional uint64 pfn = 4;
message MmPageFreeFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 order = 1;
optional uint64 page = 2;
optional uint64 pfn = 3;
message MmPageFreeBatchedFtraceEvent {
optional int32 cold = 1;
optional uint64 page = 2;
optional uint64 pfn = 3;
message MmPagePcpuDrainFtraceEvent {
optional int32 migratetype = 1;
optional uint32 order = 2;
optional uint64 page = 3;
optional uint64 pfn = 4;
message RssStatFtraceEvent {
optional int32 member = 1;
optional int64 size = 2;
optional uint32 curr = 3;
optional uint32 mm_id = 4;
message IonHeapShrinkFtraceEvent {
optional string heap_name = 1;
optional uint64 len = 2;
optional int64 total_allocated = 3;
message IonHeapGrowFtraceEvent {
optional string heap_name = 1;
optional uint64 len = 2;
optional int64 total_allocated = 3;
message IonBufferCreateFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 addr = 1;
optional uint64 len = 2;
message IonBufferDestroyFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 addr = 1;
optional uint64 len = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/kmem.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/lowmemorykiller.proto
message LowmemoryKillFtraceEvent {
optional string comm = 1;
optional int32 pid = 2;
optional int64 pagecache_size = 3;
optional int64 pagecache_limit = 4;
optional int64 free = 5;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/lowmemorykiller.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/mali.proto
message MaliTracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent {
optional string name = 1;
optional int32 pid = 2;
optional uint32 type = 3;
optional int32 value = 4;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/mali.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/mdss.proto
message MdpCmdKickoffFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 ctl_num = 1;
optional int32 kickoff_cnt = 2;
message MdpCommitFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 num = 1;
optional uint32 play_cnt = 2;
optional uint32 clk_rate = 3;
optional uint64 bandwidth = 4;
message MdpPerfSetOtFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 pnum = 1;
optional uint32 xin_id = 2;
optional uint32 rd_lim = 3;
optional uint32 is_vbif_rt = 4;
message MdpSsppChangeFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 num = 1;
optional uint32 play_cnt = 2;
optional uint32 mixer = 3;
optional uint32 stage = 4;
optional uint32 flags = 5;
optional uint32 format = 6;
optional uint32 img_w = 7;
optional uint32 img_h = 8;
optional uint32 src_x = 9;
optional uint32 src_y = 10;
optional uint32 src_w = 11;
optional uint32 src_h = 12;
optional uint32 dst_x = 13;
optional uint32 dst_y = 14;
optional uint32 dst_w = 15;
optional uint32 dst_h = 16;
message TracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent {
optional int32 pid = 1;
optional string trace_name = 2;
optional uint32 trace_begin = 3;
message MdpCmdPingpongDoneFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 ctl_num = 1;
optional uint32 intf_num = 2;
optional uint32 pp_num = 3;
optional int32 koff_cnt = 4;
message MdpCompareBwFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 new_ab = 1;
optional uint64 new_ib = 2;
optional uint64 new_wb = 3;
optional uint64 old_ab = 4;
optional uint64 old_ib = 5;
optional uint64 old_wb = 6;
optional uint32 params_changed = 7;
optional uint32 update_bw = 8;
message MdpPerfSetPanicLutsFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 pnum = 1;
optional uint32 fmt = 2;
optional uint32 mode = 3;
optional uint32 panic_lut = 4;
optional uint32 robust_lut = 5;
message MdpSsppSetFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 num = 1;
optional uint32 play_cnt = 2;
optional uint32 mixer = 3;
optional uint32 stage = 4;
optional uint32 flags = 5;
optional uint32 format = 6;
optional uint32 img_w = 7;
optional uint32 img_h = 8;
optional uint32 src_x = 9;
optional uint32 src_y = 10;
optional uint32 src_w = 11;
optional uint32 src_h = 12;
optional uint32 dst_x = 13;
optional uint32 dst_y = 14;
optional uint32 dst_w = 15;
optional uint32 dst_h = 16;
message MdpCmdReadptrDoneFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 ctl_num = 1;
optional int32 koff_cnt = 2;
message MdpMisrCrcFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 block_id = 1;
optional uint32 vsync_cnt = 2;
optional uint32 crc = 3;
message MdpPerfSetQosLutsFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 pnum = 1;
optional uint32 fmt = 2;
optional uint32 intf = 3;
optional uint32 rot = 4;
optional uint32 fl = 5;
optional uint32 lut = 6;
optional uint32 linear = 7;
message MdpTraceCounterFtraceEvent {
optional int32 pid = 1;
optional string counter_name = 2;
optional int32 value = 3;
message MdpCmdReleaseBwFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 ctl_num = 1;
message MdpMixerUpdateFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 mixer_num = 1;
message MdpPerfSetWmLevelsFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 pnum = 1;
optional uint32 use_space = 2;
optional uint32 priority_bytes = 3;
optional uint32 wm0 = 4;
optional uint32 wm1 = 5;
optional uint32 wm2 = 6;
optional uint32 mb_cnt = 7;
optional uint32 mb_size = 8;
message MdpVideoUnderrunDoneFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 ctl_num = 1;
optional uint32 underrun_cnt = 2;
message MdpCmdWaitPingpongFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 ctl_num = 1;
optional int32 kickoff_cnt = 2;
message MdpPerfPrefillCalcFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 pnum = 1;
optional uint32 latency_buf = 2;
optional uint32 ot = 3;
optional uint32 y_buf = 4;
optional uint32 y_scaler = 5;
optional uint32 pp_lines = 6;
optional uint32 pp_bytes = 7;
optional uint32 post_sc = 8;
optional uint32 fbc_bytes = 9;
optional uint32 prefill_bytes = 10;
message MdpPerfUpdateBusFtraceEvent {
optional int32 client = 1;
optional uint64 ab_quota = 2;
optional uint64 ib_quota = 3;
message RotatorBwAoAsContextFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 state = 1;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/mdss.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/mm_event.proto
message MmEventRecordFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 avg_lat = 1;
optional uint32 count = 2;
optional uint32 max_lat = 3;
optional uint32 type = 4;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/mm_event.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/oom.proto
message OomScoreAdjUpdateFtraceEvent {
optional string comm = 1;
optional int32 oom_score_adj = 2;
optional int32 pid = 3;
message MarkVictimFtraceEvent {
optional int32 pid = 1;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/oom.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/power.proto
message CpuFrequencyFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 state = 1;
optional uint32 cpu_id = 2;
message CpuFrequencyLimitsFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 min_freq = 1;
optional uint32 max_freq = 2;
optional uint32 cpu_id = 3;
message CpuIdleFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 state = 1;
optional uint32 cpu_id = 2;
message ClockEnableFtraceEvent {
optional string name = 1;
optional uint64 state = 2;
optional uint64 cpu_id = 3;
message ClockDisableFtraceEvent {
optional string name = 1;
optional uint64 state = 2;
optional uint64 cpu_id = 3;
message ClockSetRateFtraceEvent {
optional string name = 1;
optional uint64 state = 2;
optional uint64 cpu_id = 3;
message SuspendResumeFtraceEvent {
optional string action = 1;
optional int32 val = 2;
optional uint32 start = 3;
message GpuFrequencyFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 gpu_id = 1;
optional uint32 state = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/power.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/raw_syscalls.proto
message SysEnterFtraceEvent {
optional int64 id = 1;
message SysExitFtraceEvent {
optional int64 id = 1;
optional int64 ret = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/raw_syscalls.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/regulator.proto
message RegulatorDisableFtraceEvent {
optional string name = 1;
message RegulatorDisableCompleteFtraceEvent {
optional string name = 1;
message RegulatorEnableFtraceEvent {
optional string name = 1;
message RegulatorEnableCompleteFtraceEvent {
optional string name = 1;
message RegulatorEnableDelayFtraceEvent {
optional string name = 1;
message RegulatorSetVoltageFtraceEvent {
optional string name = 1;
optional int32 min = 2;
optional int32 max = 3;
message RegulatorSetVoltageCompleteFtraceEvent {
optional string name = 1;
optional uint32 val = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/regulator.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/sched.proto
message SchedSwitchFtraceEvent {
optional string prev_comm = 1;
optional int32 prev_pid = 2;
optional int32 prev_prio = 3;
optional int64 prev_state = 4;
optional string next_comm = 5;
optional int32 next_pid = 6;
optional int32 next_prio = 7;
message SchedWakeupFtraceEvent {
optional string comm = 1;
optional int32 pid = 2;
optional int32 prio = 3;
optional int32 success = 4;
optional int32 target_cpu = 5;
message SchedBlockedReasonFtraceEvent {
optional int32 pid = 1;
optional uint64 caller = 2;
optional uint32 io_wait = 3;
message SchedCpuHotplugFtraceEvent {
optional int32 affected_cpu = 1;
optional int32 error = 2;
optional int32 status = 3;
message SchedWakingFtraceEvent {
optional string comm = 1;
optional int32 pid = 2;
optional int32 prio = 3;
optional int32 success = 4;
optional int32 target_cpu = 5;
message SchedWakeupNewFtraceEvent {
optional string comm = 1;
optional int32 pid = 2;
optional int32 prio = 3;
optional int32 success = 4;
optional int32 target_cpu = 5;
message SchedProcessExecFtraceEvent {
optional string filename = 1;
optional int32 pid = 2;
optional int32 old_pid = 3;
message SchedProcessExitFtraceEvent {
optional string comm = 1;
optional int32 pid = 2;
optional int32 tgid = 3;
optional int32 prio = 4;
message SchedProcessForkFtraceEvent {
optional string parent_comm = 1;
optional int32 parent_pid = 2;
optional string child_comm = 3;
optional int32 child_pid = 4;
message SchedProcessFreeFtraceEvent {
optional string comm = 1;
optional int32 pid = 2;
optional int32 prio = 3;
message SchedProcessHangFtraceEvent {
optional string comm = 1;
optional int32 pid = 2;
message SchedProcessWaitFtraceEvent {
optional string comm = 1;
optional int32 pid = 2;
optional int32 prio = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/sched.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/scm.proto
message ScmCallStartFtraceEvent {
optional uint32 arginfo = 1;
optional uint64 x0 = 2;
optional uint64 x5 = 3;
message ScmCallEndFtraceEvent {}
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/scm.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/sde.proto
message SdeTracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent {
optional int32 pid = 1;
optional string trace_name = 2;
optional uint32 trace_type = 3;
optional int32 value = 4;
optional uint32 trace_begin = 5;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/sde.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/signal.proto
message SignalDeliverFtraceEvent {
optional int32 code = 1;
optional uint64 sa_flags = 2;
optional int32 sig = 3;
message SignalGenerateFtraceEvent {
optional int32 code = 1;
optional string comm = 2;
optional int32 group = 3;
optional int32 pid = 4;
optional int32 result = 5;
optional int32 sig = 6;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/signal.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/sync.proto
message SyncPtFtraceEvent {
optional string timeline = 1;
optional string value = 2;
message SyncTimelineFtraceEvent {
optional string name = 1;
optional string value = 2;
message SyncWaitFtraceEvent {
optional string name = 1;
optional int32 status = 2;
optional uint32 begin = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/sync.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/systrace.proto
message ZeroFtraceEvent {
optional int32 flag = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional int32 pid = 3;
optional int64 value = 4;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/systrace.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/task.proto
message TaskNewtaskFtraceEvent {
optional int32 pid = 1;
optional string comm = 2;
optional uint64 clone_flags = 3;
optional int32 oom_score_adj = 4;
message TaskRenameFtraceEvent {
optional int32 pid = 1;
optional string oldcomm = 2;
optional string newcomm = 3;
optional int32 oom_score_adj = 4;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/task.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/thermal.proto
message ThermalTemperatureFtraceEvent {
optional int32 id = 1;
optional int32 temp = 2;
optional int32 temp_prev = 3;
optional string thermal_zone = 4;
message CdevUpdateFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 target = 1;
optional string type = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/thermal.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/vmscan.proto
message MmVmscanDirectReclaimBeginFtraceEvent {
optional int32 order = 1;
optional int32 may_writepage = 2;
optional uint32 gfp_flags = 3;
message MmVmscanDirectReclaimEndFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 nr_reclaimed = 1;
message MmVmscanKswapdWakeFtraceEvent {
optional int32 nid = 1;
optional int32 order = 2;
message MmVmscanKswapdSleepFtraceEvent {
optional int32 nid = 1;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/vmscan.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/workqueue.proto
message WorkqueueActivateWorkFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 work = 1;
message WorkqueueExecuteEndFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 work = 1;
message WorkqueueExecuteStartFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 work = 1;
optional uint64 function = 2;
message WorkqueueQueueWorkFtraceEvent {
optional uint64 work = 1;
optional uint64 function = 2;
optional uint64 workqueue = 3;
optional uint32 req_cpu = 4;
optional uint32 cpu = 5;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/workqueue.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_event.proto
message FtraceEvent {
// Nanoseconds since an epoch.
// Epoch is configurable by writing into trace_clock.
// By default this timestamp is CPU local.
// TODO: Figure out a story for reconciling the various clocks.
optional uint64 timestamp = 1;
// Kernel pid (do not confuse with userspace pid aka tgid)
optional uint32 pid = 2;
oneof event {
PrintFtraceEvent print = 3;
SchedSwitchFtraceEvent sched_switch = 4;
// removed field with id 5;
// removed field with id 6;
// removed field with id 7;
// removed field with id 8;
// removed field with id 9;
// removed field with id 10;
CpuFrequencyFtraceEvent cpu_frequency = 11;
CpuFrequencyLimitsFtraceEvent cpu_frequency_limits = 12;
CpuIdleFtraceEvent cpu_idle = 13;
ClockEnableFtraceEvent clock_enable = 14;
ClockDisableFtraceEvent clock_disable = 15;
ClockSetRateFtraceEvent clock_set_rate = 16;
SchedWakeupFtraceEvent sched_wakeup = 17;
SchedBlockedReasonFtraceEvent sched_blocked_reason = 18;
SchedCpuHotplugFtraceEvent sched_cpu_hotplug = 19;
SchedWakingFtraceEvent sched_waking = 20;
IpiEntryFtraceEvent ipi_entry = 21;
IpiExitFtraceEvent ipi_exit = 22;
IpiRaiseFtraceEvent ipi_raise = 23;
SoftirqEntryFtraceEvent softirq_entry = 24;
SoftirqExitFtraceEvent softirq_exit = 25;
SoftirqRaiseFtraceEvent softirq_raise = 26;
I2cReadFtraceEvent i2c_read = 27;
I2cWriteFtraceEvent i2c_write = 28;
I2cResultFtraceEvent i2c_result = 29;
I2cReplyFtraceEvent i2c_reply = 30;
SmbusReadFtraceEvent smbus_read = 31;
SmbusWriteFtraceEvent smbus_write = 32;
SmbusResultFtraceEvent smbus_result = 33;
SmbusReplyFtraceEvent smbus_reply = 34;
LowmemoryKillFtraceEvent lowmemory_kill = 35;
IrqHandlerEntryFtraceEvent irq_handler_entry = 36;
IrqHandlerExitFtraceEvent irq_handler_exit = 37;
SyncPtFtraceEvent sync_pt = 38;
SyncTimelineFtraceEvent sync_timeline = 39;
SyncWaitFtraceEvent sync_wait = 40;
Ext4DaWriteBeginFtraceEvent ext4_da_write_begin = 41;
Ext4DaWriteEndFtraceEvent ext4_da_write_end = 42;
Ext4SyncFileEnterFtraceEvent ext4_sync_file_enter = 43;
Ext4SyncFileExitFtraceEvent ext4_sync_file_exit = 44;
BlockRqIssueFtraceEvent block_rq_issue = 45;
MmVmscanDirectReclaimBeginFtraceEvent mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_begin = 46;
MmVmscanDirectReclaimEndFtraceEvent mm_vmscan_direct_reclaim_end = 47;
MmVmscanKswapdWakeFtraceEvent mm_vmscan_kswapd_wake = 48;
MmVmscanKswapdSleepFtraceEvent mm_vmscan_kswapd_sleep = 49;
BinderTransactionFtraceEvent binder_transaction = 50;
BinderTransactionReceivedFtraceEvent binder_transaction_received = 51;
BinderSetPriorityFtraceEvent binder_set_priority = 52;
BinderLockFtraceEvent binder_lock = 53;
BinderLockedFtraceEvent binder_locked = 54;
BinderUnlockFtraceEvent binder_unlock = 55;
WorkqueueActivateWorkFtraceEvent workqueue_activate_work = 56;
WorkqueueExecuteEndFtraceEvent workqueue_execute_end = 57;
WorkqueueExecuteStartFtraceEvent workqueue_execute_start = 58;
WorkqueueQueueWorkFtraceEvent workqueue_queue_work = 59;
RegulatorDisableFtraceEvent regulator_disable = 60;
RegulatorDisableCompleteFtraceEvent regulator_disable_complete = 61;
RegulatorEnableFtraceEvent regulator_enable = 62;
RegulatorEnableCompleteFtraceEvent regulator_enable_complete = 63;
RegulatorEnableDelayFtraceEvent regulator_enable_delay = 64;
RegulatorSetVoltageFtraceEvent regulator_set_voltage = 65;
RegulatorSetVoltageCompleteFtraceEvent regulator_set_voltage_complete = 66;
CgroupAttachTaskFtraceEvent cgroup_attach_task = 67;
CgroupMkdirFtraceEvent cgroup_mkdir = 68;
CgroupRemountFtraceEvent cgroup_remount = 69;
CgroupRmdirFtraceEvent cgroup_rmdir = 70;
CgroupTransferTasksFtraceEvent cgroup_transfer_tasks = 71;
CgroupDestroyRootFtraceEvent cgroup_destroy_root = 72;
CgroupReleaseFtraceEvent cgroup_release = 73;
CgroupRenameFtraceEvent cgroup_rename = 74;
CgroupSetupRootFtraceEvent cgroup_setup_root = 75;
MdpCmdKickoffFtraceEvent mdp_cmd_kickoff = 76;
MdpCommitFtraceEvent mdp_commit = 77;
MdpPerfSetOtFtraceEvent mdp_perf_set_ot = 78;
MdpSsppChangeFtraceEvent mdp_sspp_change = 79;
TracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent tracing_mark_write = 80;
MdpCmdPingpongDoneFtraceEvent mdp_cmd_pingpong_done = 81;
MdpCompareBwFtraceEvent mdp_compare_bw = 82;
MdpPerfSetPanicLutsFtraceEvent mdp_perf_set_panic_luts = 83;
MdpSsppSetFtraceEvent mdp_sspp_set = 84;
MdpCmdReadptrDoneFtraceEvent mdp_cmd_readptr_done = 85;
MdpMisrCrcFtraceEvent mdp_misr_crc = 86;
MdpPerfSetQosLutsFtraceEvent mdp_perf_set_qos_luts = 87;
MdpTraceCounterFtraceEvent mdp_trace_counter = 88;
MdpCmdReleaseBwFtraceEvent mdp_cmd_release_bw = 89;
MdpMixerUpdateFtraceEvent mdp_mixer_update = 90;
MdpPerfSetWmLevelsFtraceEvent mdp_perf_set_wm_levels = 91;
MdpVideoUnderrunDoneFtraceEvent mdp_video_underrun_done = 92;
MdpCmdWaitPingpongFtraceEvent mdp_cmd_wait_pingpong = 93;
MdpPerfPrefillCalcFtraceEvent mdp_perf_prefill_calc = 94;
MdpPerfUpdateBusFtraceEvent mdp_perf_update_bus = 95;
RotatorBwAoAsContextFtraceEvent rotator_bw_ao_as_context = 96;
MmFilemapAddToPageCacheFtraceEvent mm_filemap_add_to_page_cache = 97;
MmFilemapDeleteFromPageCacheFtraceEvent mm_filemap_delete_from_page_cache =
MmCompactionBeginFtraceEvent mm_compaction_begin = 99;
MmCompactionDeferCompactionFtraceEvent mm_compaction_defer_compaction = 100;
MmCompactionDeferredFtraceEvent mm_compaction_deferred = 101;
MmCompactionDeferResetFtraceEvent mm_compaction_defer_reset = 102;
MmCompactionEndFtraceEvent mm_compaction_end = 103;
MmCompactionFinishedFtraceEvent mm_compaction_finished = 104;
MmCompactionIsolateFreepagesFtraceEvent mm_compaction_isolate_freepages =
mm_compaction_isolate_migratepages = 106;
MmCompactionKcompactdSleepFtraceEvent mm_compaction_kcompactd_sleep = 107;
MmCompactionKcompactdWakeFtraceEvent mm_compaction_kcompactd_wake = 108;
MmCompactionMigratepagesFtraceEvent mm_compaction_migratepages = 109;
MmCompactionSuitableFtraceEvent mm_compaction_suitable = 110;
mm_compaction_try_to_compact_pages = 111;
MmCompactionWakeupKcompactdFtraceEvent mm_compaction_wakeup_kcompactd = 112;
SuspendResumeFtraceEvent suspend_resume = 113;
SchedWakeupNewFtraceEvent sched_wakeup_new = 114;
BlockBioBackmergeFtraceEvent block_bio_backmerge = 115;
BlockBioBounceFtraceEvent block_bio_bounce = 116;
BlockBioCompleteFtraceEvent block_bio_complete = 117;
BlockBioFrontmergeFtraceEvent block_bio_frontmerge = 118;
BlockBioQueueFtraceEvent block_bio_queue = 119;
BlockBioRemapFtraceEvent block_bio_remap = 120;
BlockDirtyBufferFtraceEvent block_dirty_buffer = 121;
BlockGetrqFtraceEvent block_getrq = 122;
BlockPlugFtraceEvent block_plug = 123;
BlockRqAbortFtraceEvent block_rq_abort = 124;
BlockRqCompleteFtraceEvent block_rq_complete = 125;
BlockRqInsertFtraceEvent block_rq_insert = 126;
// removed field with id 127;
BlockRqRemapFtraceEvent block_rq_remap = 128;
BlockRqRequeueFtraceEvent block_rq_requeue = 129;
BlockSleeprqFtraceEvent block_sleeprq = 130;
BlockSplitFtraceEvent block_split = 131;
BlockTouchBufferFtraceEvent block_touch_buffer = 132;
BlockUnplugFtraceEvent block_unplug = 133;
Ext4AllocDaBlocksFtraceEvent ext4_alloc_da_blocks = 134;
Ext4AllocateBlocksFtraceEvent ext4_allocate_blocks = 135;
Ext4AllocateInodeFtraceEvent ext4_allocate_inode = 136;
Ext4BeginOrderedTruncateFtraceEvent ext4_begin_ordered_truncate = 137;
Ext4CollapseRangeFtraceEvent ext4_collapse_range = 138;
Ext4DaReleaseSpaceFtraceEvent ext4_da_release_space = 139;
Ext4DaReserveSpaceFtraceEvent ext4_da_reserve_space = 140;
Ext4DaUpdateReserveSpaceFtraceEvent ext4_da_update_reserve_space = 141;
Ext4DaWritePagesFtraceEvent ext4_da_write_pages = 142;
Ext4DaWritePagesExtentFtraceEvent ext4_da_write_pages_extent = 143;
Ext4DirectIOEnterFtraceEvent ext4_direct_IO_enter = 144;
Ext4DirectIOExitFtraceEvent ext4_direct_IO_exit = 145;
Ext4DiscardBlocksFtraceEvent ext4_discard_blocks = 146;
Ext4DiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent ext4_discard_preallocations = 147;
Ext4DropInodeFtraceEvent ext4_drop_inode = 148;
Ext4EsCacheExtentFtraceEvent ext4_es_cache_extent = 149;
ext4_es_find_delayed_extent_range_enter = 150;
ext4_es_find_delayed_extent_range_exit = 151;
Ext4EsInsertExtentFtraceEvent ext4_es_insert_extent = 152;
Ext4EsLookupExtentEnterFtraceEvent ext4_es_lookup_extent_enter = 153;
Ext4EsLookupExtentExitFtraceEvent ext4_es_lookup_extent_exit = 154;
Ext4EsRemoveExtentFtraceEvent ext4_es_remove_extent = 155;
Ext4EsShrinkFtraceEvent ext4_es_shrink = 156;
Ext4EsShrinkCountFtraceEvent ext4_es_shrink_count = 157;
Ext4EsShrinkScanEnterFtraceEvent ext4_es_shrink_scan_enter = 158;
Ext4EsShrinkScanExitFtraceEvent ext4_es_shrink_scan_exit = 159;
Ext4EvictInodeFtraceEvent ext4_evict_inode = 160;
ext4_ext_convert_to_initialized_enter = 161;
ext4_ext_convert_to_initialized_fastpath = 162;
Ext4ExtHandleUnwrittenExtentsFtraceEvent ext4_ext_handle_unwritten_extents =
Ext4ExtInCacheFtraceEvent ext4_ext_in_cache = 164;
Ext4ExtLoadExtentFtraceEvent ext4_ext_load_extent = 165;
Ext4ExtMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent ext4_ext_map_blocks_enter = 166;
Ext4ExtMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent ext4_ext_map_blocks_exit = 167;
Ext4ExtPutInCacheFtraceEvent ext4_ext_put_in_cache = 168;
Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceFtraceEvent ext4_ext_remove_space = 169;
Ext4ExtRemoveSpaceDoneFtraceEvent ext4_ext_remove_space_done = 170;
Ext4ExtRmIdxFtraceEvent ext4_ext_rm_idx = 171;
Ext4ExtRmLeafFtraceEvent ext4_ext_rm_leaf = 172;
Ext4ExtShowExtentFtraceEvent ext4_ext_show_extent = 173;
Ext4FallocateEnterFtraceEvent ext4_fallocate_enter = 174;
Ext4FallocateExitFtraceEvent ext4_fallocate_exit = 175;
Ext4FindDelallocRangeFtraceEvent ext4_find_delalloc_range = 176;
Ext4ForgetFtraceEvent ext4_forget = 177;
Ext4FreeBlocksFtraceEvent ext4_free_blocks = 178;
Ext4FreeInodeFtraceEvent ext4_free_inode = 179;
ext4_get_implied_cluster_alloc_exit = 180;
Ext4GetReservedClusterAllocFtraceEvent ext4_get_reserved_cluster_alloc =
Ext4IndMapBlocksEnterFtraceEvent ext4_ind_map_blocks_enter = 182;
Ext4IndMapBlocksExitFtraceEvent ext4_ind_map_blocks_exit = 183;
Ext4InsertRangeFtraceEvent ext4_insert_range = 184;
Ext4InvalidatepageFtraceEvent ext4_invalidatepage = 185;
Ext4JournalStartFtraceEvent ext4_journal_start = 186;
Ext4JournalStartReservedFtraceEvent ext4_journal_start_reserved = 187;
Ext4JournalledInvalidatepageFtraceEvent ext4_journalled_invalidatepage =
Ext4JournalledWriteEndFtraceEvent ext4_journalled_write_end = 189;
Ext4LoadInodeFtraceEvent ext4_load_inode = 190;
Ext4LoadInodeBitmapFtraceEvent ext4_load_inode_bitmap = 191;
Ext4MarkInodeDirtyFtraceEvent ext4_mark_inode_dirty = 192;
Ext4MbBitmapLoadFtraceEvent ext4_mb_bitmap_load = 193;
Ext4MbBuddyBitmapLoadFtraceEvent ext4_mb_buddy_bitmap_load = 194;
Ext4MbDiscardPreallocationsFtraceEvent ext4_mb_discard_preallocations = 195;
Ext4MbNewGroupPaFtraceEvent ext4_mb_new_group_pa = 196;
Ext4MbNewInodePaFtraceEvent ext4_mb_new_inode_pa = 197;
Ext4MbReleaseGroupPaFtraceEvent ext4_mb_release_group_pa = 198;
Ext4MbReleaseInodePaFtraceEvent ext4_mb_release_inode_pa = 199;
Ext4MballocAllocFtraceEvent ext4_mballoc_alloc = 200;
Ext4MballocDiscardFtraceEvent ext4_mballoc_discard = 201;
Ext4MballocFreeFtraceEvent ext4_mballoc_free = 202;
Ext4MballocPreallocFtraceEvent ext4_mballoc_prealloc = 203;
Ext4OtherInodeUpdateTimeFtraceEvent ext4_other_inode_update_time = 204;
Ext4PunchHoleFtraceEvent ext4_punch_hole = 205;
Ext4ReadBlockBitmapLoadFtraceEvent ext4_read_block_bitmap_load = 206;
Ext4ReadpageFtraceEvent ext4_readpage = 207;
Ext4ReleasepageFtraceEvent ext4_releasepage = 208;
Ext4RemoveBlocksFtraceEvent ext4_remove_blocks = 209;
Ext4RequestBlocksFtraceEvent ext4_request_blocks = 210;
Ext4RequestInodeFtraceEvent ext4_request_inode = 211;
Ext4SyncFsFtraceEvent ext4_sync_fs = 212;
Ext4TrimAllFreeFtraceEvent ext4_trim_all_free = 213;
Ext4TrimExtentFtraceEvent ext4_trim_extent = 214;
Ext4TruncateEnterFtraceEvent ext4_truncate_enter = 215;
Ext4TruncateExitFtraceEvent ext4_truncate_exit = 216;
Ext4UnlinkEnterFtraceEvent ext4_unlink_enter = 217;
Ext4UnlinkExitFtraceEvent ext4_unlink_exit = 218;
Ext4WriteBeginFtraceEvent ext4_write_begin = 219;
// removed field with id 220;
// removed field with id 221;
// removed field with id 222;
// removed field with id 223;
// removed field with id 224;
// removed field with id 225;
// removed field with id 226;
// removed field with id 227;
// removed field with id 228;
// removed field with id 229;
Ext4WriteEndFtraceEvent ext4_write_end = 230;
Ext4WritepageFtraceEvent ext4_writepage = 231;
Ext4WritepagesFtraceEvent ext4_writepages = 232;
Ext4WritepagesResultFtraceEvent ext4_writepages_result = 233;
Ext4ZeroRangeFtraceEvent ext4_zero_range = 234;
TaskNewtaskFtraceEvent task_newtask = 235;
TaskRenameFtraceEvent task_rename = 236;
SchedProcessExecFtraceEvent sched_process_exec = 237;
SchedProcessExitFtraceEvent sched_process_exit = 238;
SchedProcessForkFtraceEvent sched_process_fork = 239;
SchedProcessFreeFtraceEvent sched_process_free = 240;
SchedProcessHangFtraceEvent sched_process_hang = 241;
SchedProcessWaitFtraceEvent sched_process_wait = 242;
F2fsDoSubmitBioFtraceEvent f2fs_do_submit_bio = 243;
F2fsEvictInodeFtraceEvent f2fs_evict_inode = 244;
F2fsFallocateFtraceEvent f2fs_fallocate = 245;
F2fsGetDataBlockFtraceEvent f2fs_get_data_block = 246;
F2fsGetVictimFtraceEvent f2fs_get_victim = 247;
F2fsIgetFtraceEvent f2fs_iget = 248;
F2fsIgetExitFtraceEvent f2fs_iget_exit = 249;
F2fsNewInodeFtraceEvent f2fs_new_inode = 250;
F2fsReadpageFtraceEvent f2fs_readpage = 251;
F2fsReserveNewBlockFtraceEvent f2fs_reserve_new_block = 252;
F2fsSetPageDirtyFtraceEvent f2fs_set_page_dirty = 253;
F2fsSubmitWritePageFtraceEvent f2fs_submit_write_page = 254;
F2fsSyncFileEnterFtraceEvent f2fs_sync_file_enter = 255;
F2fsSyncFileExitFtraceEvent f2fs_sync_file_exit = 256;
F2fsSyncFsFtraceEvent f2fs_sync_fs = 257;
F2fsTruncateFtraceEvent f2fs_truncate = 258;
F2fsTruncateBlocksEnterFtraceEvent f2fs_truncate_blocks_enter = 259;
F2fsTruncateBlocksExitFtraceEvent f2fs_truncate_blocks_exit = 260;
F2fsTruncateDataBlocksRangeFtraceEvent f2fs_truncate_data_blocks_range =
F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksEnterFtraceEvent f2fs_truncate_inode_blocks_enter =
F2fsTruncateInodeBlocksExitFtraceEvent f2fs_truncate_inode_blocks_exit =
F2fsTruncateNodeFtraceEvent f2fs_truncate_node = 264;
F2fsTruncateNodesEnterFtraceEvent f2fs_truncate_nodes_enter = 265;
F2fsTruncateNodesExitFtraceEvent f2fs_truncate_nodes_exit = 266;
F2fsTruncatePartialNodesFtraceEvent f2fs_truncate_partial_nodes = 267;
F2fsUnlinkEnterFtraceEvent f2fs_unlink_enter = 268;
F2fsUnlinkExitFtraceEvent f2fs_unlink_exit = 269;
F2fsVmPageMkwriteFtraceEvent f2fs_vm_page_mkwrite = 270;
F2fsWriteBeginFtraceEvent f2fs_write_begin = 271;
F2fsWriteCheckpointFtraceEvent f2fs_write_checkpoint = 272;
F2fsWriteEndFtraceEvent f2fs_write_end = 273;
AllocPagesIommuEndFtraceEvent alloc_pages_iommu_end = 274;
AllocPagesIommuFailFtraceEvent alloc_pages_iommu_fail = 275;
AllocPagesIommuStartFtraceEvent alloc_pages_iommu_start = 276;
AllocPagesSysEndFtraceEvent alloc_pages_sys_end = 277;
AllocPagesSysFailFtraceEvent alloc_pages_sys_fail = 278;
AllocPagesSysStartFtraceEvent alloc_pages_sys_start = 279;
DmaAllocContiguousRetryFtraceEvent dma_alloc_contiguous_retry = 280;
IommuMapRangeFtraceEvent iommu_map_range = 281;
IommuSecPtblMapRangeEndFtraceEvent iommu_sec_ptbl_map_range_end = 282;
IommuSecPtblMapRangeStartFtraceEvent iommu_sec_ptbl_map_range_start = 283;
IonAllocBufferEndFtraceEvent ion_alloc_buffer_end = 284;
IonAllocBufferFailFtraceEvent ion_alloc_buffer_fail = 285;
IonAllocBufferFallbackFtraceEvent ion_alloc_buffer_fallback = 286;
IonAllocBufferStartFtraceEvent ion_alloc_buffer_start = 287;
IonCpAllocRetryFtraceEvent ion_cp_alloc_retry = 288;
IonCpSecureBufferEndFtraceEvent ion_cp_secure_buffer_end = 289;
IonCpSecureBufferStartFtraceEvent ion_cp_secure_buffer_start = 290;
IonPrefetchingFtraceEvent ion_prefetching = 291;
IonSecureCmaAddToPoolEndFtraceEvent ion_secure_cma_add_to_pool_end = 292;
IonSecureCmaAddToPoolStartFtraceEvent ion_secure_cma_add_to_pool_start =
IonSecureCmaAllocateEndFtraceEvent ion_secure_cma_allocate_end = 294;
IonSecureCmaAllocateStartFtraceEvent ion_secure_cma_allocate_start = 295;
IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolEndFtraceEvent ion_secure_cma_shrink_pool_end = 296;
IonSecureCmaShrinkPoolStartFtraceEvent ion_secure_cma_shrink_pool_start =
KfreeFtraceEvent kfree = 298;
KmallocFtraceEvent kmalloc = 299;
KmallocNodeFtraceEvent kmalloc_node = 300;
KmemCacheAllocFtraceEvent kmem_cache_alloc = 301;
KmemCacheAllocNodeFtraceEvent kmem_cache_alloc_node = 302;
KmemCacheFreeFtraceEvent kmem_cache_free = 303;
MigratePagesEndFtraceEvent migrate_pages_end = 304;
MigratePagesStartFtraceEvent migrate_pages_start = 305;
MigrateRetryFtraceEvent migrate_retry = 306;
MmPageAllocFtraceEvent mm_page_alloc = 307;
MmPageAllocExtfragFtraceEvent mm_page_alloc_extfrag = 308;
MmPageAllocZoneLockedFtraceEvent mm_page_alloc_zone_locked = 309;
MmPageFreeFtraceEvent mm_page_free = 310;
MmPageFreeBatchedFtraceEvent mm_page_free_batched = 311;
MmPagePcpuDrainFtraceEvent mm_page_pcpu_drain = 312;
RssStatFtraceEvent rss_stat = 313;
IonHeapShrinkFtraceEvent ion_heap_shrink = 314;
IonHeapGrowFtraceEvent ion_heap_grow = 315;
FenceInitFtraceEvent fence_init = 316;
FenceDestroyFtraceEvent fence_destroy = 317;
FenceEnableSignalFtraceEvent fence_enable_signal = 318;
FenceSignaledFtraceEvent fence_signaled = 319;
ClkEnableFtraceEvent clk_enable = 320;
ClkDisableFtraceEvent clk_disable = 321;
ClkSetRateFtraceEvent clk_set_rate = 322;
BinderTransactionAllocBufFtraceEvent binder_transaction_alloc_buf = 323;
SignalDeliverFtraceEvent signal_deliver = 324;
SignalGenerateFtraceEvent signal_generate = 325;
OomScoreAdjUpdateFtraceEvent oom_score_adj_update = 326;
GenericFtraceEvent generic = 327;
MmEventRecordFtraceEvent mm_event_record = 328;
SysEnterFtraceEvent sys_enter = 329;
SysExitFtraceEvent sys_exit = 330;
ZeroFtraceEvent zero = 331;
GpuFrequencyFtraceEvent gpu_frequency = 332;
SdeTracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent sde_tracing_mark_write = 333;
MarkVictimFtraceEvent mark_victim = 334;
IonStatFtraceEvent ion_stat = 335;
IonBufferCreateFtraceEvent ion_buffer_create = 336;
IonBufferDestroyFtraceEvent ion_buffer_destroy = 337;
ScmCallStartFtraceEvent scm_call_start = 338;
ScmCallEndFtraceEvent scm_call_end = 339;
GpuMemTotalFtraceEvent gpu_mem_total = 340;
ThermalTemperatureFtraceEvent thermal_temperature = 341;
CdevUpdateFtraceEvent cdev_update = 342;
CpuhpExitFtraceEvent cpuhp_exit = 343;
CpuhpMultiEnterFtraceEvent cpuhp_multi_enter = 344;
CpuhpEnterFtraceEvent cpuhp_enter = 345;
CpuhpLatencyFtraceEvent cpuhp_latency = 346;
FastrpcDmaStatFtraceEvent fastrpc_dma_stat = 347;
DpuTracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent dpu_tracing_mark_write = 348;
G2dTracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent g2d_tracing_mark_write = 349;
MaliTracingMarkWriteFtraceEvent mali_tracing_mark_write = 350;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_event.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_event_bundle.proto
// The result of tracing one or more ftrace data pages from a single per-cpu
// kernel ring buffer. If collating multiple pages' worth of events, all of
// them come from contiguous pages, with no kernel data loss in between.
message FtraceEventBundle {
optional uint32 cpu = 1;
repeated FtraceEvent event = 2;
// Set to true if there was data loss between the last time we've read from
// the corresponding per-cpu kernel buffer, and the earliest event recorded
// in this bundle.
optional bool lost_events = 3;
// Optionally-enabled compact encoding of a batch of scheduling events. Only
// a subset of events & their fields is recorded.
// All fields (except comms) are stored in a structure-of-arrays form, one
// entry in each repeated field per event.
message CompactSched {
// Interned table of unique strings for this bundle.
repeated string intern_table = 5;
// Delta-encoded timestamps across all sched_switch events within this
// bundle. The first is absolute, each next one is relative to its
// predecessor.
repeated uint64 switch_timestamp = 1 [packed = true];
repeated int64 switch_prev_state = 2 [packed = true];
repeated int32 switch_next_pid = 3 [packed = true];
repeated int32 switch_next_prio = 4 [packed = true];
// One per event, index into |intern_table| corresponding to the
// next_comm field of the event.
repeated uint32 switch_next_comm_index = 6 [packed = true];
// Delta-encoded timestamps across all sched_waking events within this
// bundle. The first is absolute, each next one is relative to its
// predecessor.
repeated uint64 waking_timestamp = 7 [packed = true];
repeated int32 waking_pid = 8 [packed = true];
repeated int32 waking_target_cpu = 9 [packed = true];
repeated int32 waking_prio = 10 [packed = true];
// One per event, index into |intern_table| corresponding to the
// comm field of the event.
repeated uint32 waking_comm_index = 11 [packed = true];
optional CompactSched compact_sched = 4;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_event_bundle.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_stats.proto
// Per-CPU stats for the ftrace data source gathered from the kernel from
// /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/per_cpu/cpuX/stats.
message FtraceCpuStats {
// CPU index.
optional uint64 cpu = 1;
// Number of entries still in the kernel buffer. Ideally this should be close
// to zero, as events are consumed regularly and moved into the userspace
// buffers (or file).
optional uint64 entries = 2;
// Number of events lost in kernel buffers due to overwriting of old events
// before userspace had a chance to drain them.
optional uint64 overrun = 3;
// This should always be zero. If not the buffer size is way too small or
// something went wrong with the tracer.
optional uint64 commit_overrun = 4;
// Bytes actually read (not overwritten).
optional uint64 bytes_read = 5;
// The timestamp for the oldest event still in the ring buffer.
optional double oldest_event_ts = 6;
// The current timestamp.
optional double now_ts = 7;
// If the kernel buffer has overwrite mode disabled, this will show the number
// of new events that were lost because the buffer was full. This is similar
// to |overrun| but only for the overwrite=false case.
optional uint64 dropped_events = 8;
// The number of events read.
optional uint64 read_events = 9;
// Ftrace stats for all CPUs.
message FtraceStats {
enum Phase {
// Tells when stats were sampled. There should be one sample at the beginning
// of the trace and one sample at the end.
optional Phase phase = 1;
// Per-CPU stats (one entry for each CPU).
repeated FtraceCpuStats cpu_stats = 2;
// When FtraceConfig.symbolize_ksyms = true, this records the number of
// symbols parsed from /proc/kallsyms, whether they have been seen in the
// trace or not. It can be used to debug kptr_restrict or security-related
// errors.
// Note: this will be valid only when phase = END_OF_TRACE. The symbolizer is
// initialized. When START_OF_TRACE is emitted it is not ready yet.
optional uint32 kernel_symbols_parsed = 3;
// The memory used by the kernel symbolizer (KernelSymbolMap.size_bytes()).
optional uint32 kernel_symbols_mem_kb = 4;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_stats.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/gpu/gpu_counter_event.proto
message GpuCounterEvent {
// The first trace packet of each session should include counter_spec.
optional GpuCounterDescriptor counter_descriptor = 1;
message GpuCounter {
// required. Identifier for counter.
optional uint32 counter_id = 1;
// required. Value of the counter.
oneof value {
int64 int_value = 2;
double double_value = 3;
repeated GpuCounter counters = 2;
// optional. Identifier for GPU in a multi-gpu device.
optional int32 gpu_id = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/gpu/gpu_counter_event.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/gpu/gpu_log.proto
// Message for logging events GPU data producer.
message GpuLog {
enum Severity {
optional Severity severity = 1;
optional string tag = 2;
optional string log_message = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/gpu/gpu_log.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/gpu/gpu_render_stage_event.proto
// next id: 15
message GpuRenderStageEvent {
// required. Unique ID for the event.
optional uint64 event_id = 1;
// optional. Duration of the event in nanoseconds. If unset, this is a
// single time point event.
optional uint64 duration = 2;
// required. ID to a hardware queue description in the specifications.
// InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification
optional uint64 hw_queue_iid = 13;
// required. ID to a render stage description in the specifications.
// InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification
optional uint64 stage_iid = 14;
// optional. Identifier for GPU in a multi-gpu device.
optional int32 gpu_id = 11;
// required. Graphics context for the event.
// For OpenGL, this is the GL context.
// For Vulkan, this is the VkDevice.
optional uint64 context = 5;
// optional. The render target for this event.
// For OpenGL, this is the GL frame buffer handle.
// For Vulkan, this is the VkFrameBuffer handle.
optional uint64 render_target_handle = 8;
// optional. Submission ID generated by the UMD.
// For OpenGL, the ID should map to an API submission (e.g., glFlush,
// glFinish, eglSwapBufffers) event. The set of submissions to the HW due
// to a single API submission should share the same ID.
// For Vulkan, it should map 1:1 with a vkQueueSubmit.
optional uint32 submission_id = 10;
// optional. Additional data for the user. This may include attributes for
// the event like resource ids, shaders, etc.
message ExtraData {
optional string name = 1;
optional string value = 2;
repeated ExtraData extra_data = 6;
// optional. The Vulkan render pass handle.
optional uint64 render_pass_handle = 9;
// optional. A bit mask representing which render subpasses contributed to
// this render stage event. Subpass index 0 is represented by setting the
// LSB of the mask. Additional mask can be added for subpass index greater
// than 63.
repeated uint64 render_subpass_index_mask = 15;
// optional. The Vulkan command buffer handle.
optional uint64 command_buffer_handle = 12;
// Deprecated. Use InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification instead.
// The first trace packet of each session should include a Specifications
// to enumerate *all* IDs that will be used. The timestamp of this packet
// must be earlier than all other packets. Only one packet with Specifications
// is expected.
message Specifications {
message ContextSpec {
optional uint64 context = 1;
optional int32 pid = 2;
optional ContextSpec context_spec = 1;
message Description {
optional string name = 1;
optional string description = 2;
// Labels to categorize the hw Queue this event goes on.
repeated Description hw_queue = 2;
// Labels to categorize render stage(binning, render, compute etc).
repeated Description stage = 3;
// Deprecated. Use hw_queue_iid and stage_iid to refer to
// InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification instead.
optional Specifications specifications = 7 [deprecated = true];
// Deprecated. Use hw_queue_iid instead;
optional int32 hw_queue_id = 3 [deprecated = true];
// Deprecated. Use stage_iid instead;
optional int32 stage_id = 4 [deprecated = true];
// Extension for vendor's custom proto.
extensions 100;
// Interned data.
// The iid is the numeric value of either the GL Context or the VkDevice
// handle.
message InternedGraphicsContext {
optional uint64 iid = 1;
optional int32 pid = 2;
enum Api {
OPEN_GL = 1;
OPEN_CL = 3;
optional Api api = 3;
message InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification {
optional uint64 iid = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional string description = 3;
enum RenderStageCategory {
OTHER = 0;
optional RenderStageCategory category = 4;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/gpu/gpu_render_stage_event.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/gpu/vulkan_api_event.proto
// Message for recording the Vulkan call.
message VulkanApiEvent {
oneof event {
VkDebugUtilsObjectName vk_debug_utils_object_name = 1;
VkQueueSubmit vk_queue_submit = 2;
// For recording vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT and
// vkDebugMarkerSetObjectNameEXT
message VkDebugUtilsObjectName {
optional uint32 pid = 1;
optional uint64 vk_device = 2;
// VkObjectType. Value must match
optional int32 object_type = 3;
optional uint64 object = 4;
optional string object_name = 5;
// For recording vkQueueSubmit call.
message VkQueueSubmit {
optional uint64 duration_ns = 1;
optional uint32 pid = 2;
optional uint32 tid = 3;
optional uint64 vk_queue = 4;
repeated uint64 vk_command_buffers = 5;
// Submission ID. An identifier unique to each vkQueueSubmit call. This
// submission_id must match GpuRenderStageEvent.submission_id if the
// GpuRenderStageEvent is created due to this vkQueueSubmit.
optional uint32 submission_id = 6;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/gpu/vulkan_api_event.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/gpu/vulkan_memory_event.proto
// All the information that cannot be sent within a VulkanMemoryEvent message,
// are sent as annotations to the main memory event. One example is the
// properties of the object that consumes the allocated memory, for example, a
// buffer or an image.
// key_iid and string_iid are both interned strings. Original string value is
// stored in vulkan_memory_keys from
// protos/perfetto/trace/interned_data/interned_data.proto.
message VulkanMemoryEventAnnotation {
optional uint64 key_iid = 1;
oneof value {
int64 int_value = 2;
double double_value = 3;
uint64 string_iid = 4;
// Each VulkanMemoryEvent encompasses information regarding one single function
// call that results in reserving, binding or freeing host or GPU memory. There
// is a special message type, ANNOTATIONS, which is used to communicate
// information that are not directly related to a memory event, nonetheless are
// essential to understand the memory usage. An example is the size and memory
// types of the memory heaps.
// Next reserved id: 10 (up to 15).
// Next id: 21.
message VulkanMemoryEvent {
enum Source {
enum Operation {
// alloc, create
// free, destroy(non-bound)
// bind buffer and image
OP_BIND = 3;
// destroy (bound)
// only annotations
enum AllocationScope {
optional Source source = 1;
optional Operation operation = 2;
optional int64 timestamp = 3;
optional uint32 pid = 4;
optional fixed64 memory_address = 5;
optional uint64 memory_size = 6;
// Interned string. Original string value is stored in function_names from
// protos/perfetto/trace/interned_data/interned_data.proto.
optional uint64 caller_iid = 7;
optional AllocationScope allocation_scope = 8;
// Extra related information, e.g., create configs, etc.
repeated VulkanMemoryEventAnnotation annotations = 9;
// Field IDs used for device memory (low sampling rate)
optional fixed64 device = 16;
optional fixed64 device_memory = 17;
optional uint32 memory_type = 18;
optional uint32 heap = 19;
optional fixed64 object_handle = 20;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/gpu/vulkan_memory_event.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/profile_common.proto
// TODO(fmayer): Figure out naming thoroughout this file to get a
// nomenclature that works between Windows and Linux.
// The interning fields in this file can refer to 2 different intern tables,
// depending on the message they are used in. If the interned fields are present
// in ProfilePacket proto, then the intern tables included in the ProfilePacket
// should be used. If the intered fields are present in the
// StreamingProfilePacket proto, then the intern tables included in all of the
// previous InternedData message with same sequence ID should be used.
// TODO(fmayer): Move to the intern tables to a common location.
message InternedString {
optional uint64 iid = 1;
optional bytes str = 2;
// A symbol field that is emitted after the trace is written. These tables would
// be appended as the last packets in the trace that the profiler will use, so
// that the actual trace need not be rewritten to symbolize the profiles.
message ProfiledFrameSymbols {
// Use the frame id as the interning key for the symbols.
optional uint64 frame_iid = 1;
// These are repeated because when inlining happens, multiple functions'
// frames can be at a single address. Imagine function Foo calling the
// std::vector<int> constructor, which gets inlined at 0xf00. We then get
// both Foo and the std::vector<int> constructor when we symbolize the
// address.
// key to InternedString
repeated uint64 function_name_id = 2;
// key to InternedString
repeated uint64 file_name_id = 3;
repeated uint32 line_number = 4;
message Line {
optional string function_name = 1;
optional string source_file_name = 2;
optional uint32 line_number = 3;
// Symbols for a given address in a module.
message AddressSymbols {
optional uint64 address = 1;
// Source lines that correspond to this address.
// These are repeated because when inlining happens, multiple functions'
// frames can be at a single address. Imagine function Foo calling the
// std::vector<int> constructor, which gets inlined at 0xf00. We then get
// both Foo and the std::vector<int> constructor when we symbolize the
// address.
repeated Line lines = 2;
// Symbols for addresses seen in a module.
message ModuleSymbols {
// Fully qualified path to the mapping.
// E.g. /system/lib64/
optional string path = 1;
// on Linux (not hex encoded).
// uuid on MacOS.
// Module GUID on Windows.
optional string build_id = 2;
repeated AddressSymbols address_symbols = 3;
message Mapping {
// Interning key.
optional uint64 iid = 1;
// Interning key.
optional uint64 build_id = 2;
// The linker may create multiple memory mappings for the same shared
// library.
// This is so that the ELF header is mapped as read only, while the
// executable memory is mapped as executable only.
// The details of this depend on the linker, a possible mapping of an ELF
// file is this:
// +----------------------+
// ELF |xxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyy|
// +---------+------------+
// | |
// | read | executable
// v mapping v mapping
// +----------------------+
// Memory |xxxxxxxxx|yyyyyyyyyyyy|
// +------------------+---+
// ^ ^ ^
// + + +
// start exact relpc
// offset offset 0x1800
// 0x0000 0x1000
// exact_offset is the offset into the library file of this mapping.
// start_offset is the offset into the library file of the first mapping
// for that library. For native libraries (.so files) this should be 0.
// This is not set on Android 10.
optional uint64 exact_offset = 8;
optional uint64 start_offset = 3;
optional uint64 start = 4;
optional uint64 end = 5;
optional uint64 load_bias = 6;
// E.g. ["system", "lib64", ""]
// id of string.
repeated uint64 path_string_ids = 7;
message Frame {
// Interning key
optional uint64 iid = 1;
// E.g. "fopen"
// id of string.
optional uint64 function_name_id = 2;
optional uint64 mapping_id = 3;
optional uint64 rel_pc = 4;
message Callstack {
optional uint64 iid = 1;
// Frames of this callstack. Bottom frame first.
repeated uint64 frame_ids = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/profile_common.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_histogram_sample.proto
message HistogramName {
optional uint64 iid = 1;
optional string name = 2;
// An individual histogram sample logged via Chrome's UMA metrics system.
message ChromeHistogramSample {
// MD5 hash of the metric name. Either |name_hash| or |name|/|name_iid| or
// both must be present.
optional uint64 name_hash = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional int64 sample = 3;
// Interned HistogramName. Only one of |name|, |name_iid| can be set.
optional uint64 name_iid = 4;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_histogram_sample.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/debug_annotation.proto
// Key/value annotations provided in untyped TRACE_EVENT macros. These
// annotations are intended for debug use and are not considered a stable API
// surface. As such, they should not be relied upon to implement (new) metrics.
// Next ID: 10.
message DebugAnnotation {
message NestedValue {
enum NestedType {
// leaf value.
DICT = 1;
ARRAY = 2;
optional NestedType nested_type = 1;
repeated string dict_keys = 2;
repeated NestedValue dict_values = 3;
repeated NestedValue array_values = 4;
optional int64 int_value = 5;
optional double double_value = 6;
optional bool bool_value = 7;
optional string string_value = 8;
oneof name_field {
// interned DebugAnnotationName.
uint64 name_iid = 1;
// non-interned variant.
string name = 10;
oneof value {
bool bool_value = 2;
uint64 uint_value = 3;
int64 int_value = 4;
double double_value = 5;
string string_value = 6;
// Pointers are stored in a separate type as the JSON output treats them
// differently from other uint64 values.
uint64 pointer_value = 7;
NestedValue nested_value = 8;
// Legacy instrumentation may not support conversion of nested data to
// NestedValue yet.
string legacy_json_value = 9;
// --------------------
// Interned data types:
// --------------------
message DebugAnnotationName {
optional uint64 iid = 1;
optional string name = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/debug_annotation.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/log_message.proto
message LogMessage {
// interned SourceLocation.
optional uint64 source_location_iid = 1;
// interned LogMessageBody.
optional uint64 body_iid = 2;
// --------------------
// Interned data types:
// --------------------
message LogMessageBody {
optional uint64 iid = 1;
optional string body = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/log_message.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/source_location.proto
// --------------------
// Interned data types:
// --------------------
message SourceLocation {
optional uint64 iid = 1;
// We intend to add a binary symbol version of this in the future.
optional string file_name = 2;
optional string function_name = 3;
optional uint32 line_number = 4;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/source_location.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_application_state_info.proto
// Trace event arguments for application state changes.
message ChromeApplicationStateInfo {
// Enum definition taken from:
enum ChromeApplicationState {
optional ChromeApplicationState application_state = 1;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_application_state_info.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_compositor_scheduler_state.proto
// Describes Chrome's Compositor scheduler's current state and associated
// variables.
// These protos and enums were adapted from the corresponding original JSON
// trace event for the scheduler state. In contrast to the JSON, we use strongly
// typed enum values instead of strings for many fields, and
// microsecond-granularity timestamps.
// The original format was generated in JSON by the code at
// TODO(nuskos): Update link once we've switched to writing this proto.
// All non-delta-timestamps are absolute CLOCK_MONOTONIC timestamps.
enum ChromeCompositorSchedulerAction {
// Next id: 18
message ChromeCompositorSchedulerState {
enum BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode {
optional ChromeCompositorStateMachine state_machine = 1;
optional bool observing_begin_frame_source = 2;
optional bool begin_impl_frame_deadline_task = 3;
optional bool pending_begin_frame_task = 4;
optional bool skipped_last_frame_missed_exceeded_deadline = 5;
optional bool skipped_last_frame_to_reduce_latency = 6;
optional ChromeCompositorSchedulerAction inside_action = 7;
optional BeginImplFrameDeadlineMode deadline_mode = 8;
optional int64 deadline_us = 9;
optional int64 deadline_scheduled_at_us = 10;
optional int64 now_us = 11;
optional int64 now_to_deadline_delta_us = 12;
optional int64 now_to_deadline_scheduled_at_delta_us = 13;
optional BeginImplFrameArgs begin_impl_frame_args = 14;
optional BeginFrameObserverState begin_frame_observer_state = 15;
optional BeginFrameSourceState begin_frame_source_state = 16;
optional CompositorTimingHistory compositor_timing_history = 17;
// Describes the current values stored in the Chrome Compositor state machine.
// Next id: 3
message ChromeCompositorStateMachine {
// Next id: 6
message MajorState {
enum BeginImplFrameState {
enum BeginMainFrameState {
enum LayerTreeFrameSinkState {
enum ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState {
optional ChromeCompositorSchedulerAction next_action = 1;
optional BeginImplFrameState begin_impl_frame_state = 2;
optional BeginMainFrameState begin_main_frame_state = 3;
optional LayerTreeFrameSinkState layer_tree_frame_sink_state = 4;
optional ForcedRedrawOnTimeoutState forced_redraw_state = 5;
optional MajorState major_state = 1;
// Next id: 47
message MinorState {
enum TreePriority {
enum ScrollHandlerState {
optional int32 commit_count = 1;
optional int32 current_frame_number = 2;
optional int32 last_frame_number_submit_performed = 3;
optional int32 last_frame_number_draw_performed = 4;
optional int32 last_frame_number_begin_main_frame_sent = 5;
optional bool did_draw = 6;
optional bool did_send_begin_main_frame_for_current_frame = 7;
optional bool did_notify_begin_main_frame_not_expected_until = 8;
optional bool did_notify_begin_main_frame_not_expected_soon = 9;
optional bool wants_begin_main_frame_not_expected = 10;
optional bool did_commit_during_frame = 11;
optional bool did_invalidate_layer_tree_frame_sink = 12;
optional bool did_perform_impl_side_invalidaion = 13;
optional bool did_prepare_tiles = 14;
optional int32 consecutive_checkerboard_animations = 15;
optional int32 pending_submit_frames = 16;
optional int32 submit_frames_with_current_layer_tree_frame_sink = 17;
optional bool needs_redraw = 18;
optional bool needs_prepare_tiles = 19;
optional bool needs_begin_main_frame = 20;
optional bool needs_one_begin_impl_frame = 21;
optional bool visible = 22;
optional bool begin_frame_source_paused = 23;
optional bool can_draw = 24;
optional bool resourceless_draw = 25;
optional bool has_pending_tree = 26;
optional bool pending_tree_is_ready_for_activation = 27;
optional bool active_tree_needs_first_draw = 28;
optional bool active_tree_is_ready_to_draw = 29;
optional bool did_create_and_initialize_first_layer_tree_frame_sink = 30;
optional TreePriority tree_priority = 31;
optional ScrollHandlerState scroll_handler_state = 32;
optional bool critical_begin_main_frame_to_activate_is_fast = 33;
optional bool main_thread_missed_last_deadline = 34;
optional bool skip_next_begin_main_frame_to_reduce_latency = 35;
optional bool video_needs_begin_frames = 36;
optional bool defer_begin_main_frame = 37;
optional bool last_commit_had_no_updates = 38;
optional bool did_draw_in_last_frame = 39;
optional bool did_submit_in_last_frame = 40;
optional bool needs_impl_side_invalidation = 41;
optional bool current_pending_tree_is_impl_side = 42;
optional bool previous_pending_tree_was_impl_side = 43;
optional bool processing_animation_worklets_for_active_tree = 44;
optional bool processing_animation_worklets_for_pending_tree = 45;
optional bool processing_paint_worklets_for_pending_tree = 46;
optional MinorState minor_state = 2;
// Next id: 12
message BeginFrameArgs {
// JSON format has a "type" field that was always just "BeginFrameArgs" we
// drop this in the proto representation, and instead make the JSON format
// "subtype" field become the type field.
enum BeginFrameArgsType {
optional BeginFrameArgsType type = 1;
optional uint64 source_id = 2;
optional uint64 sequence_number = 3;
optional int64 frame_time_us = 4;
optional int64 deadline_us = 5;
optional int64 interval_delta_us = 6;
optional bool on_critical_path = 7;
optional bool animate_only = 8;
oneof created_from {
// The interned SourceLocation.
uint64 source_location_iid = 9;
// The SourceLocation that this args was created from.
// TODO(nuskos): Eventually we will support interning inside of
// TypedArgument TraceEvents and then we shouldn't need this SourceLocation
// since we can emit it as part of the InternedData message. When we can
// remove this |source_location|.
SourceLocation source_location = 10;
// Next id: 7
message BeginImplFrameArgs {
optional int64 updated_at_us = 1;
optional int64 finished_at_us = 2;
enum State {
optional State state = 3;
oneof args {
// Only set if |state| is BEGIN_FRAME_FINISHED.
BeginFrameArgs current_args = 4;
// Only set if |state| is BEGIN_FRAME_USING.
BeginFrameArgs last_args = 5;
message TimestampsInUs {
optional int64 interval_delta = 1;
optional int64 now_to_deadline_delta = 2;
optional int64 frame_time_to_now_delta = 3;
optional int64 frame_time_to_deadline_delta = 4;
optional int64 now = 5;
optional int64 frame_time = 6;
optional int64 deadline = 7;
optional TimestampsInUs timestamps_in_us = 6;
message BeginFrameObserverState {
optional int64 dropped_begin_frame_args = 1;
optional BeginFrameArgs last_begin_frame_args = 2;
message BeginFrameSourceState {
optional uint32 source_id = 1;
optional bool paused = 2;
optional uint32 num_observers = 3;
optional BeginFrameArgs last_begin_frame_args = 4;
message CompositorTimingHistory {
optional int64 begin_main_frame_queue_critical_estimate_delta_us = 1;
optional int64 begin_main_frame_queue_not_critical_estimate_delta_us = 2;
optional int64 begin_main_frame_start_to_ready_to_commit_estimate_delta_us =
optional int64 commit_to_ready_to_activate_estimate_delta_us = 4;
optional int64 prepare_tiles_estimate_delta_us = 5;
optional int64 activate_estimate_delta_us = 6;
optional int64 draw_estimate_delta_us = 7;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_compositor_scheduler_state.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_content_settings_event_info.proto
// Details about ContentSettings trace events.
message ChromeContentSettingsEventInfo {
// The number of user defined hostname patterns for content settings at
// browser start. Similar to UMA histogram
// 'ContentSettings.NumberOfExceptions'.
optional uint32 number_of_exceptions = 1;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_content_settings_event_info.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_frame_reporter.proto
message ChromeFrameReporter {
enum State {
// The frame did not have any updates to present.
// The frame presented all the desired updates (i.e. any updates requested
// from both the compositor thread and main-threads were handled).
// The frame was presented with some updates, but also missed some updates
// (e.g. missed updates from the main-thread, but included updates from the
// compositor thread).
// The frame was dropped, i.e. some updates were desired for the frame, but
// was not presented.
optional State state = 1;
enum FrameDropReason {
// Frame was dropped by the display-compositor.
// The display-compositor may drop a frame some times (e.g. the frame missed
// the deadline, or was blocked on surface-sync, etc.)
// Frame was dropped because of the main-thread.
// The main-thread may cause a frame to be dropped, e.g. if the main-thread
// is running expensive javascript, or doing a lot of layout updates, etc.
// Frame was dropped by the client compositor.
// The client compositor can drop some frames too (e.g. attempting to
// recover latency, missing the deadline, etc.).
// The reason is set only if |state| is not |STATE_UPDATED_ALL|.
optional FrameDropReason reason = 2;
optional uint64 frame_source = 3;
optional uint64 frame_sequence = 4;
// If this is a droped frame (i.e. if |state| is set to |STATE_DROPPED| or
// |STATE_PRESENTED_PARTIAL|), then indicates whether this frame impacts
// smoothness.
optional bool affects_smoothness = 5;
enum ScrollState {
// Used when it can't be determined wheter a scroll is in progress or not.
// The type of active scroll
optional ScrollState scroll_state = 6;
// If any main thread animation is active during this frame.
optional bool has_main_animation = 7;
// If any compositor thread animation is active during this frame.
optional bool has_compositor_animation = 8;
// If any touch-driven UX (not scroll) is active during this frame.
optional bool has_smooth_input_main = 9;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_frame_reporter.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_keyed_service.proto
// Details about one of Chrome's keyed services associated with the event.
message ChromeKeyedService {
// Name of the service, e.g. "MediaRouter", "PreviewsService", etc. (in
// Chrome, these are static strings known at compile time).
optional string name = 1;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_keyed_service.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_latency_info.proto
message ChromeLatencyInfo {
optional int64 trace_id = 1;
// NEXT ID: 12
// All step are optional but the enum is ordered (not by number) below in the
// order we expect them to appear if they are emitted in trace in a blocking
// fashion.
enum Step {
// Emitted on the browser main thread.
// Happens on the renderer's compositor.
// Occurs on the Renderer's main thread.
// Could be emitted on both the renderer's main OR compositor.
// Optionally sometimes HANDLED_INPUT_EVENT_MAIN_OR_IMPL will proxy to the
// renderer's compositor and this will be emitted.
// Renderer's compositor.
// Happens on the VizCompositor in the GPU process.
// Happens on the GPU main thread after the swap has completed.
// See above for NEXT ID, enum steps are not ordered by tag number.
optional Step step = 2;
optional int32 frame_tree_node_id = 3;
// This enum is a copy of LatencyComponentType enum in Chrome, located in
// ui/latency/latency_info.h, modulo added UNKNOWN value per protobuf
// practices.
enum LatencyComponentType {
message ComponentInfo {
optional LatencyComponentType component_type = 1;
// Microsecond timestamp in CLOCK_MONOTONIC domain
optional uint64 time_us = 2;
repeated ComponentInfo component_info = 4;
optional bool is_coalesced = 5;
optional int64 gesture_scroll_id = 6;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_latency_info.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_legacy_ipc.proto
// Details about a legacy Chrome IPC message that is either sent by the event.
// TODO(eseckler): Also use this message on the receiving side?
message ChromeLegacyIpc {
enum MessageClass {
// Corresponds to the message class type defined in Chrome's IPCMessageStart
// enum, e.g. FrameMsgStart,
optional MessageClass message_class = 1;
// Line number of the message definition. See Chrome's IPC_MESSAGE_ID and
optional uint32 message_line = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_legacy_ipc.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_message_pump.proto
// Details about Chrome message pump events
message ChromeMessagePump {
// True if there are sent messages in the queue.
optional bool sent_messages_in_queue = 1;
// Interned SourceLocation of IO handler that MessagePumpForIO is about to
// invoke.
optional uint64 io_handler_location_iid = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_message_pump.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_mojo_event_info.proto
// Contains information to identify mojo handling events. The trace events in
// mojo are common for all mojo interfaces and this information is used to
// identify who is the caller or callee.
message ChromeMojoEventInfo {
// Contains the interface name or the file name of the creator of a mojo
// handle watcher, recorded when an event if notified to the watcher. The code
// that runs within the track event belongs to the interface.
optional string watcher_notify_interface_tag = 1;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_mojo_event_info.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_renderer_scheduler_state.proto
// Describes the state of the RendererScheduler for a given Renderer Process.
// RAIL Mode is an indication of the kind of work that a Renderer is currently
// performing which is in turn used to prioritise work accordingly.
// A fuller description of these modes can be found
enum ChromeRAILMode {
// Next id: 2
message ChromeRendererSchedulerState {
optional ChromeRAILMode rail_mode = 1;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_renderer_scheduler_state.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_user_event.proto
// Details about a UI interaction initiated by the user, such as opening or
// closing a tab or a context menu.
message ChromeUserEvent {
// Name of the action, e.g. "NewTab", "ShowBookmarkManager", etc. (in
// Chrome, these are usually static strings known at compile time, or
// concatenations of multiple such static strings).
optional string action = 1;
// MD5 hash of the action string.
optional uint64 action_hash = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_user_event.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_window_handle_event_info.proto
// Details about HWNDMessageHandler trace events.
message ChromeWindowHandleEventInfo {
optional uint32 dpi = 1;
optional uint32 message_id = 2;
optional fixed64 hwnd_ptr = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_window_handle_event_info.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/task_execution.proto
// TrackEvent arguments describing the execution of a task.
message TaskExecution {
// Source location that the task was posted from.
// interned SourceLocation.
optional uint64 posted_from_iid = 1;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/task_execution.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_event.proto
// NOTE: Full TrackEvent support in the client lib and chrome is WIP, thus these
// protos are still subject to change. Don't depend on them staying as they are.
// Trace events emitted by client instrumentation library (TRACE_EVENT macros),
// which describe activity on a track, such as a thread or asynchronous event
// track. The track is specified using separate TrackDescriptor messages and
// referred to via the track's UUID.
// A simple TrackEvent packet specifies a timestamp, category, name and type:
// ```protobuf
// trace_packet {
// timestamp: 1000
// track_event {
// categories: ["my_cat"]
// name: "my_event"
// }
// }
// ```
// To associate an event with a custom track (e.g. a thread), the track is
// defined in a separate packet and referred to from the TrackEvent by its UUID:
// ```protobuf
// trace_packet {
// track_descriptor {
// track_uuid: 1234
// name: "my_track"
// // Optionally, associate the track with a thread.
// thread_descriptor {
// pid: 10
// tid: 10
// ..
// }
// }
// }
// ```
// A pair of TYPE_SLICE_BEGIN and _END events form a slice on the track:
// ```protobuf
// trace_packet {
// timestamp: 1200
// track_event {
// track_uuid: 1234
// categories: ["my_cat"]
// name: "my_slice"
// }
// }
// trace_packet {
// timestamp: 1400
// track_event {
// track_uuid: 1234
// }
// }
// ```
// TrackEvents also support optimizations to reduce data repetition and encoded
// data size, e.g. through data interning (names, categories, ...) and delta
// encoding of timestamps/counters. For details, see the InternedData message.
// Further, default values for attributes of events on the same sequence (e.g.
// their default track association) can be emitted as part of a
// TrackEventDefaults message.
// Next reserved id: 13 (up to 15). Next id: 47.
message TrackEvent {
// Names of categories of the event. In the client library, categories are a
// way to turn groups of individual events on or off.
// interned EventCategoryName.
repeated uint64 category_iids = 3;
// non-interned variant.
repeated string categories = 22;
// Optional name of the event for its display in trace viewer. May be left
// unspecified for events with typed arguments.
// Note that metrics should not rely on event names, as they are prone to
// changing. Instead, they should use typed arguments to identify the events
// they are interested in.
oneof name_field {
// interned EventName.
uint64 name_iid = 10;
// non-interned variant.
string name = 23;
// TODO(eseckler): Support using binary symbols for category/event names.
// Type of the TrackEvent (required if |phase| in LegacyEvent is not set).
enum Type {
// Slice events are events that have a begin and end timestamp, i.e. a
// duration. They can be nested similar to a callstack: If, on the same
// track, event B begins after event A, but before A ends, B is a child
// event of A and will be drawn as a nested event underneath A in the UI.
// Note that child events should always end before their parents (e.g. B
// before A).
// Each slice event is formed by a pair of BEGIN + END events. The END event
// does not need to repeat any TrackEvent fields it has in common with its
// corresponding BEGIN event. Arguments and debug annotations of the BEGIN +
// END pair will be merged during trace import.
// Note that we deliberately chose not to support COMPLETE events (which
// would specify a duration directly) since clients would need to delay
// writing them until the slice is completed, which can result in reordered
// events in the trace and loss of unfinished events at the end of a trace.
// Instant events are nestable events without duration. They can be children
// of slice events on the same track.
// Event that provides a value for a counter track. |track_uuid| should
// refer to a counter track and |counter_value| set to the new value. Note
// that most other TrackEvent fields (e.g. categories, name, ..) are not
// supported for TYPE_COUNTER events. See also CounterDescriptor.
optional Type type = 9;
// Identifies the track of the event. The default value may be overridden
// using TrackEventDefaults, e.g., to specify the track of the TraceWriter's
// sequence (in most cases sequence = one thread). If no value is specified
// here or in TrackEventDefaults, the TrackEvent will be associated with an
// implicit trace-global track (uuid 0). See TrackDescriptor::uuid.
optional uint64 track_uuid = 11;
// A new value for a counter track. |track_uuid| should refer to a track with
// a CounterDescriptor, and |type| should be TYPE_COUNTER. For a more
// efficient encoding of counter values that are sampled at the beginning/end
// of a slice, see |extra_counter_values| and |extra_counter_track_uuids|.
// Counter values can optionally be encoded in as delta values (positive or
// negative) on each packet sequence (see CounterIncrementalBase).
oneof counter_value_field {
int64 counter_value = 30;
double double_counter_value = 44;
// To encode counter values more efficiently, we support attaching additional
// counter values to a TrackEvent of any type. All values will share the same
// timestamp specified in the TracePacket. The value at
// extra_counter_values[N] is for the counter track referenced by
// extra_counter_track_uuids[N].
// |extra_counter_track_uuids| may also be set via TrackEventDefaults. There
// should always be equal or more uuids than values. It is valid to set more
// uuids (e.g. via defaults) than values. If uuids are specified in
// TrackEventDefaults and a TrackEvent, the TrackEvent uuids override the
// default uuid list.
// For example, this allows snapshotting the thread time clock at each
// thread-track BEGIN and END event to capture the cpu time delta of a slice.
repeated uint64 extra_counter_track_uuids = 31;
repeated int64 extra_counter_values = 12;
// Counter snapshots using floating point instead of integer values.
repeated uint64 extra_double_counter_track_uuids = 45;
repeated double extra_double_counter_values = 46;
// IDs of flows originating, passing through, or ending at this event.
// Flow IDs are global within a trace.
// A flow connects a sequence of TrackEvents within or across tracks, e.g.
// an input event may be handled on one thread but cause another event on
// a different thread - a flow between the two events can associate them.
// The direction of the flows between events is inferred from the events'
// timestamps. The earliest event with the same flow ID becomes the source
// of the flow. Any events thereafter are intermediate steps of the flow,
// until the flow terminates at the last event with the flow ID.
// Flows can also be explicitly terminated (see |terminating_flow_ids|), so
// that the same ID can later be reused for another flow.
repeated uint64 flow_ids = 36;
// List of flow ids which should terminate on this event, otherwise same as
// |flow_ids|.
// Any one flow ID should be either listed as part of |flow_ids| OR
// |terminating_flow_ids|, not both.
repeated uint64 terminating_flow_ids = 42;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TrackEvent arguments:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Unstable key/value annotations shown in the trace viewer but not intended
// for metrics use.
repeated DebugAnnotation debug_annotations = 4;
// Typed event arguments:
optional TaskExecution task_execution = 5;
optional LogMessage log_message = 21;
optional ChromeCompositorSchedulerState cc_scheduler_state = 24;
optional ChromeUserEvent chrome_user_event = 25;
optional ChromeKeyedService chrome_keyed_service = 26;
optional ChromeLegacyIpc chrome_legacy_ipc = 27;
optional ChromeHistogramSample chrome_histogram_sample = 28;
optional ChromeLatencyInfo chrome_latency_info = 29;
optional ChromeFrameReporter chrome_frame_reporter = 32;
optional ChromeApplicationStateInfo chrome_application_state_info = 39;
optional ChromeRendererSchedulerState chrome_renderer_scheduler_state = 40;
optional ChromeWindowHandleEventInfo chrome_window_handle_event_info = 41;
optional ChromeContentSettingsEventInfo chrome_content_settings_event_info =
// This field is used only if the source location represents the function that
// executes during this event.
oneof source_location_field {
// Non-interned field.
SourceLocation source_location = 33;
// Interned field.
uint64 source_location_iid = 34;
optional ChromeMessagePump chrome_message_pump = 35;
optional ChromeMojoEventInfo chrome_mojo_event_info = 38;
// New argument types go here :)
// Extension range for typed events defined externally.
// See docs/design-docs/ for more details.
// Extension support is work-in-progress, in the future the way to reserve a
// subrange for a particular project will be described here and in the design
// document linked above.
// Contact if you are interested in a subrange
// for your project.
// Extension range for future use.
extensions 1000 to 9899;
// Reserved for Perfetto unit and integration tests.
extensions 9900 to 10000;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Deprecated / legacy event fields, which will be removed in the future:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Deprecated. Use the |timestamp| and |timestamp_clock_id| fields in
// TracePacket instead.
// Timestamp in microseconds (usually CLOCK_MONOTONIC).
oneof timestamp {
// Delta timestamp value since the last TrackEvent or ThreadDescriptor. To
// calculate the absolute timestamp value, sum up all delta values of the
// preceding TrackEvents since the last ThreadDescriptor and add the sum to
// the |reference_timestamp| in ThreadDescriptor. This value should always
// be positive.
int64 timestamp_delta_us = 1;
// Absolute value (e.g. a manually specified timestamp in the macro).
// This is a one-off value that does not affect delta timestamp computation
// in subsequent TrackEvents.
int64 timestamp_absolute_us = 16;
// Deprecated. Use |extra_counter_values| and |extra_counter_track_uuids| to
// encode thread time instead.
// CPU time for the current thread (e.g., CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID) in
// microseconds.
oneof thread_time {
// Delta timestamp value since the last TrackEvent or ThreadDescriptor. To
// calculate the absolute timestamp value, sum up all delta values of the
// preceding TrackEvents since the last ThreadDescriptor and add the sum to
// the |reference_timestamp| in ThreadDescriptor. This value should always
// be positive.
int64 thread_time_delta_us = 2;
// This is a one-off absolute value that does not affect delta timestamp
// computation in subsequent TrackEvents.
int64 thread_time_absolute_us = 17;
// Deprecated. Use |extra_counter_values| and |extra_counter_track_uuids| to
// encode thread instruction count instead.
// Value of the instruction counter for the current thread.
oneof thread_instruction_count {
// Same encoding as |thread_time| field above.
int64 thread_instruction_count_delta = 8;
int64 thread_instruction_count_absolute = 20;
// Apart from {category, time, thread time, tid, pid}, other legacy trace
// event attributes are initially simply proxied for conversion to a JSON
// trace. We intend to gradually transition these attributes to similar native
// features in TrackEvent (e.g. async + flow events), or deprecate them
// without replacement where transition is unsuitable.
// Next reserved id: 16 (up to 16).
// Next id: 20.
message LegacyEvent {
// Deprecated, use TrackEvent::name(_iid) instead.
// interned EventName.
optional uint64 name_iid = 1;
optional int32 phase = 2;
optional int64 duration_us = 3;
optional int64 thread_duration_us = 4;
// Elapsed retired instruction count during the event.
optional int64 thread_instruction_delta = 15;
// used to be |flags|.
reserved 5;
oneof id {
uint64 unscoped_id = 6;
uint64 local_id = 10;
uint64 global_id = 11;
// Additional optional scope for |id|.
optional string id_scope = 7;
// Consider the thread timestamps for async BEGIN/END event pairs as valid.
optional bool use_async_tts = 9;
// Idenfifies a flow. Flow events with the same bind_id are connected.
optional uint64 bind_id = 8;
// Use the enclosing slice as binding point for a flow end event instead of
// the next slice. Flow start/step events always bind to the enclosing
// slice.
optional bool bind_to_enclosing = 12;
enum FlowDirection {
FLOW_IN = 1;
optional FlowDirection flow_direction = 13;
enum InstantEventScope {
optional InstantEventScope instant_event_scope = 14;
// Override the pid/tid if the writer needs to emit events on behalf of
// another process/thread. This should be the exception. Normally, the
// pid+tid from ThreadDescriptor is used.
optional int32 pid_override = 18;
optional int32 tid_override = 19;
optional LegacyEvent legacy_event = 6;
// Default values for fields of all TrackEvents on the same packet sequence.
// Should be emitted as part of TracePacketDefaults whenever incremental state
// is cleared. It's defined here because field IDs should match those of the
// corresponding fields in TrackEvent.
message TrackEventDefaults {
optional uint64 track_uuid = 11;
repeated uint64 extra_counter_track_uuids = 31;
repeated uint64 extra_double_counter_track_uuids = 45;
// TODO(eseckler): Support default values for more TrackEvent fields.
// --------------------
// Interned data types:
// --------------------
message EventCategory {
optional uint64 iid = 1;
optional string name = 2;
message EventName {
optional uint64 iid = 1;
optional string name = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_event.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/interned_data/interned_data.proto
// ------------------------------ DATA INTERNING: ------------------------------
// Interning indexes are built up gradually by adding the entries contained in
// each TracePacket of the same packet sequence (packets emitted by the same
// producer and TraceWriter, see |trusted_packet_sequence_id|). Thus, packets
// can only refer to interned data from other packets in the same sequence.
// The writer will emit new entries when it encounters new internable values
// that aren't yet in the index. Data in current and subsequent TracePackets can
// then refer to the entry by its position (interning ID, abbreviated "iid") in
// its index. An interning ID with value 0 is considered invalid (not set).
// Because of the incremental build-up, the interning index will miss data when
// TracePackets are lost, e.g. because a chunk was overridden in the central
// ring buffer. To avoid invalidation of the whole trace in such a case, the
// index is periodically reset (see SEQ_INCREMENTAL_STATE_CLEARED).
// When packet loss occurs, the reader will only lose interning data up to the
// next reset.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Message that contains new entries for the interning indices of a packet
// sequence.
// The writer will usually emit new entries in the same TracePacket that first
// refers to them (since the last reset of interning state). They may also be
// emitted proactively in advance of referring to them in later packets.
// Next reserved id: 8 (up to 15).
// Next id: 27.
message InternedData {
// TODO(eseckler): Replace iid fields inside interned messages with
// map<iid, message> type fields in InternedData.
// Each field's message type needs to specify an |iid| field, which is the ID
// of the entry in the field's interning index. Each field constructs its own
// index, thus interning IDs are scoped to the tracing session and field
// (usually as a counter for efficient var-int encoding). It is illegal to
// override entries in an index (using the same iid for two different values)
// within the same tracing session, even after a reset of the emitted
// interning state.
repeated EventCategory event_categories = 1;
repeated EventName event_names = 2;
repeated DebugAnnotationName debug_annotation_names = 3;
repeated SourceLocation source_locations = 4;
repeated LogMessageBody log_message_body = 20;
repeated HistogramName histogram_names = 25;
// Note: field IDs up to 15 should be used for frequent data only.
// Build IDs of exectuable files.
repeated InternedString build_ids = 16;
// Paths to executable files.
repeated InternedString mapping_paths = 17;
// Paths to source files.
repeated InternedString source_paths = 18;
// Names of functions used in frames below.
repeated InternedString function_names = 5;
// Symbols that were added to this trace after the fact.
repeated ProfiledFrameSymbols profiled_frame_symbols = 21;
// Executable files mapped into processes.
repeated Mapping mappings = 19;
// Frames of callstacks of a program.
repeated Frame frames = 6;
// A callstack of a program.
repeated Callstack callstacks = 7;
// Additional Vulkan information sent in a VulkanMemoryEvent message
repeated InternedString vulkan_memory_keys = 22;
// Graphics context of a render stage event. This represent the GL
// context for an OpenGl app or the VkDevice for a Vulkan app.
repeated InternedGraphicsContext graphics_contexts = 23;
// Description of a GPU hardware queue or render stage.
repeated InternedGpuRenderStageSpecification gpu_specifications = 24;
// This is set when FtraceConfig.symbolize_ksyms = true.
// The id of each symbol the number that will be reported in ftrace events
// like sched_block_reason.caller and is obtained from a monotonic counter.
// The same symbol can have different indexes in different bundles.
// This is is NOT the real address. This is to avoid disclosing KASLR through
// traces.
repeated InternedString kernel_symbols = 26;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/interned_data/interned_data.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/memory_graph.proto
// Message definitions for app-reported memory breakdowns. At the moment, this
// is a Chrome-only tracing feature, historically known as 'memory-infra'. See
// .
// This is unrelated to the native or java heap profilers (those protos live
// in //protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/).
message MemoryTrackerSnapshot {
// Memory snapshot of a process. The snapshot contains memory data that is
// from 2 different sources, namely system stats and instrumentation stats.
// The system memory usage stats come from the OS based on standard API
// available in the platform to query memory usage. The instrumentation stats
// are added by instrumenting specific piece of code which tracks memory
// allocations and deallocations made by a small sub-system within the
// application.
// The system stats of the global memory snapshot are recorded as part of
// ProcessStats and SmapsPacket fields in trace packet with the same
// timestamp.
message ProcessSnapshot {
// Process ID of the process
optional int32 pid = 1;
// Memory dumps are represented as a graph of memory nodes which contain
// statistics. To avoid double counting the same memory across different
// nodes, edges are used to mark nodes that account for the same memory. See
// this doc for examples of the usage:
// A single node in the memory graph.
message MemoryNode {
// Unique ID of the node across all processes involved in the global
// memory dump. The ID is only unique within this particular global dump
// identified by GlobalMemoryDumpPacket.global_dump_id.
optional uint64 id = 1;
// Absolute name is a unique name for the memory node within the process
// with The name can contain multiple parts
// separated by '/', which traces the edges of the node from the root
// node.
// Eg: "partition_allocator/array_buffers/buffer1" refers to the child
// node "buffer1" in a graph structure of:
// root -> partition_allocator -> array_buffers -> buffer1.
optional string absolute_name = 2;
// A weak node means that the instrumentation that added the current node
// is unsure about the existence of the actual memory. Unless a "strong"
// (non-weak is default) node that has an edge to the current node exists
// in the current global dump, the current node will be discarded.
optional bool weak = 3;
// Size of the node in bytes, used to compute the effective size of the
// nodes without double counting.
optional uint64 size_bytes = 4;
// Entries in the memory node that contain statistics and additional
// debuggable information about the memory. The size of the node is
// tracked separately in the |size_bytes| field.
message MemoryNodeEntry {
optional string name = 1;
enum Units {
BYTES = 1;
COUNT = 2;
optional Units units = 2;
// Contains either one of uint64 or string value.
optional uint64 value_uint64 = 3;
optional string value_string = 4;
repeated MemoryNodeEntry entries = 5;
repeated MemoryNode allocator_dumps = 2;
// A directed edge that connects any 2 nodes in the graph above. These are
// in addition to the inherent edges added due to the tree structure of the
// node's absolute names.
// Node with id |source_id| owns the node with id |target_id|, and has the
// effect of attributing the memory usage of target to source. |importance|
// is optional and relevant only for the cases of co-ownership, where it
// acts as a z-index: the owner with the highest importance will be
// attributed target's memory.
message MemoryEdge {
optional uint64 source_id = 1;
optional uint64 target_id = 2;
optional uint32 importance = 3;
optional bool overridable = 4;
repeated MemoryEdge memory_edges = 3;
// Unique ID that represents the global memory dump.
optional uint64 global_dump_id = 1;
enum LevelOfDetail {
optional LevelOfDetail level_of_detail = 2;
repeated ProcessSnapshot process_memory_dumps = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/memory_graph.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/perfetto/perfetto_metatrace.proto
// Used to trace the execution of perfetto itself.
message PerfettoMetatrace {
// See base/metatrace_events.h for definitions.
oneof record_type {
uint32 event_id = 1;
uint32 counter_id = 2;
// For trace processor metatracing.
string event_name = 8;
string counter_name = 9;
message Arg {
optional string key = 1;
optional string value = 2;
// Only when using |event_id|.
optional uint32 event_duration_ns = 3;
// Only when using |counter_id|.
optional int32 counter_value = 4;
// ID of the thread that emitted the event.
optional uint32 thread_id = 5;
// If true the meta-tracing ring buffer had overruns and hence some data is
// missing from this point.
optional bool has_overruns = 6;
// Args for the event.
repeated Arg args = 7;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/perfetto/perfetto_metatrace.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/perfetto/tracing_service_event.proto
// Events emitted by the tracing service.
message TracingServiceEvent {
oneof event_type {
// When each of the following booleans are set to true, they report the
// point in time (through TracePacket's timestamp) where the condition
// they describe happened.
// The order of the booleans below matches the timestamp ordering
// they would generally be expected to have.
// Emitted when we start tracing and specifically, this will be before any
// producer is notified about the existence of this trace. This is always
// emitted before the all_data_sources_started event. This event is also
// guaranteed to be seen (byte-offset wise) before any data packets from
// producers.
bool tracing_started = 2;
// Emitted after all data sources saw the start event and ACKed it.
// This identifies the point in time when it's safe to assume that all data
// sources have been recording events.
bool all_data_sources_started = 1;
// Emitted when all data sources have been flushed successfully or with an
// error (including timeouts). This can generally happen many times over the
// course of the trace.
bool all_data_sources_flushed = 3;
// Emitted when reading back the central tracing buffers has been completed.
// If |write_into_file| is specified, this can happen many times over the
// course of the trace.
bool read_tracing_buffers_completed = 4;
// Emitted after tracing has been disabled and specifically, this will be
// after all packets from producers have been included in the central
// tracing buffer.
bool tracing_disabled = 5;
// Emitted if perfetto --save-for-bugreport was invoked while the current
// tracing session was running and it had the highest bugreport_score. In
// this case the original consumer will see a nearly empty trace, because
// the contents are routed onto the bugreport file. This event flags the
// situation explicitly. Traces that contain this marker should be discarded
// by test infrastructures / pipelines.
bool seized_for_bugreport = 6;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/perfetto/tracing_service_event.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/power/battery_counters.proto
message BatteryCounters {
// Battery capacity in microampere-hours(µAh). Also known as Coulomb counter.
optional int64 charge_counter_uah = 1;
// Remaining battery capacity percentage of total capacity
optional float capacity_percent = 2;
// Instantaneous battery current in microamperes(µA).
// Positive values indicate net current entering the battery from a charge
// source, negative values indicate net current discharging from the battery.
optional int64 current_ua = 3;
// Instantaneous battery current in microamperes(µA).
optional int64 current_avg_ua = 4;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/power/battery_counters.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/power/power_rails.proto
message PowerRails {
message RailDescriptor {
// Index corresponding to the rail
optional uint32 index = 1;
// Name of the rail
optional string rail_name = 2;
// Name of the subsystem to which this rail belongs
optional string subsys_name = 3;
// Hardware sampling rate (Hz).
optional uint32 sampling_rate = 4;
// This is only emitted at the beginning of the trace.
repeated RailDescriptor rail_descriptor = 1;
message EnergyData {
// Index corresponding to RailDescriptor.index
optional uint32 index = 1;
// Time since device boot(CLOCK_BOOTTIME) in milli-seconds.
optional uint64 timestamp_ms = 2;
// Accumulated energy since device boot in microwatt-seconds (uWs).
optional uint64 energy = 3;
repeated EnergyData energy_data = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/power/power_rails.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/deobfuscation.proto
message ObfuscatedMember {
// This is the obfuscated field name relative to the class containing the
// ObfuscatedMember.
optional string obfuscated_name = 1;
// If this is fully qualified (i.e. contains a '.') this is the deobfuscated
// field name including its class. Otherwise, this is this the unqualified
// deobfuscated field name relative to the class containing this
// ObfuscatedMember.
optional string deobfuscated_name = 2;
message ObfuscatedClass {
optional string obfuscated_name = 1;
optional string deobfuscated_name = 2;
// fields.
repeated ObfuscatedMember obfuscated_members = 3;
repeated ObfuscatedMember obfuscated_methods = 4;
message DeobfuscationMapping {
optional string package_name = 1;
optional int64 version_code = 2;
repeated ObfuscatedClass obfuscated_classes = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/deobfuscation.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/heap_graph.proto
message HeapGraphRoot {
enum Type {
// Objects retained by this root.
repeated uint64 object_ids = 1 [packed = true];
optional Type root_type = 2;
message HeapGraphType {
enum Kind {
// TODO(fmayer): Consider removing this and using the index in the repeaed
// field to save space.
optional uint64 id = 1;
optional uint64 location_id = 2;
optional string class_name = 3;
// Size of objects of this type.
optional uint64 object_size = 4;
optional uint64 superclass_id = 5;
// Indices for InternedData.field_names for the names of the fields of
// instances of this class. This does NOT include the fields from
// superclasses. The consumer of this data needs to walk all super
// classes to get a full lists of fields. Objects always write the
// fields in order of most specific class to the furthest up superclass.
repeated uint64 reference_field_id = 6 [packed = true];
optional Kind kind = 7;
optional uint64 classloader_id = 8;
message HeapGraphObject {
optional uint64 id = 1;
// Index for InternedData.types for the name of the type of this object.
optional uint64 type_id = 2;
// Bytes occupied by this objects.
optional uint64 self_size = 3;
// Add this to all non-zero values in reference_field_id. This is used to
// get more compact varint encoding.
optional uint64 reference_field_id_base = 6;
// Indices for InternedData.field_names for the name of the field referring
// to the object. For Android S+ and for instances of normal classes (e.g.
// not instances of java.lang.Class or arrays), this is instead set in the
// corresponding HeapGraphType, and this is left empty.
repeated uint64 reference_field_id = 4 [packed = true];
// Ids of the Object that is referred to.
repeated uint64 reference_object_id = 5 [packed = true];
message HeapGraph {
optional int32 pid = 1;
// This contains all objects at the time this dump was taken. Some of these
// will be live, some of those unreachable (garbage). To find the live
// objects, the client needs to build the transitive closure of objects
// reachable from |roots|.
// All objects not contained within that transitive closure are garbage that
// has not yet been collected.
repeated HeapGraphObject objects = 2;
// Roots at the time this dump was taken.
// All live objects are reachable from the roots. All other objects are
// garbage.
repeated HeapGraphRoot roots = 7;
// Types used in HeapGraphObjects.
repeated HeapGraphType types = 9;
reserved 3;
// Field names for references in managed heap graph.
repeated InternedString field_names = 4;
// Paths of files used in managed heap graph.
repeated InternedString location_names = 8;
optional bool continued = 5;
optional uint64 index = 6;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/heap_graph.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/profile_packet.proto
message ProfilePacket {
// The following interning tables are only used in Android version Q.
// In newer versions, these tables are in InternedData
// (see protos/perfetto/trace/interned_data) and are shared across
// multiple ProfilePackets.
// For backwards compatibility, consumers need to first look up interned
// data in the tables within the ProfilePacket, and then, if they are empty,
// look up in the InternedData instead.
repeated InternedString strings = 1;
repeated Mapping mappings = 4;
repeated Frame frames = 2;
repeated Callstack callstacks = 3;
// Next ID: 9
message HeapSample {
optional uint64 callstack_id = 1;
// bytes allocated at this callstack.
optional uint64 self_allocated = 2;
// bytes allocated at this callstack that have been freed.
optional uint64 self_freed = 3;
// deprecated self_idle.
reserved 7;
// Bytes allocated by this callstack but not freed at the time the malloc
// heap usage of this process was maximal. This is only set if dump_at_max
// is true in HeapprofdConfig. In that case, self_allocated, self_freed and
// self_idle will not be set.
optional uint64 self_max = 8;
// Number of allocations that were sampled at this callstack but not freed
// at the time the malloc heap usage of this process was maximal. This is
// only set if dump_at_max is true in HeapprofdConfig. In that case,
// self_allocated, self_freed and self_idle will not be set.
optional uint64 self_max_count = 9;
// timestamp [opt]
optional uint64 timestamp = 4;
// Number of allocations that were sampled at this callstack.
optional uint64 alloc_count = 5;
// Number of allocations that were sampled at this callstack that have been
// freed.
optional uint64 free_count = 6;
message Histogram {
message Bucket {
// This bucket counts values from the previous bucket's (or -infinity if
// this is the first bucket) upper_limit (inclusive) to this upper_limit
// (exclusive).
optional uint64 upper_limit = 1;
// This is the highest bucket. This is set instead of the upper_limit. Any
// values larger or equal to the previous bucket's upper_limit are counted
// in this bucket.
optional bool max_bucket = 2;
// Number of values that fall into this range.
optional uint64 count = 3;
repeated Bucket buckets = 1;
message ProcessStats {
optional uint64 unwinding_errors = 1;
optional uint64 heap_samples = 2;
optional uint64 map_reparses = 3;
optional Histogram unwinding_time_us = 4;
optional uint64 total_unwinding_time_us = 5;
optional uint64 client_spinlock_blocked_us = 6;
repeated ProcessHeapSamples process_dumps = 5;
message ProcessHeapSamples {
enum ClientError {
optional uint64 pid = 1;
// This process was profiled from startup.
// If false, this process was already running when profiling started.
optional bool from_startup = 3;
// This process was not profiled because a concurrent session was active.
// If this is true, samples will be empty.
optional bool rejected_concurrent = 4;
// This process disconnected while it was profiled.
// If false, the process outlived the profiling session.
optional bool disconnected = 6;
// If disconnected, this disconnect was caused by the client overrunning
// the buffer.
// Equivalent to client_error == CLIENT_ERROR_HIT_TIMEOUT
// on new S builds.
optional bool buffer_overran = 7;
optional ClientError client_error = 14;
// If disconnected, this disconnected was caused by the shared memory
// buffer being corrupted. THIS IS ALWAYS A BUG IN HEAPPROFD OR CLIENT
optional bool buffer_corrupted = 8;
// If disconnected, this disconnect was caused by heapprofd exceeding
// guardrails during this profiling session.
optional bool hit_guardrail = 10;
optional string heap_name = 11;
optional uint64 sampling_interval_bytes = 12;
optional uint64 orig_sampling_interval_bytes = 13;
// Timestamp of the state of the target process that this dump represents.
// This can be different to the timestamp of the TracePackets for various
// reasons:
// * If disconnected is set above, this is the timestamp of last state
// heapprofd had of the process before it disconnected.
// * Otherwise, if the rate of events produced by the process is high,
// heapprofd might be behind.
// TODO(fmayer): This is MONOTONIC_COARSE. Refactor ClockSnapshot::Clock
// to have a type enum that we can reuse here.
optional uint64 timestamp = 9;
// Metadata about heapprofd.
optional ProcessStats stats = 5;
repeated HeapSample samples = 2;
// If this is true, the next ProfilePacket in this package_sequence_id is a
// continuation of this one.
// To get all samples for a process, accummulate its
// ProcessHeapSamples.samples until you see continued=false.
optional bool continued = 6;
// Index of this ProfilePacket on its package_sequence_id. Can be used
// to detect dropped data.
// Verify these are consecutive.
optional uint64 index = 7;
message StreamingAllocation {
// TODO(fmayer): Add callstack.
repeated uint64 address = 1;
repeated uint64 size = 2;
repeated uint64 sample_size = 3;
repeated uint64 clock_monotonic_coarse_timestamp = 4;
repeated uint32 heap_id = 5;
repeated uint64 sequence_number = 6;
message StreamingFree {
// TODO(fmayer): Add callstack.
repeated uint64 address = 1;
repeated uint32 heap_id = 2;
repeated uint64 sequence_number = 3;
// Message used to represent individual stack samples sampled at discrete
// points in time, rather than aggregated over an interval.
message StreamingProfilePacket {
// Index into InternedData.callstacks
repeated uint64 callstack_iid = 1;
// TODO(eseckler): ThreadDescriptor-based timestamps are deprecated. Replace
// this with ClockSnapshot-based delta encoding instead.
repeated int64 timestamp_delta_us = 2;
optional int32 process_priority = 3;
// Namespace for the contained enums.
message Profiling {
enum CpuMode {
// The following values aren't expected, but included for completeness:
// Enumeration of libunwindstack's error codes.
// NB: the integral representations of the two enums are different.
enum StackUnwindError {
// Individual performance sampling packet payload. Typically corresponds to a
// stack sample on a configration-dependent counter overflow.
// Timestamps are within the root packet. This used to use the CLOCK_BOOTTIME
// domain, but now the default is CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW which is compatible with
// more event types.
// There are several distinct views of this message:
// * completely processed sample (callstack_iid set)
// * indication of kernel buffer data loss (kernel_records_lost set)
// * indication of skipped samples (sample_skipped_reason set)
// * notable event in the sampling implementation (producer_event set)
message PerfSample {
optional uint32 cpu = 1;
optional uint32 pid = 2;
optional uint32 tid = 3;
// Execution state that the process was sampled at.
optional Profiling.CpuMode cpu_mode = 5;
// Value of the timebase counter (since the event was configured, no deltas).
optional uint64 timebase_count = 6;
// Unwound callstack. Might be partial, in which case a synthetic "error"
// frame is appended, and |unwind_error| is set accordingly.
optional uint64 callstack_iid = 4;
// If set, stack unwinding was incomplete due to an error.
// Unset values should be treated as UNWIND_ERROR_NONE.
oneof optional_unwind_error { Profiling.StackUnwindError unwind_error = 16; };
// If set, indicates that this message is not a sample, but rather an
// indication of data loss in the ring buffer allocated for |cpu|. Such data
// loss occurs when the kernel has insufficient ring buffer capacity to write
// a record (which gets discarded). A record in this context is an individual
// ring buffer entry, and counts more than just sample records.
// The |timestamp| of the packet corresponds to the time that the producer
// wrote the packet for trace-sorting purposes alone, and should not be
// interpreted relative to the sample timestamps. This field is sufficient to
// detect that *some* kernel data loss happened within the trace, but not the
// specific time bounds of that loss (which would require tracking precedessor
// & successor timestamps, which is not deemed necessary at the moment).
optional uint64 kernel_records_lost = 17;
// If set, indicates that the profiler encountered a sample that was relevant,
// but was skipped.
enum SampleSkipReason {
oneof optional_sample_skipped_reason {
SampleSkipReason sample_skipped_reason = 18;
// A notable event within the sampling implementation.
message ProducerEvent {
enum DataSourceStopReason {
oneof optional_source_stop_reason {
DataSourceStopReason source_stop_reason = 1;
optional ProducerEvent producer_event = 19;
// Submessage for TracePacketDefaults.
message PerfSampleDefaults {
// The sampling timebase. Might not be identical to the data source config if
// the implementation decided to default/override some parameters.
optional PerfEvents.Timebase timebase = 1;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/profile_packet.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/smaps.proto
message SmapsEntry {
optional string path = 1;
optional uint64 size_kb = 2;
optional uint64 private_dirty_kb = 3;
optional uint64 swap_kb = 4;
// for field upload (instead of path).
optional string file_name = 5;
// TODO( Consider encoding this as incremental values.
optional uint64 start_address = 6;
optional uint64 module_timestamp = 7;
optional string module_debugid = 8;
optional string module_debug_path = 9;
optional uint32 protection_flags = 10;
optional uint64 private_clean_resident_kb = 11;
optional uint64 shared_dirty_resident_kb = 12;
optional uint64 shared_clean_resident_kb = 13;
optional uint64 locked_kb = 14;
optional uint64 proportional_resident_kb = 15;
message SmapsPacket {
optional uint32 pid = 1;
repeated SmapsEntry entries = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/profiling/smaps.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ps/process_stats.proto
// Per-process periodically sampled stats. These samples are wrapped in a
// dedicated message (as opposite to be fields in process_tree.proto) because
// they are dumped at a different rate than cmdline and thread list.
// Note: not all of these stats will be present in every ProcessStats message
// and sometimes processes may be missing . This is because counters are
// cached to reduce emission of counters which do not change.
message ProcessStats {
// Per-thread periodically sampled stats.
// Note: not all of these stats will be present in every message. See the note
// for ProcessStats.
message Thread {
optional int32 tid = 1;
// Pairs of frequency (represented as a (1-based) index to CpuInfo
// frequencies) and time at that frequency (represented as a number of
// ticks, see SystemInfo for the HZ (ticks / second) value to convert this
// to time). Frequencies with zero ticks are never uploaded. Read from
// /proc/tid/time_in_state.
repeated uint32 cpu_freq_indices = 2;
repeated uint64 cpu_freq_ticks = 3;
// Whether all frequencies with non-zero ticks are present in
// `cpu_freq_indices`. This marker is used to detect packets that describe
// time_in_state exhaustively.
optional bool cpu_freq_full = 4;
message Process {
optional int32 pid = 1;
// See /proc/[pid]/status in `man 5 proc` for a description of these fields.
optional uint64 vm_size_kb = 2;
optional uint64 vm_rss_kb = 3;
optional uint64 rss_anon_kb = 4;
optional uint64 rss_file_kb = 5;
optional uint64 rss_shmem_kb = 6;
optional uint64 vm_swap_kb = 7;
optional uint64 vm_locked_kb = 8;
optional uint64 vm_hwm_kb = 9;
// When adding a new field remember to update kProcMemCounterSize in
// the trace processor.
optional int64 oom_score_adj = 10;
repeated Thread threads = 11;
// The peak resident set size is resettable in newer Posix kernels.
// This field specifies if reset is supported and if the writer had reset
// the peaks after each process stats recording.
optional bool is_peak_rss_resettable = 12;
// Private, shared and swap footprint of the process as measured by
// Chrome. To know more about these metrics refer to:
optional uint32 chrome_private_footprint_kb = 13;
optional uint32 chrome_peak_resident_set_kb = 14;
repeated Process processes = 1;
// The time at which we finish collecting this batch of samples;
// the top-level packet timestamp is the time at which
// we begin collection.
// TODO(dancol): analysis might be improved by
// time-bracketing each sample as well as the whole
// ProcessStats, but doing that is probably gated on
// a vdso for CLOCK_BOOTTIME.
optional uint64 collection_end_timestamp = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ps/process_stats.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/ps/process_tree.proto
// Metadata about the processes and threads in the trace.
// Note: this proto was designed to be filled in by traced_probes and should
// only be populated with accurate information coming from the system. Other
// trace writers should prefer to fill ThreadDescriptor and ProcessDescriptor
// in TrackDescriptor.
message ProcessTree {
// Representation of a thread.
message Thread {
// The thread id (as per gettid())
optional int32 tid = 1;
// Thread group id (i.e. the PID of the process, == TID of the main thread)
optional int32 tgid = 3;
// The name of the thread.
optional string name = 2;
// Representation of a process.
message Process {
// The UNIX process ID, aka thread group ID (as per getpid()).
optional int32 pid = 1;
// The parent process ID, as per getppid().
optional int32 ppid = 2;
// The command line for the process, as per /proc/pid/cmdline.
// If it is a kernel thread there will only be one cmdline field
// and it will contain /proc/pid/comm.
repeated string cmdline = 3;
// No longer used as of Apr 2018, when the dedicated |threads| field was
// introduced in ProcessTree.
repeated Thread threads_deprecated = 4 [deprecated = true];
// The uid for the process, as per /proc/pid/status.
optional int32 uid = 5;
// List of processes and threads in the client. These lists are incremental
// and not exhaustive. A process and its threads might show up separately in
// different ProcessTree messages. A thread might event not show up at all, if
// no sched_switch activity was detected, for instance:
// #0 { processes: [{pid: 10, ...}], threads: [{pid: 11, tgid: 10}] }
// #1 { threads: [{pid: 12, tgid: 10}] }
// #2 { processes: [{pid: 20, ...}], threads: [{pid: 13, tgid: 10}] }
repeated Process processes = 1;
repeated Thread threads = 2;
// The time at which we finish collecting this process tree;
// the top-level packet timestamp is the time at which
// we begin collection.
optional uint64 collection_end_timestamp = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/ps/process_tree.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/sys_stats/sys_stats.proto
// Various Linux system stat counters from /proc.
// The fields in this message can be reported at different rates and with
// different granularity. See sys_stats_config.proto.
message SysStats {
// Counters from /proc/meminfo. Values are in KB.
message MeminfoValue {
optional MeminfoCounters key = 1;
optional uint64 value = 2;
repeated MeminfoValue meminfo = 1;
// Counter from /proc/vmstat. Units are often pages, not KB.
message VmstatValue {
optional VmstatCounters key = 1;
optional uint64 value = 2;
repeated VmstatValue vmstat = 2;
// Times in each mode, since boot. Unit: nanoseconds.
message CpuTimes {
optional uint32 cpu_id = 1;
// Time spent in user mode.
optional uint64 user_ns = 2;
// Time spent in user mode (low prio).
optional uint64 user_ice_ns = 3;
// Time spent in system mode.
optional uint64 system_mode_ns = 4;
// Time spent in the idle task.
optional uint64 idle_ns = 5;
// Time spent waiting for I/O.
optional uint64 io_wait_ns = 6;
// Time spent servicing interrupts.
optional uint64 irq_ns = 7;
// Time spent servicing softirqs.
optional uint64 softirq_ns = 8;
// One entry per cpu.
repeated CpuTimes cpu_stat = 3;
// Num processes forked since boot.
// Populated only if FORK_COUNT in config.stat_counters.
optional uint64 num_forks = 4;
message InterruptCount {
optional int32 irq = 1;
optional uint64 count = 2;
// Number of interrupts, broken by IRQ number.
// Populated only if IRQ_COUNTS in config.stat_counters.
// Total num of irqs serviced since boot.
optional uint64 num_irq_total = 5;
repeated InterruptCount num_irq = 6;
// Number of softirqs, broken by softirq number.
// Populated only if SOFTIRQ_COUNTS in config.stat_counters.
// Total num of softirqs since boot.
optional uint64 num_softirq_total = 7;
// Per-softirq count.
repeated InterruptCount num_softirq = 8;
// The time at which we finish collecting this set of samples;
// the top-level packet timestamp is the time at which
// we begin collection.
optional uint64 collection_end_timestamp = 9;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/sys_stats/sys_stats.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/system_info.proto
message Utsname {
optional string sysname = 1;
optional string version = 2;
optional string release = 3;
optional string machine = 4;
message SystemInfo {
optional Utsname utsname = 1;
optional string android_build_fingerprint = 2;
// Ticks per second - sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK).
optional int64 hz = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/system_info.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/system_info/cpu_info.proto
// Information about CPUs from procfs and sysfs.
message CpuInfo {
// Information about a single CPU.
message Cpu {
// Value of "Processor" field from /proc/cpuinfo for this CPU.
// Example: "AArch64 Processor rev 12 (aarch64)"
optional string processor = 1;
// Frequencies from
// /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuX/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies
// where X is the index of this CPU.
repeated uint32 frequencies = 2;
// Describes available CPUs, one entry per CPU.
repeated Cpu cpus = 1;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/system_info/cpu_info.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/test_event.proto
// Event used by testing code.
message TestEvent {
// Arbitrary string used in tests.
optional string str = 1;
// The current value of the random number sequence used in tests.
optional uint32 seq_value = 2;
// Monotonically increased on each packet.
optional uint64 counter = 3;
// No more packets should follow (from the current sequence).
optional bool is_last = 4;
message TestPayload {
repeated string str = 1;
repeated TestPayload nested = 2;
// When 0 this is the bottom-most nested message.
optional uint32 remaining_nesting_depth = 3;
optional TestPayload payload = 5;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/test_event.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/trace_packet_defaults.proto
// Default values for TracePacket fields that hold for a particular TraceWriter
// packet sequence. This message contains a subset of the TracePacket fields
// with matching IDs. When provided, these fields define the default values
// that should be applied, at import time, to all TracePacket(s) with the same
// |trusted_packet_sequence_id|, unless otherwise specified in each packet.
// Should be reemitted whenever incremental state is cleared on the sequence.
message TracePacketDefaults {
optional uint32 timestamp_clock_id = 58;
// Default values for TrackEvents (e.g. default track).
optional TrackEventDefaults track_event_defaults = 11;
// Defaults for perf profiler packets (PerfSample).
optional PerfSampleDefaults perf_sample_defaults = 12;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/trace_packet_defaults.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/process_descriptor.proto
// Describes a process's attributes. Emitted as part of a TrackDescriptor,
// usually by the process's main thread.
// Next id: 8.
message ProcessDescriptor {
optional int32 pid = 1;
repeated string cmdline = 2;
optional string process_name = 6;
optional int32 process_priority = 5;
// Process start time in nanoseconds.
// The timestamp refers to the trace clock by default. Other clock IDs
// provided in TracePacket are not supported.
optional int64 start_timestamp_ns = 7;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Deprecated / legacy fields, which will be removed in the future:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// See chromium's content::ProcessType.
enum ChromeProcessType {
optional ChromeProcessType chrome_process_type = 4;
// To support old UI. New UI should determine default sorting by process_type.
optional int32 legacy_sort_index = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/process_descriptor.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/thread_descriptor.proto
// Describes a thread's attributes. Emitted as part of a TrackDescriptor,
// usually by the thread's trace writer.
// Next id: 9.
message ThreadDescriptor {
optional int32 pid = 1;
optional int32 tid = 2;
optional string thread_name = 5;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Deprecated / legacy fields, which will be removed in the future:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum ChromeThreadType {
// Scheduler:
// Compositor:
// Renderer:
// Tracing related threads:
optional ChromeThreadType chrome_thread_type = 4;
// Deprecated. Use ClockSnapshot in combination with TracePacket's timestamp
// and timestamp_clock_id fields instead.
optional int64 reference_timestamp_us = 6;
// Absolute reference values. Clock values in subsequent TrackEvents can be
// encoded accumulatively and relative to these. This reduces their var-int
// encoding size.
// TODO(eseckler): Deprecated. Replace these with ClockSnapshot encoding.
optional int64 reference_thread_time_us = 7;
optional int64 reference_thread_instruction_count = 8;
// To support old UI. New UI should determine default sorting by thread_type.
optional int32 legacy_sort_index = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/thread_descriptor.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_process_descriptor.proto
// Describes the attributes for a Chrome process. Must be paired with a
// ProcessDescriptor in the same TrackDescriptor.
// Next id: 6.
message ChromeProcessDescriptor {
// See chromium's content::ProcessType.
enum ProcessType {
optional ProcessType process_type = 1;
optional int32 process_priority = 2;
// To support old UI. New UI should determine default sorting by process_type.
optional int32 legacy_sort_index = 3;
// Name of the hosting app for WebView. Used to match renderer processes to
// their hosting apps.
optional string host_app_package_name = 4;
// The ID to link crashes to trace.
// Notes:
// * The ID is per process. So, each trace may contain many IDs, and you need
// to look for the ID from crashed process to find the crash report.
// * Having a "chrome-trace-id" in crash doesn't necessarily mean we can
// get an uploaded trace, since uploads could have failed.
// * On the other hand, if there was a crash during the session and trace was
// uploaded, it is very likely to find a crash report with the trace ID.
// * This is not crash ID or trace ID. It is just a random 64-bit number
// recorded in both traces and crashes. It is possible to have collisions,
// though very rare.
optional uint64 crash_trace_id = 5;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_process_descriptor.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_thread_descriptor.proto
// Describes a Chrome thread's attributes. Emitted as part of a TrackDescriptor,
// usually by the thread's trace writer. Must be paired with a ThreadDescriptor
// in the same TrackDescriptor.
// Next id: 3.
message ChromeThreadDescriptor {
enum ThreadType {
// Browser:
// Scheduler:
// Compositor:
// Renderer:
// Tracing related threads:
optional ThreadType thread_type = 1;
// To support old UI. New UI should determine default sorting by thread_type.
optional int32 legacy_sort_index = 2;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/chrome_thread_descriptor.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/counter_descriptor.proto
// Defines properties of a counter track, e.g. for built-in counters (thread
// time, instruction count, ..) or user-specified counters (e.g. memory usage of
// a specific app component).
// Counter tracks only support TYPE_COUNTER track events, which specify new
// values for the counter. For counters that require per-slice values, counter
// values can instead be provided in a more efficient encoding via TrackEvent's
// |extra_counter_track_uuids| and |extra_counter_values| fields. However,
// slice-type events cannot be emitted onto a counter track.
// Values for counters that are only emitted on a single packet sequence can
// optionally be delta-encoded, see |is_incremental|.
// Next id: 6.
message CounterDescriptor {
// Built-in counters, usually with special meaning in the client library,
// trace processor, legacy JSON format, or UI. Trace processor will infer a
// track name from the enum value if none is provided in TrackDescriptor.
enum BuiltinCounterType {
// Thread-scoped counters. The thread's track should be specified via
// |parent_uuid| in the TrackDescriptor for such a counter.
// implies UNIT_TIME_NS.
// implies UNIT_COUNT.
// Type of the values for the counters - to supply lower granularity units,
// see also |unit_multiplier|.
enum Unit {
// TODO(eseckler): Support more units as necessary.
// For built-in counters (e.g. thread time). Custom user-specified counters
// (e.g. those emitted by TRACE_COUNTER macros of the client library)
// shouldn't set this, and instead provide a counter name via TrackDescriptor.
optional BuiltinCounterType type = 1;
// Names of categories of the counter (usually for user-specified counters).
// In the client library, categories are a way to turn groups of individual
// counters (or events) on or off.
repeated string categories = 2;
// Type of the counter's values. Built-in counters imply a value for this
// field.
optional Unit unit = 3;
// Multiplication factor of this counter's values, e.g. to supply
// COUNTER_THREAD_TIME_NS timestamps in microseconds instead.
optional int64 unit_multiplier = 4;
// Whether values for this counter are provided as delta values. Only
// supported for counters that are emitted on a single packet-sequence (e.g.
// thread time). Counter values in subsequent packets on the current packet
// sequence will be interpreted as delta values from the sequence's most
// recent value for the counter. When incremental state is cleared, the
// counter value is considered to be reset to 0. Thus, the first value after
// incremental state is cleared is effectively an absolute value.
optional bool is_incremental = 5;
// TODO(eseckler): Support arguments describing the counter (?).
// repeated DebugAnnotation debug_annotations;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/counter_descriptor.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_descriptor.proto
// Defines a track for TrackEvents. Slices and instant events on the same track
// will be nested based on their timestamps, see TrackEvent::Type.
// A TrackDescriptor only needs to be emitted by one trace writer / producer and
// is valid for the entirety of the trace. To ensure the descriptor isn't lost
// when the ring buffer wraps, it should be reemitted whenever incremental state
// is cleared.
// As a fallback, TrackEvents emitted without an explicit track association will
// be associated with an implicit trace-global track (uuid = 0), see also
// |TrackEvent::track_uuid|. It is possible but not necessary to emit a
// TrackDescriptor for this implicit track.
// Next id: 9.
message TrackDescriptor {
// Unique ID that identifies this track. This ID is global to the whole trace.
// Producers should ensure that it is unlikely to clash with IDs emitted by
// other producers. A value of 0 denotes the implicit trace-global track.
// For example, legacy TRACE_EVENT macros may use a hash involving the async
// event id + id_scope, pid, and/or tid to compute this ID.
optional uint64 uuid = 1;
// A parent track reference can be used to describe relationships between
// tracks. For example, to define an asynchronous track which is scoped to a
// specific process, specify the uuid for that process's process track here.
// Similarly, to associate a COUNTER_THREAD_TIME_NS counter track with a
// thread, specify the uuid for that thread's thread track here.
optional uint64 parent_uuid = 5;
// Name of the track. Optional - if unspecified, it may be derived from the
// process/thread name (process/thread tracks), the first event's name (async
// tracks), or counter name (counter tracks).
optional string name = 2;
// Associate the track with a process, making it the process-global track.
// There should only be one such track per process (usually for instant
// events; trace processor uses this fact to detect pid reuse). If you need
// more (e.g. for asynchronous events), create child tracks using parent_uuid.
// Trace processor will merge events on a process track with slice-type events
// from other sources (e.g. ftrace) for the same process into a single
// timeline view.
optional ProcessDescriptor process = 3;
optional ChromeProcessDescriptor chrome_process = 6;
// Associate the track with a thread, indicating that the track's events
// describe synchronous code execution on the thread. There should only be one
// such track per thread (trace processor uses this fact to detect tid reuse).
// Trace processor will merge events on a thread track with slice-type events
// from other sources (e.g. ftrace) for the same thread into a single timeline
// view.
optional ThreadDescriptor thread = 4;
optional ChromeThreadDescriptor chrome_thread = 7;
// Descriptor for a counter track. If set, the track will only support
// TYPE_COUNTER TrackEvents (and values provided via TrackEvent's
// |extra_counter_values|).
optional CounterDescriptor counter = 8;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_descriptor.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/trigger.proto
// When a TracingSession receives a trigger it records the boot time nanoseconds
// in the TracePacket's timestamp field as well as the name of the producer that
// triggered it. We emit this data so filtering can be done on triggers received
// in the trace.
message Trigger {
// Name of the trigger which was received.
optional string trigger_name = 1;
// The actual producer that activated |trigger|.
optional string producer_name = 2;
// The verified UID of the producer.
optional int32 trusted_producer_uid = 3;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/trigger.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/trace_packet.proto
// TracePacket is the root object of a Perfeto trace.
// A Perfetto trace is a linear sequence of TracePacket(s).
// The tracing service guarantees that all TracePacket(s) written by a given
// TraceWriter are seen in-order, without gaps or duplicates. If, for any
// reason, a TraceWriter sequence becomes invalid, no more packets are returned
// to the Consumer (or written into the trace file).
// TracePacket(s) written by different TraceWriter(s), hence even different
// data sources, can be seen in arbitrary order.
// The consumer can re-establish a total order, if interested, using the packet
// timestamps, after having synchronized the different clocks onto a global
// clock.
// The tracing service is agnostic of the content of TracePacket, with the
// exception of few fields (e.g.. trusted_*, trace_config) that are written by
// the service itself.
// See the [Buffers and Dataflow](/docs/concepts/ doc for details.
// Next reserved id: 14 (up to 15).
// Next id: 77.
message TracePacket {
// The timestamp of the TracePacket.
// By default this timestamps refers to the trace clock (CLOCK_BOOTTIME on
// Android). It can be overridden using a different timestamp_clock_id.
// The clock domain definition in ClockSnapshot can also override:
// - The unit (default: 1ns).
// - The absolute vs delta encoding (default: absolute timestamp).
optional uint64 timestamp = 8;
// Specifies the ID of the clock used for the TracePacket |timestamp|. Can be
// one of the built-in types from ClockSnapshot::BuiltinClocks, or a
// producer-defined clock id.
// If unspecified and if no default per-sequence value has been provided via
// TracePacketDefaults, it defaults to BuiltinClocks::BOOTTIME.
optional uint32 timestamp_clock_id = 58;
oneof data {
ProcessTree process_tree = 2;
ProcessStats process_stats = 9;
InodeFileMap inode_file_map = 4;
ChromeEventBundle chrome_events = 5;
ClockSnapshot clock_snapshot = 6;
SysStats sys_stats = 7;
TrackEvent track_event = 11;
// IDs up to 15 are reserved. They take only one byte to encode their
// preamble so should be used for frequent events.
TraceConfig trace_config = 33;
FtraceStats ftrace_stats = 34;
TraceStats trace_stats = 35;
ProfilePacket profile_packet = 37;
StreamingAllocation streaming_allocation = 74;
StreamingFree streaming_free = 75;
BatteryCounters battery = 38;
PowerRails power_rails = 40;
AndroidLogPacket android_log = 39;
SystemInfo system_info = 45;
Trigger trigger = 46;
PackagesList packages_list = 47;
ChromeBenchmarkMetadata chrome_benchmark_metadata = 48;
PerfettoMetatrace perfetto_metatrace = 49;
ChromeMetadataPacket chrome_metadata = 51;
GpuCounterEvent gpu_counter_event = 52;
GpuRenderStageEvent gpu_render_stage_event = 53;
StreamingProfilePacket streaming_profile_packet = 54;
HeapGraph heap_graph = 56;
GraphicsFrameEvent graphics_frame_event = 57;
VulkanMemoryEvent vulkan_memory_event = 62;
GpuLog gpu_log = 63;
VulkanApiEvent vulkan_api_event = 65;
PerfSample perf_sample = 66;
CpuInfo cpu_info = 67;
SmapsPacket smaps_packet = 68;
TracingServiceEvent service_event = 69;
InitialDisplayState initial_display_state = 70;
GpuMemTotalEvent gpu_mem_total_event = 71;
MemoryTrackerSnapshot memory_tracker_snapshot = 73;
FrameTimelineEvent frame_timeline_event = 76;
// Only used in profile packets.
ProfiledFrameSymbols profiled_frame_symbols = 55;
ModuleSymbols module_symbols = 61;
DeobfuscationMapping deobfuscation_mapping = 64;
// Only used by TrackEvent.
TrackDescriptor track_descriptor = 60;
// Deprecated, use TrackDescriptor instead.
ProcessDescriptor process_descriptor = 43;
// Deprecated, use TrackDescriptor instead.
ThreadDescriptor thread_descriptor = 44;
// Events from the Linux kernel ftrace infrastructure.
FtraceEventBundle ftrace_events = 1;
// This field is emitted at periodic intervals (~10s) and
// contains always the binary representation of the UUID
// {82477a76-b28d-42ba-81dc-33326d57a079}. This is used to be able to
// efficiently partition long traces without having to fully parse them.
bytes synchronization_marker = 36;
// Zero or more proto encoded trace packets compressed using deflate.
// Each compressed_packets TracePacket (including the two field ids and
// sizes) should be less than 512KB.
bytes compressed_packets = 50;
// Data sources can extend the trace proto with custom extension protos (see
// docs/design-docs/ When they do that, the descriptor of
// their extension proto descriptor is serialized in this packet. This
// allows trace_processor to deserialize extended messages using reflection
// even if the extension proto is not checked in the Perfetto repo.
ExtensionDescriptor extension_descriptor = 72;
// This field is only used for testing.
// In previous versions of this proto this field had the id 268435455
// This caused many problems:
// - protozero decoder does not handle field ids larger than 999.
// - old versions of protoc produce Java bindings with syntax errors when
// the field id is large enough.
TestEvent for_testing = 900;
// Trusted user id of the producer which generated this packet. Keep in sync
// with TrustedPacket.trusted_uid.
// TODO(eseckler): Emit this field in a PacketSequenceDescriptor message
// instead.
oneof optional_trusted_uid { int32 trusted_uid = 3; };
// Service-assigned identifier of the packet sequence this packet belongs to.
// Uniquely identifies a producer + writer pair within the tracing session. A
// value of zero denotes an invalid ID. Keep in sync with
// TrustedPacket.trusted_packet_sequence_id.
oneof optional_trusted_packet_sequence_id {
uint32 trusted_packet_sequence_id = 10;
// Incrementally emitted interned data, valid only on the packet's sequence
// (packets with the same |trusted_packet_sequence_id|). The writer will
// usually emit new interned data in the same TracePacket that first refers to
// it (since the last reset of interning state). It may also be emitted
// proactively in advance of referring to them in later packets.
optional InternedData interned_data = 12;
enum SequenceFlags {
// Set by the writer to indicate that it will re-emit any incremental data
// for the packet's sequence before referring to it again. This includes
// interned data as well as periodically emitted data like
// Process/ThreadDescriptors. This flag only affects the current packet
// sequence (see |trusted_packet_sequence_id|).
// When set, this TracePacket and subsequent TracePackets on the same
// sequence will not refer to any incremental data emitted before this
// TracePacket. For example, previously emitted interned data will be
// re-emitted if it is referred to again.
// When the reader detects packet loss (|previous_packet_dropped|), it needs
// to skip packets in the sequence until the next one with this flag set, to
// ensure intact incremental data.
// This packet requires incremental state, such as TracePacketDefaults or
// InternedData, to be parsed correctly. The trace reader should skip this
// packet if incremental state is not valid on this sequence, i.e. if no
// packet with the SEQ_INCREMENTAL_STATE_CLEARED flag has been seen on the
// current |trusted_packet_sequence_id|.
optional uint32 sequence_flags = 13;
optional bool incremental_state_cleared = 41;
// Default values for fields of later TracePackets emitted on this packet's
// sequence (TracePackets with the same |trusted_packet_sequence_id|).
// It must be reemitted when incremental state is cleared (see
// |incremental_state_cleared|).
// Requires that any future packet emitted on the same sequence specifies
// TracePacketDefaults always override the global defaults for any future
// packet on this sequence (regardless of SEQ_NEEDS_INCREMENTAL_STATE).
optional TracePacketDefaults trace_packet_defaults = 59;
// Flag set by the service if, for the current packet sequence (see
// |trusted_packet_sequence_id|), either:
// * this is the first packet, or
// * one or multiple packets were dropped since the last packet that the
// consumer read from the sequence. This can happen if chunks in the trace
// buffer are overridden before the consumer could read them when the trace
// is configured in ring buffer mode.
// When packet loss occurs, incrementally emitted data (including interned
// data) on the sequence should be considered invalid up until the next packet
optional bool previous_packet_dropped = 42;
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/trace_packet.proto
// Begin of protos/perfetto/trace/trace.proto
message Trace {
repeated TracePacket packet = 1;
// Do NOT add any other field here. This is just a convenience wrapper for
// the use case of a trace being saved to a file. There are other cases
// (streaming) where TracePacket are directly streamed without being wrapped
// in a Trace proto. Nothing should ever rely on the full trace, all the
// logic should be based on TracePacket(s).
// End of protos/perfetto/trace/trace.proto