blob: fb65261ee58d04fdc8538c1934957e0e80730d42 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
#include "perfetto/protozero/field.h"
#include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace protozero {
// A generic protobuf decoder. Doesn't require any knowledge about the proto
// schema. It tokenizes fields, retrieves their ID and type and exposes
// accessors to retrieve its values.
// It does NOT recurse in nested submessages, instead it just computes their
// boundaries, recursion is left to the caller.
// This class is designed to be used in perf-sensitive contexts. It does not
// allocate and does not perform any proto semantic checks (e.g. repeated /
// required / optional). It's supposedly safe wrt out-of-bounds memory accesses
// (see
// This class serves also as a building block for TypedProtoDecoder, used when
// the schema is known at compile time.
class ProtoDecoder {
// Creates a ProtoDecoder using the given |buffer| with size |length| bytes.
inline ProtoDecoder(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t length)
: begin_(buffer), end_(buffer + length), read_ptr_(buffer) {}
// Reads the next field from the buffer and advances the read cursor. If a
// full field cannot be read, the returned Field will be invalid (i.e.
// field.valid() == false).
Field ReadField();
// Finds the first field with the given id. Doesn't affect the read cursor.
Field FindField(uint32_t field_id);
// Resets the read cursor to the start of the buffer.
inline void Reset() { read_ptr_ = begin_; }
// Resets the read cursor to the given position (must be within the buffer).
inline void Reset(const uint8_t* pos) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(pos >= begin_ && pos < end_);
read_ptr_ = pos;
// Returns the position of read cursor, relative to the start of the buffer.
inline size_t read_offset() const {
return static_cast<size_t>(read_ptr_ - begin_);
inline size_t bytes_left() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(read_ptr_ <= end_);
return static_cast<size_t>(end_ - read_ptr_);
const uint8_t* begin() const { return begin_; }
const uint8_t* end() const { return end_; }
const uint8_t* const begin_;
const uint8_t* const end_;
const uint8_t* read_ptr_ = nullptr;
// An iterator-like class used to iterate through repeated fields. Used by
// TypedProtoDecoder. The iteration sequence is a bit counter-intuitive due to
// the fact that fields_[field_id] holds the *last* value of the field, not the
// first, but the remaining storage holds repeated fields in FIFO order.
// Assume that we push the 10,11,12 into a repeated field with ID=1.
// Decoder memory layout: [ fields storage ] [ repeated fields storage]
// 1st iteration: 10
// 2nd iteration: 11 10
// 3rd iteration: 12 10 11
// We start the iteration @ fields_[num_fields], which is the start of the
// repeated fields storage, proceed until the end and lastly jump @ fields_[id].
class RepeatedFieldIterator {
RepeatedFieldIterator(uint32_t field_id,
const Field* begin,
const Field* end,
const Field* last)
: field_id_(field_id), iter_(begin), end_(end), last_(last) {
inline const Field* operator->() const { return &*iter_; }
inline const Field& operator*() const { return *iter_; }
inline explicit operator bool() const { return iter_ != end_; }
RepeatedFieldIterator& operator++() {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(iter_ != end_);
if (iter_ == last_) {
iter_ = end_;
return *this;
return *this;
inline void FindNextMatchingId() {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(iter_ != last_);
for (; iter_ != end_; ++iter_) {
if (iter_->id() == field_id_)
iter_ = last_->valid() ? last_ : end_;
uint32_t field_id_;
// Initially points to the beginning of the repeated field storage, then is
// incremented as we call operator++().
const Field* iter_;
// Always points to fields_[size_], i.e. past the end of the storage.
const Field* end_;
// Always points to fields_[field_id].
const Field* last_;
// This decoder loads all fields upfront, without recursing in nested messages.
// It is used as a base class for typed decoders generated by the pbzero plugin.
// The split between TypedProtoDecoderBase and TypedProtoDecoder<> is to have
// unique definition of functions like ParseAllFields() and ExpandHeapStorage().
// The storage (either on-stack or on-heap) for this class is organized as
// follows:
// |-------------------------- fields_ ----------------------|
// [ field 0 (invalid) ] [ fields 1 .. N ] [ repeated fields ]
// ^ ^
// num_fields_ size_
class TypedProtoDecoderBase : public ProtoDecoder {
// If the field |id| is known at compile time, prefer the templated
// specialization at<kFieldNumber>().
inline const Field& Get(uint32_t id) {
return PERFETTO_LIKELY(id < num_fields_) ? fields_[id] : fields_[0];
// Returns an object that allows to iterate over all instances of a repeated
// field given its id. Example usage:
// for (auto it = decoder.GetRepeated(N); it; ++it) { ... }
inline RepeatedFieldIterator GetRepeated(uint32_t field_id) const {
return RepeatedFieldIterator(field_id, &fields_[num_fields_],
&fields_[size_], &fields_[field_id]);
TypedProtoDecoderBase(Field* storage,
uint32_t num_fields,
uint32_t capacity,
const uint8_t* buffer,
size_t length)
: ProtoDecoder(buffer, length),
capacity_(capacity) {
// The reason why Field needs to be trivially de/constructible is to avoid
// implicit initializers on all the ~1000 entries. We need it to initialize
// only on the first |max_field_id| fields, the remaining capacity doesn't
// require initialization.
std::is_trivially_destructible<Field>::value &&
"Field must be a trivial aggregate type");
memset(fields_, 0, sizeof(Field) * num_fields_);
void ParseAllFields();
// Called when the default on-stack storage is exhausted and new repeated
// fields need to be pushed.
void ExpandHeapStorage();
// Used only in presence of a large number of repeated fields, when the
// default on-stack storage is exhausted.
std::unique_ptr<Field[]> heap_storage_;
// Points to the storage, either on-stack (default, provided by the template
// specialization) or |heap_storage_| after ExpandHeapStorage() is called, in
// case of a large number of repeated fields.
Field* fields_;
// Number of fields without accounting repeated storage. This is equal to
// MAX_FIELD_ID + 1 (to account for the invalid 0th field).
// This value is always <= size_ (and hence <= capacity);
uint32_t num_fields_;
// Number of active |fields_| entries. This is initially equal to the highest
// number of fields for the message (num_fields_ == MAX_FIELD_ID + 1) and can
// grow up to |capacity_| in the case of repeated fields.
uint32_t size_;
// Initially equal to kFieldsCapacity of the TypedProtoDecoder
// specialization. Can grow when falling back on heap-based storage, in which
// case it represents the size (#fields with each entry of a repeated field
// counted individually) of the |heap_storage_| array.
uint32_t capacity_;
// Template class instantiated by the auto-generated decoder classes declared in
// xxx.pbzero.h files.
class TypedProtoDecoder : public TypedProtoDecoderBase {
TypedProtoDecoder(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t length)
: TypedProtoDecoderBase(on_stack_storage_,
/*num_fields=*/MAX_FIELD_ID + 1,
length) {
static_assert(MAX_FIELD_ID <= kMaxDecoderFieldId, "Field ordinal too high");
template <uint32_t FIELD_ID>
inline const Field& at() const {
return fields_[FIELD_ID];
// In the case of non-repeated fields, this constant defines the highest field
// id we are able to decode. This is to limit the on-stack storage.
// In the case of repeated fields, this constant defines the max number of
// repeated fields that we'll be able to store before falling back on the
// heap. Keep this value in sync with the one in
static constexpr size_t kMaxDecoderFieldId = 999;
// If we the message has no repeated fields we need at most N Field entries
// in the on-stack storage, where N is the highest field id.
// Otherwise we need some room to store repeated fields.
static constexpr size_t kCapacity =
1 + (HAS_REPEATED_FIELDS ? kMaxDecoderFieldId : MAX_FIELD_ID);
Field on_stack_storage_[kCapacity];
} // namespace protozero