blob: b4e8e04270bfd5cc7edc97bbcd0170dbad7aef2b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/scoped_file.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/utils.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/weak_ptr.h"
struct msghdr;
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
class TaskRunner;
// Use arbitrarily high values to avoid that some code accidentally ends up
// assuming that these enum values match the sysroot's SOCK_xxx defines rather
// than using GetUnixSockType().
enum class SockType { kStream = 100, kDgram, kSeqPacket };
// UnixSocketRaw is a basic wrapper around UNIX sockets. It exposes wrapper
// methods that take care of most common pitfalls (e.g., marking fd as
// O_CLOEXEC, avoiding SIGPIPE, properly handling partial writes). It is used as
// a building block for the more sophisticated UnixSocket class.
class UnixSocketRaw {
// Creates a new unconnected unix socket.
static UnixSocketRaw CreateMayFail(SockType t) { return UnixSocketRaw(t); }
// Crates a pair of connected sockets.
static std::pair<UnixSocketRaw, UnixSocketRaw> CreatePair(SockType);
// Creates an uninitialized unix socket.
// Creates a unix socket adopting an existing file descriptor. This is
// typically used to inherit fds from init via environment variables.
UnixSocketRaw(ScopedFile, SockType);
~UnixSocketRaw() = default;
UnixSocketRaw(UnixSocketRaw&&) noexcept = default;
UnixSocketRaw& operator=(UnixSocketRaw&&) = default;
bool Bind(const std::string& socket_name);
bool Listen();
bool Connect(const std::string& socket_name);
bool SetTxTimeout(uint32_t timeout_ms);
bool SetRxTimeout(uint32_t timeout_ms);
void Shutdown();
void SetBlocking(bool);
bool IsBlocking() const;
void RetainOnExec();
SockType type() const { return type_; }
int fd() const { return *fd_; }
explicit operator bool() const { return !!fd_; }
ScopedFile ReleaseFd() { return std::move(fd_); }
ssize_t Send(const void* msg,
size_t len,
const int* send_fds = nullptr,
size_t num_fds = 0);
// Re-enter sendmsg until all the data has been sent or an error occurs.
// TODO(fmayer): Figure out how to do timeouts here for heapprofd.
ssize_t SendMsgAll(struct msghdr* msg);
ssize_t Receive(void* msg,
size_t len,
ScopedFile* fd_vec = nullptr,
size_t max_files = 0);
// Exposed for testing only.
// Update msghdr so subsequent sendmsg will send data that remains after n
// bytes have already been sent.
static void ShiftMsgHdr(size_t n, struct msghdr* msg);
explicit UnixSocketRaw(SockType);
UnixSocketRaw(const UnixSocketRaw&) = delete;
UnixSocketRaw& operator=(const UnixSocketRaw&) = delete;
ScopedFile fd_;
SockType type_{SockType::kStream};
// A non-blocking UNIX domain socket. Allows also to transfer file descriptors.
// None of the methods in this class are blocking.
// The main design goal is making strong guarantees on the EventListener
// callbacks, in order to avoid ending in some undefined state.
// In case of any error it will aggressively just shut down the socket and
// notify the failure with OnConnect(false) or OnDisconnect() depending on the
// state of the socket (see below).
// EventListener callbacks stop happening as soon as the instance is destroyed.
// Lifecycle of a client socket:
// Connect()
// |
// +------------------+------------------+
// | (success) | (failure or Shutdown())
// V V
// OnConnect(true) OnConnect(false)
// |
// V
// OnDataAvailable()
// |
// V
// OnDisconnect() (failure or shutdown)
// Lifecycle of a server socket:
// Listen() --> returns false in case of errors.
// |
// V
// OnNewIncomingConnection(new_socket)
// (|new_socket| inherits the same EventListener)
// |
// V
// OnDataAvailable()
// | (failure or Shutdown())
// V
// OnDisconnect()
class UnixSocket {
class EventListener {
virtual ~EventListener();
// After Listen().
virtual void OnNewIncomingConnection(
UnixSocket* self,
std::unique_ptr<UnixSocket> new_connection);
// After Connect(), whether successful or not.
virtual void OnConnect(UnixSocket* self, bool connected);
// After a successful Connect() or OnNewIncomingConnection(). Either the
// other endpoint did disconnect or some other error happened.
virtual void OnDisconnect(UnixSocket* self);
// Whenever there is data available to Receive(). Note that spurious FD
// watch events are possible, so it is possible that Receive() soon after
// OnDataAvailable() returns 0 (just ignore those).
virtual void OnDataAvailable(UnixSocket* self);
enum class State {
kDisconnected = 0, // Failed connection, peer disconnection or Shutdown().
kConnecting, // Soon after Connect(), before it either succeeds or fails.
kConnected, // After a successful Connect().
kListening // After Listen(), until Shutdown().
enum class BlockingMode { kNonBlocking, kBlocking };
// Creates a Unix domain socket and starts listening. If |socket_name|
// starts with a '@', an abstract socket will be created (Linux/Android only).
// Returns always an instance. In case of failure (e.g., another socket
// with the same name is already listening) the returned socket will have
// is_listening() == false and last_error() will contain the failure reason.
static std::unique_ptr<UnixSocket> Listen(const std::string& socket_name,
SockType = SockType::kStream);
// Attaches to a pre-existing socket. The socket must have been created in
// SOCK_STREAM mode and the caller must have called bind() on it.
static std::unique_ptr<UnixSocket> Listen(ScopedFile,
SockType = SockType::kStream);
// Creates a Unix domain socket and connects to the listening endpoint.
// Returns always an instance. EventListener::OnConnect(bool success) will
// be called always, whether the connection succeeded or not.
static std::unique_ptr<UnixSocket> Connect(const std::string& socket_name,
SockType = SockType::kStream);
// Constructs a UnixSocket using the given connected socket.
static std::unique_ptr<UnixSocket> AdoptConnected(
ScopedFile fd,
EventListener* event_listener,
TaskRunner* task_runner,
SockType sock_type);
UnixSocket(const UnixSocket&) = delete;
UnixSocket& operator=(const UnixSocket&) = delete;
// Cannot be easily moved because of tasks from the FileDescriptorWatch.
UnixSocket(UnixSocket&&) = delete;
UnixSocket& operator=(UnixSocket&&) = delete;
// This class gives the hard guarantee that no callback is called on the
// passed EventListener immediately after the object has been destroyed.
// Any queued callback will be silently dropped.
// Shuts down the current connection, if any. If the socket was Listen()-ing,
// stops listening. The socket goes back to kNotInitialized state, so it can
// be reused with Listen() or Connect().
void Shutdown(bool notify);
// Returns true is the message was queued, false if there was no space in the
// output buffer, in which case the client should retry or give up.
// If any other error happens the socket will be shutdown and
// EventListener::OnDisconnect() will be called.
// If the socket is not connected, Send() will just return false.
// Does not append a null string terminator to msg in any case.
// DO NOT PASS kNonBlocking, it is broken.
bool Send(const void* msg,
size_t len,
const int* send_fds,
size_t num_fds,
BlockingMode blocking = BlockingMode::kNonBlocking);
inline bool Send(const void* msg,
size_t len,
int send_fd = -1,
BlockingMode blocking = BlockingMode::kNonBlocking) {
if (send_fd != -1)
return Send(msg, len, &send_fd, 1, blocking);
return Send(msg, len, nullptr, 0, blocking);
inline bool Send(const std::string& msg,
BlockingMode blocking = BlockingMode::kNonBlocking) {
return Send(msg.c_str(), msg.size() + 1, -1, blocking);
// Returns the number of bytes (<= |len|) written in |msg| or 0 if there
// is no data in the buffer to read or an error occurs (in which case a
// EventListener::OnDisconnect() will follow).
// If the ScopedFile pointer is not null and a FD is received, it moves the
// received FD into that. If a FD is received but the ScopedFile pointer is
// null, the FD will be automatically closed.
size_t Receive(void* msg, size_t len, ScopedFile*, size_t max_files = 1);
inline size_t Receive(void* msg, size_t len) {
return Receive(msg, len, nullptr, 0);
// Only for tests. This is slower than Receive() as it requires a heap
// allocation and a copy for the std::string. Guarantees that the returned
// string is null terminated even if the underlying message sent by the peer
// is not.
std::string ReceiveString(size_t max_length = 1024);
bool is_connected() const { return state_ == State::kConnected; }
bool is_listening() const { return state_ == State::kListening; }
int fd() const { return sock_raw_.fd(); }
int last_error() const { return last_error_; }
// User ID of the peer, as returned by the kernel. If the client disconnects
// and the socket goes into the kDisconnected state, it retains the uid of
// the last peer.
uid_t peer_uid() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!is_listening() && peer_uid_ != kInvalidUid);
return peer_uid_;
// Process ID of the peer, as returned by the kernel. If the client
// disconnects and the socket goes into the kDisconnected state, it
// retains the pid of the last peer.
// This is only available on Linux / Android.
pid_t peer_pid() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!is_listening() && peer_pid_ != kInvalidPid);
return peer_pid_;
// This makes the UnixSocket unusable.
UnixSocketRaw ReleaseSocket();
UnixSocket(EventListener*, TaskRunner*, SockType);
UnixSocket(EventListener*, TaskRunner*, ScopedFile, State, SockType);
// Called once by the corresponding public static factory methods.
void DoConnect(const std::string& socket_name);
void ReadPeerCredentials();
void OnEvent();
void NotifyConnectionState(bool success);
UnixSocketRaw sock_raw_;
State state_ = State::kDisconnected;
int last_error_ = 0;
uid_t peer_uid_ = kInvalidUid;
pid_t peer_pid_ = kInvalidPid;
EventListener* const event_listener_;
TaskRunner* const task_runner_;
WeakPtrFactory<UnixSocket> weak_ptr_factory_; // Keep last.
} // namespace base
} // namespace perfetto