blob: bbae795a0f041a510fc8eb37bc14e55be1e8ec14 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
#include "perfetto/protozero/message_handle.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/core/data_source_config.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/data_source.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/event_context.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/internal/track_event_internal.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/track.h"
#include "perfetto/tracing/track_event_category_registry.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/common/builtin_clock.pbzero.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/config/track_event/track_event_config.gen.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_event.pbzero.h"
#include <type_traits>
namespace perfetto {
namespace internal {
namespace {
// A template helper for determining whether a type can be used as a track event
// lambda, i.e., it has the signature "void(EventContext)". This is achieved by
// checking that we can pass an EventContext value (the inner declval) into a T
// instance (the outer declval). If this is a valid expression, the result
// evaluates to sizeof(0), i.e., true.
// TODO(skyostil): Replace this with std::is_convertible<std::function<...>>
// once we have C++14.
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool IsValidTraceLambdaImpl(
typename std::enable_if<static_cast<bool>(
sizeof(std::declval<T>()(std::declval<EventContext>()), 0))>::type* =
nullptr) {
return true;
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool IsValidTraceLambdaImpl(...) {
return false;
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool IsValidTraceLambda() {
return IsValidTraceLambdaImpl<T>(nullptr);
} // namespace
struct TrackEventDataSourceTraits : public perfetto::DefaultDataSourceTraits {
using IncrementalStateType = TrackEventIncrementalState;
// Use a one shared TLS slot so that all track event data sources write into
// the same sequence and share interning dictionaries.
static DataSourceThreadLocalState* GetDataSourceTLS(DataSourceStaticState*,
TracingTLS* root_tls) {
return &root_tls->track_event_tls;
// A helper that ensures movable debug annotations are passed by value to
// minimize binary size at the call site, while allowing non-movable and
// non-copiable arguments to be passed by reference.
// TODO(skyostil): Remove this with C++17.
template <typename T>
struct DebugAnnotationArg {
using type = typename std::
conditional<std::is_move_constructible<T>::value, T, T&&>::type;
// A generic track event data source which is instantiated once per track event
// category namespace.
template <typename DataSourceType, const TrackEventCategoryRegistry* Registry>
class TrackEventDataSource
: public DataSource<DataSourceType, TrackEventDataSourceTraits> {
using Base = DataSource<DataSourceType, TrackEventDataSourceTraits>;
// DataSource implementation.
void OnSetup(const DataSourceBase::SetupArgs& args) override {
auto config_raw = args.config->track_event_config_raw();
bool ok = config_.ParseFromArray(, config_raw.size());
TrackEventInternal::EnableTracing(*Registry, config_,
void OnStart(const DataSourceBase::StartArgs&) override {}
void OnStop(const DataSourceBase::StopArgs& args) override {
TrackEventInternal::DisableTracing(*Registry, args.internal_instance_index);
static void Flush() {
Base::template Trace([](typename Base::TraceContext ctx) { ctx.Flush(); });
// Determine if tracing for the given static category is enabled.
template <size_t CategoryIndex>
static bool IsCategoryEnabled() {
return Registry->GetCategoryState(CategoryIndex)
// Determine if tracing for the given dynamic category is enabled.
static bool IsDynamicCategoryEnabled(
const DynamicCategory& dynamic_category) {
bool enabled = false;
Base::template Trace([&](typename Base::TraceContext ctx) {
enabled = IsDynamicCategoryEnabled(&ctx, dynamic_category);
return enabled;
// This is the inlined entrypoint for all track event trace points. It tries
// to be as lightweight as possible in terms of instructions and aims to
// compile down to an unlikely conditional jump to the actual trace writing
// function.
template <size_t CategoryIndex, typename Callback>
static void CallIfCategoryEnabled(Callback callback) PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE {
Base::template CallIfEnabled<CategoryTracePointTraits<CategoryIndex>>(
[&callback](uint32_t instances) { callback(instances); });
// Once we've determined tracing to be enabled for this category, actually
// write a trace event onto this thread's default track. Outlined to avoid
// bloating code (mostly stack depth) at the actual trace point.
// To minimize call overhead at each trace point, we provide the following
// trace point argument variants:
// - None
// - Lambda
// - Lambda + timestamp
// - One debug annotation
// - Two debug annotations
// - Track
// - Track + Lambda
// - Track + timestamp
// - Track + Lambda + timestamp
// - Track + one debug annotation
// - Track + two debug annotations
// Trace point which takes no arguments.
template <size_t CategoryIndex, typename CategoryType>
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type)
TraceForCategoryImpl<CategoryIndex>(instances, dynamic_category, event_name,
// Trace point which takes a lambda function argument.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename ArgumentFunction = void (*)(EventContext),
typename ArgumentFunctionCheck = typename std::enable_if<
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
ArgumentFunction arg_function)
instances, dynamic_category, event_name, type, Track(),
TrackEventInternal::GetTimeNs(), std::move(arg_function));
// Trace point which takes a lambda function argument and an overridden
// timestamp. |timestamp| must be in nanoseconds in the trace clock timebase.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename ArgumentFunction = void (*)(EventContext),
typename ArgumentFunctionCheck = typename std::enable_if<
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
uint64_t timestamp,
ArgumentFunction arg_function)
TraceForCategoryImpl<CategoryIndex>(instances, dynamic_category, event_name,
type, Track(), timestamp,
// This variant of the inner trace point takes a Track argument which can be
// used to emit events on a non-default track.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename TrackType,
typename TrackTypeCheck = typename std::enable_if<
std::is_convertible<TrackType, Track>::value>::type>
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const TrackType& track) PERFETTO_NO_INLINE {
TraceForCategoryImpl<CategoryIndex>(instances, dynamic_category, event_name,
type, track);
// Trace point with a track and a lambda function.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename TrackType,
typename CategoryType,
typename ArgumentFunction = void (*)(EventContext),
typename ArgumentFunctionCheck = typename std::enable_if<
typename TrackTypeCheck = typename std::enable_if<
std::is_convertible<TrackType, Track>::value>::type>
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const TrackType& track,
ArgumentFunction arg_function)
instances, dynamic_category, event_name, type, track,
TrackEventInternal::GetTimeNs(), std::move(arg_function));
// Trace point with a track and overridden timestamp.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename TrackType,
typename TrackTypeCheck = typename std::enable_if<
std::is_convertible<TrackType, Track>::value>::type>
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const TrackType& track,
uint64_t timestamp) PERFETTO_NO_INLINE {
TraceForCategoryImpl<CategoryIndex>(instances, dynamic_category, event_name,
type, track, timestamp);
// Trace point with a track, a lambda function and an overridden timestamp.
// |timestamp| must be in nanoseconds in the trace clock timebase.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename TrackType,
typename CategoryType,
typename ArgumentFunction = void (*)(EventContext),
typename ArgumentFunctionCheck = typename std::enable_if<
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const TrackType& track,
uint64_t timestamp,
ArgumentFunction arg_function)
TraceForCategoryImpl<CategoryIndex>(instances, dynamic_category, event_name,
type, track, timestamp,
// Trace point with one debug annotation.
// This type of trace point is implemented with an inner helper function which
// ensures |arg_value| is only passed by reference when required (i.e., with a
// custom DebugAnnotation type). This avoids the binary and runtime overhead
// of unnecessarily passing all types debug annotations by reference.
// Note that for this to work well, the _outer_ function (this function) has
// to be inlined at the call site while the _inner_ function
// (TraceForCategoryWithDebugAnnotations) is still outlined to minimize
// overall binary size.
template <size_t CategoryIndex, typename CategoryType, typename ArgType>
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const char* arg_name,
ArgType&& arg_value) PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE {
TraceForCategoryWithDebugAnnotations<CategoryIndex, CategoryType, Track,
instances, dynamic_category, event_name, type, Track(), arg_name,
// A one argument trace point which takes an explicit track.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename TrackType,
typename ArgType>
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const TrackType& track,
const char* arg_name,
ArgType&& arg_value) PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE {
TraceForCategoryWithDebugAnnotations<CategoryIndex, CategoryType, TrackType,
instances, dynamic_category, event_name, type, track, arg_name,
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename TrackType,
typename ArgType>
static void TraceForCategoryWithDebugAnnotations(
uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const TrackType& track,
const char* arg_name,
typename internal::DebugAnnotationArg<ArgType>::type arg_value)
instances, dynamic_category, event_name, type, track,
TrackEventInternal::GetTimeNs(), [&](EventContext event_ctx) {
TrackEventInternal::AddDebugAnnotation(&event_ctx, arg_name,
// Trace point with two debug annotations. Note that we only support up to two
// direct debug annotations. For more complicated arguments, you should
// define your own argument type in track_event.proto and use a lambda to fill
// it in your trace point.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename ArgType,
typename ArgType2>
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const char* arg_name,
ArgType&& arg_value,
const char* arg_name2,
ArgType2&& arg_value2) PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE {
TraceForCategoryWithDebugAnnotations<CategoryIndex, CategoryType, Track,
ArgType, ArgType2>(
instances, dynamic_category, event_name, type, Track(), arg_name,
std::forward<ArgType>(arg_value), arg_name2,
// A two argument trace point which takes an explicit track.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename TrackType,
typename ArgType,
typename ArgType2>
static void TraceForCategory(uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const TrackType& track,
const char* arg_name,
ArgType&& arg_value,
const char* arg_name2,
ArgType2&& arg_value2) PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE {
TraceForCategoryWithDebugAnnotations<CategoryIndex, CategoryType, TrackType,
ArgType, ArgType2>(
instances, dynamic_category, event_name, type, track, arg_name,
std::forward<ArgType>(arg_value), arg_name2,
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename TrackType,
typename ArgType,
typename ArgType2>
static void TraceForCategoryWithDebugAnnotations(
uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
TrackType track,
const char* arg_name,
typename internal::DebugAnnotationArg<ArgType>::type arg_value,
const char* arg_name2,
typename internal::DebugAnnotationArg<ArgType2>::type arg_value2)
instances, dynamic_category, event_name, type, track,
TrackEventInternal::GetTimeNs(), [&](EventContext event_ctx) {
TrackEventInternal::AddDebugAnnotation(&event_ctx, arg_name,
TrackEventInternal::AddDebugAnnotation(&event_ctx, arg_name2,
// Initialize the track event library. Should be called before tracing is
// enabled.
static bool Register() {
// Registration is performed out-of-line so users don't need to depend on
// DataSourceDescriptor C++ bindings.
return TrackEventInternal::Initialize(
[](const DataSourceDescriptor& dsd) { return Base::Register(dsd); });
// Record metadata about different types of timeline tracks. See Track.
static void SetTrackDescriptor(const Track& track,
const protos::gen::TrackDescriptor& desc) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(track.uuid == desc.uuid());
TrackRegistry::Get()->UpdateTrack(track, desc.SerializeAsString());
Base::template Trace([&](typename Base::TraceContext ctx) {
track, ctx.tls_inst_->trace_writer.get());
// DEPRECATED. Only kept for backwards compatibility.
static void SetTrackDescriptor(
const Track& track,
std::function<void(protos::pbzero::TrackDescriptor*)> callback) {
SetTrackDescriptorImpl(track, std::move(callback));
// DEPRECATED. Only kept for backwards compatibility.
static void SetProcessDescriptor(
std::function<void(protos::pbzero::TrackDescriptor*)> callback,
const ProcessTrack& track = ProcessTrack::Current()) {
SetTrackDescriptorImpl(std::move(track), std::move(callback));
// DEPRECATED. Only kept for backwards compatibility.
static void SetThreadDescriptor(
std::function<void(protos::pbzero::TrackDescriptor*)> callback,
const ThreadTrack& track = ThreadTrack::Current()) {
SetTrackDescriptorImpl(std::move(track), std::move(callback));
static void EraseTrackDescriptor(const Track& track) {
// Returns the current trace timestamp in nanoseconds. Note the returned
// timebase may vary depending on the platform, but will always match the
// timestamps recorded by track events (see GetTraceClockId).
static uint64_t GetTraceTimeNs() { return TrackEventInternal::GetTimeNs(); }
// Returns the type of clock used by GetTraceTimeNs().
static constexpr protos::pbzero::BuiltinClock GetTraceClockId() {
return TrackEventInternal::GetClockId();
// Each category has its own enabled/disabled state, stored in the category
// registry.
template <size_t CategoryIndex>
struct CategoryTracePointTraits {
static constexpr std::atomic<uint8_t>* GetActiveInstances() {
CategoryIndex != TrackEventCategoryRegistry::kInvalidCategoryIndex,
"Invalid category index");
return Registry->GetCategoryState(CategoryIndex);
// TODO(skyostil): Make |CategoryIndex| a regular parameter to reuse trace
// point code across different categories.
template <size_t CategoryIndex,
typename CategoryType,
typename TrackType = Track,
typename ArgumentFunction = void (*)(EventContext),
typename ArgumentFunctionCheck = typename std::enable_if<
typename TrackTypeCheck = typename std::enable_if<
std::is_convertible<TrackType, Track>::value>::type>
static void TraceForCategoryImpl(
uint32_t instances,
const CategoryType& dynamic_category,
const char* event_name,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent::Type type,
const TrackType& track = Track(),
uint64_t timestamp = TrackEventInternal::GetTimeNs(),
ArgumentFunction arg_function = [](EventContext) {
instances, [&](typename Base::TraceContext ctx) {
// If this category is dynamic, first check whether it's enabled.
constexpr bool kIsDynamic =
CategoryIndex ==
if (kIsDynamic && !IsDynamicCategoryEnabled(
&ctx, DynamicCategory{dynamic_category})) {
// TODO(skyostil): Intern categories at compile time.
const Category* static_category =
kIsDynamic ? nullptr : Registry->GetCategory(CategoryIndex);
auto event_ctx = TrackEventInternal::WriteEvent(
ctx.tls_inst_->trace_writer.get(), ctx.GetIncrementalState(),
static_category, event_name, type, timestamp);
if (kIsDynamic) {
Category category{
[&](const char* member_name, size_t name_size) {
event_ctx.event()->add_categories(member_name, name_size);
return true;
if (track)
} // event_ctx
if (track) {
track, ctx.tls_inst_->trace_writer.get(),
template <size_t CategoryIndex, typename Lambda>
static void TraceWithInstances(uint32_t instances,
if (CategoryIndex == TrackEventCategoryRegistry::kDynamicCategoryIndex) {
Base::template TraceWithInstances(instances, std::move(lambda));
} else {
Base::template TraceWithInstances<
// Records a track descriptor into the track descriptor registry and, if we
// are tracing, also mirrors the descriptor into the trace.
template <typename TrackType>
static void SetTrackDescriptorImpl(
const TrackType& track,
std::function<void(protos::pbzero::TrackDescriptor*)> callback) {
TrackRegistry::Get()->UpdateTrack(track, std::move(callback));
Base::template Trace([&](typename Base::TraceContext ctx) {
track, ctx.tls_inst_->trace_writer.get());
// Determines if the given dynamic category is enabled, first by checking the
// per-trace writer cache or by falling back to computing it based on the
// trace config for the given session.
static bool IsDynamicCategoryEnabled(
typename Base::TraceContext* ctx,
const DynamicCategory& dynamic_category) {
auto incr_state = ctx->GetIncrementalState();
auto it = incr_state->dynamic_categories.find(;
if (it == incr_state->dynamic_categories.end()) {
// We haven't seen this category before. Let's figure out if it's enabled.
// This requires grabbing a lock to read the session's trace config.
auto ds = ctx->GetDataSourceLocked();
Category category{Category::FromDynamicCategory(dynamic_category)};
bool enabled = TrackEventInternal::IsCategoryEnabled(
*Registry, ds->config_, category);
// TODO(skyostil): Cap the size of |dynamic_categories|.
incr_state->dynamic_categories[] = enabled;
return enabled;
return it->second;
// Config for the current tracing session.
protos::gen::TrackEventConfig config_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace perfetto