blob: c2d425c1b3a04c63286453b3e662a8391cde8128 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, The OpenThread Authors.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the
* names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
* @file
* This file includes definitions for MLE functionality required by the Thread Child, Router, and Leader roles.
#ifndef MLE_HPP_
#define MLE_HPP_
#include "openthread/openthread.h"
#include <common/encoding.hpp>
#include <common/timer.hpp>
#include <mac/mac.hpp>
#include <net/udp6.hpp>
#include <thread/mle_constants.hpp>
#include <thread/mle_tlvs.hpp>
#include <thread/topology.hpp>
#include <meshcop/joiner_router.hpp>
namespace Thread {
class ThreadNetif;
class AddressResolver;
class KeyManager;
class MeshForwarder;
namespace Mac { class Mac; }
namespace NetworkData { class Leader; }
* @addtogroup core-mle MLE
* @brief
* This module includes definitions for the MLE protocol.
* @{
* @defgroup core-mle-core Core
* @defgroup core-mle-router Router
* @defgroup core-mle-tlvs TLVs
* @}
* @namespace Thread::Mle
* @brief
* This namespace includes definitions for the MLE protocol.
namespace Mle {
class MleRouter;
* @addtogroup core-mle-core
* @brief
* This module includes definitions for MLE functionality required by the Thread Child, Router, and Leader roles.
* @{
* MLE Device states
enum DeviceState
kDeviceStateDisabled = 0, ///< Thread interface is disabled.
kDeviceStateDetached = 1, ///< Thread interface is not attached to a partition.
kDeviceStateChild = 2, ///< Thread interface participating as a Child.
kDeviceStateRouter = 3, ///< Thread interface participating as a Router.
kDeviceStateLeader = 4, ///< Thread interface participating as a Leader.
* This enumeration represents the allocation of the ALOC Space
enum AlocAllocation
kAloc16Mask = 0xfc,
kAloc16Leader = 0xfc00,
kAloc16DhcpAgentStart = 0xfc01,
kAloc16DhcpAgentEnd = 0xfc0f,
kAloc16DhcpAgentMask = 0x03ff,
kAloc16ServiceStart = 0xfc10,
kAloc16ServiceEnd = 0xfc2f,
kAloc16CommissionerStart = 0xfc30,
kAloc16CommissionerEnd = 0xfc37,
kAloc16NeighborDiscoveryAgentStart = 0xfc40,
kAloc16NeighborDiscoveryAgentEnd = 0xfc4e,
* This class implements MLE Header generation and parsing.
class Header
* This method initializes the MLE header.
void Init(void) { mSecuritySuite = k154Security; mSecurityControl = Mac::Frame::kSecEncMic32; }
* This method indicates whether or not the TLV appears to be well-formed.
* @retval TRUE If the TLV appears to be well-formed.
* @retval FALSE If the TLV does not appear to be well-formed.
bool IsValid(void) const {
return (mSecuritySuite == kNoSecurity) ||
(mSecuritySuite == k154Security &&
mSecurityControl == (Mac::Frame::kKeyIdMode2 | Mac::Frame::kSecEncMic32));
* This method returns the MLE header and Command Type length.
* @returns The MLE header and Command Type length.
uint8_t GetLength(void) const {
uint8_t rval = sizeof(mSecuritySuite) + sizeof(mCommand);
if (mSecuritySuite == k154Security) {
rval += sizeof(mSecurityControl) + sizeof(mFrameCounter) + sizeof(mKeySource) + sizeof(mKeyIndex);
return rval;
enum SecuritySuite
k154Security = 0, ///< IEEE 802.15.4-2006 security.
kNoSecurity = 255, ///< No security enabled.
* This method returns the Security Suite value.
* @returns The Security Suite value.
SecuritySuite GetSecuritySuite(void) const { return static_cast<SecuritySuite>(mSecuritySuite); }
* This method sets the Security Suite value.
* @param[in] aSecuritySuite The Security Suite value.
void SetSecuritySuite(SecuritySuite aSecuritySuite) { mSecuritySuite = static_cast<uint8_t>(aSecuritySuite); }
* This method returns the MLE header length (excluding the Command Type).
* @returns The MLE header length (excluding the Command Type).
uint8_t GetHeaderLength(void) const {
return sizeof(mSecurityControl) + sizeof(mFrameCounter) + sizeof(mKeySource) + sizeof(mKeyIndex);
* This method returns a pointer to first byte of the MLE header.
* @returns A pointer to the first byte of the MLE header.
const uint8_t *GetBytes(void) const {
return reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(&mSecuritySuite);
* This method returns the Security Control value.
* @returns The Security Control value.
uint8_t GetSecurityControl(void) const { return mSecurityControl; }
* This method indicates whether or not the Key ID Mode is set to 2.
* @retval TRUE If the Key ID Mode is set to 2.
* @retval FALSE If the Key ID Mode is not set to 2.
bool IsKeyIdMode2(void) const {
return (mSecurityControl & Mac::Frame::kKeyIdModeMask) == Mac::Frame::kKeyIdMode2;
* This method sets the Key ID Mode to 2.
void SetKeyIdMode2(void) {
mSecurityControl = (mSecurityControl & ~Mac::Frame::kKeyIdModeMask) | Mac::Frame::kKeyIdMode2;
* This method returns the Key ID value.
* @returns The Key ID value.
uint32_t GetKeyId(void) const {
return Encoding::BigEndian::HostSwap32(mKeySource);
* This method sets the Key ID value.
* @param[in] aKeySequence The Key ID value.
void SetKeyId(uint32_t aKeySequence) {
mKeySource = Encoding::BigEndian::HostSwap32(aKeySequence);
mKeyIndex = (aKeySequence & 0x7f) + 1;
* This method returns the Frame Counter value.
* @returns The Frame Counter value.
uint32_t GetFrameCounter(void) const {
return Encoding::LittleEndian::HostSwap32(mFrameCounter);
* This method sets the Frame Counter value.
* @param[in] aFrameCounter The Frame Counter value.
void SetFrameCounter(uint32_t aFrameCounter) {
mFrameCounter = Encoding::LittleEndian::HostSwap32(aFrameCounter);
* MLE Command Types.
enum Command
kCommandLinkRequest = 0, ///< Link Reject
kCommandLinkAccept = 1, ///< Link Accept
kCommandLinkAcceptAndRequest = 2, ///< Link Accept and Reject
kCommandLinkReject = 3, ///< Link Reject
kCommandAdvertisement = 4, ///< Advertisement
kCommandUpdate = 5, ///< Update
kCommandUpdateRequest = 6, ///< Update Request
kCommandDataRequest = 7, ///< Data Request
kCommandDataResponse = 8, ///< Data Response
kCommandParentRequest = 9, ///< Parent Request
kCommandParentResponse = 10, ///< Parent Response
kCommandChildIdRequest = 11, ///< Child ID Request
kCommandChildIdResponse = 12, ///< Child ID Response
kCommandChildUpdateRequest = 13, ///< Child Update Request
kCommandChildUpdateResponse = 14, ///< Child Update Response
kCommandAnnounce = 15, ///< Announce
kCommandDiscoveryRequest = 16, ///< Discovery Request
kCommandDiscoveryResponse = 17, ///< Discovery Response
* This method returns the Command Type value.
* @returns The Command Type value.
Command GetCommand(void) const {
if (mSecuritySuite == kNoSecurity) {
return static_cast<Command>(mSecurityControl);
else {
return static_cast<Command>(mCommand);
* This method sets the Command Type value.
* @param[in] aCommand The Command Type value.
void SetCommand(Command aCommand) {
if (mSecuritySuite == kNoSecurity) {
mSecurityControl = static_cast<uint8_t>(aCommand);
else {
mCommand = static_cast<uint8_t>(aCommand);
uint8_t mSecuritySuite;
uint8_t mSecurityControl;
uint32_t mFrameCounter;
uint32_t mKeySource;
uint8_t mKeyIndex;
uint8_t mCommand;
* This class implements functionality required for delaying MLE responses.
class DelayedResponseHeader
* Default constructor for the object.
DelayedResponseHeader(void) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); };
* This constructor initializes the object with specific values.
* @param[in] aSendTime Time when the message shall be sent.
* @param[in] aDestination IPv6 address of the message destination.
DelayedResponseHeader(uint32_t aSendTime, const Ip6::Address &aDestination) {
mSendTime = aSendTime;
mDestination = aDestination;
* This method appends delayed response header to the message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the bytes.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient available buffers to grow the message.
ThreadError AppendTo(Message &aMessage) {
return aMessage.Append(this, sizeof(*this));
* This method reads delayed response header from the message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @returns The number of bytes read.
uint16_t ReadFrom(Message &aMessage) {
return aMessage.Read(aMessage.GetLength() - sizeof(*this), sizeof(*this), this);
* This method removes delayed response header from the message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully removed the header.
static ThreadError RemoveFrom(Message &aMessage) {
return aMessage.SetLength(aMessage.GetLength() - sizeof(DelayedResponseHeader));
* This method returns a time when the message shall be sent.
* @returns A time when the message shall be sent.
uint32_t GetSendTime(void) const { return mSendTime; };
* This method returns a destination of the delayed message.
* @returns A destination of the delayed message.
const Ip6::Address &GetDestination(void) const { return mDestination; };
* This method checks if the message shall be sent before the given time.
* @param[in] aTime A time to compare.
* @retval TRUE If the message shall be sent before the given time.
* @retval FALSE Otherwise.
bool IsEarlier(uint32_t aTime) { return (static_cast<int32_t>(aTime - mSendTime) > 0); };
* This method checks if the message shall be sent after the given time.
* @param[in] aTime A time to compare.
* @retval TRUE If the message shall be sent after the given time.
* @retval FALSE Otherwise.
bool IsLater(uint32_t aTime) { return (static_cast<int32_t>(aTime - mSendTime) < 0); };
Ip6::Address mDestination; ///< IPv6 address of the message destination.
uint32_t mSendTime; ///< Time when the message shall be sent.
* This class implements MLE functionality required by the Thread EndDevices, Router, and Leader roles.
class Mle
* This constructor initializes the MLE object.
* @param[in] aThreadNetif A reference to the Thread network interface.
explicit Mle(ThreadNetif &aThreadNetif);
* This method returns the pointer to the parent otInstance structure.
* @returns The pointer to the parent otInstance structure.
otInstance *GetInstance();
* This method enables MLE.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully enabled MLE.
* @retval kThreadError_Already MLE was already enabled.
ThreadError Enable(void);
* This method disables MLE.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully disabled MLE.
ThreadError Disable(void);
* This method starts the MLE protocol operation.
* @param[in] aEnableReattach True to enable reattach process using stored dataset, False not.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully started the protocol operation.
* @retval kThreadError_Already The protocol operation was already started.
ThreadError Start(bool aEnableReattach);
* This method stops the MLE protocol operation.
* @param[in] aClearNetworkDatasets True to clear network datasets, False not.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully stopped the protocol operation.
ThreadError Stop(bool aClearNetworkDatasets);
* This method restores network information from non-volatile memory.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully restore the network information.
* @retval kThreadError_NotFound There is no valid network information stored in non-volatile memory.
ThreadError Restore(void);
* This method stores network information into non-volatile memory.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully store the network information.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Could not store the network information due to insufficient memory space.
ThreadError Store(void);
* This function pointer is called on receiving an MLE Discovery Response message.
* @param[in] aResult A valid pointer to the Discovery Response information or NULL when the Discovery completes.
* @param[in] aContext A pointer to application-specific context.
typedef void (*DiscoverHandler)(otActiveScanResult *aResult, void *aContext);
* This method initiates a Thread Discovery.
* @param[in] aScanChannels A bit vector indicating which channels to scan.
* @param[in] aScanDuration The time in milliseconds to spend scanning each channel.
* @param[in] aPanId The PAN ID filter (set to Broadcast PAN to disable filter).
* @param[in] aJoiner Value of the Joiner Flag in the Discovery Request TLV.
* @param[in] aHandler A pointer to a function that is called on receiving an MLE Discovery Response.
* @param[in] aContext A pointer to arbitrary context information.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully started a Thread Discovery.
* @retval kThreadError_Busy Thread Discovery is already in progress.
ThreadError Discover(uint32_t aScanChannels, uint16_t aScanDuration, uint16_t aPanId, bool aJoiner,
DiscoverHandler aCallback, void *aContext);
* This method indicates whether or not an MLE Thread Discovery is currently in progress.
* @returns true if an MLE Thread Discovery is in progress, false otherwise.
bool IsDiscoverInProgress(void);
* This method is called by the MeshForwarder to indicate that discovery is complete.
void HandleDiscoverComplete(void);
* This method generates an MLE Announce message.
* @param[in] aChannel The channel to use when transmitting.
* @param[in] aOrphanAnnounce To indicate if MLE Announce is sent from an orphan end device.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully generated an MLE Announce message.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers to generate the MLE Announce message.
ThreadError SendAnnounce(uint8_t aChannel, bool aOrphanAnnounce);
* This method causes the Thread interface to detach from the Thread network.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully detached from the Thread network.
* @retval kThreadError_InvalidState MLE is Disabled.
ThreadError BecomeDetached(void);
* This method causes the Thread interface to attempt an MLE attach.
* @param[in] aFilter Indicates what partitions to attach to.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully began the attach process.
* @retval kThreadError_InvalidState MLE is Disabled.
* @retval kThreadError_Busy An attach process is in progress.
ThreadError BecomeChild(otMleAttachFilter aFilter);
* This method indicates whether or not the Thread device is attached to a Thread network.
* @retval TRUE Attached to a Thread network.
* @retval FALSE Not attached to a Thread network.
bool IsAttached(void) const;
* This method returns the current Thread interface state.
* @returns The current Thread interface state.
DeviceState GetDeviceState(void) const;
* This method returns the Device Mode as reported in the Mode TLV.
* @returns The Device Mode as reported in the Mode TLV.
uint8_t GetDeviceMode(void) const;
* This method sets the Device Mode as reported in the Mode TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully set the Mode TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_InvalidArgs The mode combination specified in @p aMode is invalid.
ThreadError SetDeviceMode(uint8_t aMode);
* This method returns a pointer to the Mesh Local Prefix.
* @returns A pointer to the Mesh Local Prefix.
const uint8_t *GetMeshLocalPrefix(void) const;
* This method sets the Mesh Local Prefix.
* @param[in] aPrefix A pointer to the Mesh Local Prefix.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully set the Mesh Local Prefix.
ThreadError SetMeshLocalPrefix(const uint8_t *aPrefix);
* This method updates the link local address.
* Call this method when the IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address has changed.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully updated the link local address.
ThreadError UpdateLinkLocalAddress(void);
* This method returns a pointer to the link-local all Thread nodes multicast address.
* @returns A pointer to the link-local all Thread nodes multicast address.
const Ip6::Address *GetLinkLocalAllThreadNodesAddress(void) const;
* This method returns a pointer to the realm-local all Thread nodes multicast address.
* @returns A pointer to the realm-local all Thread nodes multicast address.
const Ip6::Address *GetRealmLocalAllThreadNodesAddress(void) const;
* This method returns a pointer to the parent when operating in End Device mode.
* @returns A pointer to the parent.
Router *GetParent(void);
* This method indicates whether or not an IPv6 address is an RLOC.
* @retval TRUE If @p aAddress is an RLOC.
* @retval FALSE If @p aAddress is not an RLOC.
bool IsRoutingLocator(const Ip6::Address &aAddress) const;
* This method indicates whether or not an IPv6 address is an ALOC.
* @retval TRUE If @p aAddress is an ALOC.
* @retval FALSE If @p aAddress is not an ALOC.
bool IsAnycastLocator(const Ip6::Address &aAddress) const;
* This method returns the MLE Timeout value.
* @returns The MLE Timeout value.
uint32_t GetTimeout(void) const;
* This method sets the MLE Timeout value.
ThreadError SetTimeout(uint32_t aTimeout);
* This method returns the RLOC16 assigned to the Thread interface.
* @returns The RLOC16 assigned to the Thread interface.
uint16_t GetRloc16(void) const;
* This method returns a reference to the RLOC assigned to the Thread interface.
* @returns A reference to the RLOC assigned to the Thread interface.
const Ip6::Address &GetMeshLocal16(void) const;
* This method returns a reference to the ML-EID assigned to the Thread interface.
* @returns A reference to the ML-EID assigned to the Thread interface.
const Ip6::Address &GetMeshLocal64(void) const;
* This method returns the Router ID of the Leader.
* @returns The Router ID of the Leader.
uint8_t GetLeaderId(void) const;
* This method retrieves the Leader's RLOC.
* @param[out] aAddress A reference to the Leader's RLOC.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully retrieved the Leader's RLOC.
* @retval kThreadError_Error The Thread interface is not currently attached to a Thread Partition.
ThreadError GetLeaderAddress(Ip6::Address &aAddress) const;
* This method retrieves the Leader's ALOC.
* @param[out] aAddress A reference to the Leader's ALOC.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully retrieved the Leader's ALOC.
* @retval kThreadError_Error The Thread interface is not currently attached to a Thread Partition.
ThreadError GetLeaderAloc(Ip6::Address &aAddress) const;
* This method adds Leader's ALOC to its Thread interface.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully added the Leader's ALOC.
* @retval kThreadError_Busy The Leader's ALOC address was already added.
* @retval kThreadError_InvalidState The device's role is not Leader.
ThreadError AddLeaderAloc(void);
* This method returns the most recently received Leader Data TLV.
* @returns A reference to the most recently received Leader Data TLV.
const LeaderDataTlv &GetLeaderDataTlv(void);
* This method gets the Leader Data.
* @param[out] aLeaderData A reference to where the leader data is placed.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully retrieved the leader data.
* @retval kThreadError_Detached Not currently attached.
ThreadError GetLeaderData(otLeaderData &aLeaderData);
* This method returns the link quality on the link to a given extended address.
* @param[in] aMacAddr The IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Mac Address.
* @param[in] aLinkQuality A reference to the assigned link quality.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully retrieve the link quality to aLinkQuality.
* @retval kThreadError_InvalidArgs No match found with a given extended address.
ThreadError GetAssignLinkQuality(const Mac::ExtAddress aMacAddr, uint8_t &aLinkQuality);
* This method sets the link quality on the link to a given extended address.
* @param[in] aMacAddr The IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Mac Address.
* @param[in] aLinkQaulity The link quality to be set on the link.
void SetAssignLinkQuality(const Mac::ExtAddress aMacAddr, uint8_t aLinkQuality);
* This method returns the ROUTER_SELECTION_JITTER value.
* @returns The ROUTER_SELECTION_JITTER value.
uint8_t GetRouterSelectionJitter(void) const;
* This method sets the ROUTER_SELECTION_JITTER value.
* @returns The ROUTER_SELECTION_JITTER value.
ThreadError SetRouterSelectionJitter(uint8_t aRouterJitter);
* This method returns the Child ID portion of an RLOC16.
* @param[in] aRloc16 The RLOC16 value.
* @returns The Child ID portion of an RLOC16.
static uint16_t GetChildId(uint16_t aRloc16) { return aRloc16 & kMaxChildId; }
* This method returns the Router ID portion of an RLOC16.
* @param[in] aRloc16 The RLOC16 value.
* @returns The Router ID portion of an RLOC16.
static uint8_t GetRouterId(uint16_t aRloc16) { return aRloc16 >> kRouterIdOffset; }
* This method returns the RLOC16 of a given Router ID.
* @param[in] aRouterId The Router ID value.
* @returns The RLOC16 of the given Router ID.
static uint16_t GetRloc16(uint8_t aRouterId) { return static_cast<uint16_t>(aRouterId << kRouterIdOffset); }
* This method indicates whether or not @p aRloc16 refers to an active router.
* @param[in] aRloc16 The RLOC16 value.
* @retval TRUE If @p aRloc16 refers to an active router.
* @retval FALSE If @p aRloc16 does not refer to an active router.
static bool IsActiveRouter(uint16_t aRloc16) { return GetChildId(aRloc16) == 0; }
* This method fills the NetworkDataTlv.
* @param[out] aTlv The NetworkDataTlv.
* @param[in] aStableOnly TRUE to append stable data, FALSE otherwise.
void FillNetworkDataTlv(NetworkDataTlv &aTlv, bool aStableOnly);
* This method returns a reference to the send queue.
* @returns A reference to the send queue.
const MessageQueue &GetMessageQueue(void) const { return mDelayedResponses; }
kMleMaxResponseDelay = 1000u, ///< Maximum delay before responding to a multicast request.
* This method allocates a new message buffer for preparing an MLE message.
* @returns A pointer to the message or NULL if insufficient message buffers are available.
Message *NewMleMessage(void);
* This method appends an MLE header to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @param[in] aCommand The MLE Command Type.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the header.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the header.
ThreadError AppendHeader(Message &aMessage, Header::Command aCommand);
* This method appends a Source Address TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Source Address TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Source Address TLV.
ThreadError AppendSourceAddress(Message &aMessage);
* This method appends a Mode TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @param[in] aMode The Device Mode value.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Mode TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Mode TLV.
ThreadError AppendMode(Message &aMessage, uint8_t aMode);
* This method appends a Timeout TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @param[in] aTimeout The Timeout value.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Timeout TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Timeout TLV.
ThreadError AppendTimeout(Message &aMessage, uint32_t aTimeout);
* This method appends a Challenge TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @param[in] aChallenge A pointer to the Challenge value.
* @param[in] aChallengeLength The length of the Challenge value in bytes.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Challenge TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Challenge TLV.
ThreadError AppendChallenge(Message &aMessage, const uint8_t *aChallenge, uint8_t aChallengeLength);
* This method appends a Response TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @param[in] aResponse A pointer to the Response value.
* @param[in] aResponseLength The length of the Response value in bytes.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Response TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Response TLV.
ThreadError AppendResponse(Message &aMessage, const uint8_t *aResponse, uint8_t aResponseLength);
* This method appends a Link Frame Counter TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Link Frame Counter TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Link Frame Counter TLV.
ThreadError AppendLinkFrameCounter(Message &aMessage);
* This method appends an MLE Frame Counter TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Frame Counter TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the MLE Frame Counter TLV.
ThreadError AppendMleFrameCounter(Message &aMessage);
* This method appends an Address16 TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @param[in] aRloc16 The RLOC16 value.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Address16 TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Address16 TLV.
ThreadError AppendAddress16(Message &aMessage, uint16_t aRloc16);
* This method appends a Network Data TLV to the message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @param[in] aStableOnly TRUE to append stable data, FALSE otherwise.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Network Data TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Network Data TLV.
ThreadError AppendNetworkData(Message &aMessage, bool aStableOnly);
* This method appends a TLV Request TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @param[in] aTlvs A pointer to the list of TLV types.
* @param[in] aTlvsLength The number of TLV types in @p aTlvs
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the TLV Request TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the TLV Request TLV.
ThreadError AppendTlvRequest(Message &aMessage, const uint8_t *aTlvs, uint8_t aTlvsLength);
* This method appends a Leader Data TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Leader Data TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Leader Data TLV.
ThreadError AppendLeaderData(Message &aMessage);
* This method appends a Scan Mask TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @param[in] aScanMask The Scan Mask value.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Scan Mask TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Scan Mask TLV.
ThreadError AppendScanMask(Message &aMessage, uint8_t aScanMask);
* This method appends a Status TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @param[in] aStatus The Status value.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Status TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Status TLV.
ThreadError AppendStatus(Message &aMessage, StatusTlv::Status aStatus);
* This method appends a Link Margin TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @param[in] aLinkMargin The Link Margin value.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Link Margin TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Link Margin TLV.
ThreadError AppendLinkMargin(Message &aMessage, uint8_t aLinkMargin);
* This method appends a Version TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Version TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Version TLV.
ThreadError AppendVersion(Message &aMessage);
* This method appends an Address Registration TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Address Registration TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Address Registration TLV.
ThreadError AppendAddressRegistration(Message &aMessage);
* This method appends a Active Timestamp TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @param[in] aCouldUseLocal True to use local Active Timestamp when network Active Timestamp is not available, False not.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Active Timestamp TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Active Timestamp TLV.
ThreadError AppendActiveTimestamp(Message &aMessage, bool aCouldUseLocal);
* This method appends a Pending Timestamp TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Pending Timestamp TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Pending Timestamp TLV.
ThreadError AppendPendingTimestamp(Message &aMessage);
* This method appends a Thread Discovery TLV to a message.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully appended the Thread Discovery TLV.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers available to append the Address Registration TLV.
ThreadError AppendDiscovery(Message &aMessage);
* This method checks if the destination is reachable.
* @param[in] aMeshSource The RLOC16 of the source.
* @param[in] aMeshDest The RLOC16 of the destination.
* @param[in] aIp6Header The IPv6 header of the message.
* @retval kThreadError_None The destination is reachable.
* @retval kThreadError_Drop The destination is not reachable and the message should be dropped.
ThreadError CheckReachability(uint16_t aMeshSource, uint16_t aMeshDest, Ip6::Header &aIp6Header);
* This method returns a pointer to the neighbor object.
* @param[in] aAddress A reference to the MAC address.
* @returns A pointer to the neighbor object.
Neighbor *GetNeighbor(const Mac::Address &aAddress);
* This method returns a pointer to the neighbor object.
* @param[in] aAddress A reference to the MAC short address.
* @returns A pointer to the neighbor object.
Neighbor *GetNeighbor(Mac::ShortAddress aAddress);
* This method returns a pointer to the neighbor object.
* @param[in] aAddress A reference to the MAC extended address.
* @returns A pointer to the neighbor object.
Neighbor *GetNeighbor(const Mac::ExtAddress &aAddress);
* This method returns a pointer to the neighbor object.
* @param[in] aAddress A reference to the IPv6 address.
* @returns A pointer to the neighbor object.
Neighbor *GetNeighbor(const Ip6::Address &aAddress);
* This method returns the next hop towards an RLOC16 destination.
* @param[in] aDestination The RLOC16 of the destination.
* @returns A RLOC16 of the next hop if a route is known, kInvalidRloc16 otherwise.
Mac::ShortAddress GetNextHop(uint16_t aDestination) const;
* This method generates an MLE Data Request message.
* @param[in] aDestination A reference to the IPv6 address of the destination.
* @param[in] aTlvs A pointer to requested TLV types.
* @param[in] aTlvsLength The number of TLV types in @p aTlvs.
* @param[in] aDelay Delay in milliseconds before the Data Request message is sent.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully generated an MLE Data Request message.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers to generate the MLE Data Request message.
ThreadError SendDataRequest(const Ip6::Address &aDestination, const uint8_t *aTlvs, uint8_t aTlvsLength,
uint16_t aDelay);
* This method generates an MLE Child Update Request message.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully generated an MLE Child Update Request message.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers to generate the MLE Child Update Request message.
ThreadError SendChildUpdateRequest(void);
* This method generates an MLE Child Update Response message.
* @param[in] aTlvs A pointer to requested TLV types.
* @param[in] aNumTlvs The number of TLV types in @p aTlvs.
* @param[in] aChallenge The Challenge TLV for the response.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully generated an MLE Child Update Response message.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers to generate the MLE Child Update Response message.
ThreadError SendChildUpdateResponse(const uint8_t *aTlvs, uint8_t aNumTlvs, const ChallengeTlv &aChallenge);
* This method submits an MLE message to the UDP socket.
* @param[in] aMessage A reference to the message.
* @param[in] aDestination A reference to the IPv6 address of the destination.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully submitted the MLE message.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers to form the rest of the MLE message.
ThreadError SendMessage(Message &aMessage, const Ip6::Address &aDestination);
* This method sets the RLOC16 assigned to the Thread interface.
* @param[in] aRloc16 The RLOC16 to set.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully set the RLOC16.
ThreadError SetRloc16(uint16_t aRloc16);
* This method sets the Device State to Detached.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully set the Device State to Detached.
ThreadError SetStateDetached(void);
* This method sets the Device State to Child.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully set the Device State to Child.
ThreadError SetStateChild(uint16_t aRloc16);
* This method sets the Leader's Partition ID, Weighting, and Router ID values.
* @param[in] aPartitionId The Leader's Partition ID value.
* @param[in] aWeighting The Leader's Weighting value.
* @param[in] aLeaderRouterId The Leader's Router ID value.
void SetLeaderData(uint32_t aPartitionId, uint8_t aWeighting, uint8_t aLeaderRouterId);
* This method adds a message to the message queue. The queued message will be transmitted after given delay.
* @param[in] aMessage The message to transmit after given delay.
* @param[in] aDestination The IPv6 address of the recipient of the message.
* @param[in] aDelay The delay in milliseconds before transmission of the message.
* @retval kThreadError_None Successfully queued the message to transmit after the delay.
* @retval kThreadError_NoBufs Insufficient buffers to queue the message.
ThreadError AddDelayedResponse(Message &aMessage, const Ip6::Address &aDestination, uint16_t aDelay);
ThreadNetif &mNetif; ///< The Thread Network Interface object.
LeaderDataTlv mLeaderData; ///< Last received Leader Data TLV.
bool mRetrieveNewNetworkData; ///< Indicating new Network Data is needed if set.
DeviceState mDeviceState; ///< Current Thread interface state.
Router mParent; ///< Parent information.
uint8_t mDeviceMode; ///< Device mode setting.
bool isAssignLinkQuality; ///< Indicating an assigned link quality is used on the link
uint8_t mAssignLinkQuality; ///< The assigned link quality value
uint8_t mAssignLinkMargin; ///< The maximum link margin corresponding to mAssignLinkQuality
Mac::ExtAddress mAddr64; ///< A given IEEE 802.15.4 Extended Address
* States when searching for a parent.
enum ParentRequestState
kParentIdle, ///< Not currently searching for a parent.
kParentSynchronize, ///< Looking to synchronize with a parent (after reset).
kParentRequestStart, ///< Starting to look for a parent.
kParentRequestRouter, ///< Searching for a Router to attach to.
kParentRequestChild, ///< Searching for Routers or REEDs to attach to.
kChildIdRequest, ///< Sending a Child ID Request message.
ParentRequestState mParentRequestState; ///< The parent request state.
* States when reattaching network using stored dataset
enum ReattachState
kReattachStop = 0, ///< Reattach process is disabled or finished
kReattachStart = 1, ///< Start reattach process
kReattachActive = 2, ///< Reattach using stored Active Dataset
kReattachPending = 3, ///< Reattach using stored Pending Dataset
ReattachState mReattachState;
Timer mParentRequestTimer; ///< The timer for driving the Parent Request process.
Timer mDelayedResponseTimer; ///< The timer to delay MLE responses.
uint8_t mRouterSelectionJitter; ///< The variable to save the assigned jitter value.
uint8_t mRouterSelectionJitterTimeout; ///< The Timeout prior to request/release Router ID.
uint8_t mLastPartitionRouterIdSequence;
uint32_t mLastPartitionId;
kMleMessagePriority = Message::kPriorityHigh,
void GenerateNonce(const Mac::ExtAddress &aMacAddr, uint32_t aFrameCounter, uint8_t aSecurityLevel,
uint8_t *aNonce);
static void HandleNetifStateChanged(uint32_t aFlags, void *aContext);
void HandleNetifStateChanged(uint32_t aFlags);
static void HandleParentRequestTimer(void *aContext);
void HandleParentRequestTimer(void);
static void HandleDelayedResponseTimer(void *aContext);
void HandleDelayedResponseTimer(void);
static void HandleUdpReceive(void *aContext, otMessage *aMessage, const otMessageInfo *aMessageInfo);
void HandleUdpReceive(Message &aMessage, const Ip6::MessageInfo &aMessageInfo);
static void HandleSendChildUpdateRequest(void *aContext);
void HandleSendChildUpdateRequest(void);
ThreadError HandleAdvertisement(const Message &aMessage, const Ip6::MessageInfo &aMessageInfo);
ThreadError HandleChildIdResponse(const Message &aMessage, const Ip6::MessageInfo &aMessageInfo);
ThreadError HandleChildUpdateRequest(const Message &aMessage, const Ip6::MessageInfo &aMessageInfo);
ThreadError HandleChildUpdateResponse(const Message &aMessage, const Ip6::MessageInfo &aMessageInfo);
ThreadError HandleDataResponse(const Message &aMessage, const Ip6::MessageInfo &aMessageInfo);
ThreadError HandleParentResponse(const Message &aMessage, const Ip6::MessageInfo &aMessageInfo,
uint32_t aKeySequence);
ThreadError HandleAnnounce(const Message &aMessage, const Ip6::MessageInfo &aMessageInfo);
ThreadError HandleDiscoveryResponse(const Message &aMessage, const Ip6::MessageInfo &aMessageInfo);
ThreadError HandleLeaderData(const Message &aMessage, const Ip6::MessageInfo &aMessageInfo);
ThreadError SendParentRequest(void);
ThreadError SendChildIdRequest(void);
void SendOrphanAnnounce(void);
bool IsBetterParent(uint16_t aRloc16, uint8_t aLinkQuality, ConnectivityTlv &aConnectivityTlv) const;
void ResetParentCandidate(void);
MessageQueue mDelayedResponses;
* This struct represents the device's own network information for persistent storage.
typedef struct NetworkInfo
DeviceState mDeviceState; ///< Current Thread interface state.
uint8_t mDeviceMode; ///< Device mode setting.
uint16_t mRloc16; ///< RLOC16
uint32_t mKeySequence; ///< Key Sequence
uint32_t mMleFrameCounter; ///< MLE Frame Counter
uint32_t mMacFrameCounter; ///< MAC Frame Counter
uint32_t mPreviousPartitionId; ///< PartitionId
Mac::ExtAddress mExtAddress; ///< Extended Address
uint8_t mMlIid[OT_IP6_ADDRESS_SIZE - OT_IP6_PREFIX_SIZE]; ///< IID from ML-EID
} NetworkInfo;
uint8_t mChallenge[ChallengeTlv::kMaxSize];
uint8_t mChallengeLength;
} mChildIdRequest;
uint8_t mChallenge[ChallengeTlv::kMaxSize];
} mParentRequest;
otMleAttachFilter mParentRequestMode;
uint8_t mParentLinkQuality;
int8_t mParentPriority;
uint8_t mParentLinkQuality3;
uint8_t mParentLinkQuality2;
uint8_t mParentLinkQuality1;
uint8_t mKeepAliveAttemptsSent;
LeaderDataTlv mParentLeaderData;
bool mParentIsSingleton;
Router mParentCandidate;
Ip6::UdpSocket mSocket;
uint32_t mTimeout;
Tasklet mSendChildUpdateRequest;
DiscoverHandler mDiscoverHandler;
void *mDiscoverContext;
bool mIsDiscoverInProgress;
uint8_t mAnnounceChannel;
uint8_t mPreviousChannel;
uint16_t mPreviousPanId;
Ip6::NetifUnicastAddress mLeaderAloc;
Ip6::NetifUnicastAddress mLinkLocal64;
Ip6::NetifUnicastAddress mMeshLocal64;
Ip6::NetifUnicastAddress mMeshLocal16;
Ip6::NetifMulticastAddress mLinkLocalAllThreadNodes;
Ip6::NetifMulticastAddress mRealmLocalAllThreadNodes;
Ip6::NetifCallback mNetifCallback;
} // namespace Mle
* @}
} // namespace Thread
#endif // MLE_HPP_