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<TITLE>Libraries and Toolkits</TITLE>
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<H1>Libraries and Toolkits</H1>
<li><a href="">Apprentice</a> - free OpenInventor work-alike
<li><a href="" target="_parent">Coin</a> - OSS Open Inventor clone
<li><a href="" target="_parent">Ch</a> - OpenGL bindings for the Ch C/C++ interpreter
<li><a href="" target="_parent">FOX</a> - GUI Library
<li><a href="" target="_parent">GL4Java</a> - a Java wrapper for OpenGL
<li><a href="" target="_parent">GtkGLArea</a> - OpenGL Gtk widget
<li><a href="" target="_parent">GtkGLArea--</a> - OpenGL Gtk-- widget for C++
<li><a href="" target="_parent">GTKpas</a> - OpenGL Gtk widget for <a href="" target="_parent">FreePascal</a>
<li><a href="" target="_parent">FreeGLUT</a> - a GLUT work-alike
<li><a href="" target="_parent">Fortran77/90 bindings for OpenGL and Mesa</a> - by William Mitchell
<li><a href="" target="_parent">GLOW</a> - a GUI toolkit for GLUT and OpenGL
<li><a href="">Glt</a> - an OpenGL C++ toolkit
<li><a href="" target="_parent">GLUT (GL Utility Toolkit)</a> - by Mark Kilgard
<li><a href="" target="_parent">GuileGL</a> - OpenGL and GtkGLArea language bindings for Guile
<li><a href="" target="_parent">IDL</a> - Interactive Data Language
<li><a href="" target="_parent">JX</a> - C++ application framework and GUI library
<li><a href="" target="_parent">MAM/VRS</a> - object-oriented toolkit for 3D graphics
<li><a href="" target="_parent">MINOS</a> - GUI library
<li><a href="" target="_parent">OglCLib</a> - C++ wrapper for OpenGL
<li><a href="" target="_parent"> Open Inventor</a> - the Open Inventor toolkit from SGI
<li><a href="" target="_parent">Open Inventor</a> - the Open Inventor toolkit from Template Graphics Software, Inc.
<li><a href="" target="_parent">OpenRM</a>
- Open Source, multithreaded, parallel scene graph API
<li><a href="" target="_parent">
Open SG PLUS</a> - a scene-graph library
<li><a href="" target="_parent">Open Scene Graph
</a> - a scene-graph library
<li><a href="" target="_parent">OpenVRML</a>
- a VRML parsing/display library with "lookat" - an example VRML browser
<li><a href="" target="_parent">PLIB</a> - A collection of portable games libraries, including an OpenGL GUI and a simple Scene Graph API
<li><a href="" target="_parent">Pryan</a> - an OpenInventor-like toolkit
<li><a href="" target="_parent">PyOpenGL</a> - OpenGL interface for Python
<li><a href="" target="_parent">Quesa</a> - QuickDraw3D-compatible library based on OpenGL, Mesa or Direct3D
<li><a href="" target="_parent">repGL</a> - IRIS GL emulated with OpenGL
<li><a href="" target="_parent">SciTech MGL</a> - A multiplatform (Windows, Linux, OS/2, DOS, QNX, SMX, RT-Target &amp; more) graphics library
<li><a href="" target="_parent">SGL</a> - a 3D Scene Graph Library
<li><a href="" target="_parent">SoFree</a> - a free implementation of Open Inventor
<li><a href="" target="_parent">Togl</a> - Tcl/Tk widget for OpenGL
<li><a href="">VLE</a> - Virtual Reality Toolkit
<li><a href="" target="_parent">View3D Widget</a> - 3-D GUI widget
<li><a href="" target="_parent">VTK</a> - Visualization Toolkit
<li><a href="" target="_parent">YAJOGL</a> - Yet Another Java GL Binding.