blob: 2c8975115713fe64aaba949092b451aa7a3e106a [file] [log] [blame]
cc_library_static {
name: "llvmlibc",
visibility: [
include_dirs: [
srcs: [
cflags: [
// Necessary for non-namespaced exports.
// Necessary to build.
// No C++ runtime.
stl: "none",
// No crt_begin and crt_end.
nocrt: true,
// Needs to be unset from the default value in order to avoid creating a
// cyclic dependency between llvm-libc and bionic's libc.
system_shared_libs: [],
// Bionic's libc's dependencies must have these set, or the build will fail
// due to missing a "ramdisk", "vendor_ramdisk", and "recovery" variants.
native_bridge_supported: true,
ramdisk_available: true,
recovery_available: true,
vendor_ramdisk_available: true,
// Bionic's dependencies must also set this.
apex_available: [
// When llvm-libc includes <stdlib.h>, use bionic's headers for these.
header_libs: ["libc_headers"],