blob: d2267a1abbbdd752494f28d0566d4bea3a0cc72b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gtest/gtest.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "include/filter_interpreter.h"
#include "include/gestures.h"
#include "include/tracer.h"
// This class monitors the input and output button state and finger count
// on the touchpad. It make sure that if all fingers have left the touchpad
// and the physical button is up, that we don't get in a situation where we've
// sent a button-down gesture, but never sent a button-up gesture. If that
// were to happen, the user would be in the unfortunate situation of having
// the mouse button seemingly stuck down.
namespace gestures {
class StuckButtonInhibitorFilterInterpreter : public FilterInterpreter {
// Takes ownership of |next|:
explicit StuckButtonInhibitorFilterInterpreter(Interpreter* next,
Tracer* tracer);
virtual ~StuckButtonInhibitorFilterInterpreter() {}
virtual void ConsumeGesture(const Gesture& gesture);
virtual void SyncInterpretImpl(HardwareState& hwstate, stime_t* timeout);
virtual void HandleTimerImpl(stime_t now, stime_t* timeout);
void HandleHardwareState(const HardwareState& hwstate);
void HandleTimeouts(stime_t next_timeout, stime_t* timeout);
bool incoming_button_must_be_up_;
// these buttons have been reported as down via a gesture:
unsigned sent_buttons_down_;
bool next_expects_timer_; // True if next_ is expecting a call to HandleTimer
Gesture result_; // For when we return a button up
} // namespace gestures