blob: cc130c265836f7fb221ba8d077c60580dd29dd63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "icing/index/main/main-index-merger.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "icing/text_classifier/lib3/utils/base/statusor.h"
#include "icing/absl_ports/canonical_errors.h"
#include "icing/file/posting_list/posting-list-common.h"
#include "icing/index/hit/hit.h"
#include "icing/index/lite/lite-index.h"
#include "icing/index/lite/term-id-hit-pair.h"
#include "icing/index/main/main-index.h"
#include "icing/index/term-id-codec.h"
#include "icing/legacy/core/icing-string-util.h"
#include "icing/util/logging.h"
#include "icing/util/status-macros.h"
namespace icing {
namespace lib {
namespace {
class HitSelector {
// Returns whether or not term_id_hit_pair has the same term_id, document_id
// and section_id as the previously selected hits.
bool IsEquivalentHit(const TermIdHitPair& term_id_hit_pair) {
return prev_.term_id() == term_id_hit_pair.term_id() &&
prev_.hit().document_id() == term_id_hit_pair.hit().document_id() &&
prev_.hit().section_id() == term_id_hit_pair.hit().section_id();
// Merges term_id_hit_pair with previously added hits.
void SelectIfBetter(const TermIdHitPair& term_id_hit_pair) {
if (term_id_hit_pair.hit().is_prefix_hit()) {
} else {
prev_ = term_id_hit_pair;
// Adds all valid, selected hits to hits starting at position pos in hits.
// Returns the offset in hits after the position of the last added hit.
// This function may add between 0-2 hits depending on whether the HitSelector
// holds both a valid exact hit and a valid prefix hit, one of those or none.
size_t InsertSelectedHits(size_t pos, std::vector<TermIdHitPair>* hits) {
// Given the prefix/exact hits for a given term+docid+sectionid, push needed
// hits into hits array at offset pos. Return new pos.
if (best_prefix_hit_.hit().is_valid() && best_exact_hit_.hit().is_valid()) {
(*hits)[pos++] = best_exact_hit_;
const Hit& prefix_hit = best_prefix_hit_.hit();
// The prefix hit has score equal to the sum of the scores, capped at
// kMaxTermFrequency.
Hit::TermFrequency final_term_frequency = std::min(
prefix_hit.term_frequency() + best_exact_hit_.hit().term_frequency());
best_prefix_hit_ = TermIdHitPair(
Hit(prefix_hit.section_id(), prefix_hit.document_id(),
final_term_frequency, prefix_hit.is_in_prefix_section(),
(*hits)[pos++] = best_prefix_hit_;
// Ensure sorted.
if (best_prefix_hit_.hit() < best_exact_hit_.hit()) {
std::swap((*hits)[pos - 1], (*hits)[pos - 2]);
} else if (best_prefix_hit_.hit().is_valid()) {
(*hits)[pos++] = best_prefix_hit_;
} else if (best_exact_hit_.hit().is_valid()) {
(*hits)[pos++] = best_exact_hit_;
return pos;
void Reset() {
best_prefix_hit_ = TermIdHitPair();
best_exact_hit_ = TermIdHitPair();
prev_ = TermIdHitPair();
void SelectPrefixHitIfBetter(const TermIdHitPair& term_id_hit_pair) {
if (!best_prefix_hit_.hit().is_valid()) {
best_prefix_hit_ = term_id_hit_pair;
} else {
const Hit& hit = term_id_hit_pair.hit();
// Create a new prefix hit with term_frequency as the sum of the term
// frequencies. The term frequency is capped at kMaxTermFrequency.
Hit::TermFrequency final_term_frequency = std::min(
hit.term_frequency() + best_prefix_hit_.hit().term_frequency());
best_prefix_hit_ = TermIdHitPair(
Hit(hit.section_id(), hit.document_id(), final_term_frequency,
void SelectExactHitIfBetter(const TermIdHitPair& term_id_hit_pair) {
if (!best_exact_hit_.hit().is_valid()) {
best_exact_hit_ = term_id_hit_pair;
} else {
const Hit& hit = term_id_hit_pair.hit();
// Create a new exact hit with term_frequency as the sum of the term
// frequencies. The term frequency is capped at kMaxHitScore.
Hit::TermFrequency final_term_frequency = std::min(
hit.term_frequency() + best_exact_hit_.hit().term_frequency());
best_exact_hit_ = TermIdHitPair(
Hit(hit.section_id(), hit.document_id(), final_term_frequency,
TermIdHitPair best_prefix_hit_;
TermIdHitPair best_exact_hit_;
TermIdHitPair prev_;
class HitComparator {
explicit HitComparator(
const TermIdCodec& term_id_codec,
const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, int>& main_tvi_to_block_index)
: term_id_codec_(&term_id_codec),
main_tvi_to_block_index_(&main_tvi_to_block_index) {}
bool operator()(const TermIdHitPair& lhs, const TermIdHitPair& rhs) const {
// Primary sort by index block. This acheives two things:
// 1. It reduces the number of flash writes by grouping together new hits
// for terms whose posting lists might share the same index block.
// 2. More importantly, this ensures that newly added backfill branch points
// will be populated first (because all newly added terms have an invalid
// block index of 0) before any new hits are added to the postings lists
// that they backfill from.
int lhs_index_block = GetIndexBlock(lhs.term_id());
int rhs_index_block = GetIndexBlock(rhs.term_id());
if (lhs_index_block == rhs_index_block) {
// Secondary sort by term_id and hit.
return lhs.value() < rhs.value();
return lhs_index_block < rhs_index_block;
int GetIndexBlock(uint32_t term_id) const {
auto term_info_or = term_id_codec_->DecodeTermInfo(term_id);
if (!term_info_or.ok()) {
<< "Unable to decode term-info during merge. This shouldn't happen.";
return kInvalidBlockIndex;
TermIdCodec::DecodedTermInfo term_info =
auto itr = main_tvi_to_block_index_->find(term_info.tvi);
if (itr == main_tvi_to_block_index_->end()) {
return kInvalidBlockIndex;
return itr->second;
const TermIdCodec* term_id_codec_;
const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, int>* main_tvi_to_block_index_;
// A helper function to dedupe hits stored in hits. Suppose that the lite index
// contained a single document with two hits in a single prefix section: "foot"
// and "fool". When expanded, there would be four hits:
// {"fo", docid0, sectionid0}
// {"fo", docid0, sectionid0}
// {"foot", docid0, sectionid0}
// {"fool", docid0, sectionid0}
// The first two are duplicates of each other. So, this function will dedupe
// and shrink hits to be:
// {"fo", docid0, sectionid0}
// {"foot", docid0, sectionid0}
// {"fool", docid0, sectionid0}
// When two or more prefix hits are duplicates, merge into one hit with term
// frequency as the sum of the term frequencies. If there is both an exact and
// prefix hit for the same term, keep the exact hit as it is, update the prefix
// hit so that its term frequency is the sum of the term frequencies.
void DedupeHits(
std::vector<TermIdHitPair>* hits, const TermIdCodec& term_id_codec,
const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, int>& main_tvi_to_block_index) {
// Now all terms are grouped together and all hits for a term are sorted.
// Merge equivalent hits into one.
std::sort(hits->begin(), hits->end(),
HitComparator(term_id_codec, main_tvi_to_block_index));
size_t current_offset = 0;
HitSelector hit_selector;
for (const TermIdHitPair& term_id_hit_pair : *hits) {
if (!hit_selector.IsEquivalentHit(term_id_hit_pair)) {
// We've reached a new hit. Insert the previously selected hits that we
// had accumulated and reset to add this new hit.
current_offset = hit_selector.InsertSelectedHits(current_offset, hits);
// Update best exact and prefix hit.
// Push last.
current_offset = hit_selector.InsertSelectedHits(current_offset, hits);
// Based on experiments with full prefix expansion, the multiplier
// is ~4x.
constexpr int kAvgPrefixesPerTerm = 4;
} // namespace
const LiteIndex& lite_index, const TermIdCodec& term_id_codec,
const MainIndex::LexiconMergeOutputs& lexicon_merge_outputs) {
std::vector<TermIdHitPair> hits;
if (lite_index.empty()) {
return hits;
// Reserve enough space for the average number of prefixes per term and the
// terms themselves.
hits.reserve(lite_index.size() * (kAvgPrefixesPerTerm + 1));
// Translate lite tvis to main tvis.
for (const TermIdHitPair& term_id_hit_pair : lite_index) {
uint32_t cur_term_id = term_id_hit_pair.term_id();
ICING_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(TermIdCodec::DecodedTermInfo cur_decoded_term,
Hit hit(term_id_hit_pair.hit());
// 1. Translate and push original.
auto itr =
if (itr == lexicon_merge_outputs.other_tvi_to_main_tvi.cend()) {
// b/37273773
return absl_ports::InternalError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
"Trying to translate lite tvi %u that was never added to the lexicon",
ICING_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(uint32_t term_id,
term_id_codec.EncodeTvi(itr->second, TviType::MAIN));
hits.emplace_back(term_id, hit);
// 2. Expand hits in prefix sections.
if (hit.is_in_prefix_section()) {
// Hit was in a prefix section. Push prefixes. Turn on prefix bit.
auto itr_prefixes =
if (itr_prefixes ==
lexicon_merge_outputs.other_tvi_to_prefix_main_tvis.end()) {
ICING_VLOG(1) << "No necessary prefix expansion for "
<< cur_decoded_term.tvi;
// The tvis of all prefixes of this hit's term that appear in the main
// lexicon are between [prefix_tvis_buf[offset],
// prefix_tvis_buf[offset+len]).
size_t offset = itr_prefixes->second.first;
size_t len = itr_prefixes->second.second;
size_t offset_end_exclusive = offset + len;
Hit prefix_hit(hit.section_id(), hit.document_id(), hit.term_frequency(),
/*is_in_prefix_section=*/true, /*is_prefix_hit=*/true);
for (; offset < offset_end_exclusive; ++offset) {
// Take the tvi (in the main lexicon) of each prefix term.
uint32_t prefix_main_tvi =
// Convert it to a term_id.
uint32_t prefix_term_id,
term_id_codec.EncodeTvi(prefix_main_tvi, TviType::MAIN));
// Create add an element for this prefix TermId and prefix Hit to hits.
hits.emplace_back(prefix_term_id, prefix_hit);
// 3. Remove any duplicate hits.
DedupeHits(&hits, term_id_codec,
return hits;
} // namespace lib
} // namespace icing