blob: 8aed272511ee3f7b86f4d3148d300e787089d440 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:typed_data';
/// Represents the number of bits a value occupies.
enum BitWidth {
class BitWidthUtil {
static int toByteWidth(BitWidth self) {
return 1 << self.index;
static BitWidth width(num value) {
if (value.toInt() == value) {
var v = value.toInt().abs();
if (v >> 7 == 0) return BitWidth.width8;
if (v >> 15 == 0) return BitWidth.width16;
if (v >> 31 == 0) return BitWidth.width32;
return BitWidth.width64;
return value == _toF32(value) ? BitWidth.width32 : BitWidth.width64;
static BitWidth uwidth(num value) {
if (value.toInt() == value) {
var v = value.toInt().abs();
if (v >> 8 == 0) return BitWidth.width8;
if (v >> 16 == 0) return BitWidth.width16;
if (v >> 32 == 0) return BitWidth.width32;
return BitWidth.width64;
return value == _toF32(value) ? BitWidth.width32 : BitWidth.width64;
static BitWidth fromByteWidth(int value) {
if (value == 1) {
return BitWidth.width8;
if (value == 2) {
return BitWidth.width16;
if (value == 4) {
return BitWidth.width32;
if (value == 8) {
return BitWidth.width64;
throw Exception('Unexpected value ${value}');
static int paddingSize(int bufSize, int scalarSize) {
return (~bufSize + 1) & (scalarSize - 1);
static double _toF32(double value) {
var bdata = ByteData(4);
bdata.setFloat32(0, value);
return bdata.getFloat32(0);
static BitWidth max(BitWidth self, BitWidth other) {
if (self.index < other.index) {
return other;
return self;
/// Represents all internal FlexBuffer types.
enum ValueType {
Null, Int, UInt, Float,
Key, String, IndirectInt, IndirectUInt, IndirectFloat,
Map, Vector, VectorInt, VectorUInt, VectorFloat, VectorKey,
@Deprecated('VectorString is deprecated due to a flaw in the binary format (')
VectorInt2, VectorUInt2, VectorFloat2,
VectorInt3, VectorUInt3, VectorFloat3,
VectorInt4, VectorUInt4, VectorFloat4,
Blob, Bool, VectorBool
class ValueTypeUtils {
static int toInt(ValueType self) {
if (self == ValueType.VectorBool) return 36;
return self.index;
static ValueType fromInt(int value) {
if (value == 36) return ValueType.VectorBool;
return ValueType.values[value];
static bool isInline(ValueType self) {
return self == ValueType.Bool
|| toInt(self) <= toInt(ValueType.Float);
static bool isNumber(ValueType self) {
return toInt(self) >= toInt(ValueType.Int)
&& toInt(self) <= toInt(ValueType.Float);
static bool isIndirectNumber(ValueType self) {
return toInt(self) >= toInt(ValueType.IndirectInt)
&& toInt(self) <= toInt(ValueType.IndirectFloat);
static bool isTypedVectorElement(ValueType self) {
return self == ValueType.Bool ||
toInt(self) >= toInt(ValueType.Int)
&& toInt(self) <= toInt(ValueType.String)
static bool isTypedVector(ValueType self) {
return self == ValueType.VectorBool ||
toInt(self) >= toInt(ValueType.VectorInt)
&& toInt(self) <= toInt(ValueType.VectorString)
static bool isFixedTypedVector(ValueType self) {
return (
toInt(self) >= toInt(ValueType.VectorInt2)
&& toInt(self) <= toInt(ValueType.VectorFloat4)
static bool isAVector(ValueType self) {
return (
isTypedVector(self) || isFixedTypedVector(self) || self == ValueType.Vector
static ValueType toTypedVector(ValueType self, int length) {
if (length == 0) {
return ValueTypeUtils.fromInt(toInt(self) - toInt(ValueType.Int) + toInt(ValueType.VectorInt));
if (length == 2) {
return ValueTypeUtils.fromInt(toInt(self) - toInt(ValueType.Int) + toInt(ValueType.VectorInt2));
if (length == 3) {
return ValueTypeUtils.fromInt(toInt(self) - toInt(ValueType.Int) + toInt(ValueType.VectorInt3));
if (length == 4) {
return ValueTypeUtils.fromInt(toInt(self) - toInt(ValueType.Int) + toInt(ValueType.VectorInt4));
throw Exception('unexpected length ' + length.toString());
static ValueType typedVectorElementType(ValueType self) {
return ValueTypeUtils.fromInt(toInt(self) - toInt(ValueType.VectorInt) + toInt(ValueType.Int));
static ValueType fixedTypedVectorElementType(ValueType self) {
return ValueTypeUtils.fromInt((toInt(self) - toInt(ValueType.VectorInt2)) % 3 + toInt(ValueType.Int));
static int fixedTypedVectorElementSize(ValueType self) {
return (toInt(self) - toInt(ValueType.VectorInt2)) ~/ 3 + 2;
static int packedType(ValueType self, BitWidth bitWidth) {
return bitWidth.index | (toInt(self) << 2);