blob: 514a964237aad6faf86ab0eca8457fb73e299d9d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Handles IPC for controlling the main VM process.
//! The VM Control IPC protocol is synchronous, meaning that each `VmRequest` sent over a connection
//! will receive a `VmResponse` for that request next time data is received over that connection.
//! The wire message format is a little-endian C-struct of fixed size, along with a file descriptor
//! if the request type expects one.
extern crate byteorder;
extern crate kvm;
extern crate libc;
extern crate msg_socket;
extern crate resources;
extern crate sys_util;
use std::fmt::{self, Display};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Seek, SeekFrom};
use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, RawFd};
use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram;
use libc::{EINVAL, ENODEV};
use byteorder::{LittleEndian, WriteBytesExt};
use kvm::{Datamatch, IoeventAddress, Vm};
use msg_socket::{MsgOnSocket, MsgReceiver, MsgResult, MsgSender, MsgSocket};
use resources::{GpuMemoryDesc, SystemAllocator};
use sys_util::{Error as SysError, EventFd, GuestAddress, MemoryMapping, MmapError, Result};
/// A file descriptor either borrowed or owned by this.
pub enum MaybeOwnedFd {
/// Owned by this enum variant, and will be destructed automatically if not moved out.
/// A file descriptor borrwed by this enum.
impl AsRawFd for MaybeOwnedFd {
fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {
match self {
MaybeOwnedFd::Owned(f) => f.as_raw_fd(),
MaybeOwnedFd::Borrowed(fd) => *fd,
// When sent, it could be owned or borrowed. On the receiver end, it always owned.
impl MsgOnSocket for MaybeOwnedFd {
fn msg_size() -> usize {
fn max_fd_count() -> usize {
unsafe fn read_from_buffer(buffer: &[u8], fds: &[RawFd]) -> MsgResult<(Self, usize)> {
let (fd, size) = RawFd::read_from_buffer(buffer, fds)?;
let file = File::from_raw_fd(fd);
Ok((MaybeOwnedFd::Owned(file), size))
fn write_to_buffer(&self, buffer: &mut [u8], fds: &mut [RawFd]) -> MsgResult<usize> {
let fd = self.as_raw_fd();
fd.write_to_buffer(buffer, fds)
/// Mode of execution for the VM.
pub enum VmRunMode {
/// The default run mode indicating the VCPUs are running.
/// Indicates that the VCPUs are suspending execution until the `Running` mode is set.
/// Indicates that the VM is exiting all processes.
impl Display for VmRunMode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use self::VmRunMode::*;
match self {
Running => write!(f, "running"),
Suspending => write!(f, "suspending"),
Exiting => write!(f, "exiting"),
impl Default for VmRunMode {
fn default() -> Self {
/// A request to the main process to perform some operation on the VM.
/// Unless otherwise noted, each request should expect a `VmResponse::Ok` to be received on success.
pub enum VmRequest {
/// Set the size of the VM's balloon in bytes.
/// Break the VM's run loop and exit.
/// Suspend the VM's VCPUs until resume.
/// Resume the VM's VCPUs that were previously suspended.
/// Register the given ioevent address along with given datamatch to trigger the `EventFd`.
RegisterIoevent(EventFd, IoeventAddress, u32),
/// Register the given IRQ number to be triggered when the `EventFd` is triggered.
RegisterIrqfd(EventFd, u32),
/// Register shared memory represented by the given fd into guest address space. The response
/// variant is `VmResponse::RegisterMemory`.
RegisterMemory(MaybeOwnedFd, usize),
/// Unregister the given memory slot that was previously registereed with `RegisterMemory`.
/// Allocate GPU buffer of a given size/format and register the memory into guest address space.
/// The response variant is `VmResponse::AllocateAndRegisterGpuMemory`
AllocateAndRegisterGpuMemory {
width: u32,
height: u32,
format: u32,
/// Resize a disk chosen by `disk_index` to `new_size` in bytes.
/// `disk_index` is a 0-based count of `--disk`, `--rwdisk`, and `-r` command-line options.
DiskResize { disk_index: usize, new_size: u64 },
fn register_memory(
vm: &mut Vm,
allocator: &mut SystemAllocator,
fd: &AsRawFd,
size: usize,
) -> Result<(u64, u32)> {
let mmap = match MemoryMapping::from_fd(fd, size) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(MmapError::SystemCallFailed(e)) => return Err(e),
_ => return Err(SysError::new(EINVAL)),
let addr = match allocator.allocate_device_addresses(size as u64) {
Some(a) => a,
None => return Err(SysError::new(EINVAL)),
let slot = match vm.add_device_memory(GuestAddress(addr), mmap, false, false) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok((addr >> 12, slot))
impl VmRequest {
/// Executes this request on the given Vm and other mutable state.
/// # Arguments
/// * `vm` - The `Vm` to perform the request on.
/// * `allocator` - Used to allocate addresses.
/// * `run_mode` - Out argument that is set to a run mode if one was requested.
/// This does not return a result, instead encapsulating the success or failure in a
/// `VmResponse` with the intended purpose of sending the response back over the socket that
/// received this `VmRequest`.
pub fn execute(
vm: &mut Vm,
sys_allocator: &mut SystemAllocator,
run_mode: &mut Option<VmRunMode>,
balloon_host_socket: &UnixDatagram,
disk_host_sockets: &[MsgSocket<VmRequest, VmResponse>],
) -> VmResponse {
match *self {
VmRequest::Exit => {
*run_mode = Some(VmRunMode::Exiting);
VmRequest::Suspend => {
*run_mode = Some(VmRunMode::Suspending);
VmRequest::Resume => {
*run_mode = Some(VmRunMode::Running);
VmRequest::RegisterIoevent(ref evt, addr, datamatch) => {
match vm.register_ioevent(evt, addr, Datamatch::U32(Some(datamatch))) {
Ok(_) => VmResponse::Ok,
Err(e) => VmResponse::Err(e),
VmRequest::RegisterIrqfd(ref evt, irq) => match vm.register_irqfd(evt, irq) {
Ok(_) => VmResponse::Ok,
Err(e) => VmResponse::Err(e),
VmRequest::RegisterMemory(ref fd, size) => {
match register_memory(vm, sys_allocator, fd, size) {
Ok((pfn, slot)) => VmResponse::RegisterMemory { pfn, slot },
Err(e) => VmResponse::Err(e),
VmRequest::UnregisterMemory(slot) => match vm.remove_device_memory(slot) {
Ok(_) => VmResponse::Ok,
Err(e) => VmResponse::Err(e),
VmRequest::BalloonAdjust(num_pages) => {
let mut buf = [0u8; 8];
// write_u64 can't fail as the buffer is 8 bytes long.
(&mut buf[0..])
match balloon_host_socket.send(&buf) {
Ok(_) => VmResponse::Ok,
Err(_) => VmResponse::Err(SysError::last()),
VmRequest::AllocateAndRegisterGpuMemory {
} => {
let (mut fd, desc) = match sys_allocator.gpu_memory_allocator() {
Some(gpu_allocator) => match gpu_allocator.allocate(width, height, format) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => return VmResponse::Err(e),
None => return VmResponse::Err(SysError::new(ENODEV)),
// Determine size of buffer using 0 byte seek from end. This is preferred over
// `stride * height` as it's not limited to packed pixel formats.
let size = match {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => return VmResponse::Err(SysError::from(e)),
match register_memory(vm, sys_allocator, &fd, size as usize) {
Ok((pfn, slot)) => VmResponse::AllocateAndRegisterGpuMemory {
fd: MaybeOwnedFd::Owned(fd),
Err(e) => VmResponse::Err(e),
VmRequest::DiskResize {
new_size: _,
} => {
// Forward the request to the block device process via its control socket.
if let Some(sock) = disk_host_sockets.get(disk_index) {
if let Err(e) = sock.send(self) {
error!("disk socket send failed: {}", e);
} else {
match sock.recv() {
Ok(result) => result,
Err(e) => {
error!("disk socket recv failed: {}", e);
} else {
/// Indication of success or failure of a `VmRequest`.
/// Success is usually indicated `VmResponse::Ok` unless there is data associated with the response.
pub enum VmResponse {
/// Indicates the request was executed successfully.
/// Indicates the request encountered some error during execution.
/// The request to register memory into guest address space was successfully done at page frame
/// number `pfn` and memory slot number `slot`.
RegisterMemory { pfn: u64, slot: u32 },
/// The request to allocate and register GPU memory into guest address space was successfully
/// done at page frame number `pfn` and memory slot number `slot` for buffer with `desc`.
AllocateAndRegisterGpuMemory {
fd: MaybeOwnedFd,
pfn: u64,
slot: u32,
desc: GpuMemoryDesc,