blob: 7a548fc0d24412dca6e531450140c140c39d8273 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_alloc_base/augmentations/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_alloc_base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_alloc_buildflags.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/partition_alloc_config.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/src/partition_alloc/pointers/raw_ptr.h"
namespace base {
template <class T, RawPtrTraits Traits>
class raw_ref;
namespace internal {
template <class T>
struct is_raw_ref : std::false_type {};
template <class T, RawPtrTraits Traits>
struct is_raw_ref<::base::raw_ref<T, Traits>> : std::true_type {};
template <class T>
constexpr inline bool is_raw_ref_v = is_raw_ref<T>::value;
} // namespace internal
// A smart pointer for a pointer which can not be null, and which provides
// Use-after-Free protection in the same ways as raw_ptr. This class acts like a
// combination of std::reference_wrapper and raw_ptr.
// See raw_ptr and //base/memory/ for more details on the
// Use-after-Free protection.
// # Use after move
// The raw_ref type will abort if used after being moved.
// # Constness
// Use a `const raw_ref<T>` when the smart pointer should not be able to rebind
// to a new reference. Use a `const raw_ref<const T>` do the same for a const
// reference, which is like `const T&`.
// Unlike a native `T&` reference, a mutable `raw_ref<T>` can be changed
// independent of the underlying `T`, similar to `std::reference_wrapper`. That
// means the reference inside it can be moved and reassigned.
template <class T, RawPtrTraits Traits = RawPtrTraits::kEmpty>
// operator* is used with the expectation of GetForExtraction semantics:
// raw_ref<Foo> foo_raw_ref = something;
// Foo& foo_ref = *foo_raw_ref;
// The implementation of operator* provides GetForDereference semantics, and
// this results in spurious crashes in BRP-ASan builds, so we need to disable
// hooks that provide BRP-ASan instrumentation for raw_ref.
using Inner = raw_ptr<T, Traits | RawPtrTraits::kDisableHooks>;
// Some underlying implementations do not clear on move, which produces an
// inconsistent behaviour. We want consistent behaviour such that using a
// raw_ref after move is caught and aborts, so do it when the underlying
// implementation doesn't. Failure to clear would be indicated by the related
// death tests not CHECKing appropriately.
static constexpr bool kNeedClearAfterMove = !Inner::kZeroOnMove;
using Impl = typename Inner::Impl;
// Construct a raw_ref from a pointer, which must not be null.
// This function is safe to use with any pointer, as it will CHECK and
// terminate the process if the pointer is null. Avoid dereferencing a pointer
// to avoid this CHECK as you may be dereferencing null.
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr static raw_ref from_ptr(T* ptr) noexcept {
return raw_ref(*ptr);
// Construct a raw_ref from a reference.
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr explicit raw_ref(T& p) noexcept
: inner_(std::addressof(p)) {}
// Assign a new reference to the raw_ref, replacing the existing reference.
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr raw_ref& operator=(T& p) noexcept {
return *this;
// Disallow holding references to temporaries.
raw_ref(const T&& p) = delete;
raw_ref& operator=(const T&& p) = delete;
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr raw_ref(const raw_ref& p) noexcept
: inner_(p.inner_) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr raw_ref(raw_ref&& p) noexcept
: inner_(std::move(p.inner_)) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
if constexpr (kNeedClearAfterMove) {
p.inner_ = nullptr;
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr raw_ref& operator=(const raw_ref& p) noexcept {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(p.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return *this;
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr raw_ref& operator=(raw_ref&& p) noexcept {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(p.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
if constexpr (kNeedClearAfterMove) {
p.inner_ = nullptr;
return *this;
// Deliberately implicit in order to support implicit upcast.
// Delegate cross-kind conversion to the inner raw_ptr, which decides when to
// allow it.
template <class U,
RawPtrTraits PassedTraits,
class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<U&, T&>>>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr raw_ref(const raw_ref<U, PassedTraits>& p) noexcept
: inner_(p.inner_) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
// Deliberately implicit in order to support implicit upcast.
// Delegate cross-kind conversion to the inner raw_ptr, which decides when to
// allow it.
template <class U,
RawPtrTraits PassedTraits,
class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<U&, T&>>>
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr raw_ref(raw_ref<U, PassedTraits>&& p) noexcept
: inner_(std::move(p.inner_)) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
if constexpr (kNeedClearAfterMove) {
p.inner_ = nullptr;
// Upcast assignment
// Delegate cross-kind conversion to the inner raw_ptr, which decides when to
// allow it.
template <class U,
RawPtrTraits PassedTraits,
class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<U&, T&>>>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr raw_ref& operator=(
const raw_ref<U, PassedTraits>& p) noexcept {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(p.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return *this;
// Delegate cross-kind conversion to the inner raw_ptr, which decides when to
// allow it.
template <class U,
RawPtrTraits PassedTraits,
class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<U&, T&>>>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr raw_ref& operator=(
raw_ref<U, PassedTraits>&& p) noexcept {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(p.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
if constexpr (kNeedClearAfterMove) {
p.inner_ = nullptr;
return *this;
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr T& operator*() const {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return inner_.operator*();
// This is an equivalent to operator*() that provides GetForExtraction rather
// rather than GetForDereference semantics (see raw_ptr.h). This should be
// used in place of operator*() when the memory referred to by the reference
// is not immediately going to be accessed.
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr T& get() const {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return *inner_.get();
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE constexpr T* operator->() const
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return inner_.operator->();
// This is used to verify callbacks are not invoked with dangling references.
// If the `raw_ref` references a deleted object, it will trigger an error.
// Depending on the PartitionAllocUnretainedDanglingPtr feature, this is
// either a DumpWithoutCrashing, a crash, or ignored.
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE void ReportIfDangling() const noexcept {
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE friend constexpr void swap(raw_ref& lhs,
raw_ref& rhs) noexcept {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(lhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(rhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
swap(lhs.inner_, rhs.inner_);
template <typename U, typename V, RawPtrTraits Traits1, RawPtrTraits Traits2>
friend bool operator==(const raw_ref<U, Traits1>& lhs,
const raw_ref<V, Traits2>& rhs);
template <typename U, typename V, RawPtrTraits Traits1, RawPtrTraits Traits2>
friend bool operator!=(const raw_ref<U, Traits1>& lhs,
const raw_ref<V, Traits2>& rhs);
template <typename U, typename V, RawPtrTraits Traits1, RawPtrTraits Traits2>
friend bool operator<(const raw_ref<U, Traits1>& lhs,
const raw_ref<V, Traits2>& rhs);
template <typename U, typename V, RawPtrTraits Traits1, RawPtrTraits Traits2>
friend bool operator>(const raw_ref<U, Traits1>& lhs,
const raw_ref<V, Traits2>& rhs);
template <typename U, typename V, RawPtrTraits Traits1, RawPtrTraits Traits2>
friend bool operator<=(const raw_ref<U, Traits1>& lhs,
const raw_ref<V, Traits2>& rhs);
template <typename U, typename V, RawPtrTraits Traits1, RawPtrTraits Traits2>
friend bool operator>=(const raw_ref<U, Traits1>& lhs,
const raw_ref<V, Traits2>& rhs);
template <class U, class = std::enable_if_t<!internal::is_raw_ref_v<U>, void>>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE friend bool operator==(const raw_ref& lhs, const U& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(lhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return lhs.inner_ == &rhs;
template <class U, class = std::enable_if_t<!internal::is_raw_ref_v<U>, void>>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE friend bool operator!=(const raw_ref& lhs, const U& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(lhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return lhs.inner_ != &rhs;
template <class U, class = std::enable_if_t<!internal::is_raw_ref_v<U>, void>>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE friend bool operator<(const raw_ref& lhs, const U& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(lhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return lhs.inner_ < &rhs;
template <class U, class = std::enable_if_t<!internal::is_raw_ref_v<U>, void>>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE friend bool operator>(const raw_ref& lhs, const U& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(lhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return lhs.inner_ > &rhs;
template <class U, class = std::enable_if_t<!internal::is_raw_ref_v<U>, void>>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE friend bool operator<=(const raw_ref& lhs, const U& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(lhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return lhs.inner_ <= &rhs;
template <class U, class = std::enable_if_t<!internal::is_raw_ref_v<U>, void>>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE friend bool operator>=(const raw_ref& lhs, const U& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(lhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return lhs.inner_ >= &rhs;
template <class U, class = std::enable_if_t<!internal::is_raw_ref_v<U>, void>>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE friend bool operator==(const U& lhs, const raw_ref& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(rhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return &lhs == rhs.inner_;
template <class U, class = std::enable_if_t<!internal::is_raw_ref_v<U>, void>>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE friend bool operator!=(const U& lhs, const raw_ref& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(rhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return &lhs != rhs.inner_;
template <class U, class = std::enable_if_t<!internal::is_raw_ref_v<U>, void>>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE friend bool operator<(const U& lhs, const raw_ref& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(rhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return &lhs < rhs.inner_;
template <class U, class = std::enable_if_t<!internal::is_raw_ref_v<U>, void>>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE friend bool operator>(const U& lhs, const raw_ref& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(rhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return &lhs > rhs.inner_;
template <class U, class = std::enable_if_t<!internal::is_raw_ref_v<U>, void>>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE friend bool operator<=(const U& lhs, const raw_ref& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(rhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return &lhs <= rhs.inner_;
template <class U, class = std::enable_if_t<!internal::is_raw_ref_v<U>, void>>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE friend bool operator>=(const U& lhs, const raw_ref& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(rhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return &lhs >= rhs.inner_;
template <class U, RawPtrTraits R>
friend class raw_ref;
Inner inner_;
template <typename U, typename V, RawPtrTraits Traits1, RawPtrTraits Traits2>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator==(const raw_ref<U, Traits1>& lhs,
const raw_ref<V, Traits2>& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(lhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(rhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return lhs.inner_ == rhs.inner_;
template <typename U, typename V, RawPtrTraits Traits1, RawPtrTraits Traits2>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator!=(const raw_ref<U, Traits1>& lhs,
const raw_ref<V, Traits2>& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(lhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(rhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return lhs.inner_ != rhs.inner_;
template <typename U, typename V, RawPtrTraits Traits1, RawPtrTraits Traits2>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator<(const raw_ref<U, Traits1>& lhs,
const raw_ref<V, Traits2>& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(lhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(rhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return lhs.inner_ < rhs.inner_;
template <typename U, typename V, RawPtrTraits Traits1, RawPtrTraits Traits2>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator>(const raw_ref<U, Traits1>& lhs,
const raw_ref<V, Traits2>& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(lhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(rhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return lhs.inner_ > rhs.inner_;
template <typename U, typename V, RawPtrTraits Traits1, RawPtrTraits Traits2>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator<=(const raw_ref<U, Traits1>& lhs,
const raw_ref<V, Traits2>& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(lhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(rhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return lhs.inner_ <= rhs.inner_;
template <typename U, typename V, RawPtrTraits Traits1, RawPtrTraits Traits2>
PA_ALWAYS_INLINE bool operator>=(const raw_ref<U, Traits1>& lhs,
const raw_ref<V, Traits2>& rhs) {
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(lhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
PA_RAW_PTR_CHECK(rhs.inner_); // Catch use-after-move.
return lhs.inner_ >= rhs.inner_;
// CTAD deduction guide.
template <class T>
raw_ref(T&) -> raw_ref<T>;
template <class T>
raw_ref(const T&) -> raw_ref<const T>;
// Template helpers for working with raw_ref<T>.
template <typename T>
struct IsRawRef : std::false_type {};
template <typename T, RawPtrTraits Traits>
struct IsRawRef<raw_ref<T, Traits>> : std::true_type {};
template <typename T>
inline constexpr bool IsRawRefV = IsRawRef<T>::value;
template <typename T>
struct RemoveRawRef {
using type = T;
template <typename T, RawPtrTraits Traits>
struct RemoveRawRef<raw_ref<T, Traits>> {
using type = T;
template <typename T>
using RemoveRawRefT = typename RemoveRawRef<T>::type;
} // namespace base
using base::raw_ref;
template <base::RawPtrTraits Traits = base::RawPtrTraits::kEmpty, typename T>
auto ToRawRef(T& ref) {
return raw_ref<T, Traits>(ref);
namespace std {
// Override so set/map lookups do not create extra raw_ref. This also
// allows C++ references to be used for lookup.
template <typename T, base::RawPtrTraits Traits>
struct less<raw_ref<T, Traits>> {
using Impl = typename raw_ref<T, Traits>::Impl;
using is_transparent = void;
bool operator()(const raw_ref<T, Traits>& lhs,
const raw_ref<T, Traits>& rhs) const {
return lhs < rhs;
bool operator()(T& lhs, const raw_ref<T, Traits>& rhs) const {
return lhs < rhs;
bool operator()(const raw_ref<T, Traits>& lhs, T& rhs) const {
return lhs < rhs;
// Specialize std::pointer_traits. The latter is required to obtain the
// underlying raw pointer in the std::to_address(pointer) overload.
// Implementing the pointer_traits is the standard blessed way to customize
// `std::to_address(pointer)` in C++20 [3].
// [1]
template <typename T, ::base::RawPtrTraits Traits>
struct pointer_traits<::raw_ref<T, Traits>> {
using pointer = ::raw_ref<T, Traits>;
using element_type = T;
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
template <typename U>
using rebind = ::raw_ref<U, Traits>;
static constexpr pointer pointer_to(element_type& r) noexcept {
return pointer(r);
static constexpr element_type* to_address(pointer p) noexcept {
// `raw_ref::get` is used instead of raw_ref::operator*`. It provides
// GetForExtraction rather rather than GetForDereference semantics (see
// raw_ptr.h). This should be used when we we don't know the memory will be
// accessed.
return &(p.get());
} // namespace std