blob: bfff4bd09184916437f0efca45c8d067d49c59fa [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'target_defaults': {
# Disable narrowing-conversion-in-initialization-list warnings in that we
# do not want to fix it in data file "webcursor_gtk_data.h".
'cflags+': ['-Wno-narrowing'],
'cflags_cc+': ['-Wno-narrowing'],
'variables': {
'chromium_code': 1,
'targets': [
'target_name': 'glue_child',
'type': '<(component)',
'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
'defines': [
'dependencies': [
'include_dirs': [
# For JNI generated header.
'hard_dependency': 1,
'sources': [
# TODO(jschuh): fix size_t to int truncations.
'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4267 ],
'conditions': [
['use_default_render_theme==0', {
'sources/': [
['exclude', ''],
['exclude', 'webthemeengine_impl_default.h'],
['OS=="mac"', {
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
['OS=="android"', {
'dependencies': [
'target_name': 'glue',
'type': '<(component)',
'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
'defines': [
'dependencies': [
'include_dirs': [
'sources': [
# When glue is a dependency, it needs to be a hard dependency.
# Dependents may rely on files generated by this target or one of its
# own hard dependencies.
'hard_dependency': 1,
'conditions': [
['toolkit_uses_gtk == 1', {
'dependencies': [
'sources/': [['exclude', '_x11\\.cc$']],
['use_aura==1 and use_x11==1', {
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [ '-lXcursor', ],
['OS=="win"', {
'include_dirs': [
# TODO(jschuh): fix size_t to int truncations.
'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4800, 4267 ],
'conditions': [
['component=="shared_library"', {
'dependencies': [
'export_dependent_settings': [
['chrome_multiple_dll!=1', {
'dependencies': [
'conditions': [
['use_third_party_translations==1', {
'targets': [
'target_name': 'inspector_strings',
'type': 'none',
'variables': {
'grit_out_dir': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/resources/inspector/l10n',
'actions': [
'action_name': 'inspector_strings',
'variables': {
'grit_grd_file': 'inspector_strings.grd',
'includes': [ '../../build/grit_action.gypi' ],
'includes': [ '../../build/grit_target.gypi' ],
['OS=="android"', {
'targets': [
'target_name': 'overscroller_jni_headers',
'type': 'none',
'variables': {
'jni_gen_package': 'webkit',
'input_java_class': 'android/widget/OverScroller.class',
'includes': [ '../../build/jar_file_jni_generator.gypi' ],