blob: c91e87517f548bb330439b9d46cb7be8f5aa10d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
class GURL;
namespace autofill {
namespace wallet {
// |user_index| is the index into the list of signed-in GAIA profiles for which
// this request is being made.
GURL GetGetWalletItemsUrl(size_t user_index);
GURL GetGetFullWalletUrl(size_t user_index);
GURL GetManageInstrumentsUrl(size_t user_index);
GURL GetManageAddressesUrl(size_t user_index);
GURL GetAcceptLegalDocumentsUrl(size_t user_index);
GURL GetAuthenticateInstrumentUrl(size_t user_index);
GURL GetSendStatusUrl(size_t user_index);
GURL GetSaveToWalletNoEscrowUrl(size_t user_index);
GURL GetSaveToWalletUrl(size_t user_index);
// This URL attempts to passively refresh all users.
GURL GetPassiveAuthUrl();
// URL to visit for presenting the user with a sign-in dialog.
GURL GetSignInUrl();
// The the URL to use as a continue parameter in the sign-in URL.
// A redirect to this URL will occur once sign-in is complete.
GURL GetSignInContinueUrl();
// Returns true if |url| is an acceptable variant of the sign-in continue
// url. Can be used for detection of navigation to the continue url.
bool IsSignInContinueUrl(const GURL& url);
// Whether calls to Online Wallet are hitting the production server rather than
// a sandbox or some malicious endpoint.
bool IsUsingProd();
} // namespace wallet
} // namespace autofill