blob: 4c62ffbafcdb31f9d19add70b9df49d34cd8a997 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/ime/xkeyboard.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/process/launch.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/sys_info.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
// These includes conflict with base/tracked_objects.h so must come last.
#include <X11/XKBlib.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <glib.h>
namespace chromeos {
namespace input_method {
namespace {
Display* GetXDisplay() {
return base::MessagePumpForUI::GetDefaultXDisplay();
// The default keyboard layout name in the xorg config file.
const char kDefaultLayoutName[] = "us";
// The command we use to set the current XKB layout and modifier key mapping.
// TODO(yusukes): Use instead of the command (
const char kSetxkbmapCommand[] = "/usr/bin/setxkbmap";
// A string for obtaining a mask value for Num Lock.
const char kNumLockVirtualModifierString[] = "NumLock";
// Returns false if |layout_name| contains a bad character.
bool CheckLayoutName(const std::string& layout_name) {
static const char kValidLayoutNameCharacters[] =
if (layout_name.empty()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Invalid layout_name: " << layout_name;
return false;
if (layout_name.find_first_not_of(kValidLayoutNameCharacters) !=
std::string::npos) {
DVLOG(1) << "Invalid layout_name: " << layout_name;
return false;
return true;
class XKeyboardImpl : public XKeyboard {
virtual ~XKeyboardImpl() {}
// Overridden from XKeyboard:
virtual bool SetCurrentKeyboardLayoutByName(
const std::string& layout_name) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool ReapplyCurrentKeyboardLayout() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ReapplyCurrentModifierLockStatus() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetLockedModifiers(
ModifierLockStatus new_caps_lock_status,
ModifierLockStatus new_num_lock_status) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetNumLockEnabled(bool enable_num_lock) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetCapsLockEnabled(bool enable_caps_lock) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool NumLockIsEnabled() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CapsLockIsEnabled() OVERRIDE;
virtual unsigned int GetNumLockMask() OVERRIDE;
virtual void GetLockedModifiers(bool* out_caps_lock_enabled,
bool* out_num_lock_enabled) OVERRIDE;
// This function is used by SetLayout() and RemapModifierKeys(). Calls
// setxkbmap command if needed, and updates the last_full_layout_name_ cache.
bool SetLayoutInternal(const std::string& layout_name, bool force);
// Executes 'setxkbmap -layout ...' command asynchronously using a layout name
// in the |execute_queue_|. Do nothing if the queue is empty.
// TODO(yusukes): Use instead of the command (
void MaybeExecuteSetLayoutCommand();
// Called when execve'd setxkbmap process exits.
static void OnSetLayoutFinish(pid_t pid, int status, XKeyboardImpl* self);
const bool is_running_on_chrome_os_;
unsigned int num_lock_mask_;
// The current Num Lock and Caps Lock status. If true, enabled.
bool current_num_lock_status_;
bool current_caps_lock_status_;
// The XKB layout name which we set last time like "us" and "us(dvorak)".
std::string current_layout_name_;
// A queue for executing setxkbmap one by one.
std::queue<std::string> execute_queue_;
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
: is_running_on_chrome_os_(base::SysInfo::IsRunningOnChromeOS()) {
num_lock_mask_ = GetNumLockMask();
// seems to assume that Mod2Mask is always assigned
// to Num Lock.
// TODO(yusukes): Check the assumption is really okay. If not, modify the Aura
// code, and then remove the CHECK below.
CHECK(!is_running_on_chrome_os_ || (num_lock_mask_ == Mod2Mask));
GetLockedModifiers(&current_caps_lock_status_, &current_num_lock_status_);
bool XKeyboardImpl::SetLayoutInternal(const std::string& layout_name,
bool force) {
if (!is_running_on_chrome_os_) {
// We should not try to change a layout on Linux or inside ui_tests. Just
// return true.
return true;
if (!CheckLayoutName(layout_name))
return false;
if (!force && (current_layout_name_ == layout_name)) {
DVLOG(1) << "The requested layout is already set: " << layout_name;
return true;
DVLOG(1) << (force ? "Reapply" : "Set") << " layout: " << layout_name;
const bool start_execution = execute_queue_.empty();
// If no setxkbmap command is in flight (i.e. start_execution is true),
// start the first one by explicitly calling MaybeExecuteSetLayoutCommand().
// If one or more setxkbmap commands are already in flight, just push the
// layout name to the queue. setxkbmap command for the layout will be called
// via OnSetLayoutFinish() callback later.
if (start_execution)
return true;
// Executes 'setxkbmap -layout ...' command asynchronously using a layout name
// in the |execute_queue_|. Do nothing if the queue is empty.
// TODO(yusukes): Use instead of the command (
void XKeyboardImpl::MaybeExecuteSetLayoutCommand() {
if (execute_queue_.empty())
const std::string layout_to_set = execute_queue_.front();
std::vector<std::string> argv;
base::ProcessHandle handle = base::kNullProcessHandle;
if (!base::LaunchProcess(argv, base::LaunchOptions(), &handle)) {
DVLOG(1) << "Failed to execute setxkbmap: " << layout_to_set;
execute_queue_ = std::queue<std::string>(); // clear the queue.
// g_child_watch_add is necessary to prevent the process from becoming a
// zombie.
const base::ProcessId pid = base::GetProcId(handle);
DVLOG(1) << "ExecuteSetLayoutCommand: " << layout_to_set << ": pid=" << pid;
bool XKeyboardImpl::NumLockIsEnabled() {
bool num_lock_enabled = false;
GetLockedModifiers(NULL /* Caps Lock */, &num_lock_enabled);
return num_lock_enabled;
bool XKeyboardImpl::CapsLockIsEnabled() {
bool caps_lock_enabled = false;
GetLockedModifiers(&caps_lock_enabled, NULL /* Num Lock */);
return caps_lock_enabled;
unsigned int XKeyboardImpl::GetNumLockMask() {
static const unsigned int kBadMask = 0;
unsigned int real_mask = kBadMask;
XkbDescPtr xkb_desc =
XkbGetKeyboard(GetXDisplay(), XkbAllComponentsMask, XkbUseCoreKbd);
if (!xkb_desc)
return kBadMask;
if (xkb_desc->dpy && xkb_desc->names && xkb_desc->names->vmods) {
const std::string string_to_find(kNumLockVirtualModifierString);
for (size_t i = 0; i < XkbNumVirtualMods; ++i) {
const unsigned int virtual_mod_mask = 1U << i;
char* virtual_mod_str_raw_ptr =
XGetAtomName(xkb_desc->dpy, xkb_desc->names->vmods[i]);
if (!virtual_mod_str_raw_ptr)
const std::string virtual_mod_str = virtual_mod_str_raw_ptr;
if (string_to_find == virtual_mod_str) {
if (!XkbVirtualModsToReal(xkb_desc, virtual_mod_mask, &real_mask)) {
DVLOG(1) << "XkbVirtualModsToReal failed";
real_mask = kBadMask; // reset the return value, just in case.
XkbFreeKeyboard(xkb_desc, 0, True /* free all components */);
return real_mask;
void XKeyboardImpl::GetLockedModifiers(bool* out_caps_lock_enabled,
bool* out_num_lock_enabled) {
if (out_num_lock_enabled && !num_lock_mask_) {
DVLOG(1) << "Cannot get locked modifiers. Num Lock mask unknown.";
if (out_caps_lock_enabled)
*out_caps_lock_enabled = false;
if (out_num_lock_enabled)
*out_num_lock_enabled = false;
XkbStateRec status;
XkbGetState(GetXDisplay(), XkbUseCoreKbd, &status);
if (out_caps_lock_enabled)
*out_caps_lock_enabled = status.locked_mods & LockMask;
if (out_num_lock_enabled)
*out_num_lock_enabled = status.locked_mods & num_lock_mask_;
void XKeyboardImpl::SetLockedModifiers(ModifierLockStatus new_caps_lock_status,
ModifierLockStatus new_num_lock_status) {
if (!num_lock_mask_) {
DVLOG(1) << "Cannot set locked modifiers. Num Lock mask unknown.";
unsigned int affect_mask = 0;
unsigned int value_mask = 0;
if (new_caps_lock_status != kDontChange) {
affect_mask |= LockMask;
value_mask |= ((new_caps_lock_status == kEnableLock) ? LockMask : 0);
current_caps_lock_status_ = (new_caps_lock_status == kEnableLock);
if (new_num_lock_status != kDontChange) {
affect_mask |= num_lock_mask_;
value_mask |= ((new_num_lock_status == kEnableLock) ? num_lock_mask_ : 0);
current_num_lock_status_ = (new_num_lock_status == kEnableLock);
if (affect_mask)
XkbLockModifiers(GetXDisplay(), XkbUseCoreKbd, affect_mask, value_mask);
void XKeyboardImpl::SetNumLockEnabled(bool enable_num_lock) {
kDontChange, enable_num_lock ? kEnableLock : kDisableLock);
void XKeyboardImpl::SetCapsLockEnabled(bool enable_caps_lock) {
enable_caps_lock ? kEnableLock : kDisableLock, kDontChange);
bool XKeyboardImpl::SetCurrentKeyboardLayoutByName(
const std::string& layout_name) {
if (SetLayoutInternal(layout_name, false)) {
current_layout_name_ = layout_name;
return true;
return false;
bool XKeyboardImpl::ReapplyCurrentKeyboardLayout() {
if (current_layout_name_.empty()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Can't reapply XKB layout: layout unknown";
return false;
return SetLayoutInternal(current_layout_name_, true /* force */);
void XKeyboardImpl::ReapplyCurrentModifierLockStatus() {
SetLockedModifiers(current_caps_lock_status_ ? kEnableLock : kDisableLock,
current_num_lock_status_ ? kEnableLock : kDisableLock);
// static
void XKeyboardImpl::OnSetLayoutFinish(pid_t pid,
int status,
XKeyboardImpl* self) {
DVLOG(1) << "OnSetLayoutFinish: pid=" << pid;
if (self->execute_queue_.empty()) {
DVLOG(1) << "OnSetLayoutFinish: execute_queue_ is empty. "
<< "base::LaunchProcess failed? pid=" << pid;
} // namespace
// static
bool XKeyboard::SetAutoRepeatEnabled(bool enabled) {
if (enabled)
DVLOG(1) << "Set auto-repeat mode to: " << (enabled ? "on" : "off");
return true;
// static
bool XKeyboard::SetAutoRepeatRate(const AutoRepeatRate& rate) {
DVLOG(1) << "Set auto-repeat rate to: "
<< rate.initial_delay_in_ms << " ms delay, "
<< rate.repeat_interval_in_ms << " ms interval";
if (XkbSetAutoRepeatRate(GetXDisplay(), XkbUseCoreKbd,
rate.repeat_interval_in_ms) != True) {
DVLOG(1) << "Failed to set auto-repeat rate";
return false;
return true;
// static
bool XKeyboard::GetAutoRepeatEnabledForTesting() {
XKeyboardState state = {};
XGetKeyboardControl(GetXDisplay(), &state);
return state.global_auto_repeat != AutoRepeatModeOff;
// static
bool XKeyboard::GetAutoRepeatRateForTesting(AutoRepeatRate* out_rate) {
return XkbGetAutoRepeatRate(GetXDisplay(), XkbUseCoreKbd,
&(out_rate->repeat_interval_in_ms)) == True;
// static
bool XKeyboard::CheckLayoutNameForTesting(const std::string& layout_name) {
return CheckLayoutName(layout_name);
// static
XKeyboard* XKeyboard::Create() {
return new XKeyboardImpl();
} // namespace input_method
} // namespace chromeos