blob: 6b302140ecd756758afe4c7d7c7892b101cfe227 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from collections import Mapping
import os
from api_schema_graph import APISchemaGraph
from branch_utility import BranchUtility
from compiled_file_system import CompiledFileSystem
from svn_constants import API_PATH
from third_party.json_schema_compiler import idl_schema, idl_parser, json_parse
from third_party.json_schema_compiler.json_parse import OrderedDict
from third_party.json_schema_compiler.model import UnixName
_EXTENSION_API = 'extension_api.json'
def _GetChannelFromFeatures(api_name, file_system, path):
'''Finds API channel information within _features.json files at the given
|path| for the given |file_system|. Returns None if channel information for
the API cannot be located.
feature = file_system.GetFromFile(path).Get().get(api_name)
if feature is None:
return None
if isinstance(feature, Mapping):
# The channel information exists as a solitary dict.
return feature.get('channel')
# The channel information dict is nested within a list for whitelisting
# purposes. Take the newest channel out of all of the entries.
return BranchUtility.NewestChannel(entry.get('channel') for entry in feature)
def _GetChannelFromApiFeatures(api_name, file_system):
return _GetChannelFromFeatures(
'%s/_api_features.json' % API_PATH)
def _GetChannelFromManifestFeatures(api_name, file_system):
return _GetChannelFromFeatures(
UnixName(api_name), #_manifest_features uses unix_style API names
'%s/_manifest_features.json' % API_PATH)
def _GetChannelFromPermissionFeatures(api_name, file_system):
return _GetChannelFromFeatures(
'%s/_permission_features.json' % API_PATH)
def _GetApiSchemaFilename(api_name, file_system):
'''Gets the name of the file which contains the schema for |api_name| in
|file_system|, or None if the API is not found. Note that this may be the
single _EXTENSION_API file which all APIs share in older versions of Chrome.
def under_api_path(path):
return '%s/%s' % (API_PATH, path)
file_names = file_system.ReadSingle(under_api_path('')).Get()
if _EXTENSION_API in file_names:
# Prior to Chrome version 18, extension_api.json contained all API schema
# data, which replaced the current implementation of individual API files.
# We're forced to parse this (very large) file to determine if the API
# exists in it.
# TODO(epeterson) Avoid doing unnecessary work by re-parsing.
# See
extension_api_json = json_parse.Parse(
file_system.ReadSingle('%s/%s'% (API_PATH, _EXTENSION_API)).Get())
if any(api['namespace'] == api_name for api in extension_api_json):
return under_api_path(_EXTENSION_API)
return None
api_file_names = [
file_name for file_name in file_names
if os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] in (api_name, UnixName(api_name))]
assert len(api_file_names) < 2
return under_api_path(api_file_names[0]) if api_file_names else None
def _HasApiSchema(api_name, file_system):
return _GetApiSchemaFilename(api_name, file_system) is not None
def _GetApiSchema(api_name, file_system):
'''Searches |file_system| for |api_name|'s API schema data, and parses and
returns it if found.
api_file_name = _GetApiSchemaFilename(api_name, file_system)
if api_file_name is None:
return None
api_file_text = file_system.ReadSingle(api_file_name).Get()
if api_file_name == _EXTENSION_API:
matching_schemas = [api for api in json_parse.Parse(api_file_text)
if api['namespace'] == api_name]
elif api_file_name.endswith('.idl'):
matching_schemas = idl_parser.IDLParser().ParseData(api_file_text)
matching_schemas = json_parse.Parse(api_file_text)
# There should only be a single matching schema per file.
assert len(matching_schemas) == 1
return matching_schemas
class AvailabilityFinder(object):
'''Generates availability information for APIs by looking at API schemas and
_features files over multiple release versions of Chrome.
def __init__(self,
self._file_system_iterator = file_system_iterator
self._object_store_creator = object_store_creator
def create_object_store(category):
return object_store_creator.Create(AvailabilityFinder, category=category)
self._top_level_object_store = create_object_store('top_level')
self._node_level_object_store = create_object_store('node_level')
self._branch_utility = branch_utility
self._host_file_system = host_file_system
def _CheckStableAvailability(self, api_name, file_system, version):
'''Checks for availability of an API, |api_name|, on the stable channel.
Considers several _features.json files, file system existence, and
extension_api.json depending on the given |version|.
if version < 5:
# SVN data isn't available below version 5.
return False
available_channel = None
fs_factory = CompiledFileSystem.Factory(self._object_store_creator)
features_fs = fs_factory.Create(file_system,
lambda _, json: json_parse.Parse(json),
if version >= 28:
# The _api_features.json file first appears in version 28 and should be
# the most reliable for finding API availability.
available_channel = _GetChannelFromApiFeatures(api_name, features_fs)
if version >= 20:
# The _permission_features.json and _manifest_features.json files are
# present in Chrome 20 and onwards. Use these if no information could be
# found using _api_features.json.
available_channel = available_channel or (
_GetChannelFromPermissionFeatures(api_name, features_fs)
or _GetChannelFromManifestFeatures(api_name, features_fs))
if available_channel is not None:
return available_channel == 'stable'
if version >= 5:
# Fall back to a check for file system existence if the API is not
# stable in any of the _features.json files, or if the _features files
# do not exist (version 19 and earlier).
return _HasApiSchema(api_name, file_system)
def _CheckChannelAvailability(self, api_name, file_system, channel_name):
'''Searches through the _features files in a given |file_system| and
determines whether or not an API is available on the given channel,
fs_factory = CompiledFileSystem.Factory(self._object_store_creator)
features_fs = fs_factory.Create(file_system,
lambda _, json: json_parse.Parse(json),
available_channel = (_GetChannelFromApiFeatures(api_name, features_fs)
or _GetChannelFromPermissionFeatures(api_name, features_fs)
or _GetChannelFromManifestFeatures(api_name, features_fs))
if available_channel is None and _HasApiSchema(api_name, file_system):
# If an API is not represented in any of the _features files, but exists
# in the filesystem, then assume it is available in this version.
# The windows API is an example of this.
available_channel = channel_name
# If the channel we're checking is the same as or newer than the
# |available_channel| then the API is available at this channel.
return (available_channel is not None and
BranchUtility.NewestChannel((available_channel, channel_name))
== channel_name)
def _CheckApiAvailability(self, api_name, file_system, channel_info):
'''Determines the availability for an API at a certain version of Chrome.
Two branches of logic are used depending on whether or not the API is
determined to be 'stable' at the given version.
if == 'stable':
return self._CheckStableAvailability(api_name,
return self._CheckChannelAvailability(api_name,
def GetApiAvailability(self, api_name):
'''Performs a search for an API's top-level availability by using a
HostFileSystemIterator instance to traverse multiple version of the
SVN filesystem.
availability = self._top_level_object_store.Get(api_name).Get()
if availability is not None:
return availability
def check_api_availability(file_system, channel_info):
return self._CheckApiAvailability(api_name, file_system, channel_info)
availability = self._file_system_iterator.Descending(
if availability is None:
# The API wasn't available on 'dev', so it must be a 'trunk'-only API.
availability = self._branch_utility.GetChannelInfo('trunk')
self._top_level_object_store.Set(api_name, availability)
return availability
def GetApiNodeAvailability(self, api_name):
'''Returns an APISchemaGraph annotated with each node's availability (the
ChannelInfo at the oldest channel it's available in).
availability_graph = self._node_level_object_store.Get(api_name).Get()
if availability_graph is not None:
return availability_graph
availability_graph = APISchemaGraph()
trunk_graph = APISchemaGraph(_GetApiSchema(api_name,
def update_availability_graph(file_system, channel_info):
version_graph = APISchemaGraph(_GetApiSchema(api_name, file_system))
# Keep track of any new schema elements from this version by adding
# them to |availability_graph|.
# Calling |availability_graph|.Lookup() on the nodes being updated
# will return the |annotation| object.
# Continue looping until there are no longer differences between this
# version and trunk.
return trunk_graph != version_graph
self._node_level_object_store.Set(api_name, availability_graph)
return availability_graph