blob: a31b6478856bf0854f2812deacf720e27aa55817 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_metrics.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/field_types.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
#include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
#include "ui/gfx/text_constants.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace autofill {
class AutofillField;
// This struct describes a single input control for the imperative autocomplete
// dialog.
struct DetailInput {
// Multiple DetailInput structs with the same row_id go on the same row. The
// actual order of the rows is determined by their order of appearance in
// kBillingInputs. If negative, don't show the input at all (leave it hidden
// at all times).
int row_id;
ServerFieldType type;
// Placeholder text resource ID.
int placeholder_text_rid;
// A number between 0 and 1.0 that describes how much of the horizontal space
// in the row should be allotted to this input. 0 is equivalent to 1.
float expand_weight;
// When non-empty, indicates the starting value for this input. This will be
// used when the user is editing existing data.
string16 initial_value;
// Whether the input is able to be edited (e.g. text changed in textfields,
// index changed in comboboxes).
bool editable;
// Determines whether |input| and |field| match.
typedef base::Callback<bool(const DetailInput& input,
const AutofillField& field)>
// Sections of the dialog --- all fields that may be shown to the user fit under
// one of these sections.
enum DialogSection {
// Lower boundary value for looping over all sections.
// The Autofill-backed dialog uses separate CC and billing sections.
// The wallet-backed dialog uses a combined CC and billing section.
// Upper boundary value for looping over all sections.
// A notification to show in the autofill dialog. Ranges from information to
// seriously scary security messages, and will give you the color it should be
// displayed (if you ask it).
class DialogNotification {
enum Type {
DialogNotification(Type type, const string16& display_text);
// Returns the appropriate background, border, or text color for the view's
// notification area based on |type_|.
SkColor GetBackgroundColor() const;
SkColor GetBorderColor() const;
SkColor GetTextColor() const;
// Whether this notification has an arrow pointing up at the account chooser.
bool HasArrow() const;
// Whether this notifications has the "Save details to wallet" checkbox.
bool HasCheckbox() const;
Type type() const { return type_; }
const string16& display_text() const { return display_text_; }
void set_link_url(const GURL& link_url) { link_url_ = link_url; }
const GURL& link_url() const { return link_url_; }
const gfx::Range& link_range() const { return link_range_; }
void set_tooltip_text(const string16& tooltip_text) {
tooltip_text_ = tooltip_text;
const string16& tooltip_text() const { return tooltip_text_; }
void set_checked(bool checked) { checked_ = checked; }
bool checked() const { return checked_; }
Type type_;
string16 display_text_;
// If the notification includes a link, these describe the destination and
// which part of |display_text_| is the anchor text.
GURL link_url_;
gfx::Range link_range_;
// When non-empty, indicates that a tooltip should be shown on the end of
// the notification.
string16 tooltip_text_;
// Whether the dialog notification's checkbox should be checked. Only applies
// when |HasCheckbox()| is true.
bool checked_;
extern SkColor const kWarningColor;
struct SuggestionState {
SuggestionState(bool visible,
const string16& vertically_compact_text,
const string16& horizontally_compact_text,
const gfx::Image& icon,
const string16& extra_text,
const gfx::Image& extra_icon);
// Whether a suggestion should be shown.
bool visible;
// Text to be shown for the suggestion. This should be preferred over
// |horizontally_compact_text| when there's enough horizontal space available
// to display it. When there's not enough space, fall back to
// |horizontally_compact_text|.
base::string16 vertically_compact_text;
base::string16 horizontally_compact_text;
gfx::Image icon;
string16 extra_text;
gfx::Image extra_icon;
// A struct to describe a textual message within a dialog overlay.
struct DialogOverlayString {
// Text content of the message.
base::string16 text;
// Color of the message's text.
SkColor text_color;
// Font to render the message's text in.
gfx::Font font;
// A struct to describe a dialog overlay. If |image| is empty, no overlay should
// be shown.
struct DialogOverlayState {
// If empty, there should not be an overlay. If non-empty, an image that is
// more or less front and center.
gfx::Image image;
// Message to display.
DialogOverlayString string;
enum ValidationType {
VALIDATE_EDIT, // Validate user edits. Allow for empty fields.
VALIDATE_FINAL, // Full form validation. Required fields can't be empty.
typedef std::vector<DetailInput> DetailInputs;
typedef std::map<const DetailInput*, string16> DetailOutputMap;
// A validity message for a single input field.
struct ValidityMessage {
ValidityMessage(const base::string16& text, bool sure);
// Message text. If not empty, error text. If empty, indicates valid field.
base::string16 text;
// If |sure| is true, always display message. If it is false,
// only display on final validation (i.e. after the user has attempted to
// submit).
bool sure;
// A mapping of field types to their corresponding ValidityMessage results.
class ValidityMessages {
void Set(ServerFieldType field, const ValidityMessage& message);
const ValidityMessage& GetMessageOrDefault(ServerFieldType field) const;
bool HasSureError(ServerFieldType field) const;
bool HasErrors() const;
bool HasSureErrors() const;
typedef std::map<ServerFieldType, ValidityMessage> MessageMap;
MessageMap messages_;
ValidityMessage default_message_;
} // namespace autofill