blob: bcb51d9ccd6a974c5eb7e3c7d14cfea3d155df04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Node label that specifies on which slave(s) the job should run
BUILD_SLAVES_LABEL = 'build-servers'
DEFAULT_MAVEN_OPTS = "-Xss256k -Xmx300m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=80m -XX:MaxMetaspaceExpansion=10m " +
"-Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false -XshowSettings:vm " +
"-XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1"
// 'sha1' envvar is injected by Jenkins GHPRB plugin in case if build is started by pull request
IS_TRIGGERED_BY_PR = env.sha1?.trim()
GIT_BRANCH = '<unknown>'
enum HyperSize {
private size;
HyperSize(String size) {
this.size = size
public String toString() {
return size;
// Text colours definition
def GREEN( String msg ) { return "\u001B[32m${msg}\u001B[0m" }
def YELLOW( String msg ) { return "\u001B[33m${msg}\u001B[0m" }
def RED( String msg ) { return "\u001B[31m${msg}\u001B[0m" }
def getCause(def build) {
while(build.previousBuild) {
build = build.previousBuild
return build.rawBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause)
def getCauseDescription(def build) {
return getCause(build).shortDescription
// See more about Hyper container sizes at
def runOnHyper(HyperSize size, String mavenOpts, String command) {
String name = UUID.randomUUID()
image = 'checkstyle/maven-builder-image:jdk-8u162b12-maven-3.5.3-groovy-2.4.15'
containerTTL = 1800 // sec
echo GREEN("To try this build locally, execute the following command: [ $command ]")
// 1. Start empty Hyper container with timeout and let it put it's id to the file for further use
retry(3) {
sh "hyper -l=warn run -d --name '${name}' --size=${size.toString()} --cidfile ${name}.cid " +
" --noauto-volume --restart=no -v \$(pwd):/usr/local/checkstyle/ " +
" -e MAVEN_OPTS='${mavenOpts}' ${image} sleep '${containerTTL}'"
// 2. Run the build command inside the container
sh "hyper -l=info exec -i '${name}' bash -c '${command}'"
// 3. Cleanup the container as soon as after build finish
sh "hyper rm -fv '${name}' | cat"
def runOnHyperS4(String command) {
runOnHyper(HyperSize.S4, DEFAULT_MAVEN_OPTS, command)
def runOnHyperM1(String command) {
runOnHyper(HyperSize.M1, DEFAULT_MAVEN_OPTS, command)
def runOnHyperM2(String command) {
runOnHyper(HyperSize.M2, DEFAULT_MAVEN_OPTS, command)
pipeline {
agent {
options {
stages {
stage ("Initial") {
steps {
echo GREEN("${getCauseDescription(currentBuild)}")
script {
// If build is triggered by PR, use PR branch, otherwise use master
GIT_BRANCH = env.sha1
} else {
GIT_BRANCH = 'master'
echo GREEN("Branch: $GIT_BRANCH")
// Debug: print all the build envvars
// echo sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'env')
stage ("Prepare (triggered by PR)") {
when { expression { IS_TRIGGERED_BY_PR } }
steps {
echo "${GREEN('PR:')} ${ghprbPullAuthorLoginMention} ${ghprbPullLink} $ghprbPullTitle"
stage ("Prepare (triggered by hand)") {
when { not { expression { IS_TRIGGERED_BY_PR } } }
steps {
echo GREEN("Triggered by hand, so building for master branch")
deleteDir() /* clean up workspace */
git '' /* clone the master branch */
stage('Build') {
parallel {
stage('Compile') {
steps {
runOnHyperS4("mvn -B compile")
stage('Package') {
steps {
runOnHyperM1("mvn -B package")
post {
always {
// Cleanup any containers left by the build, if any
sh "ls | grep '.cid' | xargs -I {} bash -c 'cat {}; echo' | xargs -I {} hyper rm -fv {} | cat"
// Clean up workspace