blob: 945d66f65fce0d6aac98fff025e3669dcd2c32de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include "exfile.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
* Extent files implementation. Some things worth noting:
* - We are using glibc's buffered FILE objects for the underlying file I/O;
* this contributes to improved performance, especially with badly fragmented
* extents. However, the FILE handle we return to the caller is decidedly
* unbuffered: making it buffered too seems superfluous, causing excess data
* copying and memory use.
* - We maintain the "logical" file position separately from the "physical"
* (underlying) file position. The latter is updated lazily whenever actual
* file I/O is about to be performed.
* - The logical position of an extent file is internally represented by the
* current extent index (curr_ex_idx) and the position within the current
* extent (curr_ex_pos), as well as an absolute logical position (curr_pos).
* In general, curr_pos should equal the total length of all extents prior to
* curr_ex_idx, plus curr_ex_pos. Also, curr_ex_idx may range between 0 and
* the total extent count; if it is exactly the latter, then curr_ex_pos must
* be zero, representing the fact that the we are at the logical end of the
* file. Otherwise, curr_ex_pos may range between 0 and the length of the
* current extent; if it is exactly the latter, then this is equivalent to
* position zero on the next extent. All functions should honor this
* duality.
* - Seeking is done efficiently at O(log(D)), where D is the
* number of extents between the current position and the new one. This seems
* like a good midway for supporting both sequential and random access.
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define arraysize(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(*(x)))
/* Extent prefix length. */
typedef struct {
size_t prec; /* total length of preceding extents */
size_t total; /* total length including current extent */
} prefix_len_t;
/* Extent file logical modes. Used as index to the mapping from logical modes
* to open(2) and fopen(3) modes below. */
typedef enum {
EXFILE_MODE_MAX /* sentinel */
} exfile_mode_t;
/* An extent file control object (aka "cookie"). */
typedef struct {
int fd; /* underlying file descriptor */
size_t ex_count; /* number of extents (non-zero) */
ex_t *ex_arr; /* array of extents */
prefix_len_t *prefix_len_arr; /* total lengths of extent prefixes */
void (*ex_free)(void *); /* extent array free function */
size_t total_ex_len; /* total length of all extents (constant) */
off_t curr_file_pos; /* current underlying file position */
size_t curr_ex_idx; /* current extent index */
size_t curr_ex_pos; /* current position within extent */
off_t curr_pos; /* current logical file position */
} exfile_t;
/* Mapping from fopen(3) modes to extent file logical modes. */
static const struct {
const char *fopen_mode;
exfile_mode_t mode;
} fopen_mode_to_mode[] = {
/* Mapping from extent file logical modes to open(2) flags. */
static const int mode_to_open_flags[EXFILE_MODE_MAX] = {
/* Searches an array |ex_arr| of |ex_count| extents and returns the index of
* the extent that contains the location |pos|. Uses an array |prefix_len_arr|
* of corresponding prefix lengths. The total complexity is O(log(D)), where D
* is the distance between the returned extent index and |init_ex_idx|. */
static size_t
ex_arr_search(size_t ex_count, const ex_t *ex_arr,
const prefix_len_t *prefix_len_arr, size_t pos,
size_t init_ex_idx)
assert(ex_arr && ex_count);
const ssize_t last_ex_idx = ex_count - 1;
assert(init_ex_idx <= ex_count);
assert(pos < prefix_len_arr[last_ex_idx].total);
if (init_ex_idx == ex_count)
init_ex_idx = last_ex_idx; /* adjustment for purposes of the search below */
/* First, search in exponentially increasing leaps from the current extent,
* until an interval bounding the target position was obtained. Here i and j
* are the left and right (inclusive) index boundaries, respectively. */
ssize_t i = init_ex_idx;
ssize_t j = i;
size_t leap = 1;
/* Go left, as needed. */
while (i > 0 && pos < prefix_len_arr[i].prec) {
j = i - 1;
if ((i -= leap) < 0)
i = 0;
leap <<= 1;
/* Go right, as needed. */
while (j < last_ex_idx && pos >= prefix_len_arr[j].total) {
i = j + 1;
if ((j += leap) > last_ex_idx)
j = last_ex_idx;
leap <<= 1;
/* Then, perform a binary search between i and j. */
size_t k = 0;
while (1) {
k = (i + j) / 2;
if (pos < prefix_len_arr[k].prec)
j = k - 1;
else if (pos >= prefix_len_arr[k].total)
i = k + 1;
return k;
/* Performs I/O operations (either read or write) on an extent file, advancing
* through consecutive extents and updating the logical/physical file position
* as we go. */
static ssize_t
exfile_io(exfile_t *xf, int do_read, char *buf, size_t size)
if (xf->curr_ex_idx == xf->ex_count)
return 0; /* end-of-extent-file */
/* Reading or writing? */
typedef ssize_t (io_func_t)(int, void *, size_t);
io_func_t *io_func;
ssize_t error_ret_val;
if (do_read) {
io_func = read;
error_ret_val = -1;
} else {
io_func = (io_func_t *)write;
error_ret_val = 0; /* must not return a negative value when writing */
/* Start processing data along extents. */
const ex_t *curr_ex = xf->ex_arr + xf->curr_ex_idx;
assert(curr_ex->len >= xf->curr_ex_pos);
size_t curr_ex_rem_len = curr_ex->len - xf->curr_ex_pos;
ssize_t total_bytes = 0;
while (size) {
/* Advance to the next extent of non-zero length. */
while (curr_ex_rem_len == 0) {
xf->curr_ex_pos = 0;
if (xf->curr_ex_idx == xf->ex_count)
return total_bytes; /* end-of-extent-file */
curr_ex_rem_len = curr_ex->len;
const int is_real_ex = (curr_ex->off >= 0);
/* Seek to the correct file position, as necessary. */
if (is_real_ex) {
const off_t file_pos = curr_ex->off + xf->curr_ex_pos;
if (xf->curr_file_pos != file_pos) {
if (lseek(xf->fd, file_pos, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1) {
xf->curr_file_pos = -1; /* unknown file position */
return total_bytes ? total_bytes : error_ret_val;
xf->curr_file_pos = file_pos;
/* Process data to the end of the current extent or the requested
* count, whichever is smaller. */
size_t io_count = (size < curr_ex_rem_len ? size : curr_ex_rem_len);
ssize_t io_bytes = io_count;
if (is_real_ex)
io_bytes = io_func(xf->fd, buf, io_count);
else if (do_read)
memset(buf, 0, io_count);
/* Stop on error. */
if (io_bytes < 0) {
if (total_bytes == 0)
total_bytes = error_ret_val;
/* Update read state. */
total_bytes += io_bytes;
if (is_real_ex)
xf->curr_file_pos += io_bytes;
xf->curr_ex_pos += io_bytes;
xf->curr_pos += io_bytes;
/* If we didn't read the whole extent, finish; delegate handling of
* partial read/write back to the caller. */
if ((curr_ex_rem_len -= io_bytes) > 0)
/* Update total count and buffer pointer. */
size -= io_bytes;
buf += io_bytes;
return total_bytes;
/* Reads up to |size| bytes from an extent file into |buf|. This implements the
* cookie_read_function_t interface and is a thin wrapper around exfile_io()
* (see above). Returns the number of bytes read, or -1 on error. */
static ssize_t
exfile_read(void *cookie, char *buf, size_t size)
return exfile_io((exfile_t *)cookie, TRUE, buf, size);
/* Writes up to |size| bytes from |buf| to an extent file. This implements the
* cookie_write_function_t interface and is a thin wrapper around exfile_io()
* (see above). Returns the number of bytes written; must NOT return a negative
* value. */
static ssize_t
exfile_write(void *cookie, const char *buf, size_t size)
return exfile_io((exfile_t *)cookie, FALSE, (char *)buf, size);
/* Performs seek on an extent file, repositioning it to the value of |*pos_p|
* according to |whence|. This implements the cookie_seek_function_t interface.
* On success, stores the resulting logical position measured in bytes along
* contiguous extents into |*pos_p| and returns 0; otherwise returns -1. */
static int
exfile_seek(void *cookie, off64_t *pos_p, int whence)
exfile_t *xf = (exfile_t *)cookie;
/* Compute the absolute logical target position. */
off64_t new_pos = *pos_p;
if (whence == SEEK_CUR)
new_pos += xf->curr_pos;
else if (whence == SEEK_END)
new_pos += xf->total_ex_len;
/* Ensure that the target position is valid. Note that repositioning the
* file right past the last extent is considered valid, in line with normal
* seek behavior, although no write (nor read) can be performed there. */
if (new_pos < 0 || new_pos > (off64_t)xf->total_ex_len)
return -1;
if (new_pos != (off64_t)xf->curr_pos) {
/* Find the extend that contains the requested logical position; handle
* special case upfront, for efficiency. */
size_t new_ex_idx = 0;
if (new_pos == (off64_t)xf->total_ex_len)
new_ex_idx = xf->ex_count;
else if (new_pos)
new_ex_idx = ex_arr_search(xf->ex_count, xf->ex_arr,
xf->prefix_len_arr, new_pos,
/* Set the logical position markers. */
xf->curr_ex_idx = new_ex_idx;
xf->curr_ex_pos =
(new_ex_idx < xf->ex_count ?
(size_t)(new_pos - xf->prefix_len_arr[new_ex_idx].prec) : 0);
xf->curr_pos = (off_t)new_pos;
*pos_p = new_pos;
return 0;
/* Closes an open extent file. This implements the cookie_close_function_t
* interface. Always returns 0 (success). */
static int
exfile_close(void *cookie)
exfile_t *xf = (exfile_t *)cookie;
if (xf) {
if (xf->fd >= 0)
if (xf->ex_free)
return 0;
static const cookie_io_functions_t cookie_io_funcs = {
.read = exfile_read,
.write = exfile_write,
.seek = exfile_seek,
.close = exfile_close,
static FILE *
exfile_open(int fd, const char *path, const char *fopen_mode, ex_t *ex_arr,
size_t ex_count, void (*ex_free)(void *))
/* Argument sanity check. */
if (!(ex_arr && ex_count && (fd >= 0 || path) && (fd < 0 || !path)))
return NULL;
/* Validate mode argument. */
exfile_mode_t mode = EXFILE_MODE_MAX;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < arraysize(fopen_mode_to_mode); i++)
if (!strcmp(fopen_mode_to_mode[i].fopen_mode, fopen_mode)) {
mode = fopen_mode_to_mode[i].mode;
if (mode == EXFILE_MODE_MAX)
return NULL;
/* Open the underlying file, if not already provided. */
int do_close_fd = FALSE;
if (fd < 0) {
if ((fd = open(path, mode_to_open_flags[mode])) < 0)
return NULL;
do_close_fd = TRUE;
/* Allocate memory and open file streams, for both the underlying file and
* the handle returned to the caller. */
exfile_t *xf = NULL;
prefix_len_t *prefix_len_arr = NULL;
FILE *handle = NULL;
if (!((xf = (exfile_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(exfile_t))) &&
(prefix_len_arr =
(prefix_len_t *)malloc(sizeof(prefix_len_t) * ex_count)) &&
(handle = fopencookie(xf, fopen_mode, cookie_io_funcs)))) {
/* If a file was opened above, close it. */
if (do_close_fd)
if (xf)
xf->fd = -1; /* invalidate prior to calling exfile_close() */
if (handle)
fclose(handle); /* will call exfile_close already */
return NULL;
/* Compute the prefix lengths. */
size_t prefix_len = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ex_count; i++) {
prefix_len_arr[i].prec = prefix_len;
prefix_len += ex_arr[i].len;
prefix_len_arr[i].total = prefix_len;
/* Configure control object, including physical/logical file position. */
xf->fd = fd;
xf->ex_count = ex_count;
xf->ex_arr = ex_arr;
xf->prefix_len_arr = prefix_len_arr;
xf->ex_free = ex_free;
xf->total_ex_len = prefix_len_arr[ex_count - 1].total;
xf->curr_file_pos = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
xf->curr_ex_idx = 0;
xf->curr_ex_pos = 0;
xf->curr_pos = 0;
/* Return the external stream handle. */
return handle;
exfile_fopen(const char *path, const char *fopen_mode, ex_t *ex_arr,
size_t ex_count, void (*ex_free)(void *))
return exfile_open(-1, path, fopen_mode, ex_arr, ex_count, ex_free);
exfile_fdopen(int fd, const char *fopen_mode, ex_t *ex_arr,
size_t ex_count, void (*ex_free)(void *))
return exfile_open(fd, NULL, fopen_mode, ex_arr, ex_count, ex_free);