blob: 85a822583cad04539149c052c176d92e02c63c10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2024 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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pub use gbl_storage::{
alignment_scratch_size, is_aligned, is_buffer_aligned, required_scratch_size, to_usize,
AsBlockDevice, AsMultiBlockDevices, BlockIo,
/// Helper `gbl_storage::BlockIo` struct for TestBlockDevice.
pub struct TestBlockIo {
/// The storage block size in bytes.
pub block_size: u64,
/// The storage access alignment in bytes.
pub alignment: u64,
/// The backing storage data.
pub storage: Vec<u8>,
/// The number of successful write calls.
pub num_writes: usize,
/// The number of successful read calls.
pub num_reads: usize,
impl TestBlockIo {
pub fn new<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(block_size: u64, alignment: u64, data: T) -> Self {
Self {
block_size: block_size,
alignment: alignment,
storage: Vec::from(data.as_ref()),
num_writes: 0,
num_reads: 0,
fn check_alignment(&mut self, buffer: &[u8]) -> bool {
matches!(is_buffer_aligned(buffer, self.alignment()), Ok(true))
&& matches!(is_aligned(buffer.len() as u64, self.block_size()), Ok(true))
impl BlockIo for TestBlockIo {
fn block_size(&mut self) -> u64 {
fn num_blocks(&mut self) -> u64 { as u64 / self.block_size()
fn alignment(&mut self) -> u64 {
fn read_blocks(&mut self, blk_offset: u64, out: &mut [u8]) -> bool {
if !self.check_alignment(out) {
return false;
let start = blk_offset * self.block_size();
let end = start + out.len() as u64;
self.num_reads += 1;
fn write_blocks(&mut self, blk_offset: u64, data: &[u8]) -> bool {
if !self.check_alignment(data) {
return false;
let start = blk_offset * self.block_size();
let end = start + data.len() as u64;[to_usize(start).unwrap()..to_usize(end).unwrap()].clone_from_slice(&data);
self.num_writes += 1;
/// Simple RAM based block device used by unit tests.
pub struct TestBlockDevice {
/// The BlockIo helper struct.
pub io: TestBlockIo,
/// In-memory backing store.
pub scratch: Vec<u8>,
max_gpt_entries: u64,
impl From<&[u8]> for TestBlockDevice {
fn from(data: &[u8]) -> Self {
impl AsBlockDevice for TestBlockDevice {
fn with(&mut self, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&mut dyn BlockIo, &mut [u8], u64)) {
f(&mut, &mut self.scratch[..], self.max_gpt_entries)
impl Default for TestBlockDevice {
fn default() -> Self {
/// A description of the backing data store for a block device.
/// Can either describe explicit data the device is initialized with
/// OR a size in bytes if the device can be initialized in a blank state.
enum BackingStore<'a> {
Data(&'a [u8]),
/// Builder struct for TestBlockDevice.
/// Most tests will want either:
/// 1) A blank device of a reasonable size OR
/// 2) A device with specific initial data.
/// Other customizations include block size,
/// the maximum number of GPT entries,
/// the alignment requirements,
/// and the size of the scratch buffer.
/// Note: setting the storage size or storage data is generally safe,
/// as long as the backing store is large enough,
/// but customizing other attributes may generate a block device
/// that cannot successfully complete any operations.
/// This may be exactly the intention, but be warned that it can be tricky
/// to customize the device and generate something that works without errors.
pub struct TestBlockDeviceBuilder<'a> {
block_size: u64,
max_gpt_entries: u64,
alignment: u64,
backing_store: BackingStore<'a>,
scratch_size: Option<usize>,
impl<'a> TestBlockDeviceBuilder<'a> {
/// The default access alignment in bytes.
pub const DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT: u64 = 64;
/// The default block size in bytes.
pub const DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE: u64 = 512;
/// The default maximum number of GPT entries.
pub const MAX_GPT_ENTRIES: u64 = 128;
/// Creates a new TestBlockDeviceBuilder with defaults for all attributes.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
block_size: Self::DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE,
max_gpt_entries: Self::MAX_GPT_ENTRIES,
alignment: Self::DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT,
backing_store: BackingStore::Size((Self::DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE * 32) as usize),
scratch_size: None,
/// Set the block size of the block device in bytes.
/// The default is `DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE`.
pub fn set_block_size(mut self, block_size: u64) -> Self {
self.block_size = block_size;
/// Set the maximum number of GPT entries for the GPT header.
/// The default is `MAX_GPT_ENTRIES`.
/// Note: setting too large a number of entries will make a device
/// that fails to sync its GPT.
pub fn set_max_gpt_entries(mut self, max_gpt_entries: u64) -> Self {
self.max_gpt_entries = max_gpt_entries;
/// Set the required alignment for the TestBlockDevice.
/// An alignment of `0` means there are no alignment requirements.
/// The default is `DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT`.
pub fn set_alignment(mut self, alignment: u64) -> Self {
self.alignment = alignment;
/// Set the size of TestBlockDevice in bytes.
/// When built, the TestBlockDevice will have a blank backing store of size `size`.
/// The default is `DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE` * 32.
/// Note: This option is mutually exclusive with set_data.
/// If set_data has been called, set_size overrides
/// that customization.
pub fn set_size(mut self, size: usize) -> Self {
self.backing_store = BackingStore::Size(size);
/// Sets the block device's backing data to the provided slice.
/// Note: This option is mutually exclusive with set_size.
/// If set_size has been called, set_data overrides
/// that customization.
pub fn set_data(mut self, data: &'a [u8]) -> Self {
self.backing_store = BackingStore::Data(data);
/// Customize the size of the block device's scratch buffer.
/// The default size is a known safe minimum calculated when `build()` is called.
/// Note: Too small a scratch buffer will generate errors.
/// Unless a test is specifically interested in a non-default
/// scratch size, it's better to rely on the default size.
pub fn set_scratch_size(mut self, scratch_size: usize) -> Self {
self.scratch_size = Some(scratch_size);
/// Consumes the builder and generates a TestBlockDevice
/// with the desired customizations.
pub fn build(self) -> TestBlockDevice {
let storage = match self.backing_store {
BackingStore::Data(slice) => Vec::from(slice),
BackingStore::Size(size) => vec![0u8; size],
assert!(storage.len() % (self.block_size as usize) == 0);
let mut io = TestBlockIo::new(self.block_size, self.alignment, storage);
let scratch_size = match self.scratch_size {
Some(s) => s,
None => required_scratch_size(&mut io, self.max_gpt_entries).unwrap(),
TestBlockDevice {
scratch: vec![0u8; scratch_size],
max_gpt_entries: self.max_gpt_entries,
/// Simple RAM based multi-block device used for unit tests.
pub struct TestMultiBlockDevices(pub Vec<TestBlockDevice>);
impl AsMultiBlockDevices for TestMultiBlockDevices {
fn for_each(
&mut self,
f: &mut dyn FnMut(&mut dyn AsBlockDevice, u64),
) -> core::result::Result<(), Option<&'static str>> {
let _ = self
.for_each(|(idx, ele)| f(ele, u64::try_from(idx).unwrap()));