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<h3 class="section">7.94 <code>.quad </code><var>bignums</var></h3>
<p><a name="index-g_t_0040code_007bquad_007d-directive-438"></a><code>.quad</code> expects zero or more bignums, separated by commas. For
each bignum, it emits
an 8-byte integer. If the bignum won't fit in 8 bytes, it prints a
warning message; and just takes the lowest order 8 bytes of the bignum.
<a name="index-eight_002dbyte-integer-439"></a><a name="index-integer_002c-8_002dbyte-440"></a>
The term &ldquo;quad&rdquo; comes from contexts in which a &ldquo;word&rdquo; is two bytes;
hence <em>quad</em>-word for 8 bytes.