blob: 7b207ec39dc26e6c68bbf0ece52b6842df4cc07a [file] [log] [blame]
h2. About the Linaro Confectionary Release for Versatile Express (Aarch32)
The Linaro Confectionary release is based on the AOSP Lollipop
Android-5.1.1_r1 version. This reference build is a userdebug variant
build, and it contains support allowing full use of the 32-bit ARMv7-A
architecture and supports the 32-bit applications, with SELinux
enabled by default.
The release uses the Linaro Stable Kernel version 3.10. The sources are
built using Linaro GCC 4.9-2015.04. To disable SELinux pass "selinux=0"
as the boot parameter in the UEFI bootargs configuration.
The Android AOSP software provided in this release is functionally
tested with CTS version 5.0 R2 and the CTS results are shared with
members. The BIONIC component is additionally validated with Android
BIONIC tests. Android Monkey tests were run for stress testing. We also
added some benchmark tests to observe the performance trend in various
Sources are also made available so you can build your own images
(see the "Building from Source tab":
h3. What is new
* Android source changed to based on the Lollipop Android-5.1.1_r1 version
* Toolchain switched to Linaro GCC 4.9-2015.04, Linaro Binutils 2.25.0-2015.01-2
h2. About the Android flavour of Linaro Stable Kernel (LSK)
The kernel used by Linaro Confectionary Release for Versatile Express
is the Android flavour Linaro Stable Kernel (LSK), which is produced,
validated and released by Linaro and is based on the Linux stable
kernel tree.
The LSK focuses on quality and stability and is therefore a great
foundation for product development. It also includes backports of
commonly desired features, provided they meet the quality requirements,
and also any bug fixes.
Sources are also made available so you can build your own images (see
"'Building from Source'":
h2. Support
Subscribe to the important Linaro mailing lists and join our IRC
channels to stay on top of Linaro development.
* Linaro Android Development "'Mailing list'":
* Linaro Android IRC channel on at #linaro-android
* Landing Team bug reports should be filed in "'Bugzilla'": under linaro-android product and Linaro Confectionery Release component.
** You will need to login to your Linaro account. If you do not have an account or are having problems, email for help.
* More general bug reports should be filed in Bugzilla against the individual packages that are affected.
* Questions? "'ask linaro'":
* Interested in commercial support? inquire at "'Linaro Support'"
h2. Android Patch Summary
The following list of patches developed by ARM and Linaro engineering
teams were applied to get Android booting to UI on the TC2 Aarch32
development platform. These patches can be found on Linaro's Android
Git repositories via file "LOLLIPOP-STABLE-PATCHSET":
Some of these patches have been submitted to AOSP and are being tracked
for acceptance.
Any patches can be contributed through the instructions described "Here":
h2. Known Issues and Limitations
h3. Known limitations
* SW rendering for user interface only - there is no hardware accelerated graphics
h3. Known issues
The following known issues are present in this release. Please contact "" if you wish to know more information about these issues or have access problems when attempting to view them.
| *Bug ID* | *Bug title* | *Bug summary* |
| "Bug 1015": | monkey long run test fails on TC2 LCR build | Blacklist for known to fail packages has not be updated or deployed - long monkey run fails as result |
| "Bug 997": | glslparser test suite partially passes on 14.12 LCR | some glsl syntax in test are not recognized by Mali driver |
| "Bug 993": | EVDEV failures in linaro android kernel test suite on 14.12 LCR build | |
| "Bug 224": | Corrupted png files can cause crashes in gallery | The stock Gallery application crashes when displaying known corrupt PNG files. |
| "Bug 222": | Dev Tools crashes on startup | Dev Tools app fails to instantiate class from /system/app/Development.apk |
| "Bug 64": | Test test_pthread_rwlock from bionic libc test suite fails on Juno build - LAVA | |